Say NO to the Popular Vote

The 2016 election results were finally announced and Hillary had over 2 million more votes than Trump. Due to our system, this was not enough to announce a definitive winner. Therefore the next step was to send the election to the grossly outdated Electoral College System which was supposed to have its own election by special electors from districts throughout the country. The assumption being that the electors would accurately be the voice of the citizens in their districts. The phrase used to describe electors that accurately reflecting the voting of their districts is to call them "faithful" electors, meaning they did not simply chose their own choice of candidates without respect of how the people in their district voted. So the terminology that was used to describe their electors, representatives of districts was "faithful" when they accurately reflect how the people in their district voted. The 2016 Electoral College vote had many "unfaithful" electors that did NOT reflect the voter decisions in their districts. In short, the 2016 Electoral College vote is a huge case in point to abolish the system because the representative "electors" did NOT reflect the voting of their voters in their districts.

We have excellent computers now in 2018 and America is perfectly capable of using the raw vote directly from citizens instead of maintaining an archaic, dysfunctional Electoral College system. 2016 was the perfect example of why the Electoral College system needs to be abolished and election raw votes on computer simply used to calculate who wins and who loses.
1 Quite the contrary, not only is the EC NOT OUTDATED, it is more important now in 2018, than it ever has been Important to counter the method of the Democratic Party to try to grab power in America, by stacking cities with illegal aliens (who generally all vote Democrat) The EC is exactly the safeguard we have to prevent this abuse (using foreigners to unbalance our voting population) of our democracy.

2 "More" votes than Trump is irrelevant. All that matters is the number of AMERICAN votes In that, Trump won easily. Without their stacks of illegal foreign voters, Democrats cannot win any election in America, and they know it. That's why they;'re fighting so hard to keep the DACA people here.

3. Please provide a shred of evidence that the EC "had many "unfaithful" electors that did NOT reflect the voter decisions in their districts" ? If so, let's hear it (other than from liberal fake news media)
Deport all the illegal aliens, purge all the felon and dead voters from the rolls first, then maybe we can discuss
abolishing the Electoral College.
There's nothing to discuss. Democrats want to abolish it, so they can win elections by stacking populations with Democrat voting foreigners (most here illegally)
Urban Usurpation

People in Wyoming each take care of more of our land. If you remove ranchers and farmers, you could have a hundred times as many votes, but you'd starve.

They take care of more of our land? Kinda like Cliven Bundy and his militia pals?? What a joke.

And FYI, California is the number one AG state

In 2016, the top 10 agricultural producing States in terms of cash receipts were (in descending order): California, Iowa, Nebraska, Texas, Minnesota, Illinois, Kansas, Wisconsin, North Carolina, and Indiana. These and related statistics can be found in ERS's Farm Income and Wealth Statistics.

Sure a lot of homos in this world that likes fruits and nuts.

California produces a sizable majority of many American fruits, vegetables, and nuts: 99 percent of artichokes, 99 percent of walnuts, 97 percent of kiwis, 97 percent of plums, 95 percent of celery, 95 percent of garlic, 89 percent of cauliflower, 71 percent of spinach, and 69 percent of carrots (and the list goes on and on).

This is interesting

The 2016 election results were finally announced and Hillary had over 2 million more votes than Trump. Due to our system, this was not enough to announce a definitive winner. Therefore the next step was to send the election to the grossly outdated Electoral College System which was supposed to have its own election by special electors from districts throughout the country. The assumption being that the electors would accurately be the voice of the citizens in their districts. The phrase used to describe electors that accurately reflecting the voting of their districts is to call them "faithful" electors, meaning they did not simply chose their own choice of candidates without respect of how the people in their district voted. So the terminology that was used to describe their electors, representatives of districts was "faithful" when they accurately reflect how the people in their district voted. The 2016 Electoral College vote had many "unfaithful" electors that did NOT reflect the voter decisions in their districts. In short, the 2016 Electoral College vote is a huge case in point to abolish the system because the representative "electors" did NOT reflect the voting of their voters in their districts.

We have excellent computers now in 2018 and America is perfectly capable of using the raw vote directly from citizens instead of maintaining an archaic, dysfunctional Electoral College system. 2016 was the perfect example of why the Electoral College system needs to be abolished and election raw votes on computer simply used to calculate who wins and who loses.
1 Quite the contrary, not only is the EC NOT OUTDATED, it is more important now in 2018, than it ever has been Important to counter the method of the Democratic Party to try to grab power in America, by stacking cities with illegal aliens (who generally all vote Democrat) The EC is exactly the safeguard we have to prevent this abuse (using foreigners to unbalance our voting population) of our democracy.

2 "More" votes than Trump is irrelevant. All that matters is the number of AMERICAN votes In that, Trump won easily. Without their stacks of illegal foreign voters, Democrats cannot win any election in America, and they know it. That's why they;'re fighting so hard to keep the DACA people here.

3. Please provide a shred of evidence that the EC "had many "unfaithful" electors that did NOT reflect the voter decisions in their districts" ? If so, let's hear it (other than from liberal fake news media)

The problem with that logic can't back it with evidence. Even Trump's 'election integrity commission' couldn't find anything to back the claim that the democrats 'stack the cities with illegal immigrants'.

You're offering us fantasy.
This is a no brainer! Keep the electoral college or have NY and California be the only states to elect the President
The problem with that logic can't back it with evidence. Even Trump's 'election integrity commission' couldn't find anything to back the claim that the democrats 'stack the cities with illegal immigrants'.

You're offering us fantasy.
You're being ridiculous, but then offering lunacy, keeping a straight face and expecting people to believe your poppycock is standard for liberals.

Also, as I've posted many times before, liberals definition of "evidence" (studies done by liberal universities, think tanks & media) don't fly with concientious conservatives. Many things are are simply self-evident This is one of them.

Got a study ("evidence") to show that fish can swim ? I don't need one. I just look at them, and see them swimming.

The proof of millions of illegal aliens voting is simple >>

1 Trump said he would deport illegal aliens.

2. Illegal aliens do things illegally. (a way of life for them)

3. There are virtually no barriers to voting illegally.

4 Democrats stack cities with illegals by offering (Voting for) sanctuary cities, amnesty bills, birthright citizenship, drivers licenses, instate tuition, etc

Anybody that can't see this is either a baldfaced liar, or a complete idiot.
Deport all the illegal aliens, purge all the felon and dead voters from the rolls first, then maybe we can discuss
abolishing the Electoral College.
There's nothing to discuss. Democrats want to abolish it, so they can win elections by stacking populations with Democrat voting foreigners (most here illegally)

If we deport the illegals and stop all the other ways the Dems cheat, they'd be lucky to hold 30 seats in the Senate.
The problem with that logic can't back it with evidence. Even Trump's 'election integrity commission' couldn't find anything to back the claim that the democrats 'stack the cities with illegal immigrants'.

You're offering us fantasy.
You're being ridiculous, but then offering lunacy, keeping a straight face and expecting people to believe your poppycock is standard for liberals.

Also, as I've posted many times before, liberals definition of "evidence" (studies done by liberal universities, think tanks & media) don't fly with concientious conservatives. Many things are are simply self-evident This is one of them.

Got a study ("evidence") to show that fish can swim ? I don't need one. I just look at them, and see them swimming.

The proof of millions of illegal aliens voting is simple >>

1 Trump said he would deport illegal aliens.

2. Illegal aliens do things illegally. (a way of life for them)

3. There are virtually no barriers to voting illegally.

4 Democrats stack cities with illegals by offering (Voting for) sanctuary cities, amnesty bills, birthright citizenship, drivers licenses, instate tuition, etc

Anybody that can't see this is either a baldfaced liar, or a complete idiot.

Laughing.....I'm being 'ridiculous' by demanding evidence for your claim that democrats 'stack the cities with illegal immigrants' to vote?

The word you're looking for is 'rational'.
Laughing.....I'm being 'ridiculous' by demanding evidence for your claim that democrats 'stack the cities with illegal immigrants' to vote?

The word you're looking for is 'rational'.
Yeah! You're being ridiculous. You want evidence that cows eat grass ? That fish can swim ? That leaves turn brown in autumn? That jets go fast ? :rolleyes:

And I'm not "looking for" anything.
Laughing.....I'm being 'ridiculous' by demanding evidence for your claim that democrats 'stack the cities with illegal immigrants' to vote?

The word you're looking for is 'rational'.
Yeah! You're being ridiculous. You want evidence that cows eat grass ? That fish can swim ? That leaves turn brown in autumn? That jets go fast ? :rolleyes:

And I'm not "looking for" anything.

You can't back your claim with evidence. You're merely demanding that we accept whatever hapless batshit you make up as gospel truth with zero evidence.

That's irrational. I demand evidence. You have none. You're playing make believe. And we're not preserving the EC because you want to play pretend.
I don't know if if it's correct or not, but I just saw a graphic on TV claiming that 68% of Americans favor abolishing the electoral college, and shifting to the popular vote. It said 89% of these were Democrats, and 46% Republicans.

I can easily see why 89% of Democrats favor the popular vote, but there is no reason for Republicans to choose it. The % of Republicans wanting the popular vote should be ZERO. The popular vote campaign is nothing but a ploy by Democrats to jam as many foreigners into the US as they can, legal or illegal, give their kids born here birthright citizenship, give them welfare benefits$$, and then protect them in sanctuary cities.

Why ? Becasue in return for this irresponsible recklessness, the immigrants then all VOTE DEMOCRAT. The idea is to bring in millions of these dirtbags from every hellhole country in the world, stack up the states with them and their Democrat VOTES, and eradicate the Repubican Party forever. The electoral college is exactly what PROTECTS us from just this sort of thing.

So for all those Republicans in the 46% (if the poll is true), who are OK with disposing of the electoral college, please get your heads out of your asses, and not fall for this Democrat scam job to destroy your party, and dump nutjob leftist ideology on the country, with no end to it.
Cut ties with the neo-Nazis and all the other hate groups and maybe they`ll vote Republican. Anyway, are there other countries where the #2 vote getter wins the election?
Trump never had any ties to NeoNazi hate groups.

How bout Democrats cutting ties to ANTIFA, The PLO, BLACKLIVESMATTER, The Communist Party, The Congressional Black Caucus, NAACP, La Raza, ACORN or whatever they call themselves now, SEIU, Muslims in general, The Weather Underground, CNN, NBC, ABC, CBS, MSNBC, NPR, and other hate groups... :iagree:
You can't back your claim with evidence. You're merely demanding that we accept whatever hapless batshit you make up as gospel truth with zero evidence.

That's irrational. I demand evidence. You have none. You're playing make believe. And we're not preserving the EC because you want to play pretend.
Like I said > Liberals define "evidence THEIR way (liberal reporters), and we don't buy it. What I posted is plenty of evidence for anyone with a good functioning brain (which excludes liberals and their distorted conceptions of evidence)

As for the EC, we preserve it to protect us from guys like you, and other illegal alien VOTE-STACKERS, ballot stuffers. :biggrin:

You're going nowhere with this Everyone knows illegals vote. They've told me so themselves many times (in Spanish of course)
You can't back your claim with evidence. You're merely demanding that we accept whatever hapless batshit you make up as gospel truth with zero evidence.

That's irrational. I demand evidence. You have none. You're playing make believe. And we're not preserving the EC because you want to play pretend.
Like I said > Liberals define "evidence THEIR way (liberal reporters), and we don't buy it. What I posted is plenty of evidence for anyone with a good functioning brain (which excludes liberals and their distorted conceptions of evidence)

As for the EC, we preserve it to protect us from guys like you, and other illegal alien VOTE-STACKERS, ballot stuffers. :biggrin:

You're going nowhere with this Everyone knows illegals vote. They've told me so themselves many times (in Spanish of course)'re *literally* offering us your imagination as your proof. Sorry, Proc....but we cant hear the voices in your head.

You've got jack shit to back your claims. Rendering them irrelevant to any factual conversation.

What else have you got?
You're the one who used the word 'guess' when describing the batshit accusations offered on voter fraud.
I used it to describe >> "If we deport the illegals and stop all the other ways the Dems cheat, they'd be lucky to hold 30 seats in the Senate."

And I'll say it again > good guess. :biggrin:'re *literally* offering us your imagination as your proof. Sorry, Proc....but we cant hear the voices in your head.

You've got jack shit to back your claims. Rendering them irrelevant to any factual conversation.

What else have you got?

Don't need anything else. Common sense tops your list of agenda factories, anyday.

And what would be YOUR criteria for "proof" ? The New York Times ? Southern Poverty Laughingstock Center ?, CNN (Coloring Book News Now) ?, MSNBC (Moonbats Spouting Nothing But Crap) ?, or any of your 1000's of biased liberal universities, professors, and think tanks ?

Oh boy. Won't we be impressed ? :rolleyes:

Yup. That's what liberals call common sense > (jack shit).

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