Say Joe, about those Executive Orders.....

Dayum! When did USMB become a bunch of fucking whiny, pissy stained painty, soiled wussies? Read.

The DJT-Orange Mange ain't gonna save you from your entry level, shitty, retail jobs. Coal Jobs. He spits in your faces and takes your shitty twenty dollar donations with glee for his PAC.

Well, he did for the 4 years he was in office, Herr Himmler.

But no worries, Xi's man is "Making America China's Bitch"
"As recently as October, now-President Biden said you can't legislate by executive action unless you're a dictator. Well, in one week, he's signed more than 30 unilateral actions, and working Americans are getting short shrift," Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell said Thursday in the Senate.
Facts First: These Biden critics are taking his "dictator" remark out of context. Biden explicitly campaigned on signing various executive orders, including those to rescind some of then-President Donald Trump's own executive orders, and he didn't say in October that signing a large number of orders means a president is a dictator. Rather, after Biden rejected the idea of using an executive order to raise taxes on corporations and wealthy people, he said there are "things you can't do by executive order unless you're a dictator." In other words, Biden was saying what he had said before and has said since -- that executive orders are unconstitutional for some particular purposes.

The little Goebbels of CNN spinning bullshit for Dictator Biden?

I'm shocked....
"As recently as October, now-President Biden said you can't legislate by executive action unless you're a dictator. Well, in one week, he's signed more than 30 unilateral actions, and working Americans are getting short shrift," Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell said Thursday in the Senate.
Facts First: These Biden critics are taking his "dictator" remark out of context. Biden explicitly campaigned on signing various executive orders, including those to rescind some of then-President Donald Trump's own executive orders, and he didn't say in October that signing a large number of orders means a president is a dictator. Rather, after Biden rejected the idea of using an executive order to raise taxes on corporations and wealthy people, he said there are "things you can't do by executive order unless you're a dictator." In other words, Biden was saying what he had said before and has said since -- that executive orders are unconstitutional for some particular purposes.

The little Goebbels of CNN spinning bullshit for Dictator Biden?

I'm shocked....
I can see you are not interested in what was actually said, carry on.
And what specific EO do you have an issue with? Post it.

Lifting the sanctions on Iran.

Ending the tariffs on his owners, China.

30 executive orders and actions Biden signed in his first three days - CNNPolitics
No Biden did not.

Biden is leveraging what Trump did. I get that.

Iran is talking.

Tariffs on China ain't going any where soon.

Apparently EO is the way to go when you become POTUS.

Biden is ruled by the cash filled envelope in his hip pocket.

Iran put several of them in the sweet spot - Xi's man is now doing what Xi's man does, selling out his country for personal gain.

C'Mon Man, this is Beijing Biden.
Dayum! When did USMB become a bunch of fucking whiny, pissy stained painty, soiled wussies? Read.

The DJT-Orange Mange ain't gonna save you from your entry level, shitty, retail jobs. Coal Jobs. He spits in your faces and takes your shitty twenty dollar donations with glee for his PAC.

His EOs have destroyed tens of thousands of jobs overnight.
Folks haven't been paying attention ... this has been going on for many years now ...

Congress is paralysed, with no new legislation coming forward, the President has no choice but to govern by EO ... it's day-to-day business ... the only check to power is the courts, and they're not really equipped to do such in this way ...

Elect better congressmen ...
"As recently as October, now-President Biden said you can't legislate by executive action unless you're a dictator. Well, in one week, he's signed more than 30 unilateral actions, and working Americans are getting short shrift," Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell said Thursday in the Senate.
Facts First: These Biden critics are taking his "dictator" remark out of context. Biden explicitly campaigned on signing various executive orders, including those to rescind some of then-President Donald Trump's own executive orders, and he didn't say in October that signing a large number of orders means a president is a dictator. Rather, after Biden rejected the idea of using an executive order to raise taxes on corporations and wealthy people, he said there are "things you can't do by executive order unless you're a dictator." In other words, Biden was saying what he had said before and has said since -- that executive orders are unconstitutional for some particular purposes.

I like how "Facts First" is a being used in your post to mean "let's move away from empirical data and shift everything into the realm of subjective opinion". So, it's not how many Executive Orders he signs (which can be objectively measured), it's some vague notion of what he's doing and/or not doing with Executive Orders (which conveniently can't be measured objectively).
His EOs have destroyed tens of thousands of jobs overnight.

Xi's man has a strict policy;

China first.

Folks haven't been paying attention ... this has been going on for many years now ...

Congress is paralysed, with no new legislation coming forward, the President has no choice but to govern by EO ... it's day-to-day business ... the only check to power is the courts, and they're not really equipped to do such in this way ...

Elect better congressmen ...

Seig Heil indeed.

It's funny, the vile shit you spew to justify dictatorship is nearly identical to what Julius Cesar claimed when he destroyed the Roman Republic.

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