Say NO to the Popular Vote

I don't know if if it's correct or not, but I just saw a graphic on TV claiming that 68% of Americans favor abolishing the electoral college, and shifting to the popular vote. It said 89% of these were Democrats, and 46% Republicans.

I can easily see why 89% of Democrats favor the popular vote, but there is no reason for Republicans to choose it. The % of Republicans wanting the popular vote should be ZERO. The popular vote campaign is nothing but a ploy by Democrats to jam as many foreigners into the US as they can, legal or illegal, give their kids born here birthright citizenship, give them welfare benefits$$, and then protect them in sanctuary cities.

Why ? Becasue in return for this irresponsible recklessness, the immigrants then all VOTE DEMOCRAT. The idea is to bring in millions of these dirtbags from every hellhole country in the world, stack up the states with them and their Democrat VOTES, and eradicate the Repubican Party forever. The electoral college is exactly what PROTECTS us from just this sort of thing.

So for all those Republicans in the 46% (if the poll is true), who are OK with disposing of the electoral college, please get your heads out of your asses, and not fall for this Democrat scam job to destroy your party, and dump nutjob leftist ideology on the country, with no end to it.
Cut ties with the neo-Nazis and all the other hate groups and maybe they`ll vote Republican. Anyway, are there other countries where the #2 vote getter wins the election?

Seriuosly. Immigrants from Mexico and central American should be ideal republican recruits if conservatives actually believed in what they claim to. The immigrants tend to be fiercely religious, socially conservative, unreceptive to LGBT issues, entrepreneurial, and hard working.

Alas, the *actual* conservative ideology carries with it a fierce strain of white supremacy. Which is why latino immigrants generally don't gravitate toward it.
You're right, most Latinos and especially Cubans are a perfect fit for republican values. However, the Democrats have brainwashed and demonized the community so much, it might take a few years of detox to wake them up and help them realize that Democrats have actually been screwing them royally for decades, just to get their votes while only giving them lip service, as they have many other communities such as they have with Blacks.
I don't know if if it's correct or not, but I just saw a graphic on TV claiming that 68% of Americans favor abolishing the electoral college, and shifting to the popular vote. It said 89% of these were Democrats, and 46% Republicans.

I can easily see why 89% of Democrats favor the popular vote, but there is no reason for Republicans to choose it. The % of Republicans wanting the popular vote should be ZERO. The popular vote campaign is nothing but a ploy by Democrats to jam as many foreigners into the US as they can, legal or illegal, give their kids born here birthright citizenship, give them welfare benefits$$, and then protect them in sanctuary cities.

Why ? Becasue in return for this irresponsible recklessness, the immigrants then all VOTE DEMOCRAT. The idea is to bring in millions of these dirtbags from every hellhole country in the world, stack up the states with them and their Democrat VOTES, and eradicate the Repubican Party forever. The electoral college is exactly what PROTECTS us from just this sort of thing.

So for all those Republicans in the 46% (if the poll is true), who are OK with disposing of the electoral college, please get your heads out of your asses, and not fall for this Democrat scam job to destroy your party, and dump nutjob leftist ideology on the country, with no end to it.
Cut ties with the neo-Nazis and all the other hate groups and maybe they`ll vote Republican. Anyway, are there other countries where the #2 vote getter wins the election?

Seriuosly. Immigrants from Mexico and central American should be ideal republican recruits if conservatives actually believed in what they claim to. The immigrants tend to be fiercely religious, socially conservative, unreceptive to LGBT issues, entrepreneurial, and hard working.

Alas, the *actual* conservative ideology carries with it a fierce strain of white supremacy. Which is why latino immigrants generally don't gravitate toward it.
You're right, most Latinos and especially Cubans are a perfect fit for republican values. However, the Democrats have brainwashed and demonized the community so much, that it might take a few years of detox to wake them up and allow them to realize that Democrats have actually been screwing them royally just to get their votes while only giving them lip service, as they have many other communities such as they have with Blacks for decades.

Democrats have demonized latinos and Cubans? Odd, I remember it was Trump calling Mexicans rapists. And taking a fiercely anti-immigrant stance.

I'm pretty sure that latinos (and blacks, jews, Asians, women) have broken the conservative 'code'.
I don't know if if it's correct or not, but I just saw a graphic on TV claiming that 68% of Americans favor abolishing the electoral college, and shifting to the popular vote. It said 89% of these were Democrats, and 46% Republicans.

I can easily see why 89% of Democrats favor the popular vote, but there is no reason for Republicans to choose it. The % of Republicans wanting the popular vote should be ZERO. The popular vote campaign is nothing but a ploy by Democrats to jam as many foreigners into the US as they can, legal or illegal, give their kids born here birthright citizenship, give them welfare benefits$$, and then protect them in sanctuary cities.

Why ? Becasue in return for this irresponsible recklessness, the immigrants then all VOTE DEMOCRAT. The idea is to bring in millions of these dirtbags from every hellhole country in the world, stack up the states with them and their Democrat VOTES, and eradicate the Repubican Party forever. The electoral college is exactly what PROTECTS us from just this sort of thing.

So for all those Republicans in the 46% (if the poll is true), who are OK with disposing of the electoral college, please get your heads out of your asses, and not fall for this Democrat scam job to destroy your party, and dump nutjob leftist ideology on the country, with no end to it.
Cut ties with the neo-Nazis and all the other hate groups and maybe they`ll vote Republican. Anyway, are there other countries where the #2 vote getter wins the election?

Seriuosly. Immigrants from Mexico and central American should be ideal republican recruits if conservatives actually believed in what they claim to. The immigrants tend to be fiercely religious, socially conservative, unreceptive to LGBT issues, entrepreneurial, and hard working.

Alas, the *actual* conservative ideology carries with it a fierce strain of white supremacy. Which is why latino immigrants generally don't gravitate toward it.
You're right, most Latinos and especially Cubans are a perfect fit for republican values. However, the Democrats have brainwashed and demonized the community so much, that it might take a few years of detox to wake them up and allow them to realize that Democrats have actually been screwing them royally just to get their votes while only giving them lip service, as they have many other communities such as they have with Blacks for decades.

Democrats have demonized latinos and Cubans? Odd, I remember it was Trump calling Mexicans rapists. And taking a fiercely anti-immigrant stance.

I'm pretty sure that latinos (and blacks, jews, Asians, women) have broken the conservative 'code'.
Democrats have demonized republicans as racists and sexists. Every single republican candidate, including the much admired anti Trump Leftie favorites today McCain and Romney were labeled as a racist and sexist by the crooked media and those directing them from the Democrat party Pravda HQ.
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I don't know if if it's correct or not, but I just saw a graphic on TV claiming that 68% of Americans favor abolishing the electoral college, and shifting to the popular vote. It said 89% of these were Democrats, and 46% Republicans.

I can easily see why 89% of Democrats favor the popular vote, but there is no reason for Republicans to choose it. The % of Republicans wanting the popular vote should be ZERO. The popular vote campaign is nothing but a ploy by Democrats to jam as many foreigners into the US as they can, legal or illegal, give their kids born here birthright citizenship, give them welfare benefits$$, and then protect them in sanctuary cities.

Why ? Becasue in return for this irresponsible recklessness, the immigrants then all VOTE DEMOCRAT. The idea is to bring in millions of these dirtbags from every hellhole country in the world, stack up the states with them and their Democrat VOTES, and eradicate the Repubican Party forever. The electoral college is exactly what PROTECTS us from just this sort of thing.

So for all those Republicans in the 46% (if the poll is true), who are OK with disposing of the electoral college, please get your heads out of your asses, and not fall for this Democrat scam job to destroy your party, and dump nutjob leftist ideology on the country, with no end to it.
Cut ties with the neo-Nazis and all the other hate groups and maybe they`ll vote Republican. Anyway, are there other countries where the #2 vote getter wins the election?

Seriuosly. Immigrants from Mexico and central American should be ideal republican recruits if conservatives actually believed in what they claim to. The immigrants tend to be fiercely religious, socially conservative, unreceptive to LGBT issues, entrepreneurial, and hard working.

Alas, the *actual* conservative ideology carries with it a fierce strain of white supremacy. Which is why latino immigrants generally don't gravitate toward it.
You're right, most Latinos and especially Cubans are a perfect fit for republican values. However, the Democrats have brainwashed and demonized the community so much, that it might take a few years of detox to wake them up and allow them to realize that Democrats have actually been screwing them royally just to get their votes while only giving them lip service, as they have many other communities such as they have with Blacks for decades.

Democrats have demonized latinos and Cubans? Odd, I remember it was Trump calling Mexicans rapists. And taking a fiercely anti-immigrant stance.

I'm pretty sure that latinos (and blacks, jews, Asians, women) have broken the conservative 'code'.
Democrats have demonized republicans as racists and sexists. Every single republican candidate, including the much admired anti Trump Leftie favorites today MC Cain and Romney was labeled as a racist and sexist by the crooked media and those directing them from the Democrat party Pravda HQ.

This is what leftards are protecting.......

I don't know if if it's correct or not, but I just saw a graphic on TV claiming that 68% of Americans favor abolishing the electoral college, and shifting to the popular vote. It said 89% of these were Democrats, and 46% Republicans.

I can easily see why 89% of Democrats favor the popular vote, but there is no reason for Republicans to choose it. The % of Republicans wanting the popular vote should be ZERO. The popular vote campaign is nothing but a ploy by Democrats to jam as many foreigners into the US as they can, legal or illegal, give their kids born here birthright citizenship, give them welfare benefits$$, and then protect them in sanctuary cities.

Why ? Becasue in return for this irresponsible recklessness, the immigrants then all VOTE DEMOCRAT. The idea is to bring in millions of these dirtbags from every hellhole country in the world, stack up the states with them and their Democrat VOTES, and eradicate the Repubican Party forever. The electoral college is exactly what PROTECTS us from just this sort of thing.

So for all those Republicans in the 46% (if the poll is true), who are OK with disposing of the electoral college, please get your heads out of your asses, and not fall for this Democrat scam job to destroy your party, and dump nutjob leftist ideology on the country, with no end to it.
Cut ties with the neo-Nazis and all the other hate groups and maybe they`ll vote Republican. Anyway, are there other countries where the #2 vote getter wins the election?

Seriuosly. Immigrants from Mexico and central American should be ideal republican recruits if conservatives actually believed in what they claim to. The immigrants tend to be fiercely religious, socially conservative, unreceptive to LGBT issues, entrepreneurial, and hard working.

Alas, the *actual* conservative ideology carries with it a fierce strain of white supremacy. Which is why latino immigrants generally don't gravitate toward it.
You're right, most Latinos and especially Cubans are a perfect fit for republican values. However, the Democrats have brainwashed and demonized the community so much, that it might take a few years of detox to wake them up and allow them to realize that Democrats have actually been screwing them royally just to get their votes while only giving them lip service, as they have many other communities such as they have with Blacks for decades.

Democrats have demonized latinos and Cubans? Odd, I remember it was Trump calling Mexicans rapists. And taking a fiercely anti-immigrant stance.

I'm pretty sure that latinos (and blacks, jews, Asians, women) have broken the conservative 'code'.
Democrats have demonized republicans as racists and sexists. Every single republican candidate, including the much admired anti Trump Leftie favorites today MC Cain and Romney was labeled as a racist and sexist by the crooked media and those directing them from the Democrat party Pravda HQ.

So Trump *didn't* call Mexicans Rapists?

Congressman King *didn't* argue that you 'cannot build your civilization with someone else's babies'?

Trump didn't imply that a judge couldn't be impartial 'because he was Mexican'?

Congressman King *didn't* ask what non-whites have done for civilization?

King didn't describe candidate Obama as 'very, very urban'?

Trump *didn't* lie about knowing who David Duke was to avoid criticizing him?

The White Supremacists who stormed Charlottesville didn't say that they were there to enact Trump's agenda?

Trump *didn't* call African nations and Haiti a 'shit hole'?

So Trump *didn't* call Mexicans Rapists? Here we go with the Democrat bullshit talking points, he didn't call ALL Mexicans rapists, he said some of them are rapists and criminals, and there is no denial that they are. Why should we take in large groups of illegals, some of which end up being criminals and living off our tax paying funded social welfare programs?

Trump didn't imply that a judge couldn't be impartial 'because he was Mexican'? Why can Dems say a White jury cannot be impartial towards blacks but Trump cannot state his opinion about a judges impartiality?

King didn't describe candidate Obama as 'very, very urban'? Didn't Carson also allude to the fact that Obama's childhood and upbringing was not typical of most blacks? Yes, Obama was an anti American socialist raised by his white side, who used his black background as an excuse to get into schools and other positions of power.

Trump *didn't* lie about knowing who David Duke was to avoid criticizing him? No, he trashed Duke a decade ago.

The White Supremacists who stormed Charlottesville didn't say that they were there to enact Trump's agenda? Who cares, didn't Islamists celebrate Obama's election? Charlottesville is another Leftwing concocted news event. You had two racist hate groups Antifa and Neo Nazis, show up for a fight (and they did), and then there were regular decent citizens on both sides of the isle who were there to protest either the stay or removal of the statues. And those are the people Trump was alluding to as "nice".

Trump *didn't* call African nations and Haiti a 'shit hole'? We don't know because there are denials from people who were present in the room, and the senator who made those claims has a history of lying about meetings. But even if he did, so what, Haiti is a shithole. Why don't we tend to the shitholes we already have in our own country, rather than trying to fix other shitholes abroad. Makes perfect sense.

Really? Yes, really. No go have your Leftwing hissyfit.
There are 5 children, 3 boys and 2 girls. The boys vote to rape the girls.

Democracy in action.

Which proves once again that democracy has flaws, but it is the best form of government yet created.

An informed population, able to discern right from wrong and how to cast their vote in the best interest of society as a whole, is necessary and sufficient to prevent such discrimination.

Which is why the right wing hates progressives, liberals, Democrats and democracy.

Say what? If we had a democracy women would still not have the right to vote
Of course Republicans don't want to abolish the electoral college. They would never win another election if we got rid of it.

No other free nation on Earth has such a system. The majority is supposed to decide who runs their country . The will of the people. The electoral system takes the will of the people away.
So, you supported Prop 8 in California where the will of the people was to determine that marriage was between one man and one woman, right? You thought that the courts should not have overturned a clear majority vote win, right?

We're talking apple and oranges here. We're discussing how our leaders are elected. The issue with prop 8 was that it infringed upon personal freedoms. It's like how people in the south would've preferred to keep segregation but they it was discrimination.

Electing a leader isn't going to infringe upon someone's personal rights.

Yes it is , Obama tried to take away my rights by trying to force me to buy something I didn't want to buy.
So Trump *didn't* call Mexicans Rapists? Here we go with the Democrat bullshit talking points, he didn't call ALL Mexicans rapists, he said some of them are rapists and criminals, and there is no denial that they are. Why should we take in large groups of illegals, some of which end up being criminals and living off our tax paying funded social welfare programs?

Here's Trump's quote:

When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.

Donald Trump

You're insisting that no Mexican should take offense at that? Mexico did. Mexicans did. Why would I ignore them....and instead pretend that you speak for them? Or should?

Trump didn't imply that a judge couldn't be impartial 'because he was Mexican'? Why can Dems say a White jury cannot be impartial towards blacks but Trump cannot state his opinion about a judges impartiality?

So you don't deny that Trump insisted a judge couldn't be impartial 'because he was mexican'. That's progress.

King didn't describe candidate Obama as 'very, very urban'? Didn't Carson also allude to the fact that Obama's childhood and upbringing was not typical of most blacks? Yes, Obama was an anti American socialist raised by his white side, who used his black background as an excuse to get into schools and other positions of power.

Yeah, I think the black folks broke the conservative code for 'very, very urban'. Oh, and I noticed you wouldn't touch King's remark that you can't 'rebuild your civilization with someone else's babies' or asking what 'non-whites did for civilization.

Your rout on both quotes is well noted.

Trump *didn't* lie about knowing who David Duke was to avoid criticizing him? No, he trashed Duke a decade ago.

And yet in 2016....Trump claimed not to know anything about David Duke.
"Well, just so you understand, I don’t know anything about David Duke. Okay? I don’t know anything about what you’re even talking about with white supremacy or white supremacists. So, I don’t know. I don’t know, did he endorse me or what’s going on, because, you know, I know nothing about David Duke. I know nothing about white supremacists. And so you’re asking me a question that I’m supposed to be talking about people that I know nothing about.”

Donald Trump

So if Trump was 'trashing Duke a decade ago', why would Trump pretend he didn't know anything about David Duke in 2016? Simple: he didn't want to alienate the White Supremacist vote.

Which was reaffirmed by Trump's abysmal response to Charlottesville, one condemned from both sides of the aisle.

The White Supremacists who stormed Charlottesville didn't say that they were there to enact Trump's agenda? Who cares, didn't Islamists celebrate Obama's election?

Simple....because Trump lied to avoid criticizing David Duke who himself was at the rally.

Over and over and over again, Republicans and Trump demonstrate that the labels being applied them are well suited.
I just did the math on registered voters. If Wyoming has three, then California should have NINETY.
Why ?

Because one man should equal one vote not 1.6 - Duh?

So how does the lesser populated areas in ideology get represented for our Presidents if the EC was gone?

Well, you don't anyway. The wedge issue (god, guns, gays, taxes, abortion) are the dominant themes in much of the rural areas (correct me if I'm wrong) and the Republican Party's lips provide them comfort, but what have they done to effectively satisfy social conservatives or the neofascists (and don't deny they don't exist and are not native born citizens).
I don't know if if it's correct or not, but I just saw a graphic on TV claiming that 68% of Americans favor abolishing the electoral college, and shifting to the popular vote. It said 89% of these were Democrats, and 46% Republicans.

I can easily see why 89% of Democrats favor the popular vote, but there is no reason for Republicans to choose it. The % of Republicans wanting the popular vote should be ZERO. The popular vote campaign is nothing but a ploy by Democrats to jam as many foreigners into the US as they can, legal or illegal, give their kids born here birthright citizenship, give them welfare benefits$$, and then protect them in sanctuary cities.

Why ? Becasue in return for this irresponsible recklessness, the immigrants then all VOTE DEMOCRAT. The idea is to bring in millions of these dirtbags from every hellhole country in the world, stack up the states with them and their Democrat VOTES, and eradicate the Repubican Party forever. The electoral college is exactly what PROTECTS us from just this sort of thing.

So for all those Republicans in the 46% (if the poll is true), who are OK with disposing of the electoral college, please get your heads out of your asses, and not fall for this Democrat scam job to destroy your party, and dump nutjob leftist ideology on the country, with no end to it.
Cut ties with the neo-Nazis and all the other hate groups and maybe they`ll vote Republican. Anyway, are there other countries where the #2 vote getter wins the election?

Seriuosly. Immigrants from Mexico and central American should be ideal republican recruits if conservatives actually believed in what they claim to. The immigrants tend to be fiercely religious, socially conservative, unreceptive to LGBT issues, entrepreneurial, and hard working.

Alas, the *actual* conservative ideology carries with it a fierce strain of white supremacy. Which is why latino immigrants generally don't gravitate toward it.
Trump got a higher percentage of the latino vote than did Romney.
Seems to me anyone in favor of a popular vote over the electoral college is incredibly naive, uninformed and impulsive with a bit of immaturity.

It does? (^^^). It seems to me that democracy demands it. "We the People", does that ring a bell with you?

The fact is, the Republican Party does not represent "We the People". They're beholden to Global Corporations, Wall Street and the very wealthy, most of whom inherited their wealth. They support, nay, they defend the status quo and would be fine with slavery if the truth be told.

Why would any Christian support the breakup of families by fiat, or the deportation of mothers from their children? Someone needs to ask Pence that question, and not let that mealy mouth hypocrite worm his way around that question.
So Trump *didn't* call Mexicans Rapists? Here we go with the Democrat bullshit talking points, he didn't call ALL Mexicans rapists, he said some of them are rapists and criminals, and there is no denial that they are. Why should we take in large groups of illegals, some of which end up being criminals and living off our tax paying funded social welfare programs?

Here's Trump's quote:

When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.

Donald Trump

You're insisting that no Mexican should take offense at that? Mexico did. Mexicans did. Why would I ignore them....and instead pretend that you speak for them? Or should?

Trump didn't imply that a judge couldn't be impartial 'because he was Mexican'? Why can Dems say a White jury cannot be impartial towards blacks but Trump cannot state his opinion about a judges impartiality?

So you don't deny that Trump insisted a judge couldn't be impartial 'because he was mexican'. That's progress.

King didn't describe candidate Obama as 'very, very urban'? Didn't Carson also allude to the fact that Obama's childhood and upbringing was not typical of most blacks? Yes, Obama was an anti American socialist raised by his white side, who used his black background as an excuse to get into schools and other positions of power.

Yeah, I think the black folks broke the conservative code for 'very, very urban'. Oh, and I noticed you wouldn't touch King's remark that you can't 'rebuild your civilization with someone else's babies' or asking what 'non-whites did for civilization.

Your rout on both quotes is well noted.

Trump *didn't* lie about knowing who David Duke was to avoid criticizing him? No, he trashed Duke a decade ago.

And yet in 2016....Trump claimed not to know anything about David Duke.
"Well, just so you understand, I don’t know anything about David Duke. Okay? I don’t know anything about what you’re even talking about with white supremacy or white supremacists. So, I don’t know. I don’t know, did he endorse me or what’s going on, because, you know, I know nothing about David Duke. I know nothing about white supremacists. And so you’re asking me a question that I’m supposed to be talking about people that I know nothing about.”

Donald Trump

So if Trump was 'trashing Duke a decade ago', why would Trump pretend he didn't know anything about David Duke in 2016? Simple: he didn't want to alienate the White Supremacist vote.

Which was reaffirmed by Trump's abysmal response to Charlottesville, one condemned from both sides of the aisle.

The White Supremacists who stormed Charlottesville didn't say that they were there to enact Trump's agenda? Who cares, didn't Islamists celebrate Obama's election?

Simple....because Trump lied to avoid criticizing David Duke who himself was at the rally.

Over and over and over again, Republicans and Trump demonstrate that the labels being applied them are well suited.
Do you think Mexicans are stupid? Do you think they would send their best and brightest out of the country? What about Cuba, are they stupid? No, they're not.
That's why Castro emptied his prisons and crazy houses during the Mariel Boat lift.
Seems to me anyone in favor of a popular vote over the electoral college is incredibly naive, uninformed and impulsive with a bit of immaturity.

It does? (^^^). It seems to me that democracy demands it. "We the People", does that ring a bell with you?

The fact is, the Republican Party does not represent "We the People". They're beholden to Global Corporations, Wall Street and the very wealthy, most of whom inherited their wealth. They support, nay, they defend the status quo on most issues if the truth be told.

Why would any Christian support the breakup of families by fiat, or the deportation of mothers from their minor children? Someone needs to ask Pence that question, and not let that mealy mouth hypocrite worm his way around that question.

Trump rescinded DACA by fiat, and created the mess which led to the shut down of government. How much more will the American voter take, and how many on the right will continue to defend Trump and Pence, as hateful they have become?
DODGE! Just because Prop 8 might have been about some personal freedom doesn't invalidate Darkwind's point. You're all for winner take all when it suits you, but if you're the loser from it suddenly you're on the side of 1 man (judge) overrulling the votes of millions of people.

Oh the irony - yes, we need to give the 200,000 registered voters in Wyoming at least ten times the voice of the 18 million registered voters in California.

Electoral College is 'vestige' of slavery, say some Constitutional scholars
Yes, The Electoral College Really Is A Vestige Of Slavery. It's Time To Get Rid Of It.

Wyoming has 3 electoral votes. California has 55.

Yep. Congrats, you can count.

California has 10% + of the entire nation's population. Do you have a point?
DODGE! Just because Prop 8 might have been about some personal freedom doesn't invalidate Darkwind's point. You're all for winner take all when it suits you, but if you're the loser from it suddenly you're on the side of 1 man (judge) overrulling the votes of millions of people.

Oh the irony - yes, we need to give the 200,000 registered voters in Wyoming at least ten times the voice of the 18 million registered voters in California.

Electoral College is 'vestige' of slavery, say some Constitutional scholars
Yes, The Electoral College Really Is A Vestige Of Slavery. It's Time To Get Rid Of It.

Wyoming has 3 electoral votes. California has 55.

Yep. Congrats, you can count.

California has 10% + of the entire nation's population. Do you have a point?
That in California your vote isn't worth what it is in Wyoming. You should read more before posting.
I just did the math on registered voters. If Wyoming has three, then California should have NINETY.
Why ?

Because one man should equal one vote not 1.6 - Duh?

So how does the lesser populated areas in ideology get represented for our Presidents if the EC was gone?

Well, you don't anyway. The wedge issue (god, guns, gays, taxes, abortion) are the dominant themes in much of the rural areas (correct me if I'm wrong) and the Republican Party's lips provide them comfort, but what have they done to effectively satisfy social conservatives or the neofascists (and don't deny they don't exist and are not native born citizens).

Yes we do, and God guns are constitutional rights.
Cochise county is very conservative and pima county is very liberal.
I just did the math on registered voters. If Wyoming has three, then California should have NINETY.
Why ?

Because one man should equal one vote not 1.6 - Duh?

So how does the lesser populated areas in ideology get represented for our Presidents if the EC was gone?

Well, you don't anyway. The wedge issue (god, guns, gays, taxes, abortion) are the dominant themes in much of the rural areas (correct me if I'm wrong) and the Republican Party's lips provide them comfort, but what have they done to effectively satisfy social conservatives or the neofascists (and don't deny they don't exist and are not native born citizens).

I get the social conservative question,but what are you calling neofascists?
Why would I deny that they don't exist or that they are not American Citizen's?
Wry, you got some 'splainin' to do. :)
Seems to me anyone in favor of a popular vote over the electoral college is incredibly naive, uninformed and impulsive with a bit of immaturity.

It does? (^^^). It seems to me that democracy demands it. "We the People", does that ring a bell with you?

The fact is, the Republican Party does not represent "We the People". They're beholden to Global Corporations, Wall Street and the very wealthy, most of whom inherited their wealth. They support, nay, they defend the status quo on most issues if the truth be told.

Why would any Christian support the breakup of families by fiat, or the deportation of mothers from their minor children? Someone needs to ask Pence that question, and not let that mealy mouth hypocrite worm his way around that question.

Trump rescinded DACA by fiat, and created the mess which led to the shut down of government. How much more will the American voter take, and how many on the right will continue to defend Trump and Pence, as hateful they have become?

Say what?

Obama used a pen and a phone and a EO..

To create DACA..

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