Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah: “Hezbollah Will be More Present in the Battlefield”

PMW Bulletins. hahahahahahaha. Now you are getting desperate and have lost. ciao, ciao.
The islamo-manifesto of the muhammedan brotherhood is available from any number of sources.

I understand you're embarrassed because your islamo-taqiyya laced babbling about gee-had exposed you as ignorant (or just a second rate wannabe), but that's the risk you take when you post on a public discussion forum.

Take responsibility for your ignorance and ineptitude.
Jihad has nothing to do with war or death to infidels, it merely means "to strive, struggle or persevere". Just as embarking on Crusade does not necessarily mean to embark on a war of conquest. But continue with your absurd musings.

Ha ha ha! It said "jihad has nothing to do with war". Please hold me from falling off my chair while laughing at what this idiot just claimed. I guess he thinks everybody must be as stupid and ignorant as he is!
PMW Bulletins. hahahahahahaha. Now you are getting desperate and have lost. ciao, ciao.
The islamo-manifesto of the muhammedan brotherhood is available from any number of sources.

I understand you're embarrassed because your islamo-taqiyya laced babbling about gee-had exposed you as ignorant (or just a second rate wannabe), but that's the risk you take when you post on a public discussion forum.

Take responsibility for your ignorance and ineptitude.
I hope they aren't paying him for this false propaganda campaign. He's pathetic.
Now Ruffles brings up a new term "false propaganda". Propaganda is, by definition, an attempt to falsify or obscure fact. On the other hand, since you only spout propaganda it makes sense, maybe. As you know and what drives you crazy is that I only present fact.
Ah. "Christian facts".... because I say so.

Unfortunately for you, Habib, some of us are a bit more discriminating in regard to our acceptance of "facts" as they relate to your presentation of "islamo-facts"

Unfortunately for you, the Hasbara propaganda you spew is old. We have seen it all before. I present only facts, secular facts. Not Zionist fairy tales.

Unfortunately for you, the IslamoNazi propaganda you spew is old and has been laughed at on this board thousands of times. Nobody takes you seriously here.

The only one being laughed at is you. All you post is propaganda, never one fact. You are the forum clown. Projecting doesn't help. Everyone knows I present facts, that's what upsets you and your fellow Hasbara propagandists.
"Everyone knows....."

Actually, that's not true. Your cutting and pasting from various internet tabloids suggests you're a bit distant from facts.
Monte's facts from "" aka global compost and a whole host of terrorist ass-licking, anti American writers posing as legitimate journalists. Ya gotta laugh at how deluded this Jew hating troll truly is. :lmao:

...says the troll that gets his information from Catholic Answers and Serbianna websites along with Wikipedia. :rolleyes:
Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah: “Hezbollah Will be More Present in the Battlefield”

Sure they will, until the I-ranian stooges begin appearing in starring roles in ISIS beheading videos. Nothing like the continuation of that 1,400 year old internecine Sunni vs. Shia war to bring out the muhammedan in Peaceful Inner Strugglers
Unfortunately for you, the Hasbara propaganda you spew is old. We have seen it all before. I present only facts, secular facts. Not Zionist fairy tales.

Unfortunately for you, the IslamoNazi propaganda you spew is old and has been laughed at on this board thousands of times. Nobody takes you seriously here.

The only one being laughed at is you. All you post is propaganda, never one fact. You are the forum clown. Projecting doesn't help. Everyone knows I present facts, that's what upsets you and your fellow Hasbara propagandists.
"Everyone knows....."

Actually, that's not true. Your cutting and pasting from various internet tabloids suggests you're a bit distant from facts.
Monte's facts from "" aka global compost and a whole host of terrorist ass-licking, anti American writers posing as legitimate journalists. Ya gotta laugh at how deluded this Jew hating troll truly is. :lmao:

...says the troll that gets his information from Catholic Answers and Serbianna websites along with Wikipedia. :rolleyes:

Well since many of you claim to be "Catholics" you should care what a legitimate Catholic website has to say about it.
Now Ruffles brings up a new term "false propaganda". Propaganda is, by definition, an attempt to falsify or obscure fact. On the other hand, since you only spout propaganda it makes sense, maybe. As you know and what drives you crazy is that I only present fact.

And your attempts to falsify the events and the history of the region have constantly failed.
The bombing was in 1983. Hezbollah was founded in 1985.

"In 1985, Hezbollah officially announced its establishment by publishing an "open letter" ....."

Profile: Lebanon's Hezbollah movement - BBC News

Another propaganda FAIL by Achmed Monte. Does this terrorist worshipping, Jew hating slimeball ever tell the truth?

Islamic Jihad

Islamic Jihad as "a precursor to Hezbollah, which did not yet officially exist" at the time of the bombings Islamic Jihad took credit for. Jeffrey Goldberg says:

Using various names, including the Islamic Jihad Organization and the Organization of the Oppressed on Earth, Hezbollah remained underground until 1985, when it published a manifesto condemning the West, and proclaiming, “.... Allah is behind us supporting and protecting us while instilling fear in the hearts of our enemies.”

A 2003 decision by an American court named Islamic Jihad as the name used by Hezbollah for its attacks in Lebanon, and parts of the Middle East, and Europe. Just as Hezbollah used another name Islamic Resistance, or al-Muqawama al-Islamiyya, for its attacks against Israel.

So, you confirm that it was not Hezbollah, which was formed in 1985, and it was Islamic Jihad, as I stated. Good, we are getting somewhere.

Are we talking about a name or people, dipshit? Islamic Jihad became Hezbollah, so the people guilty of the bombing were now running Hezbollah. Thats why a US court of law convicted HEZBOLLAH and Iran of the crime. Keep kissing terrorist asses with American blood on their hands, scum.
Now Ruffles brings up a new term "false propaganda". Propaganda is, by definition, an attempt to falsify or obscure fact. On the other hand, since you only spout propaganda it makes sense, maybe. As you know and what drives you crazy is that I only present fact.

Monkeyface and his facts: "Jihad has nothing to do with war..." Ha ha ha ha ha!
Unfortunately for you, the IslamoNazi propaganda you spew is old and has been laughed at on this board thousands of times. Nobody takes you seriously here.

The only one being laughed at is you. All you post is propaganda, never one fact. You are the forum clown. Projecting doesn't help. Everyone knows I present facts, that's what upsets you and your fellow Hasbara propagandists.
"Everyone knows....."

Actually, that's not true. Your cutting and pasting from various internet tabloids suggests you're a bit distant from facts.
Monte's facts from "" aka global compost and a whole host of terrorist ass-licking, anti American writers posing as legitimate journalists. Ya gotta laugh at how deluded this Jew hating troll truly is. :lmao:

...says the troll that gets his information from Catholic Answers and Serbianna websites along with Wikipedia. :rolleyes:

Well since many of you claim to be "Catholics" you should care what a legitimate Catholic website has to say about it.

Humanist- IDGAS
"Beirut, SANA – Secretary General of Lebanon’s Hezbollah, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, asserted on Wednesday that breaking the blockade on Kwairis Military Airport in Aleppo countryside and inflicting heavy losses on terrorists sent a clear message to everyone that showed the resilience, strength, determination, and vigor of the soldiers and officers of the Syrian Arab Army.

In a speech on occasion of Martyr Day, Nasrallah said that this major victory, which came after a blockade that lasted for years, has great significance, particularly in relations to those who attempted to defame and slander the Syrian Arab Army and those who doubted its effectiveness and capability.

He pointed out to the high combat capability displayed by the force which advanced tens of kilometers towards the airport, heedless of the ambushes, landmines, and IEDs that ISIS terrorists tried and failed to use to halt the army’s advance.

Nasallah said these facts on the ground send a message to the United States and its pawns and allies that they must forget about the military option and move towards a realistic political solution that doesn’t include stymieing or arrogant preconditions, adding that this applies in Syria, Yemen, and any other place."

Nasrallah: Breaking blockade on Kwairis Airport shows strength of Syrian Army | Syrian Arab News Agency

Nasrallah wowed to help Palestine, stressing Hezbollah is capable of fighting in a two-frontier war. He also stated that Hezbollah is keeping the Lebanese government running as necessity for the Lebanese people.


Oh Bibi, heavy armor is rolling.

"Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah stressed that the Islamic Resistance will keep to the side of the Palestinian people and their intifada in the confrontation against one of the strongest armies in the region.

“Today we look at young and old people in Palestine as they face by stones or knifes one of the strongest armies of the region and one of the wildest entities. We see their courage and their determination that grow up hope of the resistance of the Palestinian people and their Intifada [uprising],” he said.

During an honoring ceremony to commemorate the martyrdom of leader Hassan al-Hajj – Abu Mohammad – in south Lebanon, who was killed in a blessed battle against the takfiri groups in Syria, Sayyed Nasrallah stressed that “this renewable Intifada is the real hope of saving the Palestinian people from the occupation and of defending the al-Aqsa mosque.”

“Everyone of us bears the responsibility of standing with the Palestinians according to his ability and circumstances,” he said.

Touching on Hezbollah participation in the conflict in Syria against the takfiri groups, his eminence said that “we have been fighting the takfiri scheme since more than 4 years and we are still doing so today.”

“If it weren’t for that steadfastness in the arenas, the steadfastness of all those who are fighting against this scheme, if it weren’t for the steadfastness on ground in fighting ISIL group and the like in Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon, what would be the fate of the region today?” his eminence asked.

“Through the steadfastness of all those who withstood throughout those years, although the battle is still open, the countries are now under protection,” he stressed, indicating that “such a ground steadfastness in Yemen against the Saudi-US aggression, will not only save the country from the invaders, but also will protect it from the rule of ISIL and al-Qaeda.”

The Secretary General stressed that those who are fighting against the takfiri scheme are defending the region’s people and their civilization and history, including the Sunnis and Shiites.

“Martyr Abu Mohammad was killed in this course, and through this blessed blood we are now witnessing transformations in the Arab public opinion towards the conflict.”

“We entered the war against the takfiri scheme that destroys everything along with Abu Mohammad and his brethrens. World countries reconsider their positions under the effect of battlefield, thus we will be always active in the battlefield,” Sayyed Nasrallah said.

His eminence reiterated that brethrens of martyr Abu Mohammad [Hezbollah fighters and leaders] will be present where they are to be more than any time ever, in quality, quantity and personnel, because we are engaged in critical battle.

“We will not abandon this responsibility but will keep bearing it, and we have the enough leaders, capabilities and capacities to be active on two fronts. We will keep being the defenders of Lebanon against the Zionists, and we will keep being the defenders of the people’s desgnity and security against any scheme,” he said.

Addressing the Lebanese domestic affairs, Sayyed Nasrallah responded to certain stances issued lately by some political factions regarding the participation in the national dialogue.

“We are always keen to dialogue among the Lebanese because it is required for Lebanon’s interest and stability. We participated in the government to ensure the political stability and security with partners who fought to topple the previous government. But today, despite the faltering performance of this government, we have been always calling to maintain it for the country,” he said.

His eminence stressed that Hezbollah does not seek any private interest through participation in the dialogue, “but we seek a national interest even though the dialogue outcome would be limited,” he stated, adding that “the interest of the Lebanese people lies in the government’s survival because the alternative is the vacuum and may be the collapse.”

Sayyed Nasrallah went on to respond to Future party’s latest statement about the participation in the national dialogue, underscoring that no one can bestow favors upon Hezbollah for taking part in the dialogue.

“We have heard in the past few days some stances on which our brothers [in Hezbollah]have replied. During all the last period we’ve heard from the future party expressions as if it is bestowing its participation in the dialogue upon the Lebanese people. This sense is unacceptable for us. We reject that anyone may bestow such a favor upon us.”

“If you are bestowing on us by the dialogue, so you can quit it,” Hezbollah leader told Future party.

“Second, Future is a part of the government and they are bestowing this on the Lebanese. So if you feel embarrassed for being within the government, do not feel embarrassed and don’t bestow it upon us,” his eminence said.

“I will call on Hezbollah leadership to reconsider participation in the dialogue, because we reject such blackmailing,” Sayyed Nasrallah added in reference to the Future party demand from Hezbollah to arrest some outlawed persons in the eastern region of Bekaa as a condition to keep attending the dialogue sessions.

“We, brothers of the martyr leader Abu Mohammad, who take pride and cherish by his martyrdom, will keep assuming our full responsibility,” Hezbollah Secretary General vowed at the end of his speech."

Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah: "Hezbollah Will be More Present in the Battlefield"

And a day later, they get their asses kicked by ISIS.

It happens each time the Lebanese rat opens his mouth.

He should know better by now, eh.

Nasrallah wowed to help Palestine, stressing Hezbollah is capable of fighting in a two-frontier war. He also stated that Hezbollah is keeping the Lebanese government running as necessity for the Lebanese people.


Oh Bibi, heavy armor is rolling.

"Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah stressed that the Islamic Resistance will keep to the side of the Palestinian people and their intifada in the confrontation against one of the strongest armies in the region.

“Today we look at young and old people in Palestine as they face by stones or knifes one of the strongest armies of the region and one of the wildest entities. We see their courage and their determination that grow up hope of the resistance of the Palestinian people and their Intifada [uprising],” he said.

During an honoring ceremony to commemorate the martyrdom of leader Hassan al-Hajj – Abu Mohammad – in south Lebanon, who was killed in a blessed battle against the takfiri groups in Syria, Sayyed Nasrallah stressed that “this renewable Intifada is the real hope of saving the Palestinian people from the occupation and of defending the al-Aqsa mosque.”

“Everyone of us bears the responsibility of standing with the Palestinians according to his ability and circumstances,” he said.

Touching on Hezbollah participation in the conflict in Syria against the takfiri groups, his eminence said that “we have been fighting the takfiri scheme since more than 4 years and we are still doing so today.”

“If it weren’t for that steadfastness in the arenas, the steadfastness of all those who are fighting against this scheme, if it weren’t for the steadfastness on ground in fighting ISIL group and the like in Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon, what would be the fate of the region today?” his eminence asked.

“Through the steadfastness of all those who withstood throughout those years, although the battle is still open, the countries are now under protection,” he stressed, indicating that “such a ground steadfastness in Yemen against the Saudi-US aggression, will not only save the country from the invaders, but also will protect it from the rule of ISIL and al-Qaeda.”

The Secretary General stressed that those who are fighting against the takfiri scheme are defending the region’s people and their civilization and history, including the Sunnis and Shiites.

“Martyr Abu Mohammad was killed in this course, and through this blessed blood we are now witnessing transformations in the Arab public opinion towards the conflict.”

“We entered the war against the takfiri scheme that destroys everything along with Abu Mohammad and his brethrens. World countries reconsider their positions under the effect of battlefield, thus we will be always active in the battlefield,” Sayyed Nasrallah said.

His eminence reiterated that brethrens of martyr Abu Mohammad [Hezbollah fighters and leaders] will be present where they are to be more than any time ever, in quality, quantity and personnel, because we are engaged in critical battle.

“We will not abandon this responsibility but will keep bearing it, and we have the enough leaders, capabilities and capacities to be active on two fronts. We will keep being the defenders of Lebanon against the Zionists, and we will keep being the defenders of the people’s desgnity and security against any scheme,” he said.

Addressing the Lebanese domestic affairs, Sayyed Nasrallah responded to certain stances issued lately by some political factions regarding the participation in the national dialogue.

“We are always keen to dialogue among the Lebanese because it is required for Lebanon’s interest and stability. We participated in the government to ensure the political stability and security with partners who fought to topple the previous government. But today, despite the faltering performance of this government, we have been always calling to maintain it for the country,” he said.

His eminence stressed that Hezbollah does not seek any private interest through participation in the dialogue, “but we seek a national interest even though the dialogue outcome would be limited,” he stated, adding that “the interest of the Lebanese people lies in the government’s survival because the alternative is the vacuum and may be the collapse.”

Sayyed Nasrallah went on to respond to Future party’s latest statement about the participation in the national dialogue, underscoring that no one can bestow favors upon Hezbollah for taking part in the dialogue.

“We have heard in the past few days some stances on which our brothers [in Hezbollah]have replied. During all the last period we’ve heard from the future party expressions as if it is bestowing its participation in the dialogue upon the Lebanese people. This sense is unacceptable for us. We reject that anyone may bestow such a favor upon us.”

“If you are bestowing on us by the dialogue, so you can quit it,” Hezbollah leader told Future party.

“Second, Future is a part of the government and they are bestowing this on the Lebanese. So if you feel embarrassed for being within the government, do not feel embarrassed and don’t bestow it upon us,” his eminence said.

“I will call on Hezbollah leadership to reconsider participation in the dialogue, because we reject such blackmailing,” Sayyed Nasrallah added in reference to the Future party demand from Hezbollah to arrest some outlawed persons in the eastern region of Bekaa as a condition to keep attending the dialogue sessions.

“We, brothers of the martyr leader Abu Mohammad, who take pride and cherish by his martyrdom, will keep assuming our full responsibility,” Hezbollah Secretary General vowed at the end of his speech."

Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah: "Hezbollah Will be More Present in the Battlefield"

And a day later, they get their asses kicked by ISIS.

It happens each time the Lebanese rat opens his mouth.

He should know better by now, eh.


Nasrallah wowed to help Palestine, stressing Hezbollah is capable of fighting in a two-frontier war. He also stated that Hezbollah is keeping the Lebanese government running as necessity for the Lebanese people.


Oh Bibi, heavy armor is rolling.

"Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah stressed that the Islamic Resistance will keep to the side of the Palestinian people and their intifada in the confrontation against one of the strongest armies in the region.

“Today we look at young and old people in Palestine as they face by stones or knifes one of the strongest armies of the region and one of the wildest entities. We see their courage and their determination that grow up hope of the resistance of the Palestinian people and their Intifada [uprising],” he said.

During an honoring ceremony to commemorate the martyrdom of leader Hassan al-Hajj – Abu Mohammad – in south Lebanon, who was killed in a blessed battle against the takfiri groups in Syria, Sayyed Nasrallah stressed that “this renewable Intifada is the real hope of saving the Palestinian people from the occupation and of defending the al-Aqsa mosque.”

“Everyone of us bears the responsibility of standing with the Palestinians according to his ability and circumstances,” he said.

Touching on Hezbollah participation in the conflict in Syria against the takfiri groups, his eminence said that “we have been fighting the takfiri scheme since more than 4 years and we are still doing so today.”

“If it weren’t for that steadfastness in the arenas, the steadfastness of all those who are fighting against this scheme, if it weren’t for the steadfastness on ground in fighting ISIL group and the like in Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon, what would be the fate of the region today?” his eminence asked.

“Through the steadfastness of all those who withstood throughout those years, although the battle is still open, the countries are now under protection,” he stressed, indicating that “such a ground steadfastness in Yemen against the Saudi-US aggression, will not only save the country from the invaders, but also will protect it from the rule of ISIL and al-Qaeda.”

The Secretary General stressed that those who are fighting against the takfiri scheme are defending the region’s people and their civilization and history, including the Sunnis and Shiites.

“Martyr Abu Mohammad was killed in this course, and through this blessed blood we are now witnessing transformations in the Arab public opinion towards the conflict.”

“We entered the war against the takfiri scheme that destroys everything along with Abu Mohammad and his brethrens. World countries reconsider their positions under the effect of battlefield, thus we will be always active in the battlefield,” Sayyed Nasrallah said.

His eminence reiterated that brethrens of martyr Abu Mohammad [Hezbollah fighters and leaders] will be present where they are to be more than any time ever, in quality, quantity and personnel, because we are engaged in critical battle.

“We will not abandon this responsibility but will keep bearing it, and we have the enough leaders, capabilities and capacities to be active on two fronts. We will keep being the defenders of Lebanon against the Zionists, and we will keep being the defenders of the people’s desgnity and security against any scheme,” he said.

Addressing the Lebanese domestic affairs, Sayyed Nasrallah responded to certain stances issued lately by some political factions regarding the participation in the national dialogue.

“We are always keen to dialogue among the Lebanese because it is required for Lebanon’s interest and stability. We participated in the government to ensure the political stability and security with partners who fought to topple the previous government. But today, despite the faltering performance of this government, we have been always calling to maintain it for the country,” he said.

His eminence stressed that Hezbollah does not seek any private interest through participation in the dialogue, “but we seek a national interest even though the dialogue outcome would be limited,” he stated, adding that “the interest of the Lebanese people lies in the government’s survival because the alternative is the vacuum and may be the collapse.”

Sayyed Nasrallah went on to respond to Future party’s latest statement about the participation in the national dialogue, underscoring that no one can bestow favors upon Hezbollah for taking part in the dialogue.

“We have heard in the past few days some stances on which our brothers [in Hezbollah]have replied. During all the last period we’ve heard from the future party expressions as if it is bestowing its participation in the dialogue upon the Lebanese people. This sense is unacceptable for us. We reject that anyone may bestow such a favor upon us.”

“If you are bestowing on us by the dialogue, so you can quit it,” Hezbollah leader told Future party.

“Second, Future is a part of the government and they are bestowing this on the Lebanese. So if you feel embarrassed for being within the government, do not feel embarrassed and don’t bestow it upon us,” his eminence said.

“I will call on Hezbollah leadership to reconsider participation in the dialogue, because we reject such blackmailing,” Sayyed Nasrallah added in reference to the Future party demand from Hezbollah to arrest some outlawed persons in the eastern region of Bekaa as a condition to keep attending the dialogue sessions.

“We, brothers of the martyr leader Abu Mohammad, who take pride and cherish by his martyrdom, will keep assuming our full responsibility,” Hezbollah Secretary General vowed at the end of his speech."

Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah: "Hezbollah Will be More Present in the Battlefield"

And a day later, they get their asses kicked by ISIS.

It happens each time the Lebanese rat opens his mouth.

He should know better by now, eh.

By the way, why do you support the psychopaths from ISIS?
"Beirut, SANA – Secretary General of Lebanon’s Hezbollah, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, asserted on Wednesday that breaking the blockade on Kwairis Military Airport in Aleppo countryside and inflicting heavy losses on terrorists sent a clear message to everyone that showed the resilience, strength, determination, and vigor of the soldiers and officers of the Syrian Arab Army.

In a speech on occasion of Martyr Day, Nasrallah said that this major victory, which came after a blockade that lasted for years, has great significance, particularly in relations to those who attempted to defame and slander the Syrian Arab Army and those who doubted its effectiveness and capability.

He pointed out to the high combat capability displayed by the force which advanced tens of kilometers towards the airport, heedless of the ambushes, landmines, and IEDs that ISIS terrorists tried and failed to use to halt the army’s advance.

Nasallah said these facts on the ground send a message to the United States and its pawns and allies that they must forget about the military option and move towards a realistic political solution that doesn’t include stymieing or arrogant preconditions, adding that this applies in Syria, Yemen, and any other place."

Nasrallah: Breaking blockade on Kwairis Airport shows strength of Syrian Army | Syrian Arab News Agency

This shows the depraved depths of the muhammedan mindset.

With all the glowing praise heaped on the hizbollock coward Islamic terrorist by you and others, it's important to remember that Hassan "I'm in hiding because I'm a coward" Nasrallah’s resume’ as Head-Turban-In-Charge of Hizbollocks includes mass murder and suicide bombings. Quite admirable qualities by the way... for retrograde muhammedans and their supporters.

Well, there it is. Without a single assist from me you have single-handedly defined the cancer of corruption, moral degradation, incompetence and depravity that is eating away at the muhammedan world. Murderers, thieves and kidnappers are those who garner the dubious title of “heroes” in the eyes of muhammedans. Anywhere in the modern, relevant first world I can envision – excepting the Arab backwaters of course, attributing those adept qualities mentioned above be derogatory in extremis. Actually, Anywhere else in the modern world, murder / suicide and kidnapping are considered kinda’ illegal.

Nasrallah wowed to help Palestine, stressing Hezbollah is capable of fighting in a two-frontier war. He also stated that Hezbollah is keeping the Lebanese government running as necessity for the Lebanese people.


Oh Bibi, heavy armor is rolling.

"Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah stressed that the Islamic Resistance will keep to the side of the Palestinian people and their intifada in the confrontation against one of the strongest armies in the region.

“Today we look at young and old people in Palestine as they face by stones or knifes one of the strongest armies of the region and one of the wildest entities. We see their courage and their determination that grow up hope of the resistance of the Palestinian people and their Intifada [uprising],” he said.

During an honoring ceremony to commemorate the martyrdom of leader Hassan al-Hajj – Abu Mohammad – in south Lebanon, who was killed in a blessed battle against the takfiri groups in Syria, Sayyed Nasrallah stressed that “this renewable Intifada is the real hope of saving the Palestinian people from the occupation and of defending the al-Aqsa mosque.”

“Everyone of us bears the responsibility of standing with the Palestinians according to his ability and circumstances,” he said.

Touching on Hezbollah participation in the conflict in Syria against the takfiri groups, his eminence said that “we have been fighting the takfiri scheme since more than 4 years and we are still doing so today.”

“If it weren’t for that steadfastness in the arenas, the steadfastness of all those who are fighting against this scheme, if it weren’t for the steadfastness on ground in fighting ISIL group and the like in Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon, what would be the fate of the region today?” his eminence asked.

“Through the steadfastness of all those who withstood throughout those years, although the battle is still open, the countries are now under protection,” he stressed, indicating that “such a ground steadfastness in Yemen against the Saudi-US aggression, will not only save the country from the invaders, but also will protect it from the rule of ISIL and al-Qaeda.”

The Secretary General stressed that those who are fighting against the takfiri scheme are defending the region’s people and their civilization and history, including the Sunnis and Shiites.

“Martyr Abu Mohammad was killed in this course, and through this blessed blood we are now witnessing transformations in the Arab public opinion towards the conflict.”

“We entered the war against the takfiri scheme that destroys everything along with Abu Mohammad and his brethrens. World countries reconsider their positions under the effect of battlefield, thus we will be always active in the battlefield,” Sayyed Nasrallah said.

His eminence reiterated that brethrens of martyr Abu Mohammad [Hezbollah fighters and leaders] will be present where they are to be more than any time ever, in quality, quantity and personnel, because we are engaged in critical battle.

“We will not abandon this responsibility but will keep bearing it, and we have the enough leaders, capabilities and capacities to be active on two fronts. We will keep being the defenders of Lebanon against the Zionists, and we will keep being the defenders of the people’s desgnity and security against any scheme,” he said.

Addressing the Lebanese domestic affairs, Sayyed Nasrallah responded to certain stances issued lately by some political factions regarding the participation in the national dialogue.

“We are always keen to dialogue among the Lebanese because it is required for Lebanon’s interest and stability. We participated in the government to ensure the political stability and security with partners who fought to topple the previous government. But today, despite the faltering performance of this government, we have been always calling to maintain it for the country,” he said.

His eminence stressed that Hezbollah does not seek any private interest through participation in the dialogue, “but we seek a national interest even though the dialogue outcome would be limited,” he stated, adding that “the interest of the Lebanese people lies in the government’s survival because the alternative is the vacuum and may be the collapse.”

Sayyed Nasrallah went on to respond to Future party’s latest statement about the participation in the national dialogue, underscoring that no one can bestow favors upon Hezbollah for taking part in the dialogue.

“We have heard in the past few days some stances on which our brothers [in Hezbollah]have replied. During all the last period we’ve heard from the future party expressions as if it is bestowing its participation in the dialogue upon the Lebanese people. This sense is unacceptable for us. We reject that anyone may bestow such a favor upon us.”

“If you are bestowing on us by the dialogue, so you can quit it,” Hezbollah leader told Future party.

“Second, Future is a part of the government and they are bestowing this on the Lebanese. So if you feel embarrassed for being within the government, do not feel embarrassed and don’t bestow it upon us,” his eminence said.

“I will call on Hezbollah leadership to reconsider participation in the dialogue, because we reject such blackmailing,” Sayyed Nasrallah added in reference to the Future party demand from Hezbollah to arrest some outlawed persons in the eastern region of Bekaa as a condition to keep attending the dialogue sessions.

“We, brothers of the martyr leader Abu Mohammad, who take pride and cherish by his martyrdom, will keep assuming our full responsibility,” Hezbollah Secretary General vowed at the end of his speech."

Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah: "Hezbollah Will be More Present in the Battlefield"

And a day later, they get their asses kicked by ISIS.

It happens each time the Lebanese rat opens his mouth.

He should know better by now, eh.

You don´t really expect a reply. It is typical genocidal Zionist nonsense that always appears when they have nothing left to argue with but fascism and Schadenfreude.

"Beirut, SANA – Secretary General of Lebanon’s Hezbollah, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, asserted on Wednesday that breaking the blockade on Kwairis Military Airport in Aleppo countryside and inflicting heavy losses on terrorists sent a clear message to everyone that showed the resilience, strength, determination, and vigor of the soldiers and officers of the Syrian Arab Army.

In a speech on occasion of Martyr Day, Nasrallah said that this major victory, which came after a blockade that lasted for years, has great significance, particularly in relations to those who attempted to defame and slander the Syrian Arab Army and those who doubted its effectiveness and capability.

He pointed out to the high combat capability displayed by the force which advanced tens of kilometers towards the airport, heedless of the ambushes, landmines, and IEDs that ISIS terrorists tried and failed to use to halt the army’s advance.

Nasallah said these facts on the ground send a message to the United States and its pawns and allies that they must forget about the military option and move towards a realistic political solution that doesn’t include stymieing or arrogant preconditions, adding that this applies in Syria, Yemen, and any other place."

Nasrallah: Breaking blockade on Kwairis Airport shows strength of Syrian Army | Syrian Arab News Agency

This shows the depraved depths of the muhammedan mindset.

With all the glowing praise heaped on the hizbollock coward Islamic terrorist by you and others, it's important to remember that Hassan "I'm in hiding because I'm a coward" Nasrallah’s resume’ as Head-Turban-In-Charge of Hizbollocks includes mass murder and suicide bombings. Quite admirable qualities by the way... for retrograde muhammedans and their supporters.

Well, there it is. Without a single assist from me you have single-handedly defined the cancer of corruption, moral degradation, incompetence and depravity that is eating away at the muhammedan world. Murderers, thieves and kidnappers are those who garner the dubious title of “heroes” in the eyes of muhammedans. Anywhere in the modern, relevant first world I can envision – excepting the Arab backwaters of course, attributing those adept qualities mentioned above be derogatory in extremis. Actually, Anywhere else in the modern world, murder / suicide and kidnapping are considered kinda’ illegal.
Nonsense. Give us examples. You can´t.

Nasrallah wowed to help Palestine, stressing Hezbollah is capable of fighting in a two-frontier war. He also stated that Hezbollah is keeping the Lebanese government running as necessity for the Lebanese people.


Oh Bibi, heavy armor is rolling.

"Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah stressed that the Islamic Resistance will keep to the side of the Palestinian people and their intifada in the confrontation against one of the strongest armies in the region.

“Today we look at young and old people in Palestine as they face by stones or knifes one of the strongest armies of the region and one of the wildest entities. We see their courage and their determination that grow up hope of the resistance of the Palestinian people and their Intifada [uprising],” he said.

During an honoring ceremony to commemorate the martyrdom of leader Hassan al-Hajj – Abu Mohammad – in south Lebanon, who was killed in a blessed battle against the takfiri groups in Syria, Sayyed Nasrallah stressed that “this renewable Intifada is the real hope of saving the Palestinian people from the occupation and of defending the al-Aqsa mosque.”

“Everyone of us bears the responsibility of standing with the Palestinians according to his ability and circumstances,” he said.

Touching on Hezbollah participation in the conflict in Syria against the takfiri groups, his eminence said that “we have been fighting the takfiri scheme since more than 4 years and we are still doing so today.”

“If it weren’t for that steadfastness in the arenas, the steadfastness of all those who are fighting against this scheme, if it weren’t for the steadfastness on ground in fighting ISIL group and the like in Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon, what would be the fate of the region today?” his eminence asked.

“Through the steadfastness of all those who withstood throughout those years, although the battle is still open, the countries are now under protection,” he stressed, indicating that “such a ground steadfastness in Yemen against the Saudi-US aggression, will not only save the country from the invaders, but also will protect it from the rule of ISIL and al-Qaeda.”

The Secretary General stressed that those who are fighting against the takfiri scheme are defending the region’s people and their civilization and history, including the Sunnis and Shiites.

“Martyr Abu Mohammad was killed in this course, and through this blessed blood we are now witnessing transformations in the Arab public opinion towards the conflict.”

“We entered the war against the takfiri scheme that destroys everything along with Abu Mohammad and his brethrens. World countries reconsider their positions under the effect of battlefield, thus we will be always active in the battlefield,” Sayyed Nasrallah said.

His eminence reiterated that brethrens of martyr Abu Mohammad [Hezbollah fighters and leaders] will be present where they are to be more than any time ever, in quality, quantity and personnel, because we are engaged in critical battle.

“We will not abandon this responsibility but will keep bearing it, and we have the enough leaders, capabilities and capacities to be active on two fronts. We will keep being the defenders of Lebanon against the Zionists, and we will keep being the defenders of the people’s desgnity and security against any scheme,” he said.

Addressing the Lebanese domestic affairs, Sayyed Nasrallah responded to certain stances issued lately by some political factions regarding the participation in the national dialogue.

“We are always keen to dialogue among the Lebanese because it is required for Lebanon’s interest and stability. We participated in the government to ensure the political stability and security with partners who fought to topple the previous government. But today, despite the faltering performance of this government, we have been always calling to maintain it for the country,” he said.

His eminence stressed that Hezbollah does not seek any private interest through participation in the dialogue, “but we seek a national interest even though the dialogue outcome would be limited,” he stated, adding that “the interest of the Lebanese people lies in the government’s survival because the alternative is the vacuum and may be the collapse.”

Sayyed Nasrallah went on to respond to Future party’s latest statement about the participation in the national dialogue, underscoring that no one can bestow favors upon Hezbollah for taking part in the dialogue.

“We have heard in the past few days some stances on which our brothers [in Hezbollah]have replied. During all the last period we’ve heard from the future party expressions as if it is bestowing its participation in the dialogue upon the Lebanese people. This sense is unacceptable for us. We reject that anyone may bestow such a favor upon us.”

“If you are bestowing on us by the dialogue, so you can quit it,” Hezbollah leader told Future party.

“Second, Future is a part of the government and they are bestowing this on the Lebanese. So if you feel embarrassed for being within the government, do not feel embarrassed and don’t bestow it upon us,” his eminence said.

“I will call on Hezbollah leadership to reconsider participation in the dialogue, because we reject such blackmailing,” Sayyed Nasrallah added in reference to the Future party demand from Hezbollah to arrest some outlawed persons in the eastern region of Bekaa as a condition to keep attending the dialogue sessions.

“We, brothers of the martyr leader Abu Mohammad, who take pride and cherish by his martyrdom, will keep assuming our full responsibility,” Hezbollah Secretary General vowed at the end of his speech."

Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah: "Hezbollah Will be More Present in the Battlefield"

And a day later, they get their asses kicked by ISIS.

It happens each time the Lebanese rat opens his mouth.

He should know better by now, eh.


Link to what?

Nasrallah wowed to help Palestine, stressing Hezbollah is capable of fighting in a two-frontier war. He also stated that Hezbollah is keeping the Lebanese government running as necessity for the Lebanese people.


Oh Bibi, heavy armor is rolling.

"Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah stressed that the Islamic Resistance will keep to the side of the Palestinian people and their intifada in the confrontation against one of the strongest armies in the region.

“Today we look at young and old people in Palestine as they face by stones or knifes one of the strongest armies of the region and one of the wildest entities. We see their courage and their determination that grow up hope of the resistance of the Palestinian people and their Intifada [uprising],” he said.

During an honoring ceremony to commemorate the martyrdom of leader Hassan al-Hajj – Abu Mohammad – in south Lebanon, who was killed in a blessed battle against the takfiri groups in Syria, Sayyed Nasrallah stressed that “this renewable Intifada is the real hope of saving the Palestinian people from the occupation and of defending the al-Aqsa mosque.”

“Everyone of us bears the responsibility of standing with the Palestinians according to his ability and circumstances,” he said.

Touching on Hezbollah participation in the conflict in Syria against the takfiri groups, his eminence said that “we have been fighting the takfiri scheme since more than 4 years and we are still doing so today.”

“If it weren’t for that steadfastness in the arenas, the steadfastness of all those who are fighting against this scheme, if it weren’t for the steadfastness on ground in fighting ISIL group and the like in Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon, what would be the fate of the region today?” his eminence asked.

“Through the steadfastness of all those who withstood throughout those years, although the battle is still open, the countries are now under protection,” he stressed, indicating that “such a ground steadfastness in Yemen against the Saudi-US aggression, will not only save the country from the invaders, but also will protect it from the rule of ISIL and al-Qaeda.”

The Secretary General stressed that those who are fighting against the takfiri scheme are defending the region’s people and their civilization and history, including the Sunnis and Shiites.

“Martyr Abu Mohammad was killed in this course, and through this blessed blood we are now witnessing transformations in the Arab public opinion towards the conflict.”

“We entered the war against the takfiri scheme that destroys everything along with Abu Mohammad and his brethrens. World countries reconsider their positions under the effect of battlefield, thus we will be always active in the battlefield,” Sayyed Nasrallah said.

His eminence reiterated that brethrens of martyr Abu Mohammad [Hezbollah fighters and leaders] will be present where they are to be more than any time ever, in quality, quantity and personnel, because we are engaged in critical battle.

“We will not abandon this responsibility but will keep bearing it, and we have the enough leaders, capabilities and capacities to be active on two fronts. We will keep being the defenders of Lebanon against the Zionists, and we will keep being the defenders of the people’s desgnity and security against any scheme,” he said.

Addressing the Lebanese domestic affairs, Sayyed Nasrallah responded to certain stances issued lately by some political factions regarding the participation in the national dialogue.

“We are always keen to dialogue among the Lebanese because it is required for Lebanon’s interest and stability. We participated in the government to ensure the political stability and security with partners who fought to topple the previous government. But today, despite the faltering performance of this government, we have been always calling to maintain it for the country,” he said.

His eminence stressed that Hezbollah does not seek any private interest through participation in the dialogue, “but we seek a national interest even though the dialogue outcome would be limited,” he stated, adding that “the interest of the Lebanese people lies in the government’s survival because the alternative is the vacuum and may be the collapse.”

Sayyed Nasrallah went on to respond to Future party’s latest statement about the participation in the national dialogue, underscoring that no one can bestow favors upon Hezbollah for taking part in the dialogue.

“We have heard in the past few days some stances on which our brothers [in Hezbollah]have replied. During all the last period we’ve heard from the future party expressions as if it is bestowing its participation in the dialogue upon the Lebanese people. This sense is unacceptable for us. We reject that anyone may bestow such a favor upon us.”

“If you are bestowing on us by the dialogue, so you can quit it,” Hezbollah leader told Future party.

“Second, Future is a part of the government and they are bestowing this on the Lebanese. So if you feel embarrassed for being within the government, do not feel embarrassed and don’t bestow it upon us,” his eminence said.

“I will call on Hezbollah leadership to reconsider participation in the dialogue, because we reject such blackmailing,” Sayyed Nasrallah added in reference to the Future party demand from Hezbollah to arrest some outlawed persons in the eastern region of Bekaa as a condition to keep attending the dialogue sessions.

“We, brothers of the martyr leader Abu Mohammad, who take pride and cherish by his martyrdom, will keep assuming our full responsibility,” Hezbollah Secretary General vowed at the end of his speech."

Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah: "Hezbollah Will be More Present in the Battlefield"

And a day later, they get their asses kicked by ISIS.

It happens each time the Lebanese rat opens his mouth.

He should know better by now, eh.

By the way, why do you support the psychopaths from ISIS?

What makes you think I do?

ISIS killing Hezbollah, Hezbollah killing ISIS. The same sh*t in my calendar.

But it's also especially refreshing and funny seeing Nasrallah getting his ass on fire each time he comes out of his hole to brag about his "operations"

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