Save the G.O.P

Out of curiosity, which are the 'crazies' in your view? I'm doing the math here, and looking at the core Republican demos, if you get rid of the religious right, the tea-partiers, and the libertarians - all that's really left is Rove and his neo-cons. Is that what you're after?

First, all I care about is that we don't end up with one-party rule. Neither party deserves such power, in my opinion. Not even close.

Well, yeah. That's my concern as well. But two identical parties isn't the solution. I guess we've become tired of talking about neo-cons and their neo-fascist plans for our nation. But they never went away. Most of them stayed in power under the Obama administration, and Hillary is even more friendly to them than Obama, being, essentially a neo-con herself. If they solidify their control over the Republican party as well, we're are totally screwed.

And finally, the "crazies" to which I refer are those who are absolutely unwilling to give even one inch on their pet issues. They have been convinced that absolutism is a good strategy, and are running with it. If these people were not so paralyzed by their ideology, they would consider an alternative: Get elected, prove yourself, then systematically move right if possible. Instead, they think their all-or-nothing Rambo approach is "a real winner."

Those groups are the best hope we have, as pathetic as that is to admit. Outside of them, who is challenging the status-quo (in either party)?

"Two identical parties"? Come on, I didn't say that. Life is nuance, not black & white. If the party can't show differences, that's its own fault.

And yes, the crazies are providing virtually all of the energy in the party right now, and that needs to be addressed. But that's what is happening: Some important people within the party are trying to do just that. If they can get enough momentum, this could change. The first thing that has to happen, as Jindal said, is that the GOP has to convince women and minorities that it actually likes them. Pretty sad it's come to that.

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Let's see......


1. Abortion. By all means oppose it but rape is the third rail. Lay off the no abortion for rape crap

2. Gun control. NRA is no longer the final word on this issue. The american people are getting fed up. You need to offer up something other than more guns

3. Tax cuts. Not the answer to all issues

I totally agree - although the GOP might also abandon the abortion platform altogether and just accept that it is here to stay. No need to state fund it, though.

they have a voting base that will leave if they do this
Only if they manage to reprogram the fact free base they currently have

Nope. All they need to do is keep a low profile. The Dems will step in it hard and heavy. They have the power, and they'll use it - to ram through every special interest agenda on their backlog. They'll alienate enough voters that people will be desperate enough to turn back to the Rethugs. And we'll see how you like all that authoritarian power the Democrats are spinning up when the neo-cons are wielding it.

Yep... you all will get the government you deserve. Unfortunately, so will the rest of us.

Your forgetting the changing demographics

Changing demographics include people getting older.

And as they get older, they get wiser, they get more conservative, except for the incurably and chronically mentally deficient.
Dont forget the independent voters guys.

they are ripe for another party
Nope. All they need to do is keep a low profile. The Dems will step in it hard and heavy. They have the power, and they'll use it - to ram through every special interest agenda on their backlog. They'll alienate enough voters that people will be desperate enough to turn back to the Rethugs. And we'll see how you like all that authoritarian power the Democrats are spinning up when the neo-cons are wielding it.

Yep... you all will get the government you deserve. Unfortunately, so will the rest of us.

Your forgetting the changing demographics

Changing demographics include people getting older.

And as they get older, they get wiser, they get more conservative, except for the incurably and chronically mentally deficient.

Like I said you dont understand the changing demographics if you say that.

deluding yourself on the facts wont change the facts.

Your stuck in the republican think bubble
My short list..

1) Fight to replace the Electoral College with the popular vote. The EC is not the GOP's friend.
2) Back sensible immigration reform and put the emphasis on the employers who hire illegals instead of the illegals themselves.
3) Drop the issue of gay marriage. It's going to make them look reallly stupid in about 20 years.
4) Accept that Roe v. Wade will never be overturned, and work on alternatives to abortion instead of trying to ban it or villify the women who have them.
5) Get right with working people. The wealthy are going to be fine, but without a middle class, we are really screwed.
6) Put an end to "Next in Line". If someone came in second or third last time, don't run him again. And really, no more Bushes.
7) Stop blowing the racial dog whistles.
Good luck and have fun being liberals. More than twice as many Americans identify as conservative and we'll be ok without your 'helpful' advice.

And you just lost an election by 5 million votes, over 120 electorial votes. You lost seats in the Senate and the House. And your message is not resonating with the electorate at present.
Dont forget the independent voters guys.

they are ripe for another party

They are more ripe for an electoral system that allows for multi-party democracy.

There are no rules in this country about how many parties there can be.

think about a 4 party system?

that would mean the tea party could win the whole government with 26% of the vote.

multi party systems mean the minority would rule
My short list..

1) Fight to replace the Electoral College with the popular vote. The EC is not the GOP's friend.
2) Back sensible immigration reform and put the emphasis on the employers who hire illegals instead of the illegals themselves.
3) Drop the issue of gay marriage. It's going to make them look reallly stupid in about 20 years.
4) Accept that Roe v. Wade will never be overturned, and work on alternatives to abortion instead of trying to ban it or villify the women who have them.
5) Get right with working people. The wealthy are going to be fine, but without a middle class, we are really screwed.
6) Put an end to "Next in Line". If someone came in second or third last time, don't run him again. And really, no more Bushes.
7) Stop blowing the racial dog whistles.

That's an excellent list, really excellent.

That would win a LOT of votes.
My short list..

1) Fight to replace the Electoral College with the popular vote. The EC is not the GOP's friend.
2) Back sensible immigration reform and put the emphasis on the employers who hire illegals instead of the illegals themselves.
3) Drop the issue of gay marriage. It's going to make them look reallly stupid in about 20 years.
4) Accept that Roe v. Wade will never be overturned, and work on alternatives to abortion instead of trying to ban it or villify the women who have them.
5) Get right with working people. The wealthy are going to be fine, but without a middle class, we are really screwed.
6) Put an end to "Next in Line". If someone came in second or third last time, don't run him again. And really, no more Bushes.
7) Stop blowing the racial dog whistles.

I like most of those
good job

yes steph is reprogramable

Fox needs to work on her more
when was the last time a candidate won by that much?

For Republicans, admittedly, it was a long time ago"

George Herbert Walker Bush by 7.72% in 1988.
Ronald Wilson Reagan by 18.21% in 1984.
Ronald Wilson Reagan by 9.74% in 1980.

William Jefferson Clinton won twice, 1992, by 5.56% and 1996 by 8.53%. Both of these were tainted by Ross Perot siphoning Republican votes from GHWB and Bob Dole, respectively.

Thank you.

and Gore actually won the 2000 election if the floridas central file had not been used by Kathleen harris as a tool to keep voters of color from having their votes counted.

he also had Nader taking votes from him.
Bush 43 didnt win any elections for president the republican party cheating did that for him

George Bush beat John Kerry fair and square, by 4.64% in the popular vote. The gigolo who "earned" Purple Hearts for self-inflicted was lucky not to get trounced more severely.

You talk about Republicans cheating, but you forget to mention that the Democrats have a built-in, minimum 5% support by the adoring and drooling main stream media.

yes steph is reprogramable

Fox needs to work on her more

Well dear, I'd rather be reprogrammable than totally brainwashed like some people:eusa_whistle:
and here's a shocker, I don't watch fox or any other station, I get my information off the Internet..
How would you save the GOP?

Attempts to force change on the GOP, or any political party, will kill it not save it. Political parties develop and change naturally. As voter perspectives change they will find their way to whatever party best suits them.
How would you save the GOP?

For me, the GOP needs to go through the same kind of soul searching that the UK Labour went through during the Thatcher years. Labour had become boring and outdated, too tied to trade unions and still relying on ridiculous soviet cliches.

Under Tony Blair the party changed it's name to New Labour, and became pro-business, and all about Cool Britania and building a new, fair, capitalist society.

I think the Republicans need to go through the same kind of angst and introversion that Labour went through, starting off by realising that they face parliamentary oblivion.

Here is what I would to build a strong, real conservative party:

1) Restructure taxes. Implement a 15% VAT in exchange for substantial cuts in both business and personal taxes. This is the conservative solution for taxation, and will bring in millions of revenue from the shadow economy.

2) Accept climate change. Conservative parties around the world, even oil companies accept climate change, and there is now no mileage in pretending it doesn't exist. Promote private sector solutions while opposing cap & trade and development aid. Support nuclear & gas - abandon coal & biofuel.

3) Trade not aid. Slash overseas development aid, while committing to real fair trade. Remove import tariffs on cotton and sugar. Farming is a business.

4) Sensible gun control. Like climate change, denial makes no sense. Instead work for a fair, sensible set of laws that protect the 2nd Amendment while protecting innocent lives. Start with a massive crackdown and gun seizures on gangs.

5) Legalise and tax prostitution.

6) Stay out of the Middle East and avoid wars. Back Israel, but also indicate that Palestine is inevitable and that Israel needs to work towards a sustainable solution.

7) Accept immigration and perhaps an amnesty, but implement deportations for immigrants committing felony offences prior to achieving citizenship.

8) Brand America as being the home of innovation, modernity and creativity - and back the policies to support it. Invest heavily in education and training.

Until the GOP cuts ties to the Wackadoodles, bigots, racists and stops voting for, supporting and taking seriously the Palin's, Akins' and token minorities, it will slowly fade into one of the other parties. Fiscal conservatives recognize the Tea Party (aka the Wackadoodles) are taking the county in the wrong direction by ignoring basic maintenance; social conservatives have alienated many women and neoconservatives almost everyone but those who profit from wars.
How would you save the GOP?

For me, the GOP needs to go through the same kind of soul searching that the UK Labour went through during the Thatcher years. Labour had become boring and outdated, too tied to trade unions and still relying on ridiculous soviet cliches.

Under Tony Blair the party changed it's name to New Labour, and became pro-business, and all about Cool Britania and building a new, fair, capitalist society.

I think the Republicans need to go through the same kind of angst and introversion that Labour went through, starting off by realising that they face parliamentary oblivion.

Here is what I would to build a strong, real conservative party:

1) Restructure taxes. Implement a 15% VAT in exchange for substantial cuts in both business and personal taxes. This is the conservative solution for taxation, and will bring in millions of revenue from the shadow economy.

2) Accept climate change. Conservative parties around the world, even oil companies accept climate change, and there is now no mileage in pretending it doesn't exist. Promote private sector solutions while opposing cap & trade and development aid. Support nuclear & gas - abandon coal & biofuel.

3) Trade not aid. Slash overseas development aid, while committing to real fair trade. Remove import tariffs on cotton and sugar. Farming is a business.

4) Sensible gun control. Like climate change, denial makes no sense. Instead work for a fair, sensible set of laws that protect the 2nd Amendment while protecting innocent lives. Start with a massive crackdown and gun seizures on gangs.

5) Legalise and tax prostitution.

6) Stay out of the Middle East and avoid wars. Back Israel, but also indicate that Palestine is inevitable and that Israel needs to work towards a sustainable solution.

7) Accept immigration and perhaps an amnesty, but implement deportations for immigrants committing felony offences prior to achieving citizenship.

8) Brand America as being the home of innovation, modernity and creativity - and back the policies to support it. Invest heavily in education and training.

Until the GOP cuts ties to the Wackadoodles, bigots, racists and stops voting for, supporting and taking seriously the Palin's, Akins' and token minorities, it will slowly fade into one of the other parties. Fiscal conservatives recognize the Tea Party (aka the Wackadoodles) are taking the county in the wrong direction by ignoring basic maintenance; social conservatives have alienated many women and neoconservatives almost everyone but those who profit from wars.

right, but the Democrat party can not only associate with wackadoodles, they can elect them
And no the Tea Party isn't taking this country anywhere
And for you lump Palin in your wackadoole list when she was a mayor and a Governor then a candidate for Vice President, shows you are the wackadoodle...AND you people elected a Inexperienced JUNIOR SENATOR to the office of President so just who is the real wackadoddles?
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Worry not, libs. the GOP will be just fine and will kick your libtarded asses in 14 and 16.

We have a fine crop of young energetic charasmatic conservatives coming up in the party.

Rubio, Paul, Ryan, Cantor, Jindal, Walker, Thune, and more whose names are not yet in everyday conversation

the american people are already tired of obama's version of marxism, high taxes, high unemployment, no cogent foreign policy, and stupid fiscal policy.

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