BREAKING: Hezbollah Reportedly Opens Up Second Front In War Against Israel, U.S. Evacuates Lebanese Embassy

Well i am right, they started all those wars, as for Gaza i couldn't get in if i wanted to it's under a Nazi style siege.

So you sit in safety far away from your muslim brothers, just like the head of hamas in his cushy office in Qatar? He's in his high rise praying while sending orders that will get his supposed 'people' obliterated, guess that's him just showing his 'love' for them, right? Did he dine on filet and lobster while Israel was responding to the attack he ordered, killing all of those supposedly innocent palastinians?
So the consensus is that nukes are too messy at this point.

But Syria and Iran and Lebanon are getting pulled into this war by their terrorist factions.

Get ready....this is going to be a huge fight.
So why was the great Satan, the U.S., not able to take out the Taliban completely for 20 years? And, the Russians tried for 10 years. It's not all about the arms, is it?
They say that you can defeat an army but you cannot defeat a people.
So you sit in safety far away from your muslim brothers, just like the head of hamas in his cushy office in Qatar? He's in his high rise praying while sending orders that will get his supposed 'people' obliterated, guess that's him just showing his 'love' for them, right? Did he dine on filet and lobster while Israel was responding to the attack he ordered, killing all of those supposedly innocent palastinians?
I don't have any Muslim brothers arsehole.
If the Israelis start a ground war in Gaza...Hezbollah will THEN attack.

Israel won't dare do it at this juncture.

They will wait.

Oh and nobody is gonna nuke shit until there is a scenario in which Israel is completely overrun.
I doubt there will be a ground invasion, i could be wrong but i doubt it, for one thing yes they could take Gaza but at what price? as for Hezbollah they are a different prospect alltogether, they are well armed and trained, those IDF gangsters had a shock in 2006 when they were taught a lesson, i said a long time ago if there is another war against Hezbollah Israel will end up fighting in Israel and it would make last weekend look like a picnic.
LOL. Just like you cant prove they did.

Actually i can, just look at the timeline from 1948, they even took part in the war on Egypt at Suez, in the meantime Israel attacks two Syrian airports, they have been bombing Syria for a very long time, maybe you don't know about it because the liars in the MSM never report it.
If they are that big of cowards , so be it. Enough is enough.
You're not aware of Hamas tactics of hiding behind their own when launching attacks against Israel?
One of their rants is about Jews killing women and kidding?

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