Say NO to the Popular Vote

So how does the lesser populated areas in ideology get represented for our Presidents if the EC was gone?

They have plenty of representation on the local and state level -
Additionally they gerrymandered the holy hell out things in 2010 and are overrepresented in the House.
AND they have the same two senators states 10-60 times their population have.
DODGE! Just because Prop 8 might have been about some personal freedom doesn't invalidate Darkwind's point. You're all for winner take all when it suits you, but if you're the loser from it suddenly you're on the side of 1 man (judge) overrulling the votes of millions of people.

Oh the irony - yes, we need to give the 200,000 registered voters in Wyoming at least ten times the voice of the 18 million registered voters in California.

Electoral College is 'vestige' of slavery, say some Constitutional scholars
Yes, The Electoral College Really Is A Vestige Of Slavery. It's Time To Get Rid Of It.
The people of Wyoming don't vote for the president, Einstein. The state of Wyoming does.

And even if they did, an individual's vote in Wyoming wouldn't count for any more than an individual's vote in California would.

We could keep the electoral college, and yet require the voter's in the electoral college to reflect the percentage of the vote in each state. For example, in CA HRC won 61.5% of the vote, and Trump 31.5, so 61 & 31 of the electoral college from CA ought to represent the vote in CA. And in Texas, 52.2 voted for Trump, and 43.2 voted for HRC. Thus, the EC from TX ought to have 52 for trump, and 43 for Clinton.

The balance of the votes should go to the percentage greater than one to minor party candidates.

That still is not fair for each states individual counties which differ in ideologies.

That was created by gerrymandering. Have you ever looked at the jigsaw shape of districts created by the GOP after their victory in the 2010 election?
I don't know if if it's correct or not, but I just saw a graphic on TV claiming that 68% of Americans favor abolishing the electoral college, and shifting to the popular vote. It said 89% of these were Democrats, and 46% Republicans.

I can easily see why 89% of Democrats favor the popular vote, but there is no reason for Republicans to choose it. The % of Republicans wanting the popular vote should be ZERO. The popular vote campaign is nothing but a ploy by Democrats to jam as many foreigners into the US as they can, legal or illegal, give their kids born here birthright citizenship, give them welfare benefits$$, and then protect them in sanctuary cities.

Why ? Becasue in return for this irresponsible recklessness, the immigrants then all VOTE DEMOCRAT. The idea is to bring in millions of these dirtbags from every hellhole country in the world, stack up the states with them and their Democrat VOTES, and eradicate the Repubican Party forever. The electoral college is exactly what PROTECTS us from just this sort of thing.

So for all those Republicans in the 46% (if the poll is true), who are OK with disposing of the electoral college, please get your heads out of your asses, and not fall for this Democrat scam job to destroy your party, and dump nutjob leftist ideology on the country, with no end to it.
Shows Show Only the Shallow

The four candidates on the Right in 2016 got more popular votes than hillary and jillary. If we had the automatic runoff, Trump would have won the PV too. The Rightist media won't bring that up as a talking point because the hired press wants everybody to vote for the duopoly.
Of course Republicans don't want to abolish the electoral college. They would never win another election if we got rid of it.

No other free nation on Earth has such a system. The majority is supposed to decide who runs their country . The will of the people. The electoral system takes the will of the people away.
So, you supported Prop 8 in California where the will of the people was to determine that marriage was between one man and one woman, right? You thought that the courts should not have overturned a clear majority vote win, right?

We're talking apple and oranges here. We're discussing how our leaders are elected. The issue with prop 8 was that it infringed upon personal freedoms. It's like how people in the south would've preferred to keep segregation but they it was discrimination.

Electing a leader isn't going to infringe upon someone's personal rights.
you mean like getting to determine who you choose to do business with?
or that you must allow men to pee in the ladies room?
or that guns are under attack and if they can't get those, ban bullets?

you mean rights like those would never be lost depending on who was in office?

You're comparing civil rights legislation with electing a leader. Those are two separate things. You cannot compare the two.
i would ask what the hell you're talking about but i'm afraid you'd tell me.

This is also why Democrats want to keep bringing in illegals and legalize them over time. Although they already have illegals voting fraudulently for them in every election. They could care less about them, just as they turned their backs on all the Democrat caused genocides (such as Syria) in the world. All these scumbags want is the votes, which would give them the power to transform the country into a psuedo-communist shithole such as Venezuela.

Not only do they not care about illegals, the Left doesn't give a shit about the country either, actually they hate America and have a "unique" take on its history.

A biddable kool-aid drinker ^^^

Q. Is he as dumb as he seems, or is he an agent provocateur

NOTE: Vote now, but your vote may not count, we employ a system we call the electoral college, and we will select each member of the college based on gerrymandered considerations.
Yup, a "dumb" man who bested 17 establishment republican candidates with name recognition, then went on to beat crooked Hillary who spent billions more and had the FBI, the CIA, and the corrupt media in her back pocket.

Yep, a biddable and dumb man, who once again in this ^^^ post demonstrated how easily he has been led by The Donald, and another man (mostly men) who echo the propaganda which fills the Internet, AM Radio and Faux News.

As I posted, democracy requires an informed populace, sadly 35% are not informed and incapable of sagacious thinking.
Why do you keep whining about my posts and instead address the fallacies in your claim that Trump is a "dumb man".

Typical Leftwing nut, can't handle the truth so they erupt into hissy fits when confronted with the reality that if anything, Trump is a brilliant man and a genius.

Unless you think winning the presidency under the circumstances that he did is no biggie.
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This is also why Democrats want to keep bringing in illegals and legalize them over time. Although they already have illegals voting fraudulently for them in every election. They could care less about them, just as they turned their backs on all the Democrat caused genocides (such as Syria) in the world. All these scumbags want is the votes, which would give them the power to transform the country into a psuedo-communist shithole such as Venezuela.

Not only do they not care about illegals, the Left doesn't give a shit about the country either, actually they hate America and have a "unique" take on its history.

A biddable kool-aid drinker ^^^

Q. Is he as dumb as he seems, or is he an agent provocateur

NOTE: Vote now, but your vote may not count, we employ a system we call the electoral college, and we will select each member of the college based on gerrymandered considerations.
Yup, a "dumb" man who bested 17 establishment republican candidates with name recognition, then went on to beat crooked Hillary who spent billions more and had the FBI, the CIA, and the corrupt media in her back pocket.

Yep, a biddable and dumb man, who once again in this ^^^ post demonstrated how easily he has been led by The Donald, and another man (mostly men) who echo the propaganda which fills the Internet, AM Radio and Faux News.

As I posted, democracy requires an informed populace, sadly 35% are not informed and incapable of sagacious thinking.
Why do you keep whining about my posts and address the fallacies in your claim that Trump is a "dumb man".

Typical Leftwing nut, can't handle the truth so they erupt into hissy fits when confronted with the reality that if anything, Trump is a brilliant genius.

Unless you think winning the presidency under the circumstances that he did is no biggie.

Trump is a salesman, and like most aggressive salesmen he attacks competitors, tells his audience what they want to hear, and bullies those who don't kiss his ass.

Some of us don't like bullies, and have the balls and facts to put them in their place. Trump belongs in a used car lot, where legit dealerships get rid of the lemons.

That you believe Trump is a genius, tells me much more about your level of intelligence than about his.
DODGE! Just because Prop 8 might have been about some personal freedom doesn't invalidate Darkwind's point. You're all for winner take all when it suits you, but if you're the loser from it suddenly you're on the side of 1 man (judge) overrulling the votes of millions of people.

Oh the irony - yes, we need to give the 200,000 registered voters in Wyoming at least ten times the voice of the 18 million registered voters in California.

Electoral College is 'vestige' of slavery, say some Constitutional scholars
Yes, The Electoral College Really Is A Vestige Of Slavery. It's Time To Get Rid Of It.

No better way to make an uninformed, partisan argument FOR the popular vote than to tie it to race and slavery. LOL
It's always racism, sexism, slavery, sexism, blah blah blah with them. They cannot remove identity politics from any issue.
This is also why Democrats want to keep bringing in illegals and legalize them over time. Although they already have illegals voting fraudulently for them in every election. They could care less about them, just as they turned their backs on all the Democrat caused genocides (such as Syria) in the world. All these scumbags want is the votes, which would give them the power to transform the country into a psuedo-communist shithole such as Venezuela.

Not only do they not care about illegals, the Left doesn't give a shit about the country either, actually they hate America and have a "unique" take on its history.

A biddable kool-aid drinker ^^^

Q. Is he as dumb as he seems, or is he an agent provocateur

NOTE: Vote now, but your vote may not count, we employ a system we call the electoral college, and we will select each member of the college based on gerrymandered considerations.
Yup, a "dumb" man who bested 17 establishment republican candidates with name recognition, then went on to beat crooked Hillary who spent billions more and had the FBI, the CIA, and the corrupt media in her back pocket.

Yep, a biddable and dumb man, who once again in this ^^^ post demonstrated how easily he has been led by The Donald, and another man (mostly men) who echo the propaganda which fills the Internet, AM Radio and Faux News.

As I posted, democracy requires an informed populace, sadly 35% are not informed and incapable of sagacious thinking.
Why do you keep whining about my posts and address the fallacies in your claim that Trump is a "dumb man".

Typical Leftwing nut, can't handle the truth so they erupt into hissy fits when confronted with the reality that if anything, Trump is a brilliant genius.

Unless you think winning the presidency under the circumstances that he did is no biggie.

Trump is a salesman, and like most aggressive salesmen he attacks competitors, tells his audience what they want to hear, and bullies those who don't kiss his ass.

Some of us don't like bullies, and have the balls and facts to put them in their place. Trump belongs in a used car lot, where legit dealerships get rid of the lemons.

That you believe Trump is a genius, tells me much more about your level of intelligence than about his.
Everybody is a "salesman" of sorts, you dumbass! Your posts shows just how much you know about life and how unhinged from reality you are. Even a doctor or an attorney is "selling" their competence and skills in the services they offer. You want a raise, you have to sell it to your boss, and so on and so forth.

Trump is saving the country from the destruction and havoc of the last eight years of radical liberal policies. Your crooked Hillary is a horrible salesman and one of the most disliked people on the planet, who belongs in prison. Even the Democrats who voted for her held their noses.
I don't know if if it's correct or not, but I just saw a graphic on TV claiming that 68% of Americans favor abolishing the electoral college, and shifting to the popular vote. It said 89% of these were Democrats, and 46% Republicans.

I can easily see why 89% of Democrats favor the popular vote, but there is no reason for Republicans to choose it. The % of Republicans wanting the popular vote should be ZERO. The popular vote campaign is nothing but a ploy by Democrats to jam as many foreigners into the US as they can, legal or illegal, give their kids born here birthright citizenship, give them welfare benefits$$, and then protect them in sanctuary cities.

Why ? Becasue in return for this irresponsible recklessness, the immigrants then all VOTE DEMOCRAT. The idea is to bring in millions of these dirtbags from every hellhole country in the world, stack up the states with them and their Democrat VOTES, and eradicate the Repubican Party forever. The electoral college is exactly what PROTECTS us from just this sort of thing.

So for all those Republicans in the 46% (if the poll is true), who are OK with disposing of the electoral college, please get your heads out of your asses, and not fall for this Democrat scam job to destroy your party, and dump nutjob leftist ideology on the country, with no end to it.
Shows Show Only the Shallow

The four candidates on the Right in 2016 got more popular votes than hillary and jillary. If we had the automatic runoff, Trump would have won the PV too. The Rightist media won't bring that up as a talking point because the hired press wants everybody to vote for the duopoly.


United States third-party and independent presidential candidates, 2016 - Wikipedia

Do you count the Libertarian Party as one on the Right? How about the Greens?
Trump is a salesman, and like most aggressive salesmen he attacks competitors, tells his audience what they want to hear, and bullies those who don't kiss his ass.

Some of us don't like bullies, and have the balls and facts to put them in their place. Trump belongs in a used car lot, where legit dealerships get rid of the lemons.

That you believe Trump is a genius, tells me much more about your level of intelligence than about his.

As a lifelong S&M professional (Sales & Marketing not .. well you know ;-) - Gotta be SOMEWHAT simpatico with Roudy on this one. He's right, everyone is a salesman in some manner or another.

Some are good, some are bad - The good ones are ethical, others are not.

Trump is an unethical sales person, entitled by Daddy Fred and who's a certifiable FAILURE in business and at sales an yet perfected the Art of the STEAL.

There are strong, ethical salespeople in this world - I count myself among them. And then there are Tin Men. Trump is a Tin Man.

Trump is a salesman, and like most aggressive salesmen he attacks competitors, tells his audience what they want to hear, and bullies those who don't kiss his ass.

Some of us don't like bullies, and have the balls and facts to put them in their place. Trump belongs in a used car lot, where legit dealerships get rid of the lemons.

That you believe Trump is a genius, tells me much more about your level of intelligence than about his.

As a lifelong S&M professional (Sales & Marketing not .. well you know ;-) - Gotta be SOMEWHAT simpatico with Roudy on this one. He's right, everyone is a salesman in some manner or another.

Some are good, some are bad - The good ones are ethical, others are not.

Trump is an unethical sales person, entitled by Daddy Fred and who's a certifiable FAILURE in business and at sales an yet perfected the Art of the STEAL.

There are strong, ethical salespeople in this world - I count myself among them. And then there are Tin Men. Trump is a Tin Man.

So what does that make Hi-liary the crooked lying thief sponsored by the likes of Soros and Weinstien?
Trump is a salesman, and like most aggressive salesmen he attacks competitors, tells his audience what they want to hear, and bullies those who don't kiss his ass.

Some of us don't like bullies, and have the balls and facts to put them in their place. Trump belongs in a used car lot, where legit dealerships get rid of the lemons.

That you believe Trump is a genius, tells me much more about your level of intelligence than about his.

As a lifelong S&M professional (Sales & Marketing not .. well you know ;-) - Gotta be SOMEWHAT simpatico with Roudy on this one. He's right, everyone is a salesman in some manner or another.

Some are good, some are bad - The good ones are ethical, others are not.

Trump is an unethical sales person, entitled by Daddy Fred and who's a certifiable FAILURE in business and at sales an yet perfected the Art of the STEAL.

There are strong, ethical salespeople in this world - I count myself among them. And then there are Tin Men. Trump is a Tin Man.

I hope a made it clear, that sales and marketing include the good and the bad, and I agree Trump is an example of the bad. We recently had solar panels placed on our roof and had four different companies and sales personnel come to our home and make a pitch. We also has a scratching sound in our walls, and since our home is on a trail used by people, horses, rodents and even the rare coyote we thought "rats!"

We had three bids to rat proof our home, and the bids went from nearly $10,000 to $250.00; The highest wants to put 2-3 inches of cement in our crawl space, without rebar nor tie it into the foundation. We live in Earthquake County - no thanks that would last until the first 3.0 shake.

The solar installer was very professional, not high pressure and provided not only his companies literature, but that of competitors and other details in the public domain on solar, where the panels were made, and how they performed. He didn't offer extras, open his calendar and gave us a date we could expect completion. He also suggested we wait and explore other companies and would keep the completion date for us for two weeks.

After dong our due diligence we called him back and gave him a credit card down payment of the legal 10%; our final payment was not due until the sale person came by a week after the completion date (which they met), to see if we had any questions or problems. We didn't and have been very happy. They even offered to add a 240 outlet for free, after he saw we had purchased a Chevy Bolt.

After the Rat People came in and repaired any opening into our craw space and attic, they baited traps and came back three weeks in a row and did not find any dead rats or droppings. The 10 Grand people showed us pictures of what said showed a rat infestation, we now suspect they had the pictures from other structures. We have a three year work guarantee for the work done for $250.00
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This is also why Democrats want to keep bringing in illegals and legalize them over time. Although they already have illegals voting fraudulently for them in every election. They could care less about them, just as they turned their backs on all the Democrat caused genocides (such as Syria) in the world. All these scumbags want is the votes, which would give them the power to transform the country into a psuedo-communist shithole such as Venezuela.

Not only do they not care about illegals, the Left doesn't give a shit about the country either, actually they hate America and have a "unique" take on its history.

A biddable kool-aid drinker ^^^

Q. Is he as dumb as he seems, or is he an agent provocateur

NOTE: Vote now, but your vote may not count, we employ a system we call the electoral college, and we will select each member of the college based on gerrymandered considerations.
Yup, a "dumb" man who bested 17 establishment republican candidates with name recognition, then went on to beat crooked Hillary who spent billions more and had the FBI, the CIA, and the corrupt media in her back pocket.

Yep, a biddable and dumb man, who once again in this ^^^ post demonstrated how easily he has been led by The Donald, and another man (mostly men) who echo the propaganda which fills the Internet, AM Radio and Faux News.

As I posted, democracy requires an informed populace, sadly 35% are not informed and incapable of sagacious thinking.
Why do you keep whining about my posts and address the fallacies in your claim that Trump is a "dumb man".

Typical Leftwing nut, can't handle the truth so they erupt into hissy fits when confronted with the reality that if anything, Trump is a brilliant genius.

Unless you think winning the presidency under the circumstances that he did is no biggie.

Trump is a salesman, and like most aggressive salesmen he attacks competitors, tells his audience what they want to hear, and bullies those who don't kiss his ass.

Some of us don't like bullies, and have the balls and facts to put them in their place. Trump belongs in a used car lot, where legit dealerships get rid of the lemons.

That you believe Trump is a genius, tells me much more about your level of intelligence than about his.

This is also why Democrats want to keep bringing in illegals and legalize them over time. Although they already have illegals voting fraudulently for them in every election. They could care less about them, just as they turned their backs on all the Democrat caused genocides (such as Syria) in the world. All these scumbags want is the votes, which would give them the power to transform the country into a psuedo-communist shithole such as Venezuela.

Not only do they not care about illegals, the Left doesn't give a shit about the country either, actually they hate America and have a "unique" take on its history.

A biddable kool-aid drinker ^^^

Q. Is he as dumb as he seems, or is he an agent provocateur

NOTE: Vote now, but your vote may not count, we employ a system we call the electoral college, and we will select each member of the college based on gerrymandered considerations.
Yup, a "dumb" man who bested 17 establishment republican candidates with name recognition, then went on to beat crooked Hillary who spent billions more and had the FBI, the CIA, and the corrupt media in her back pocket.

Yep, a biddable and dumb man, who once again in this ^^^ post demonstrated how easily he has been led by The Donald, and another man (mostly men) who echo the propaganda which fills the Internet, AM Radio and Faux News.

As I posted, democracy requires an informed populace, sadly 35% are not informed and incapable of sagacious thinking.
Why do you keep whining about my posts and address the fallacies in your claim that Trump is a "dumb man".

Typical Leftwing nut, can't handle the truth so they erupt into hissy fits when confronted with the reality that if anything, Trump is a brilliant genius.

Unless you think winning the presidency under the circumstances that he did is no biggie.

Trump is a salesman, and like most aggressive salesmen he attacks competitors, tells his audience what they want to hear, and bullies those who don't kiss his ass.

Some of us don't like bullies, and have the balls and facts to put them in their place. Trump belongs in a used car lot, where legit dealerships get rid of the lemons.

That you believe Trump is a genius, tells me much more about your level of intelligence than about his.

Sounds more like the Barrypuppet and the Hildebeast to me....empty-suited bullies that abused their power to illegally spy on their enemies and those that were a potential threat to their commie agenda. No one is more jaded than I am about the political system of this corporate entity (which it most certainly is) but I'll be damned if President Trump hasn't surprised the living shit out of me by doing what he said he would do....and that pisses off the leftard clown posse to the 10th degree. It's gonna get worse for the DNC once the memo is released. Combine that with the Wikileaks revelations? How anyone could remain a dem will only show that they have no morals and the ends justifies the means.
We could keep the electoral college, and yet require the voter's in the electoral college to reflect the percentage of the vote in each state. For example, in CA HRC won 61.5% of the vote, and Trump 31.5, so 61 & 31 of the electoral college from CA ought to represent the vote in CA. And in Texas, 52.2 voted for Trump, and 43.2 voted for HRC. Thus, the EC from TX ought to have 52 for trump, and 43 for Clinton.

The balance of the votes should go to the percentage greater than one to minor party candidates.

Great plan to bell the cat.

Now all you have to do is get it passed as a CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT.

REJECT any attempt for your State to pass the National Popular Vote proposal. It is an end run around our Constitution's provision for the Electoral College. If 37 Ststes pass it, then our Presidential elections will be decided by 5 boroughs around New York City and Los Angeles. My vote in Iowa will be meaningless because no matter who our State's majority votes for, our Electoral Votes will be given to the candidate with the most popular votes.

This would mean Hillary would be our President. Wisconsin's votes would be given to Hillary as well. Hilary would have 535 EC votes to Trump's 0. That makes no fucking sense. This is an abomination! Protect the integrity of your vote. Insist your State legislatures and/or Governors REJECT NPV.
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I don't know if if it's correct or not, but I just saw a graphic on TV claiming that 68% of Americans favor abolishing the electoral college, and shifting to the popular vote. It said 89% of these were Democrats, and 46% Republicans.

I can easily see why 89% of Democrats favor the popular vote, but there is no reason for Republicans to choose it. The % of Republicans wanting the popular vote should be ZERO. The popular vote campaign is nothing but a ploy by Democrats to jam as many foreigners into the US as they can, legal or illegal, give their kids born here birthright citizenship, give them welfare benefits$$, and then protect them in sanctuary cities.

Why ? Becasue in return for this irresponsible recklessness, the immigrants then all VOTE DEMOCRAT. The idea is to bring in millions of these dirtbags from every hellhole country in the world, stack up the states with them and their Democrat VOTES, and eradicate the Repubican Party forever. The electoral college is exactly what PROTECTS us from just this sort of thing.

So for all those Republicans in the 46% (if the poll is true), who are OK with disposing of the electoral college, please get your heads out of your asses, and not fall for this Democrat scam job to destroy your party, and dump nutjob leftist ideology on the country, with no end to it.
Cut ties with the neo-Nazis and all the other hate groups and maybe they`ll vote Republican. Anyway, are there other countries where the #2 vote getter wins the election?

Seriuosly. Immigrants from Mexico and central American should be ideal republican recruits if conservatives actually believed in what they claim to. The immigrants tend to be fiercely religious, socially conservative, unreceptive to LGBT issues, entrepreneurial, and hard working.

Alas, the *actual* conservative ideology carries with it a fierce strain of white supremacy. Which is why latino immigrants generally don't gravitate toward it.

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