Say NO to the Popular Vote

The problem with that logic can't back it with evidence. Even Trump's 'election integrity commission' couldn't find anything to back the claim that the democrats 'stack the cities with illegal immigrants'.

You're offering us fantasy
The democrats keeping urban blacks locked into their ghetto plantations and clueless as to who is fucking them over is enough to turn the State's pEC votes to Democrat. Illegal voting is just extra gravy for them.
Laughing.....I'm being 'ridiculous' by demanding evidence for your claim that democrats 'stack the cities with illegal immigrants' to vote?

The word you're looking for is 'rational'.
Yeah! You're being ridiculous. You want evidence that cows eat grass ? That fish can swim ? That leaves turn brown in autumn? That jets go fast ? :rolleyes:

And I'm not "looking for" anything.

You can't back your claim with evidence. You're merely demanding that we accept whatever hapless batshit you make up as gospel truth with zero evidence.

That's irrational. I demand evidence. You have none. You're playing make believe. And we're not preserving the EC because you want to play pretend.
What was the purpose for all the bogus voter registrations than to give to multiple voters and illegals?
I did, here it is in text form:

"Donald Trump kicked off his presidential bid more than a year ago with harsh words for Mexico. “They are not our friend, believe me,” he said, before disparaging Mexican immigrants: “They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”
Yeah he said that. He was RIGHT. Right then, and right now. What the problem ?

The Problem? The racists, misogynists, haters, callousi and ignorant fools who voted for Donald Trump. That's the easy question. The solution(s) is (are) what should be the goal of all who hold to the words of Thomas Jefferson so well stated in the Declaration of Independence, and to put into elected office those who seek to follow the Vision and the Mission Statement, left to us and every generation, in the Preamble to the Constitution of the United States.
^^ This fool needs to extract his head from his ass. He's perpetually victimized by our success and prosperity and because we are happy, it's called racism.
Your imagination isn't common sense. Its merely a fantasy you've made up. And we don't shape national policy based on whatever whim, fancy or flitter of imagination passes through your head.
Why is your side adamantly against building a secure border wall if illegals voting isn't possibly occurring? How many Mexican friends do you have? The waiter at your local Taco Juan's doesn't count
The whole if America doesn't live in New York and California. There are 300 million people in America. 40 million live in California and 19 million live in New York. So if you deduct the 59 million people. There are still 241 million people in America. Let's say half of those people aren't citizens or ineligible to vote. That still leave 141 million non California and New York residents to vote.

Your argument is the same lame ass argument Republicans use for keeping the antiquated electoral college around.

Even before President Bone Spur, I always believed the electoral college should be abolished. It makes no sense to keep it around and removes the will of the people.
FALSE! It PROTECTS the AMERICAN people from unscrupulous schemers (Democrats), stacking the population with immigrants (legal and illegal) to vote FOR THEM.

Also you show your ignorance by posting the notion that people who aren't citizens and ineligible to vote, don't vote. Of course they do, just as they do many other things illegally, and ther is virtually nothing to stop them from voting. 22 states don't even require ID, and those that do, don't require one that shows citizenship/voting eligibility.

Contrary to what you wrongly say, the electoral college is not only NOT ANTIQUATED, it is just the opposite of that. It is needed now, more than ever.
They don't vote....we can't even get LEGAL Hispanics to vote...out of all ethnicity of voters, legal Hispanics vote in the smallest percentage....

For what reason at the time, did Madison and Adams create the Electoral College? Have you researched it? Do you truly know?

Also, immigrants here legally and illegally are represented in Congress, through a Representative.... There is 1 House of Representative for every 700,000 people within a State....

The number of people within a State is determined by a Census every 10 years...the constitution requires that ALL PEOPLE be counted in the census....NOT just legal citizens, but ALL and illegal, within each state.

We give a Representative for every 700,000 of them, even though they do not vote, and have no voice....

So, States like Texas and California and Arizona and Florida and New Mexico etc have more representatives in the U.S. House of Representatives, than the citizens within their States would normally be allotted....

that also means these states with a heavy illegal population have more Congress Critters for every citizen within, than a State with primarily only citizens within them. It dilutes the votes of actual citizens in their daily legislative actions.....

But it ALSO gives each of these heavily populated undocumented immigrant states,

MORE ELECTORAL votes, for the Presidential election, that do not represent, actual citizens...

Each State gets 1 ELECTOR for every Representative in Congress, plus each State gets 2 extra ELECTORS representing their 2 Senators....

Changing to the POPULAR vote, where only legal citizens can vote, would eliminate the representation they are given now in the Electoral College.... IF THAT is your GOAL.
If the popular vote is so irrelevant....why has both Trump and his toadies like P argued so vehemently about imaginary voter fraud and how Trump actually won the popular vote?
Because on a State basis, the popular vote counts toward winning the States EV, excluding Nebraska and Maine.

Quite frankly the rules are established, the Electoral College determines who wins the presidency. The only vote you should care about is your own. Since You get to Vote for the candidate of your choice, You don't suffer disenfranchisement. We all have to play by the rules. The EC is the fairest rule our Founders provided us. It ensures the mob doesn't hold a checkmate over the interests of the minority while giving States with large population more EC votes than the smaller States.

Trust me, if you were on an deserted island with 9 starving people with knifes and you had none, you wouldn't want to take a vote on who is going to be eaten. That's democracy in action.
2). The only requirement to register to vote in California is a driver's license.

Even a blind man can see that millions of illegals voted in California and they all voted Hillary. And that is just one state. There goes Hillary's "popular vote
California is even dropping that charade. They are allowing everyone to vote in their elections. I can't wait for the SCOTUS to bitch slap Governor Moonbeam.
The whole if America doesn't live in New York and California. There are 300 million people in America. 40 million live in California and 19 million live in New York. So if you deduct the 59 million people. There are still 241 million people in America. Let's say half of those people aren't citizens or ineligible to vote. That still leave 141 million non California and New York residents to vote.

Your argument is the same lame ass argument Republicans use for keeping the antiquated electoral college around.

Even before President Bone Spur, I always believed the electoral college should be abolished. It makes no sense to keep it around and removes the will of the people.
FALSE! It PROTECTS the AMERICAN people from unscrupulous schemers (Democrats), stacking the population with immigrants (legal and illegal) to vote FOR THEM.

Also you show your ignorance by posting the notion that people who aren't citizens and ineligible to vote, don't vote. Of course they do, just as they do many other things illegally, and ther is virtually nothing to stop them from voting. 22 states don't even require ID, and those that do, don't require one that shows citizenship/voting eligibility.

Contrary to what you wrongly say, the electoral college is not only NOT ANTIQUATED, it is just the opposite of that. It is needed now, more than ever.
They don't vote....we can't even get LEGAL Hispanics to vote...out of all ethnicity of voters, legal Hispanics vote in the smallest percentage....

For what reason at the time, did Madison and Adams create the Electoral College? Have you researched it? Do you truly know?

Also, immigrants here legally and illegally are represented in Congress, through a Representative.... There is 1 House of Representative for every 700,000 people within a State....

The number of people within a State is determined by a Census every 10 years...the constitution requires that ALL PEOPLE be counted in the census....NOT just legal citizens, but ALL and illegal, within each state.

We give a Representative for every 700,000 of them, even though they do not vote, and have no voice....

So, States like Texas and California and Arizona and Florida and New Mexico etc have more representatives in the U.S. House of Representatives, than the citizens within their States would normally be allotted....

that also means these states with a heavy illegal population have more Congress Critters for every citizen within, than a State with primarily only citizens within them. It dilutes the votes of actual citizens in their daily legislative actions.....

But it ALSO gives each of these heavily populated undocumented immigrant states,

MORE ELECTORAL votes, for the Presidential election, that do not represent, actual citizens...

Each State gets 1 ELECTOR for every Representative in Congress, plus each State gets 2 extra ELECTORS representing their 2 Senators....

Changing to the POPULAR vote, where only legal citizens can vote, would eliminate the representation they are given now in the Electoral College.... IF THAT is your GOAL.

The number of people within a State is determined by a Census every 10 years...the constitution requires that ALL PEOPLE be counted in the census....NOT just legal citizens, but ALL and illegal, within each state.

Yes, we need to stop counting them and start booting them.
The problem with that logic can't back it with evidence. Even Trump's 'election integrity commission' couldn't find anything to back the claim that the democrats 'stack the cities with illegal immigrants'.

You're offering us fantasy
The democrats keeping urban blacks locked into their ghetto plantations and clueless as to who is fucking them over is enough to turn the State's pEC votes to Democrat. Illegal voting is just extra gravy for them.

If its 'extra gravy' why do your ilk so consistently double down on that fact free delusion? Trump himself rampantly lied, insisting beyond all evidence and reason that he 'won the popular vote'.

Which, of course, he didn't. But you and yours have to repeat mindlessly because you were told to.

I'm under no such obligation.
The whole if America doesn't live in New York and California. There are 300 million people in America. 40 million live in California and 19 million live in New York. So if you deduct the 59 million people. There are still 241 million people in America. Let's say half of those people aren't citizens or ineligible to vote. That still leave 141 million non California and New York residents to vote.

Your argument is the same lame ass argument Republicans use for keeping the antiquated electoral college around.

Even before President Bone Spur, I always believed the electoral college should be abolished. It makes no sense to keep it around and removes the will of the people.
FALSE! It PROTECTS the AMERICAN people from unscrupulous schemers (Democrats), stacking the population with immigrants (legal and illegal) to vote FOR THEM.

Also you show your ignorance by posting the notion that people who aren't citizens and ineligible to vote, don't vote. Of course they do, just as they do many other things illegally, and ther is virtually nothing to stop them from voting. 22 states don't even require ID, and those that do, don't require one that shows citizenship/voting eligibility.

Contrary to what you wrongly say, the electoral college is not only NOT ANTIQUATED, it is just the opposite of that. It is needed now, more than ever.
They don't vote....we can't even get LEGAL Hispanics to vote...out of all ethnicity of voters, legal Hispanics vote in the smallest percentage....

For what reason at the time, did Madison and Adams create the Electoral College? Have you researched it? Do you truly know?

Also, immigrants here legally and illegally are represented in Congress, through a Representative.... There is 1 House of Representative for every 700,000 people within a State....

The number of people within a State is determined by a Census every 10 years...the constitution requires that ALL PEOPLE be counted in the census....NOT just legal citizens, but ALL and illegal, within each state.

We give a Representative for every 700,000 of them, even though they do not vote, and have no voice....

So, States like Texas and California and Arizona and Florida and New Mexico etc have more representatives in the U.S. House of Representatives, than the citizens within their States would normally be allotted....

that also means these states with a heavy illegal population have more Congress Critters for every citizen within, than a State with primarily only citizens within them. It dilutes the votes of actual citizens in their daily legislative actions.....

But it ALSO gives each of these heavily populated undocumented immigrant states,

MORE ELECTORAL votes, for the Presidential election, that do not represent, actual citizens...

Each State gets 1 ELECTOR for every Representative in Congress, plus each State gets 2 extra ELECTORS representing their 2 Senators....

Changing to the POPULAR vote, where only legal citizens can vote, would eliminate the representation they are given now in the Electoral College.... IF THAT is your GOAL.

The number of people within a State is determined by a Census every 10 years...the constitution requires that ALL PEOPLE be counted in the census....NOT just legal citizens, but ALL and illegal, within each state.

Yes, we need to stop counting them and start booting them.
Can't change that, without a constitutional amendment.
2). The only requirement to register to vote in California is a driver's license.

Even a blind man can see that millions of illegals voted in California and they all voted Hillary. And that is just one state. There goes Hillary's "popular vote
California is even dropping that charade. They are allowing everyone to vote in their elections. I can't wait for the SCOTUS to bitch slap Governor Moonbeam.
That's a BIG FAT LIE.
The whole if America doesn't live in New York and California. There are 300 million people in America. 40 million live in California and 19 million live in New York. So if you deduct the 59 million people. There are still 241 million people in America. Let's say half of those people aren't citizens or ineligible to vote. That still leave 141 million non California and New York residents to vote.

Your argument is the same lame ass argument Republicans use for keeping the antiquated electoral college around.

Even before President Bone Spur, I always believed the electoral college should be abolished. It makes no sense to keep it around and removes the will of the people.
FALSE! It PROTECTS the AMERICAN people from unscrupulous schemers (Democrats), stacking the population with immigrants (legal and illegal) to vote FOR THEM.

Also you show your ignorance by posting the notion that people who aren't citizens and ineligible to vote, don't vote. Of course they do, just as they do many other things illegally, and ther is virtually nothing to stop them from voting. 22 states don't even require ID, and those that do, don't require one that shows citizenship/voting eligibility.

Contrary to what you wrongly say, the electoral college is not only NOT ANTIQUATED, it is just the opposite of that. It is needed now, more than ever.
They don't vote....we can't even get LEGAL Hispanics to vote...out of all ethnicity of voters, legal Hispanics vote in the smallest percentage....

For what reason at the time, did Madison and Adams create the Electoral College? Have you researched it? Do you truly know?

Also, immigrants here legally and illegally are represented in Congress, through a Representative.... There is 1 House of Representative for every 700,000 people within a State....

The number of people within a State is determined by a Census every 10 years...the constitution requires that ALL PEOPLE be counted in the census....NOT just legal citizens, but ALL and illegal, within each state.

We give a Representative for every 700,000 of them, even though they do not vote, and have no voice....

So, States like Texas and California and Arizona and Florida and New Mexico etc have more representatives in the U.S. House of Representatives, than the citizens within their States would normally be allotted....

that also means these states with a heavy illegal population have more Congress Critters for every citizen within, than a State with primarily only citizens within them. It dilutes the votes of actual citizens in their daily legislative actions.....

But it ALSO gives each of these heavily populated undocumented immigrant states,

MORE ELECTORAL votes, for the Presidential election, that do not represent, actual citizens...

Each State gets 1 ELECTOR for every Representative in Congress, plus each State gets 2 extra ELECTORS representing their 2 Senators....

Changing to the POPULAR vote, where only legal citizens can vote, would eliminate the representation they are given now in the Electoral College.... IF THAT is your GOAL.

The number of people within a State is determined by a Census every 10 years...the constitution requires that ALL PEOPLE be counted in the census....NOT just legal citizens, but ALL and illegal, within each state.

Yes, we need to stop counting them and start booting them.
Can't change that, without a constitutional amendment.

Don't need an amendment to send them home.
This is also why Democrats want to keep bringing in illegals and legalize them over time. Although they already have illegals voting fraudulently for them in every election. They could care less about them, just as they turned their backs on all the Democrat caused genocides (such as Syria) in the world. All these scumbags want is the votes, which would give them the power to transform the country into a psuedo-communist shithole such as Venezuela.

Not only do they not care about illegals, the Left doesn't give a shit about the country either, actually they hate America and have a "unique" take on its history.
You should have given your evidence of voter fraud to Trump`s Voter Fraud Commission before it folded.
Trump Disbands Commission on Voter Fraud
I wonder what happened to ACORN.

No crimes found there either. But don't burden yourself with the weight of reality. Just imagine whatever you'd like.
The reality is that you're an ignorant hack who's unaware of the fraud and atrocities of ACORN and the Democratic Party.

Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now - Wikipedia

In a 2007 case in Washington state, in which seven temporary employees of ACORN were charged with submitting fraudulent voter registrations, ACORN agreed to pay King County $25,000 for its investigative costs and acknowledged that the national organization could be subject to criminal prosecution if fraud occurs again. According to the prosecutor, the misconduct was done "as an easy way to get paid [by ACORN], not as an attempt to influence the outcome of elections."[30][36] In August 2008, ACORN caught, fired and reported employees Maria Miles and Kevin Clancy of Milwaukee, who later pleaded guilty to repeatedly registering the names of the same registered voters.[37][38][39] In May 2009, six ACORN employees in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, pleaded guilty to charges of a combined total of 51 counts of forgery and other violations while registering voters during the 2008 election cycle.[40]

In plea deals in a 2009 Las Vegas case, former ACORN field director Amy Busefink and ACORN official Christopher Edwards pleaded guilty to "conspiracy to commit the crime of compensation for registration of voters," in connection with a quota system for paid registration staff.[41] Edwards was sentenced to a year's probation and agreed to testify for prosecutors in charges against ACORN and against Busefink. Busefink appealed her case to the Nevada Supreme Court, challenging the constitutionality of the statute.[42][43] In April 2011, ACORN entered a guilty plea to one count of felony compensation for registration of voters, for which they were fined $5000,[44] but did not concede that the law was constitutional.[43]

registration drives,[25] focusing primarily on registering poor and minority citizens.[26][27] During the 2008 election season, ACORN gathered over 1.3 million voter registration forms in 21 states. Some of these registration forms were flagged by ACORN's internal auditors for review by election officials. Project Vote estimated that 400,000 registrations collected by ACORN were ultimately rejected, the vast majority for being duplicate registrations submitted by citizens. (This is also a common problem at government voter registration services, according to reports on the National Voter Registration Act by the U.S. Election Assistance Commission). An unknown number of registrations were fraudulent, but Project Vote estimated that only a few percent were, based on past years and samples from some drives in 2008.[28] No official in states where voter registration drives were conducted has documented substantial numbers of fraudulent registrations. Project Vote estimated that 450,000 of the registrations collected by ACORN represented first-time voters, while the remainder were address changes submitted by citizens updating their addresses.[28]
I don't know if if it's correct or not, but I just saw a graphic on TV claiming that 68% of Americans favor abolishing the electoral college, and shifting to the popular vote. It said 89% of these were Democrats, and 46% Republicans.

I can easily see why 89% of Democrats favor the popular vote, but there is no reason for Republicans to choose it. The % of Republicans wanting the popular vote should be ZERO. The popular vote campaign is nothing but a ploy by Democrats to jam as many foreigners into the US as they can, legal or illegal, give their kids born here birthright citizenship, give them welfare benefits$$, and then protect them in sanctuary cities.

Why ? Becasue in return for this irresponsible recklessness, the immigrants then all VOTE DEMOCRAT. The idea is to bring in millions of these dirtbags from every hellhole country in the world, stack up the states with them and their Democrat VOTES, and eradicate the Repubican Party forever. The electoral college is exactly what PROTECTS us from just this sort of thing.

So for all those Republicans in the 46% (if the poll is true), who are OK with disposing of the electoral college, please get your heads out of your asses, and not fall for this Democrat scam job to destroy your party, and dump nutjob leftist ideology on the country, with no end to it.
This just demonstrates that 89% of democrats are stupid and only 46% of republicans are.
I don't know if if it's correct or not, but I just saw a graphic on TV claiming that 68% of Americans favor abolishing the electoral college, and shifting to the popular vote. It said 89% of these were Democrats, and 46% Republicans.

I can easily see why 89% of Democrats favor the popular vote, but there is no reason for Republicans to choose it. The % of Republicans wanting the popular vote should be ZERO. The popular vote campaign is nothing but a ploy by Democrats to jam as many foreigners into the US as they can, legal or illegal, give their kids born here birthright citizenship, give them welfare benefits$$, and then protect them in sanctuary cities.

Why ? Becasue in return for this irresponsible recklessness, the immigrants then all VOTE DEMOCRAT. The idea is to bring in millions of these dirtbags from every hellhole country in the world, stack up the states with them and their Democrat VOTES, and eradicate the Repubican Party forever. The electoral college is exactly what PROTECTS us from just this sort of thing.

So for all those Republicans in the 46% (if the poll is true), who are OK with disposing of the electoral college, please get your heads out of your asses, and not fall for this Democrat scam job to destroy your party, and dump nutjob leftist ideology on the country, with no end to it.

Stop hateful racists and we minorities might consider voting GOP....A democratic system should allow the majority to govern. What's the fear about that? At the end Americans will vote for their future and not let a minority decide for the majority and make their life miserable.
Stop hateful racists and we minorities might consider voting GOP....A democratic system should allow the majority to govern. What's the fear about that? At the end Americans will vote for their future and not let a minori
The "fear" is that people like you will forcefully dictate your whacky beliefs to us with no compromises, like the last 8 years were.

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