Saw Trump on Hannity last night, he hasn't lost a step. Still right on most issues. (Poll)

Who is/was a real president, Trump or Biden?

  • Just Trump (Biden is a figurehead)

    Votes: 7 50.0%
  • Just Biden (I'll explain in my post)

    Votes: 4 28.6%
  • Both Trump and Biden

    Votes: 3 21.4%

  • Total voters
And you really think EOs would make a difference? We fought a trade war during his first disaster. We lost.

We're pumping more oil than ever out of our ground. The real money is overseas where you can pay less and pollute more. Does your blob want to pay workers less and pollute more here? you betcha.
1. Trump won the trade war with China. Thats why we're moving back critical manufacturing under Biden.

2. Not sure what your 2nd para refers to? Trump cuts red tape and nonsensical environmental regs to let businesses prosper.
1. Trump won the trade war with China. Thats why we're moving back critical manufacturing under Biden.

2. Not sure what your 2nd para refers to? Trump cuts red tape and nonsensical environmental regs to let businesses prosper.
No it's not. High cost of shipping products back and the damage it causes on the environment is why.

Cut environmental regulations so corporations could pollute? Nice.
No it's not. High cost of shipping products back and the damage it causes on the environment is why.

Cut environmental regulations so corporations could pollute? Nice.
From the horses mouth...

One year ago, President Biden signed Executive Order 14017 directing an all-of-government approach to assessing vulnerabilities in – and strengthening the resilience of – the United States’ critical supply chains. Within six months of taking office, the Administration completed a comprehensive review of the supply chains for four critical products, identified solutions to secure those supply chains against a wide range of risks and vulnerabilities, and established a first-of-its-kind Supply Chain Disruptions Task Force (SCDTF) to address the challenges arising from a pandemic-affected economic recovery.
From the horses mouth...

One year ago, President Biden signed Executive Order 14017 directing an all-of-government approach to assessing vulnerabilities in – and strengthening the resilience of – the United States’ critical supply chains. Within six months of taking office, the Administration completed a comprehensive review of the supply chains for four critical products, identified solutions to secure those supply chains against a wide range of risks and vulnerabilities, and established a first-of-its-kind Supply Chain Disruptions Task Force (SCDTF) to address the challenges arising from a pandemic-affected economic recovery.
What did the horse say that confirms your beliefs?

Doesn't matter. Trump would abuse his power. And he tried to steal an election. Plus 6 other crimes he's on trial for or was already found guilty of. NEXT.

Nikki's looking better and better.

Do you know who was leading in the polls this time 2014? Ben Carson.
What is most scary is Trump vowing to dismantle the “Deep State”

There is no list of members of the “Deep State”
There is no organizational chart

What Trump intends to do is fire people who follow the law and do their job and replace them with people who are loyal to him not the Constitution
Trump's cult is even worse.............

Steve Bannon Calls On '4000 Shock Troops' To ' ...​

Yahoo News › steve-bannon-calls-4-000-0...

Jul 26, 2022 — Steve Bannon revealed he is having a one-hour special to train "4,000 shock troops" on the plan for "deconstructing" the government.
What did the horse say that confirms your beliefs?
Doesn't matter. Trump would abuse his power. And he tried to steal an election. Plus 6 other crimes he's on trial for or was already found guilty of. NEXT.
Nikki's looking better and better. Do you know who was leading in the polls this time 2014? Ben Carson.
Biden realized that we can't let China be the sole source for critical manufacturing items, such as for the military, or computer chips, etc.

You are projecting what Trump would do if elected. The executive has more than enough checks on its power.
(do you remember that Biden wants 87,000 new IRS agents "willing to use deadly force"? They must be his new Waffen SS)

The polls are very unkind to Joe Biden, I understand why you reject them. But please don't be surprised if Trump wins in November.
Trump's cult is even worse.............

Jul 26, 2022 — Steve Bannon revealed he is having a one-hour special to train "4,000 shock troops" on the plan for "deconstructing" the government.
Bannon is wrong, but so is Joe Biden.
do you remember that Biden wants 87,000 new IRS agents "willing to use deadly force"? They must be his new Waffen SS killers.
Bannon is wrong, but so is Joe Biden.
do you remember that Biden wants 87,000 new IRS agents "willing to use deadly force"? They must be his new Waffen SS killers.
The IRS should hire 174,000 agents.
They need them to catch tax evaders, like Trump.

Trump has allowed mentally ill people the right to own a weapon.

Trump Repeals Rule Designed To Block Gun Sales ...​

NPR › sections › thetwo-way › 2017/02/28

Feb 28, 2017 — The president signed a measure into law that rescinds an Obama-era rule aimed at blocking gun sales to certain mentally ill people.

IRS agents have a 2nd amendment right, just like everyone else.
WHY are teabaggers so afraid?
Trump was grilled last night by Hannity at a townhall.

Trump was spewing facts, figures, numbers, and policy results like I forgot how a real president can do.

Trump received a well-deserved standing ovation from the crowd.

I think many people forgot what a real president looks like.
Before the Town Hall Hannity probably gave Trump the questions he would ask him, and gave him the answers too. Hannity would have had to do all of this orally because Trump is dyslexic and cannot read.
Biden realized that we can't let China be the sole source for critical manufacturing items, such as for the military, or computer chips, etc.

You are projecting what Trump would do if elected. The executive has more than enough checks on its power.
(do you remember that Biden wants 87,000 new IRS agents "willing to use deadly force"? They must be his new Waffen SS)

The polls are very unkind to Joe Biden, I understand why you reject them. But please don't be surprised if Trump wins in November.
Polls don't matter. Did you expect all those women to show up and vote Democratic in Kentucky, Ohio and Virginia? Do you see what you are doing? You are hoping polls matter suddenly and ignoring actual election results. What you are hoping is women forget by Nov 2024. Not a fucking chance.

And Biden is too old. I'd love for him to drop out and appoint Gavin Newsom. He just whipped Ron D's ass and Ron had Hannity helping him. There's our next candidate. Or Kamala. Both better than Trump.

Stop ignoring what happened in the last two elections. The midterms and the recent elections in KY, OH and Virginia. Polls. LOL.

I will be shocked if Trump wins. More so than 2016.
The IRS should hire 174,000 agents.
They need them to catch tax evaders, like Trump.
Trump has allowed mentally ill people the right to own a weapon.
Feb 28, 2017 — The president signed a measure into law that rescinds an Obama-era rule aimed at blocking gun sales to certain mentally ill people.
IRS agents have a 2nd amendment right, just like everyone else.
WHY are teabaggers so afraid?
Why are the deep state commies so afraid?
The GOP-majority Senate passed the bill by a 57-43 margin earlier this month, following a House vote to overturn the rule.
Like CNN, MSDNC, CBS, NBC, CNBC, ABC are all the propaganda arm of the DNC.

The DNC is more honest than the RNC. And those medias are a lot more honest than Fox or Newsmax or any of your other sources.

Scarborough expressed his contempt for members of Fox's audience
During the town hall the audience cheered when Trump said he'd be dictator on day one.

Scarborough was stunned and called the audience’s response a “sickness.”
“There’s a sickness. There is a sickness among, unfortunately, some of our fellow Americans regarding authoritarianism and totalitarianism,” he said. “They want it because when he promised that he would be a dictator on day one, he got applause.”

Scarborough described the idolatry of Trump among Republicans as “a personality cult.”
He added, “It’s very bad for America, and make no mistake of it, a large chunk of those people in that audience cheering when Donald Trump said, ‘I’ll be a dictator on day one,’ well, they want that.”

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