Say it ain't so, Paul!


Starve the beast. What a laugh, yeah, the government is really being starved out. :lmao:

Predictable as the day is long....

Another idiotgram, you really are astupe (not a typo); sagacious you are not.

So keep on working your efforts at censorship, as weak as they are you can be assured that the curious will begin to read my links (posted above) and see the connections to todays reality. The 28% or so who actually believe the GOP bullshit are never curious and that is the GOP's strength. Sadly it's enough to win gerrymandered congressional districts and create the do-nothing Congress we have today but no where near enough to remain a major political party - no matter how many tokens they choose to nominate for higher office.

Another self professed profit.


My efforts at censorship? Perhaps you just do not know what these words you use mean? Who knows. Have fun with your sound bytes.

Starve the beast. What a laugh, yeah, the government is really being starved out. :lmao:

Predictable as the day is long....

Another idiotgram, you really are astupe (not a typo); sagacious you are not.

So keep on working your efforts at censorship, as weak as they are you can be assured that the curious will begin to read my links (posted above) and see the connections to todays reality. The 28% or so who actually believe the GOP bullshit are never curious and that is the GOP's strength. Sadly it's enough to win gerrymandered congressional districts and create the do-nothing Congress we have today but no where near enough to remain a major political party - no matter how many tokens they choose to nominate for higher office.

Another self professed profit.


My efforts at censorship? Perhaps you just do not know what these words you use mean? Who knows. Have fun with your sound bytes.

Still you're unable to refute the allegation that our current debt crisis is GOP made. Be your efforts censorship or simply an effort to guise an ad hominem attack with self righteous aloofness I stand pat on my observation; your responses are nothing but hackneyed personal attacks typical of the tripe produced by CrusaderFrank, Willow Tree and others on the far right fringe of the GOP landscape.

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