Saw Trump on Hannity last night, he hasn't lost a step. Still right on most issues. (Poll)

Who is/was a real president, Trump or Biden?

  • Just Trump (Biden is a figurehead)

    Votes: 7 50.0%
  • Just Biden (I'll explain in my post)

    Votes: 4 28.6%
  • Both Trump and Biden

    Votes: 3 21.4%

  • Total voters
Is THAT why Trump wants to destroy it?
Aug 23, 2023 — In a back-and-forth during the first 2024 GOP presidential debate between candidates Vivek Ramaswamy and Chris Christie, the latter brought ...
Everyone knows that the only way to modify the Constitution is by the Amendment process, PERIOD.
The Constitution is in no danger.
Everyone knows that the only way to modify the Constitution is by the Amendment process, PERIOD.
The Constitution is in no danger.
Trump's cult will not disappoint their dear leader.
If Trump tells them it is good, they will go along.
He said on day-1 he would issue EOs to close the border and to "drill baby drill". Not scary.

Trump admin to hold Arctic refuge oil drilling auction before ...​

Reuters › article › us-usa-drilling-alaska...

Dec 3, 2020 — (Reuters) - The Trump administration on Thursday said it would issue a sale notice for oil leases in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) ...

Only oil company that bid for ANWR tract gives up its lease​

KTOO › 2022/06/03 › only-oil-compan...

Jun 3, 2022 — Regenerate Alaska, a unit of Australia-based 88 Energy Ltd., relinquished the tract it acquired for over $770000, federal officials said.

Trump admin to hold Arctic refuge oil drilling auction before ...

Dec 3, 2020 — (Reuters) - The Trump administration on Thursday said it would issue a sale notice for oil leases in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) ...

Only oil company that bid for ANWR tract gives up its lease

Jun 3, 2022 — Regenerate Alaska, a unit of Australia-based 88 Energy Ltd., relinquished the tract it acquired for over $770000, federal officials said.
Biden canceled all leases in ANWR. Trump will open ANWR back up.

The Biden administration announced Wednesday it will cancel seven Trump-era oil and gas leases in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and protect more than 13 million acres in the federal National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska, stymieing a years-long attempt to drill in the protected region.
Hector12 is merely telling the truth, that trump is not a serious person. do you believe that trump's 'rasslemania match vs "stone cold" steve austin was "real?"
Yeah, he's just kidding. :rolleyes:
nOt sErIoUs.
What the FUCK does that even mean????
There were no "ice cream" questions. Democrats just don't understand what a real president can do.
What did he say about his quantitative easing push, his $8 trillion added to the debt under him, with inflation that followed that we are suffering through, and what about Israel and Hamas, and Biden pumping more oil in the U.S. than him, or why he couldn't get an Infra Structure bill passed, or funding for his border wall from Congress when his party had the majority in the house and senate for two years of his 4 years, or why his administration picks were hired and fired over and over and over again, or the swamp he brought with him, and how about his dirty rotten, paid for pardons given? Some major crooks were released or pardoned, most all friends or friends of friends?

What about him pardoning the 1/6 foot soldiers of his? Was he asked about it? What about jailing his political foes comments, was he asked about it? What about him having the IRS go after Comey and McCabe, was he asked about it!

the interview wasn't even softball in the kiddie league imo....
Biden canceled all leases in ANWR. Trump will open ANWR back up.

The Biden administration announced Wednesday it will cancel seven Trump-era oil and gas leases in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and protect more than 13 million acres in the federal National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska, stymieing a years-long attempt to drill in the protected region.
Wed September 6, 2023
"The 2017 GOP tax bill opened a small part of the pristine wildlife refuge for drilling, a measure championed by Alaska Sen. Lisa Murkowski, a Republican. But it was never developed or drilled – or came close to doing so. Haaland suspended the leases in June 2021, and some major oil companies, including Chevron, canceled their leases in the area the following year".

So, for 3+ years, no company started anything on their leases?
The way republicans were whining about ANWR, it shouldn't have been 3 days before an oil well to pop up.
He said on day-1 he would issue EOs to close the border and to "drill baby drill". Not scary.
And you really think EOs would make a difference? We fought a trade war during his first disaster. We lost.

We're pumping more oil than ever out of our ground. The real money is overseas where you can pay less and pollute more. Does your blob want to pay workers less and pollute more here? you betcha.
Biden canceled all leases in ANWR. Trump will open ANWR back up.

The Biden administration announced Wednesday it will cancel seven Trump-era oil and gas leases in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and protect more than 13 million acres in the federal National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska, stymieing a years-long attempt to drill in the protected region.

Yes, Biden canceled leases no company was using. Nobody has drilled there or even thought about doing so.
What is most scary is Trump vowing to dismantle the “Deep State”

There is no list of members of the “Deep State”
There is no organizational chart

What Trump intends to do is fire people who follow the law and do their job and replace them with people who are loyal to him not the Constitution
Trump was grilled last night by Hannity at a townhall.

Trump was spewing facts, figures, numbers, and policy results like I forgot how a real president can do.

Trump received a well-deserved standing ovation from the crowd.

I think many people forgot what a real president looks like.
I love it! Keep talking Trump. He couldn't even answer the simple question, Will you abuse your power?"

And Trump says on day one he will. Got to love it.
Trump was grilled last night by Hannity at a townhall.

Trump was spewing facts, figures, numbers, and policy results like I forgot how a real president can do.

Trump received a well-deserved standing ovation from the crowd.

I think many people forgot what a real president looks like.
FF one minute in


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