Say NO to the Popular Vote

Trump rescinded DACA by fiat, and created the mess which led to the shut down of government. How much more will the American voter take, and how many on the right will continue to defend Trump and Pence, as hateful they have become?
Trump said he would rescind DACA in March to give Congress time to make DACA lawful, by not continuing OButthole's unconstutional DACA executive order. Trump is merely fixing the executive over-reach made during the Obama regime.

Obama was the worst president this country ever had. President Trump is fixing the damaged done the past 8 years.

And he's doing a fantastic job!
The 2016 election results were finally announced and Hillary had over 2 million more votes than Trump. Due to our system, this was not enough to announce a definitive winner. Therefore the next step was to send the election to the grossly outdated Electoral College System which was supposed to have its own election by special electors from districts throughout the country. The assumption being that the electors would accurately be the voice of the citizens in their districts. The phrase used to describe electors that accurately reflecting the voting of their districts is to call them "faithful" electors, meaning they did not simply chose their own choice of candidates without respect of how the people in their district voted. So the terminology that was used to describe their electors, representatives of districts was "faithful" when they accurately reflect how the people in their district voted. The 2016 Electoral College vote had many "unfaithful" electors that did NOT reflect the voter decisions in their districts. In short, the 2016 Electoral College vote is a huge case in point to abolish the system because the representative "electors" did NOT reflect the voting of their voters in their districts.

We have excellent computers now in 2018 and America is perfectly capable of using the raw vote directly from citizens instead of maintaining an archaic, dysfunctional Electoral College system. 2016 was the perfect example of why the Electoral College system needs to be abolished and election raw votes on computer simply used to calculate who wins and who loses.
Bullsjit. California got to cast all its 55 Electoral Votes. And they all went to Hillary.
Trump rescinded DACA by fiat, and created the mess which led to the shut down of government. How much more will the American voter take, and how many on the right will continue to defend Trump and Pence, as hateful they have become?
Trump said he would rescind DACA in March to give Congress time to make DACA lawful, by not continuing OButthole's unconstutional DACA executive order. Trump is merely fixing the executive over-reach made during the Obama regime.

Obama was the worst president this country ever had. President Trump is fixing the damaged done the past 8 years.

And he's doing a fantastic job!

Please explain your claim that President Obama violated the Constitution by his use of the EO, and no other President who has, did not.


Before he became president, Donald Trump accused former President Barack Obama of abusing his power by signing so many executive orders.

But during his first 200 days in office, Trump signed more than Obama averaged in a year.

Here's how many executive orders Trump signed in his first 200 days compared to Obama, Bush, and Clinton

And this,

George Washington signed eight his entire time in office, according to the American Presidency Project, while Franklin Delano Roosevelt signed more than 3,700. In his two terms, Obama issued 277 executive orders, a total number on par with his modern predecessors, but the lowest per-year average (35) in120 years.
Trump rescinded DACA by fiat, and created the mess which led to the shut down of government. How much more will the American voter take, and how many on the right will continue to defend Trump and Pence, as hateful they have become?
Trump said he would rescind DACA in March to give Congress time to make DACA lawful, by not continuing OButthole's unconstutional DACA executive order. Trump is merely fixing the executive over-reach made during the Obama regime.

Obama was the worst president this country ever had. President Trump is fixing the damaged done the past 8 years.

And he's doing a fantastic job!

Please explain your claim that President Obama violated the Constitution by his use of the EO, and no other President who has, did not.


Before he became president, Donald Trump accused former President Barack Obama of abusing his power by signing so many executive orders.

But during his first 200 days in office, Trump signed more than Obama averaged in a year.

Here's how many executive orders Trump signed in his first 200 days compared to Obama, Bush, and Clinton

And this,

George Washington signed eight his entire time in office, according to the American Presidency Project, while Franklin Delano Roosevelt signed more than 3,700. In his two terms, Obama issued 277 executive orders, a total number on par with his modern predecessors, but the lowest per-year average (35) in120 years.
Obama is/was a shit stain... There would be no trump if there was no Obama
Please explain your claim that President Obama violated the Constitution by his use of the EO, and no other President who has, did not.


Before he became president, Donald Trump accused former President Barack Obama of abusing his power by signing so many executive orders.

But during his first 200 days in office, Trump signed more than Obama averaged in a year.

Here's how many executive orders Trump signed in his first 200 days compared to Obama, Bush, and Clinton

And this,

George Washington signed eight his entire time in office, according to the American Presidency Project, while Franklin Delano Roosevelt signed more than 3,700. In his two terms, Obama issued 277 executive orders, a total number on par with his modern predecessors, but the lowest per-year average (35) in120 years.
Obama was (and is) a JIHADIST.
Odd, I remember it was Trump calling Mexicans rapists
Liar. He never suggested that. BTW... Whites are rapists, blacks are rapists, Asians are rapists, retarded people are rapists, presidents are rapists, women are rapists...

Get the picture?

I did, here it is in text form:

"Donald Trump kicked off his presidential bid more than a year ago with harsh words for Mexico. “They are not our friend, believe me,” he said, before disparaging Mexican immigrants: “They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”
I did, here it is in text form:

"Donald Trump kicked off his presidential bid more than a year ago with harsh words for Mexico. “They are not our friend, believe me,” he said, before disparaging Mexican immigrants: “They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”
Yeah he said that. He was RIGHT. Right then, and right now. What the problem ?
Mob Rule has worked so well throughout history.

As for the TOPIC of this thread, don't worry folks, Americans aren't going to let Democrat con jobbers scam them into abolishing the Electoral college, so they can take over the country, with stacks of foreign (mostly illegal) voters.

Not gonna happen.
Please explain your claim that President Obama violated the Constitution by his use of the EO, and no other President who has, did not.


Before he became president, Donald Trump accused former President Barack Obama of abusing his power by signing so many executive orders.

But during his first 200 days in office, Trump signed more than Obama averaged in a year.

Here's how many executive orders Trump signed in his first 200 days compared to Obama, Bush, and Clinton

And this,

George Washington signed eight his entire time in office, according to the American Presidency Project, while Franklin Delano Roosevelt signed more than 3,700. In his two terms, Obama issued 277 executive orders, a total number on par with his modern predecessors, but the lowest per-year average (35) in120 years.
Obama was (and is) a JIHADIST.

There's a big reason why the Obabble-Farrakhan photo op was hidden from the public for so long.

Just sayin'.
You're the one who used the word 'guess' when describing the batshit accusations offered on voter fraud.
I used it to describe >> "If we deport the illegals and stop all the other ways the Dems cheat, they'd be lucky to hold 30 seats in the Senate."

And I'll say it again > good guess. :biggrin: used the word to accurately describe someone making up nonsense, backed by nothing.
I did, here it is in text form:

"Donald Trump kicked off his presidential bid more than a year ago with harsh words for Mexico. “They are not our friend, believe me,” he said, before disparaging Mexican immigrants: “They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”
Yeah he said that. He was RIGHT. Right then, and right now. What the problem ?

The Problem? The racists, misogynists, haters, callousi and ignorant fools who voted for Donald Trump. That's the easy question. The solution(s) is (are) what should be the goal of all who hold to the words of Thomas Jefferson so well stated in the Declaration of Independence, and to put into elected office those who seek to follow the Vision and the Mission Statement, left to us and every generation, in the Preamble to the Constitution of the United States.'re *literally* offering us your imagination as your proof. Sorry, Proc....but we cant hear the voices in your head.

You've got jack shit to back your claims. Rendering them irrelevant to any factual conversation.

What else have you got?

Don't need anything else. Common sense tops your list of agenda factories, anyday.

Your imagination isn't common sense. Its merely a fantasy you've made up. And we don't shape national policy based on whatever whim, fancy or flitter of imagination passes through your head.
This is also why Democrats want to keep bringing in illegals and legalize them over time. Although they already have illegals voting fraudulently for them in every election. They could care less about them, just as they turned their backs on all the Democrat caused genocides (such as Syria) in the world. All these scumbags want is the votes, which would give them the power to transform the country into a psuedo-communist shithole such as Venezuela.

Not only do they not care about illegals, the Left doesn't give a shit about the country either, actually they hate America and have a "unique" take on its history.
You should have given your evidence of voter fraud to Trump`s Voter Fraud Commission before it folded.
Trump Disbands Commission on Voter Fraud
I don't know if if it's correct or not, but I just saw a graphic on TV claiming that 68% of Americans favor abolishing the electoral college, and shifting to the popular vote. It said 89% of these were Democrats, and 46% Republicans.

I can easily see why 89% of Democrats favor the popular vote, but there is no reason for Republicans to choose it. The % of Republicans wanting the popular vote should be ZERO. The popular vote campaign is nothing but a ploy by Democrats to jam as many foreigners into the US as they can, legal or illegal, give their kids born here birthright citizenship, give them welfare benefits$$, and then protect them in sanctuary cities.

Why ? Becasue in return for this irresponsible recklessness, the immigrants then all VOTE DEMOCRAT. The idea is to bring in millions of these dirtbags from every hellhole country in the world, stack up the states with them and their Democrat VOTES, and eradicate the Repubican Party forever. The electoral college is exactly what PROTECTS us from just this sort of thing.

So for all those Republicans in the 46% (if the poll is true), who are OK with disposing of the electoral college, please get your heads out of your asses, and not fall for this Democrat scam job to destroy your party, and dump nutjob leftist ideology on the country, with no end to it.
In other words, you are scared to death that the majority of Americans don't like your bigoted asshole ideologies. Stay scared.
The Problem? The racists, misogynists, haters, callousi and ignorant fools who voted for Donald Trump. That's the easy question. The solution(s) is (are) what should be the goal of all who hold to the words of Thomas Jefferson so well stated in the Declaration of Independence, and to put into elected office those who seek to follow the Vision and the Mission Statement, left to us and every generation, in the Preamble to the Constitution of the United States.
The Problem ? The fools who think they can win elections and gain power by tossing around the race card, which they apply to just about anything, and the American people have grown tired of if this worn out and moronic style. And the result ? Rep president. Rep House. Rep Senate. Rep domination of state governors, legislatures, courts increasingly conservative now, etc.

Liberals made a major mistake with their race carding. Allowing themselves to look like idiots.

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