BREAKING: Hezbollah Reportedly Opens Up Second Front In War Against Israel, U.S. Evacuates Lebanese Embassy

If you are on the side that kills babies, beheads them, burns them. Rapes women and intentionally kills civilians…. If you’re on the side that uses its citizenry as human shields….. If you’re on the side that steals humanitarian aide to buy weapons, dismantles the water and sewage pipes to make rockets……

Sorry but knowing the history doesn’t negate the present. Hamas is evil. It just is. It’s an evil ideology. It’s nazism.
I screwed up in quoting you on that post. I deleted it. My apologies.
There are zero settlers in the Gaza strip. Israel hasnt been there for almost 2 decades. Are the Palestinians in a better or worse situation since Hamas took over governance in Gaza?
There are more than enough settlers on the West bank they are the ones the guy was talking about.
There are more than enough settlers on the West bank they are the ones the guy was talking about.
But nothing to do with the current violence. Remind me. Have any of the settlers raided Palestinian villages to rape and kill the women there? Have they done so to murder and mutilate babies?

What's that? They havnt? Huh. Odd.
But nothing to do with the current violence. Remind me. Have any of the settlers raided Palestinian villages to rape and kill the women there? Have they done so to murder and mutilate babies?

What's that? They havnt? Huh. Odd.
Those settlers killed four palestinians two days ago and attacked the funeral and kidnapped one, and all that rape and muitilating babies is war propaganda from what i have seen.
Those settlers killed four palestinians two days ago and attacked the funeral and kidnapped one, and all that rape and muitilating babies is war propaganda from what i have seen.
So you find it hard to believe that the death cult that straps bombs to its own children has killed Israeli babies?

No you don't. I'm starting to think you're not posting in good faith.
So you find it hard to believe that the death cult that straps bombs to its own children has killed Israeli babies?

No you don't. I'm starting to think you're not posting in good faith.
I am saying i have seen how propaganda works for years several wars have been started on a pack of lies .

BREAKING: Lebanon’s U.S. Embassy In Chaos As Protestors Descend​


BREAKING: Lebanon’s U.S. Embassy In Chaos As Protestors Descend​

If Hezbollah started a second front you would know about it.

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