Say NO to the Popular Vote

I just did the math on registered voters. If Wyoming has three, then California should have NINETY.
Why ?

Because one man should equal one vote not 1.6 - Duh?

So how does the lesser populated areas in ideology get represented for our Presidents if the EC was gone?

Well, you don't anyway. The wedge issue (god, guns, gays, taxes, abortion) are the dominant themes in much of the rural areas (correct me if I'm wrong) and the Republican Party's lips provide them comfort, but what have they done to effectively satisfy social conservatives or the neofascists (and don't deny they don't exist and are not native born citizens).

Yes we do, and God guns are constitutional rights.
Cochise county is very conservative and pima county is very liberal.

"much of" and my point was that they are exploited by the Republican Party.

Those who don't understand that they are being exploited, are the one's who echo the damn lies that Democrats want to take away all guns, attack Christians, and kill babies; as for taxes, D's want to use them to prevent disease, educate our children, provide for the aged, infirm, disabled and the environment, not to spend billions more on weapons of mass destruction.
DODGE! Just because Prop 8 might have been about some personal freedom doesn't invalidate Darkwind's point. You're all for winner take all when it suits you, but if you're the loser from it suddenly you're on the side of 1 man (judge) overrulling the votes of millions of people.

Oh the irony - yes, we need to give the 200,000 registered voters in Wyoming at least ten times the voice of the 18 million registered voters in California.

Electoral College is 'vestige' of slavery, say some Constitutional scholars
Yes, The Electoral College Really Is A Vestige Of Slavery. It's Time To Get Rid Of It.

No better way to make an uninformed, partisan argument FOR the popular vote than to tie it to race and slavery. LOL
It's always racism, sexism, slavery, sexism, blah blah blah with them. They cannot remove identity politics from any issue.
Swarm From the Swamp

Being confused weaklings, desperately depressed Liberals can't find a comfortable self-identity. So they have to make up ones for others and identify as superheroes protecting that whole panoply of the frantic and the disturbed.
Both parties exploit.

It's why congresses ratings are so low.
People are tired of it.
They want things that work.
Maybe all of congress needs that native American talking stick. :)
DODGE! Just because Prop 8 might have been about some personal freedom doesn't invalidate Darkwind's point. You're all for winner take all when it suits you, but if you're the loser from it suddenly you're on the side of 1 man (judge) overrulling the votes of millions of people.

Oh the irony - yes, we need to give the 200,000 registered voters in Wyoming at least ten times the voice of the 18 million registered voters in California.

Electoral College is 'vestige' of slavery, say some Constitutional scholars
Yes, The Electoral College Really Is A Vestige Of Slavery. It's Time To Get Rid Of It.

No better way to make an uninformed, partisan argument FOR the popular vote than to tie it to race and slavery. LOL
It's always racism, sexism, slavery, sexism, blah blah blah with them. They cannot remove identity politics from any issue.
Swarm From the Swamp

Being confused weaklings, desperately depressed Liberals can't find a comfortable self-identity. So they have to make up ones for others and identify as superheroes protecting that whole panoply of the frantic and the disturbed.

A variation of the idiot-gram ^^^ wrapped in an ad hominem. Sadly it does not qualify for the former - too long - and is too short to be an effective polemic.
REJECT any attempt for your State to pass the National Popular Vote proposal. It is an end run around our Constitution's provision for the Electoral College. If 37 Ststes pass it, then our Presidential elections will be decided by 5 boroughs around New York City and Los Angeles. My vote in Iowa will be meaningless because no matter who our State's majority votes for, our Electoral Votes will be given to the candidate with the most popular votes.

This would mean Hillary would be our President. Wisconsin's votes would be given to Hillary as well. Hilary would have 535 EC votes to Trump's 0. That makes no fucking sense. This is an abomination! Protect the integrity of your vote. Insist your State legislatures and/or Governors REJECT NPV.
If We Went Back to Only Those Who Could Vote When America Was Great, We Wouldn't Need to MAGA

If we had been democratic enough to legislate the popular vote through a referendum, we would be proud enough not to ever enfranchise the criminal and mooching races, which is what PV opponents are really against. On the other hand, most people wouldn't want to get cramped just to stay in the densely populated states. Third, their state's ruling class would have more power to squeeze them dry if they also controlled the whole nation's government.
DODGE! Just because Prop 8 might have been about some personal freedom doesn't invalidate Darkwind's point. You're all for winner take all when it suits you, but if you're the loser from it suddenly you're on the side of 1 man (judge) overrulling the votes of millions of people.

Oh the irony - yes, we need to give the 200,000 registered voters in Wyoming at least ten times the voice of the 18 million registered voters in California.

Electoral College is 'vestige' of slavery, say some Constitutional scholars
Yes, The Electoral College Really Is A Vestige Of Slavery. It's Time To Get Rid Of It.

Wyoming has 3 electoral votes. California has 55.

Yep. Congrats, you can count.

California has 10% + of the entire nation's population. Do you have a point?
That in California your vote isn't worth what it is in Wyoming. You should read more before posting.
Urban Usurpation

People in Wyoming each take care of more of our land. If you remove ranchers and farmers, you could have a hundred times as many votes, but you'd starve.
Urban Usurpation

People in Wyoming each take care of more of our land. If you remove ranchers and farmers, you could have a hundred times as many votes, but you'd starve.

They take care of more of our land? Kinda like Cliven Bundy and his militia pals?? What a joke.

And FYI, California is the number one AG state

In 2016, the top 10 agricultural producing States in terms of cash receipts were (in descending order): California, Iowa, Nebraska, Texas, Minnesota, Illinois, Kansas, Wisconsin, North Carolina, and Indiana. These and related statistics can be found in ERS's Farm Income and Wealth Statistics.
REJECT any attempt for your State to pass the National Popular Vote proposal. It is an end run around our Constitution's provision for the Electoral College. If 37 Ststes pass it, then our Presidential elections will be decided by 5 boroughs around New York City and Los Angeles. My vote in Iowa will be meaningless because no matter who our State's majority votes for, our Electoral Votes will be given to the candidate with the most popular votes.

This would mean Hillary would be our President. Wisconsin's votes would be given to Hillary as well. Hilary would have 535 EC votes to Trump's 0. That makes no fucking sense. This is an abomination! Protect the integrity of your vote. Insist your State legislatures and/or Governors REJECT NPV.
If We Went Back to Only Those Who Could Vote When America Was Great, We Wouldn't Need to MAGA

If we had been democratic enough to legislate the popular vote through a referendum, we would be proud enough not to ever enfranchise the criminal and mooching races, which is what PV opponents are really against. On the other hand, most people wouldn't want to get cramped just to stay in the densely populated states. Third, their state's ruling class would have more power to squeeze them dry if they also controlled the whole nation's government.

The power elite in the 18th Century were those who wrote and signed the Constitution. They feared the power of kings, and the power of the many.

They embarked on a new road, one never before traveled, to protect them from the power of a king, and the emotions of the mob. A Republic of We the People, but governed by the few (i.e. the Electoral College [to protect the smaller states,] and the legislature in each state to senators).

Thus, we were a hybrid, a democratic republic, some thing the right wing has redefined as a constitutional republic in their quest to create a Plutocracy.

Let's give Ryan, McConnell and Trump credit, they have done what our military opponents failed to do, destroy the greatest experiment in self government and individual freedom which had survived for over two centuries.

A coup which will harm the many and protect the few. Welcome to Russia West.
Both parties exploit.

It's why congresses ratings are so low.
People are tired of it.
They want things that work.
Maybe all of congress needs that native American talking stick. :)

'Wrong. Congress fails when the leadership is solely focused on their job and their party, and forget Congress exists to follow the vision and mission statement, below:

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
No once can offer and prove that McConnell or Ryan have We the People in their hearts and minds, given their total lack of vision for our country. They are both focused on keeping the power they have by kissing the ass and doing the bidding of the power elite; i.e., global corporations, Wall Street, Big Pharma, Big Insurance, Big Banks and Billionaires.
DODGE! Just because Prop 8 might have been about some personal freedom doesn't invalidate Darkwind's point. You're all for winner take all when it suits you, but if you're the loser from it suddenly you're on the side of 1 man (judge) overrulling the votes of millions of people.

Oh the irony - yes, we need to give the 200,000 registered voters in Wyoming at least ten times the voice of the 18 million registered voters in California.

Electoral College is 'vestige' of slavery, say some Constitutional scholars
Yes, The Electoral College Really Is A Vestige Of Slavery. It's Time To Get Rid Of It.

Wyoming has 3 electoral votes. California has 55.

Yep. Congrats, you can count.

California has 10% + of the entire nation's population. Do you have a point?
That in California your vote isn't worth what it is in Wyoming. You should read more before posting.

Urban Usurpation

People in Wyoming each take care of more of our land. If you remove ranchers and farmers, you could have a hundred times as many votes, but you'd starve.

[sarcasm to follow] When the Democrats tax the shit out of your farms and ranches, and take away your guns, the bison will return along with the wolves and grizzlies who will make sure people like you keep their distance.

The Plains Indian Tribes will leave our urban centers and government reservations to re establish their rightful claim to the land in the former Wyoming Territory, and the ranchers, farmers and people like you will not be welcome in the civilized cities on the east and west coasts. In fact the governors of the blue states will deny entry to anyone coming from regions of the lower 48 as undesirable.

The above is a fictionalized story based on Trump&Co. Those persons identifying themselves as the victims in the sarcastic piece, are fictions themselves and not to be confused with real human beings or animals names in the story.
Democrats have demonized latinos and Cubans? Odd, I remember it was Trump calling Mexicans rapists. And taking a fiercely anti-immigrant stance.

I'm pretty sure that latinos (and blacks, jews, Asians, women) have broken the conservative 'code'.
Neither calling SOME Mexicans rapists (which some are), or having a fierecly anti-immigrant stance is demonizing latinos.
'Wrong. Congress fails when the leadership is solely focused on their job and their party, and forget Congress exists to follow the vision and mission statement, below:

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
No once can offer and prove that McConnell or Ryan have We the People in their hearts and minds, given their total lack of vision for our country. They are both focused on keeping the power they have by kissing the ass and doing the bidding of the power elite; i.e., global corporations, Wall Street, Big Pharma, Big Insurance, Big Banks and Billionaires.
So let's replace them with Tom Cotton and Steve Bannon. :biggrin:
Democrats have demonized latinos and Cubans? Odd, I remember it was Trump calling Mexicans rapists. And taking a fiercely anti-immigrant stance.

I'm pretty sure that latinos (and blacks, jews, Asians, women) have broken the conservative 'code'.
Neither calling SOME Mexicans rapists (which some are), or having a fierecly anti-immigrant stance is demonizing latinos.

And the anti-immigrant commit is about anti-illegals not all immigrants.
'Wrong. Congress fails when the leadership is solely focused on their job and their party, and forget Congress exists to follow the vision and mission statement, below:

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
No once can offer and prove that McConnell or Ryan have We the People in their hearts and minds, given their total lack of vision for our country. They are both focused on keeping the power they have by kissing the ass and doing the bidding of the power elite; i.e., global corporations, Wall Street, Big Pharma, Big Insurance, Big Banks and Billionaires.
So let's replace them with Tom Cotton and Steve Bannon. :biggrin:

Ideologues on steroids - No Thanks. There are enough kooks like them who put their idea of liberty and freedom before the health and welfare of our citizens.
Ideologues on steroids - No Thanks. There are enough kooks like them who put their idea of liberty and freedom before the health and welfare of our citizens.
That just shows how far detatched you are from what is good for the AMERICAN people. YOU are the "kook".
Ideologues on steroids - No Thanks. There are enough kooks like them who put their idea of liberty and freedom before the health and welfare of our citizens.

That just shows how far detatched you are from what is good for the AMERICAN people. YOU are the "kook".

Anti pragmatic ideologues are good, affordable health care for the many is bad?

Call me a kook, but there is nothing more important in life than good health.
The 2016 election results were finally announced and Hillary had over 2 million more votes than Trump. Due to our system, this was not enough to announce a definitive winner. Therefore the next step was to send the election to the grossly outdated Electoral College System which was supposed to have its own election by special electors from districts throughout the country. The assumption being that the electors would accurately be the voice of the citizens in their districts. The phrase used to describe electors that accurately reflecting the voting of their districts is to call them "faithful" electors, meaning they did not simply chose their own choice of candidates without respect of how the people in their district voted. So the terminology that was used to describe their electors, representatives of districts was "faithful" when they accurately reflect how the people in their district voted. The 2016 Electoral College vote had many "unfaithful" electors that did NOT reflect the voter decisions in their districts. In short, the 2016 Electoral College vote is a huge case in point to abolish the system because the representative "electors" did NOT reflect the voting of their voters in their districts.

We have excellent computers now in 2018 and America is perfectly capable of using the raw vote directly from citizens instead of maintaining an archaic, dysfunctional Electoral College system. 2016 was the perfect example of why the Electoral College system needs to be abolished and election raw votes on computer simply used to calculate who wins and who loses.
The 2016 election results were finally announced and Hillary had over 2 million more votes than Trump. Due to our system, this was not enough to announce a definitive winner. Therefore the next step was to send the election to the grossly outdated Electoral College System which was supposed to have its own election by special electors from districts throughout the country. The assumption being that the electors would accurately be the voice of the citizens in their districts. The phrase used to describe electors that accurately reflecting the voting of their districts is to call them "faithful" electors, meaning they did not simply chose their own choice of candidates without respect of how the people in their district voted. So the terminology that was used to describe their electors, representatives of districts was "faithful" when they accurately reflect how the people in their district voted. The 2016 Electoral College vote had many "unfaithful" electors that did NOT reflect the voter decisions in their districts. In short, the 2016 Electoral College vote is a huge case in point to abolish the system because the representative "electors" did NOT reflect the voting of their voters in their districts.

We have excellent computers now in 2018 and America is perfectly capable of using the raw vote directly from citizens instead of maintaining an archaic, dysfunctional Electoral College system. 2016 was the perfect example of why the Electoral College system needs to be abolished and election raw votes on computer simply used to calculate who wins and who loses.

Which States and Counties voted against the majority of votes?
The 2016 election results were finally announced and Hillary had over 2 million more votes than Trump. Due to our system, this was not enough to announce a definitive winner. Therefore the next step was to send the election to the grossly outdated Electoral College System which was supposed to have its own election by special electors from districts throughout the country. The assumption being that the electors would accurately be the voice of the citizens in their districts. The phrase used to describe electors that accurately reflecting the voting of their districts is to call them "faithful" electors, meaning they did not simply chose their own choice of candidates without respect of how the people in their district voted. So the terminology that was used to describe their electors, representatives of districts was "faithful" when they accurately reflect how the people in their district voted. The 2016 Electoral College vote had many "unfaithful" electors that did NOT reflect the voter decisions in their districts. In short, the 2016 Electoral College vote is a huge case in point to abolish the system because the representative "electors" did NOT reflect the voting of their voters in their districts.

We have excellent computers now in 2018 and America is perfectly capable of using the raw vote directly from citizens instead of maintaining an archaic, dysfunctional Electoral College system. 2016 was the perfect example of why the Electoral College system needs to be abolished and election raw votes on computer simply used to calculate who wins and who loses.

Deport all the illegal aliens, purge all the felon and dead voters from the rolls first, then maybe we can discuss
abolishing the Electoral College.

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