BREAKING: Hezbollah Reportedly Opens Up Second Front In War Against Israel, U.S. Evacuates Lebanese Embassy

I doubt there will be a ground invasion, i could be wrong but i doubt it, for one thing yes they could take Gaza but at what price? as for Hezbollah they are a different prospect alltogether, they are well armed and trained, those IDF gangsters had a shock in 2006 when they were taught a lesson, i said a long time ago if there is another war against Hezbollah Israel will end up fighting in Israel and it would make last weekend look like a picnic.
My worry is that Israel's #1 vassal state, the USA will be ordered into direct conflict.
The Golan Heights were annexed by Israel.
Heaven forbid we aren't gonna be privy to :
- It! - { 1967 } a formidable 60's Horror classic.
And an indestructable statue found by Roddy McDowell
a Museum Director asst..It was cursed and of 16th century
origin.Called the Golem,a creation of Rabbi Judah Loew
who was a Great Rabbi of Prague and given supernatural
powers. One such power being it could withstand every human
attempt to destroy it.
Fascinating storyline and plot development.
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My worry is that Israel's #1 vassal state, the USA will be ordered into direct conflict.
Never fear the USS Gerald R. Ford will be on hand shortly.
A virtual military station on water.Awesome displacement of
weaponry and manpower.Most expensive war ship ever built.
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Never fear the USS Gerald R. Ford will be on hand shortly.
A virtual military station on water.Awesome displacement of
weaponry and manpower.Most expensive war ship ever built.

Even more impressive than the USS Liberty?

If I were a sailor on that ship my asshole would be bending nickels right now.
This will now get really ugly, and we will likely now be getting more involved.

We have no President to stop Hezbollah? What is this "favorite ice cream" day or "Let's visit the Basement, beach, or vacation." What happened to the impeachment papers? This guy is not going to resign because he gets money from entities who organize illegally crossings of the basement Eastern Board states do not have to deal with unless they get shipped there. And he has little if nothing to say about the 100k Americans who are dying every year the border gets crossed with fentanyl bearers who got deadly drugs from the Mexican/Chinese lab cooking up misery for American parents and their children. Maybe Border States being left out of the Presidential oath of office that says he will provide for the common defense should draw their own laws about defending their state borders from murderous Chinese plots to kill as many Americans as they can get away with. That's getting to be an international shaming of America for doing not one damn thing about it due to a DOJ who isn't "going there" about looking into a thought-to-be stolen election, with the real American voters getting snookered out of their majority vote which likely would've won sans the Deep State Lurches stamping all over everyone else to get power they don't deserve in the slightest. Thanks to the deep state, our one true ally in the Middle East is getting butchered, and people in our land can't do a single thing about it because the Deep State isn't giving up a stranglehold for any reason whatsoever, including the common defense that isn't being acknowledged as a requirement of this Executive branch. It should be.
Well, my idea still is to drop small nukes, like neutron bombs that Jimmy Carter had developed for just these purposes.
Nukes would create a heat wave that would be viewed as spendathon time by the deep state folk who tell Biden how high he can jump this time. Nuclear small bonds still increase cancer exponentially by those who inhale it, touch it, brush across it with their clothing that becomes a life-threatening boom of cancer to anyone nearby the contaminant. And that ain't all.

"How long does nuclear waste last?

  • Of particular concern in nuclear waste management are two long-lived fission products, Tc-99 (half-life 220,000 years) and I-129 (half-life 15.7 million years), which dominate spent fuel radioactivity after a few thousand years."
  • Wikipedia on nuke waste: Radioactive waste - Wikipedia
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Never fear the USS Gerald R. Ford will be on hand shortly.
A virtual military station on water.Awesome displacement of
weaponry and manpower.Most expensive war ship ever built.
Well depending on what it does it could end up the most expensive ship ever sunk.
So, now natural gas is oil? Ever tried putting natural gas into your car's gas tank?

Besides, it is full of holes.
Oil is also going through pipelines as well. From 2009 to 2017 Russia had lots of money to spend on taking over parts of Ukraine. Then it started up again from 2021 to the present. Now why not from 2017 to 2021? Hmmmm…?
Nukes would create a heat wave that would be viewed as spendathon time by the deep state folk who tell Biden how high he can jump this time. Nuclear small bonds still increase cancer exponentially by those who inhale it, touch it, brush across it with their clothing that becomes a life-threatening boom of cancer to anyone nearby the contaminant. And that ain't all.

"How long does nuclear waste last?

  • Of particular concern in nuclear waste management are two long-lived fission products, Tc-99 (half-life 220,000 years) and I-129 (half-life 15.7 million years), which dominate spent fuel radioactivity after a few thousand years."
  • Wikipedia on nuke waste: Radioactive waste - Wikipedia
Yep! That will keep the Palestinians away voting in terrorist leadership for a while. Let’s do it!
They are Christians in Palestine. And good people everywhere in the world.

There’s an American citizen suffering in Gaza trying to get out.

Israel unlike hamas, has one of the worlds strongest militaries. They do not need our support.

Hezbollah even is no match whatsoever against Israel.
They have the military they have in part because of the support we give them.

We pay for about 20% of their military spending. That doesn't account for the tech and intel we share.
They have the military they have in part because of the support we give them.

We pay for about 20% of their military spending. That doesn't account for the tech and intel we share.
But they don’t need our military support. They never did. Jewish people are very intelligent. Look at what they’ve done with Tel Aviv. And look at Jewish people in the Soviet union. They were some of the best physicists, mathematicians and doctors around.

Israelis have invented their own weapons ie the uzi. They have their own tanks. They don’t need any support from us simply because those they are fighting today have nothing, no jets, no tanks nothing but small arms.

And the people of Israel say we don’t want America’s money. As a matter of pride, for them doing things on their own.

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