BREAKING: Hezbollah Reportedly Opens Up Second Front In War Against Israel, U.S. Evacuates Lebanese Embassy

Well, my idea still is to drop small nukes, like neutron bombs that Jimmy Carter had developed for just these purposes.
I'm sure that would go over quite well with the international community.
This could mean three fronts. China and Russia have to be enjoying this immensely. Israel needs to handle one group at a time, beginning with Hamas. Other nations in the M.E are going to have to express whst they support as well, the West has for too long placed human right requirements on the backburner we cannot keep supporting vile regimes, it doesn't end well for any of us!

They are all the same group, Iranian mercenaries. Different silly names for their gangs don't mean anything.
There are a number of local media reports about the transfer of the most combat-ready pro-Iranian formations from Syrian Deir ez-Zor in the direction of Damascus with suspected subsequent transfer to Lebanon or directly across the border with Israel into the Golan Heights.....Things are looking to get froggy so I guess we will see how "don't" works-out.
There's already been either precision or rocket fire from the Golan Heights in the past couple days.

Is Syria's president onboard with that?
Biden talks a good game but he still hasn't stopped all funding to Iran. He's obviously been compromised by Iran, Russia and China.

He's the leader of a Party whose sleazy sociopath base is screaming for the genocide of Israelis. He's about as reliable an ally as a heroin junkie who has no money for a fix.
Who is we Kemosabe? Any use of nuclear weapons will result in someone responding in kind, which will prompt someone else to respond. In a matter of minutes, the world will cease to exist as we know it.
Not necessarily..... All depends on the theater, the situation, the application, and what the positive result might be in order to end a terrible conflict in which the world would agree too if it was being used right.
They are Christians in Palestine. And good people everywhere in the world.

There’s an American citizen suffering in Gaza trying to get out.

Israel unlike hamas, has one of the worlds strongest militaries. They do not need our support.

Hezbollah even is no match whatsoever against Israel.

Being a complete passivist gets you nowhere but dead. People will never learn.
I blame the media for manufacturing this in America. We were not attacked. Israel was and they have engaged in a struggle with a Palestine. He goes back-and-forth. Israel attacks Palestine, and vice versa. It’s not a war of good guys versus bad guys with exception to those fanatical Jews and Muslims who have killed innocent civilians.

Most people in Israel and Palestine are good people. I had a former coworker from Palestine. He had Jewish coworkers. He went to a Jewish community center.

The American media is doing a horrendous job covering this thing. Shame on them. Show both sides. Start interviewing Palestinian people.

Israel does not attack first, that is a lie.
There's already been either precision or rocket fire from the Golan Heights in the past couple days.

Is Syria's president onboard with that?
He should be because Israel has been bombing Syria for years including just last week.
If the Israelis start a ground war in Gaza...Hezbollah will THEN attack.

Israel won't dare do it at this juncture.

They will wait.

Oh and nobody is gonna nuke shit until there is a scenario in which Israel is completely overrun.

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