Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah: “Hezbollah Will be More Present in the Battlefield”

It was the Lebanese government that went to the UN and complained about the IDF's attacks on civilian targets, i.e. apartment buildings etc. I am a Christian by the way.
Now that's funny stuff. Hizbollocks held seats in the Lebanese parliament but somehow forgot to advise the rest of the government that they were going to provoke Israel with an act of war.


Lebanon was trashed, 1,200 Lebanese were killed, yet, the Lebanese didn't find a voice to express their complaints to Hizbollocks.

What a strange, alternate reality you islamo-confused types exist in.

Unlike the previous Israeli invasion, where Israel defeated the Lebanese army (there was no Hezbollah) and occupied southern Lebanon. Israel was not able to occupy Lebanon in 2006. This was a major success for Lebanon and Hezbollah. Most Lebanese rightfully view the Israelis as the invaders and Hezbollah as the only force capable of defending Lebanon from Israeli aggression. That's just a fact.
Your islamo-facts are subject to islamo-confusion. In your altered islamo-reality, you're suffering the affects from that rug burn / blunt force trauma to your forehead.

Your Hizbollocks heroes acted unilaterally, outside of the government they were responsible to to provoke a war.

"Shirley", making excuses for Islamic terrorism is expected from you but don't think your silly babble ls taken seriously.

They are Christian facts from Lebanese Christians. What does Islam have to with it.

Wikileaks has debunked the idea that Hezbollah started the 2006 war. It published the Lebanese government's letter to the UN, sent just prior to the Israeli attack, that complained about Israeli land and air incursions and the kidnapping and subsequent torture of Lebanese citizens by the Israelis. This has been in Lebanese news for years. That's just one of the reasons most Lebanese including a majority of Christians support Hezbollah.

When one of the parties in dialogue has reached an untenable level of partisan fanaticism, serious conversation becomes impossible. A neutral observer would be a better judge to determine who is taken seriously.
Ah. "Christian facts".... because I say so.

Unfortunately for you, Habib, some of us are a bit more discriminating in regard to our acceptance of "facts" as they relate to your presentation of "islamo-facts"

Unfortunately for you, the Hasbara propaganda you spew is old. We have seen it all before. I present only facts, secular facts. Not Zionist fairy tales.
In Honor of the OP...........theme song.........we will not have a pussy in office forever......

Hezbollah is an Islamic terrorist organization with American blood on its hands. You are sick.
Really? Isn´t Hezbollah just defending Lebanon? And who does not only has other´s blood on his hands but is drowning it it? Is it Uncle Fucking Butcher Sam? Poor America. Why don´t you people revolt over there before it is too late and he drowned?

I guess the fact that Hezbollah animals were behind the marine barracks bombing that killed 300 US marines stationed there on a peace-keeping mission, or that they killed the highly popular Lebanese Christian prime minister, just because he refused to be a puppet of Iran or Assad doesn't mean much to you.
Not only is your "argument" full of hypocrisy as you have appeared to have no interest in human lives other than Zionists but also is it a blatant lie. Hezbollah was founded two years after the attack and the real perpetrator was a small terrorgroup named Islamic Jihad Organization.

Islamic Jihad Organization - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Hezbollah is an Islamic terrorist organization with American blood on its hands. You are sick.
Really? Isn´t Hezbollah just defending Lebanon? And who does not only has other´s blood on his hands but is drowning it it? Is it Uncle Fucking Butcher Sam? Poor America. Why don´t you people revolt over there before it is too late and he drowned?

I guess the fact that Hezbollah animals were behind the marine barracks bombing that killed 300 US marines stationed there on a peace-keeping mission, or that they killed the highly popular Lebanese Christian prime minister, just because he refused to be a puppet of Iran or Assad doesn't mean much to you.
Not only is your "argument" full of hypocrisy as you have appeared to have no interest in human lives other than Zionists but also is it a blatant lie. Hezbollah was founded two years after the attack and the real perpetrator was a small terrorgroup named Islamic Jihad Organization.

Islamic Jihad Organization - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Muslim Brotherhood and the Arab league have founded these orgs since WWII..........................

The different names over time make no difference to me................their goal is the same...........Geopolitical control of the Middle East and the destruction of Israel................

I don't care what the Iranian leaders have to say..........their advanced IED's sent our people home in bags.........and promote terrorism all across the region.................

They are lucky.............because someone like me isn't in charge......because when I got done with them they would have only spit balls left to fight with.........
Hezbollah is an Islamic terrorist organization with American blood on its hands. You are sick.
Really? Isn´t Hezbollah just defending Lebanon? And who does not only has other´s blood on his hands but is drowning it it? Is it Uncle Fucking Butcher Sam? Poor America. Why don´t you people revolt over there before it is too late and he drowned?

I guess the fact that Hezbollah animals were behind the marine barracks bombing that killed 300 US marines stationed there on a peace-keeping mission, or that they killed the highly popular Lebanese Christian prime minister, just because he refused to be a puppet of Iran or Assad doesn't mean much to you.
Not only is your "argument" full of hypocrisy as you have appeared to have no interest in human lives other than Zionists but also is it a blatant lie. Hezbollah was founded two years after the attack and the real perpetrator was a small terrorgroup named Islamic Jihad Organization.

Islamic Jihad Organization - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Muslim Brotherhood and the Arab league have founded these orgs since WWII..........................

The different names over time make no difference to me................their goal is the same...........Geopolitical control of the Middle East and the destruction of Israel................

I don't care what the Iranian leaders have to say..........their advanced IED's sent our people home in bags.........and promote terrorism all across the region.................

They are lucky.............because someone like me isn't in charge......because when I got done with them they would have only spit balls left to fight with.........
I did not read any reports of Hezbollah patrolling in the USA for "peacekeeping" reasons. You don´t like casualties in the Middle East? Then leave the Middle East alone. You know it is hypocrisy to blame any aggressor´s casualties on the defenders (terrorist attacks are another thing here and should be blamed).

However, Hezbollah, you don´t have to like them, is not a terrorgroup.
Last edited:
Hezbollah is an Islamic terrorist organization with American blood on its hands. You are sick.
Really? Isn´t Hezbollah just defending Lebanon? And who does not only has other´s blood on his hands but is drowning it it? Is it Uncle Fucking Butcher Sam? Poor America. Why don´t you people revolt over there before it is too late and he drowned?

I guess the fact that Hezbollah animals were behind the marine barracks bombing that killed 300 US marines stationed there on a peace-keeping mission, or that they killed the highly popular Lebanese Christian prime minister, just because he refused to be a puppet of Iran or Assad doesn't mean much to you.
Not only is your "argument" full of hypocrisy as you have appeared to have no interest in human lives other than Zionists but also is it a blatant lie. Hezbollah was founded two years after the attack and the real perpetrator was a small terrorgroup named Islamic Jihad Organization.

Islamic Jihad Organization - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Muslim Brotherhood and the Arab league have founded these orgs since WWII..........................

The different names over time make no difference to me................their goal is the same...........Geopolitical control of the Middle East and the destruction of Israel................

I don't care what the Iranian leaders have to say..........their advanced IED's sent our people home in bags.........and promote terrorism all across the region.................

They are lucky.............because someone like me isn't in charge......because when I got done with them they would have only spit balls left to fight with.........
I did not read any reports of Hezbollah patrolling in the USA for "peacekeeping" reasons. You don´t like casualties in the Middle East? Then leave the Middle East alone. You know it is hypocrisy to blame any aggressor´s casualties on the defenders.

However, Hezbollah, you don´t have to like them, is not a terrorgroup.
Baloney...............Islamic Radicals have been performing terror attacks around the globe for a long time.............Iran is one of their main sponsors........................Allowing them to get Nukes is not an option..................and if we take the gloves off and playing by the Rules of Engagement with them............We will not take many casualties.............They of course will regret the day they were born..............

Stop terrorism or eventually pay the price.......

The Hez is nothing more than a proxy group of Iran.............They can kiss my ass.
Hezbollah is an Islamic terrorist organization with American blood on its hands. You are sick.
Really? Isn´t Hezbollah just defending Lebanon? And who does not only has other´s blood on his hands but is drowning it it? Is it Uncle Fucking Butcher Sam? Poor America. Why don´t you people revolt over there before it is too late and he drowned?

I guess the fact that Hezbollah animals were behind the marine barracks bombing that killed 300 US marines stationed there on a peace-keeping mission, or that they killed the highly popular Lebanese Christian prime minister, just because he refused to be a puppet of Iran or Assad doesn't mean much to you.
Not only is your "argument" full of hypocrisy as you have appeared to have no interest in human lives other than Zionists but also is it a blatant lie. Hezbollah was founded two years after the attack and the real perpetrator was a small terrorgroup named Islamic Jihad Organization.

Islamic Jihad Organization - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Muslim Brotherhood and the Arab league have founded these orgs since WWII..........................

The different names over time make no difference to me................their goal is the same...........Geopolitical control of the Middle East and the destruction of Israel................

I don't care what the Iranian leaders have to say..........their advanced IED's sent our people home in bags.........and promote terrorism all across the region.................

They are lucky.............because someone like me isn't in charge......because when I got done with them they would have only spit balls left to fight with.........

Shouldn't the people of the Middle east have geopolitical control over the Mideast?
Hizbollocks will team with Christian kuffar or any other group they can hide behind because they're just as likely targets of ISIS as anyone else. The Shia Hizbollocks (lap dogs of the Shia Iranian mullocrats) as you might have guessed, are of the Shia version of islamo- fascists. The Shia are viewed as apostates by the Sunni/salafi version of the islamo-death cult.

How can that be? As early as 2006 a majority of Lebanese Christians and Sunnis supported Hezbollah before ISIS existed. ZioNazis should educate themselves.

"A majority of the Lebanese polled also said they supported Hezbollah’s decision to capture two Israeli soldiers to demand an exchange for prisoners held by Israel. Lebanese Shiites (96%) were the most supportive of Hezbollah’s actions followed by Sunnis (73%) and Christians (55%). Only among the Druze, a sect that broke with Islam centuries ago, did less than a majority (40%) say they supported Hezbollah’s action.


Poll Finds Overwhelming Majorities in Lebanon Support Hezbollah, Distrust U.S. - World Public Opinion
That's great news. All those Lebanese who died as a result of the unilateral decision of Hizbollocks to provoke war died to satiate your insensate Jooooooo hatreds.

What a shame you keyboard cowards limit your gee-hadin to pounding away at your infidel innovated computer keyboards.

Maybe post the poll results after 2006 following Lebanon being trashed and the dead bodies in graves.

You didn't read the poll. It was specifically addressing the 2006 Israeli invasion:

"The July 12 cross-border attack led to a massive Israeli counterattack that has left hundreds of Lebanese dead and forced thousands to flee their homes. "

Several hundred Hezbollah militia were able to keep nearly 30,000 Israeli troops from reoccupying Lebanon.

zzzzzzz. Hezbollah currently holds the entire nation of Lebanon captive to their Islamic terrorist ambitions. Your poll is worthless.

Of course. Ruffles, the truth is worthless to you. Christians in Lebanon and Arab Christians in general support Hezbollah nevertheless. No amount of denial can change that.

One thing about Lebanese Shiites (Hezbollah) that is interesting is that they worship Christian Saints, particularly Saint Mary. These are photos of Hezbollah soldiers after liberating a Christian town from ISIS in Syria.



Hezbollah Is Confusing Us

That doesn't change the fact that an Islamic terrorist organization named Hezbollah has killed 300 US marines, held an entire secular nation hostage to their Islamist thug ideology, and assassinated the highly popular Christian president. But hey, who cares, as long as they're at war with the Joooooooos, eh?
Hezbollah is an Islamic terrorist organization with American blood on its hands. You are sick.
Really? Isn´t Hezbollah just defending Lebanon? And who does not only has other´s blood on his hands but is drowning it it? Is it Uncle Fucking Butcher Sam? Poor America. Why don´t you people revolt over there before it is too late and he drowned?

I guess the fact that Hezbollah animals were behind the marine barracks bombing that killed 300 US marines stationed there on a peace-keeping mission, or that they killed the highly popular Lebanese Christian prime minister, just because he refused to be a puppet of Iran or Assad doesn't mean much to you.
Not only is your "argument" full of hypocrisy as you have appeared to have no interest in human lives other than Zionists but also is it a blatant lie. Hezbollah was founded two years after the attack and the real perpetrator was a small terrorgroup named Islamic Jihad Organization.

Islamic Jihad Organization - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Ha ha ha ha. You are an ignorant douchebag of epic proportions. Here are the animals you support so proudly.

Beirut Marine Barracks Bombing Fast Facts -

This was the deadliest attack against U.S. Marines since the battle over Iwo Jima in February 1945.

The bombing was traced to Hezbollah, a militant and political group that originated in Lebanon in 1982. Iranian and Syrian involvement was also suspected.

1982 -
President Ronald Reagan sends Marines to Lebanon on a peacekeeping mission.

October 23, 1983 - At 6:22 am, a truck carrying 2000 pounds of explosives drives into the Marine compound in Beirut, Lebanon, and crashes into the 1st Battalion, 8th Marine Regimental Battalion Landing Team barracks.

February 1984 - U.S. troops withdraw from Lebanon.

1985 - The Inman Report is released. It finds that Marine officers did not take proper steps to protect the barracks against terrorist attacks.

May 30, 2003 - A U.S. federal judge rules that the terrorist group Hezbollah carried out the attack at the direction of the Iranian government. The ruling allows families of the victims to sue Iran.

September 7, 2007 - U.S. District Judge Royce C. Lamberth orders Iran to pay $2.65 billion to survivors and to family members of the service members killed in the 1983 bombing.

March 1, 2010 - A lawsuit is filed in New York City seeking to force Iran to pay the $2.65 billion awarded to survivors and family members in 2007.

March 30, 2012 - U.S. District Court Judge Royce Lamberth issues a judgment against Iran of $2.1 billion, to be paid to the families and survivors of the attack.

July 2013 - U.S. District Court Judge Katherine Forrest rules to release $1.75 billion of Iranian funds, held in a New York Citibank account, to set up a fund for victims of the 1983 bombing.

July 9, 2014 - A federal appeals court affirms a 2013 ruling that $1.75 billion in Iranian funds should be awarded to the victims' family members.
Last edited:
How can that be? As early as 2006 a majority of Lebanese Christians and Sunnis supported Hezbollah before ISIS existed. ZioNazis should educate themselves.

"A majority of the Lebanese polled also said they supported Hezbollah’s decision to capture two Israeli soldiers to demand an exchange for prisoners held by Israel. Lebanese Shiites (96%) were the most supportive of Hezbollah’s actions followed by Sunnis (73%) and Christians (55%). Only among the Druze, a sect that broke with Islam centuries ago, did less than a majority (40%) say they supported Hezbollah’s action.


Poll Finds Overwhelming Majorities in Lebanon Support Hezbollah, Distrust U.S. - World Public Opinion
That's great news. All those Lebanese who died as a result of the unilateral decision of Hizbollocks to provoke war died to satiate your insensate Jooooooo hatreds.

What a shame you keyboard cowards limit your gee-hadin to pounding away at your infidel innovated computer keyboards.

Maybe post the poll results after 2006 following Lebanon being trashed and the dead bodies in graves.

You didn't read the poll. It was specifically addressing the 2006 Israeli invasion:

"The July 12 cross-border attack led to a massive Israeli counterattack that has left hundreds of Lebanese dead and forced thousands to flee their homes. "

Several hundred Hezbollah militia were able to keep nearly 30,000 Israeli troops from reoccupying Lebanon.

zzzzzzz. Hezbollah currently holds the entire nation of Lebanon captive to their Islamic terrorist ambitions. Your poll is worthless.

Of course. Ruffles, the truth is worthless to you. Christians in Lebanon and Arab Christians in general support Hezbollah nevertheless. No amount of denial can change that.

One thing about Lebanese Shiites (Hezbollah) that is interesting is that they worship Christian Saints, particularly Saint Mary. These are photos of Hezbollah soldiers after liberating a Christian town from ISIS in Syria.



Hezbollah Is Confusing Us

That doesn't change the fact that an Islamic terrorist organization named Hezbollah has killed 300 US marines, held an entire secular nation hostage to their Islamist thug ideology, and assassinated the highly popular Christian president. But hey, who cares, as long as they're at war with the Joooooooos, eh?

Let's start from the beginning.

1. The only reason the 800 U.S. marines, the 800 Italian Infantry and 400 French Infantry were in Beirut was because the Israelis had invaded Lebanon and the MNF was there to facilitate disengagement of battling forces.

2. Islamic Jihad was responsible for the bombing not Hezbollah. 298 were killed and 50 were French infantry.

3. Rafic Hariri, who was assassinated, was a Sunni, not a Christian. Emile Lahoud was the Christian president at the time and Hariri wanted him assassinated, but Lahoud and the Christians were supported by Syria at the time.

So Ruffles, you are mistaken on all counts. You really need to do some homework before spewing nonsense.
It is an interesting dynamic. Most of us in the relevant first world mourn the loss of comrades, friends and family.

In the alternate reality of you islamo-freaks, you people gladly throw your children into the bonfires of hatred you create and then celebrate their deaths which you cause.

It's really a sickness.
By "islamo-freaks" Do you mean Non-Jews? (I am not Muslim either)
It is an interesting dynamic. Most of us in the relevant first world mourn the loss of comrades, friends and family.

In the alternate reality of you islamo-freaks, you people gladly throw your children into the bonfires of hatred you create and then celebrate their deaths which you cause.

It's really a sickness.

antisemitism is a mental illness.
They are crying 'cos they got their ass kicked, and dont want to invade Lebanon again
That's great news. All those Lebanese who died as a result of the unilateral decision of Hizbollocks to provoke war died to satiate your insensate Jooooooo hatreds.

What a shame you keyboard cowards limit your gee-hadin to pounding away at your infidel innovated computer keyboards.

Maybe post the poll results after 2006 following Lebanon being trashed and the dead bodies in graves.

You didn't read the poll. It was specifically addressing the 2006 Israeli invasion:

"The July 12 cross-border attack led to a massive Israeli counterattack that has left hundreds of Lebanese dead and forced thousands to flee their homes. "

Several hundred Hezbollah militia were able to keep nearly 30,000 Israeli troops from reoccupying Lebanon.

zzzzzzz. Hezbollah currently holds the entire nation of Lebanon captive to their Islamic terrorist ambitions. Your poll is worthless.

Of course. Ruffles, the truth is worthless to you. Christians in Lebanon and Arab Christians in general support Hezbollah nevertheless. No amount of denial can change that.

One thing about Lebanese Shiites (Hezbollah) that is interesting is that they worship Christian Saints, particularly Saint Mary. These are photos of Hezbollah soldiers after liberating a Christian town from ISIS in Syria.



Hezbollah Is Confusing Us

That doesn't change the fact that an Islamic terrorist organization named Hezbollah has killed 300 US marines, held an entire secular nation hostage to their Islamist thug ideology, and assassinated the highly popular Christian president. But hey, who cares, as long as they're at war with the Joooooooos, eh?

Let's start from the beginning.

1. The only reason the 800 U.S. marines, the 800 Italian Infantry and 400 French Infantry were in Beirut was because the Israelis had invaded Lebanon and the MNF was there to facilitate disengagement of battling forces.

2. Islamic Jihad was responsible for the bombing not Hezbollah. 298 were killed and 50 were French infantry.

3. Rafic Hariri, who was assassinated, was a Sunni, not a Christian. Emile Lahoud was the Christian president at the time and Hariri wanted him assassinated, but Lahoud and the Christians were supported by Syria at the time.

So Ruffles, you are mistaken on all counts. You really need to do some homework before spewing nonsense.
Yes, let's do that.

1- the ethnic cleansing of the Christians of Lebanon at the hands of Muslims is indesputable.

2- you haven't been able to refute the fact that Hezbollah terrorist thugs assassinated Harirri with the assistance of Syria and by order of Iran. They assassinated him because of his secular stance and the fact that he led an anti Syria opposition group.

3- you also haven't been able to refute that Hezbollah did indeed murder 300 American marines who were there in a peacekeeping mission.

4- So basically, you're on the side of genocidal mass murdering IslamoNazi terrorist scum.

5- eat Shiite?
It is an interesting dynamic. Most of us in the relevant first world mourn the loss of comrades, friends and family.

In the alternate reality of you islamo-freaks, you people gladly throw your children into the bonfires of hatred you create and then celebrate their deaths which you cause.

It's really a sickness.

antisemitism is a mental illness.
They are crying 'cos they got their ass kicked, and dont want to invade Lebanon again

Should I show you what southern Lebanon and all those Hezbollah strongholds looked like after Israel was done with it? Ha ha ha ha.
It is an interesting dynamic. Most of us in the relevant first world mourn the loss of comrades, friends and family.

In the alternate reality of you islamo-freaks, you people gladly throw your children into the bonfires of hatred you create and then celebrate their deaths which you cause.

It's really a sickness.

antisemitism is a mental illness.
They are crying 'cos they got their ass kicked, and dont want to invade Lebanon again

Should I show you what southern Lebanon and all those Hezbollah strongholds looked like after Israel was done with it? Ha ha ha ha.
That would be interesting, yes please.
Really? Isn´t Hezbollah just defending Lebanon? And who does not only has other´s blood on his hands but is drowning it it? Is it Uncle Fucking Butcher Sam? Poor America. Why don´t you people revolt over there before it is too late and he drowned?

I guess the fact that Hezbollah animals were behind the marine barracks bombing that killed 300 US marines stationed there on a peace-keeping mission, or that they killed the highly popular Lebanese Christian prime minister, just because he refused to be a puppet of Iran or Assad doesn't mean much to you.
Not only is your "argument" full of hypocrisy as you have appeared to have no interest in human lives other than Zionists but also is it a blatant lie. Hezbollah was founded two years after the attack and the real perpetrator was a small terrorgroup named Islamic Jihad Organization.

Islamic Jihad Organization - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Muslim Brotherhood and the Arab league have founded these orgs since WWII..........................

The different names over time make no difference to me................their goal is the same...........Geopolitical control of the Middle East and the destruction of Israel................

I don't care what the Iranian leaders have to say..........their advanced IED's sent our people home in bags.........and promote terrorism all across the region.................

They are lucky.............because someone like me isn't in charge......because when I got done with them they would have only spit balls left to fight with.........
I did not read any reports of Hezbollah patrolling in the USA for "peacekeeping" reasons. You don´t like casualties in the Middle East? Then leave the Middle East alone. You know it is hypocrisy to blame any aggressor´s casualties on the defenders.

However, Hezbollah, you don´t have to like them, is not a terrorgroup.
Baloney...............Islamic Radicals have been performing terror attacks around the globe for a long time.............Iran is one of their main sponsors........................Allowing them to get Nukes is not an option..................and if we take the gloves off and playing by the Rules of Engagement with them............We will not take many casualties.............They of course will regret the day they were born..............

Stop terrorism or eventually pay the price.......

The Hez is nothing more than a proxy group of Iran.............They can kiss my ass.
:rolleyes-41: :death::eek-52:

American aircraft dropped weapons to ISIS, says MP - Iraqi News
How can that be? As early as 2006 a majority of Lebanese Christians and Sunnis supported Hezbollah before ISIS existed. ZioNazis should educate themselves.

"A majority of the Lebanese polled also said they supported Hezbollah’s decision to capture two Israeli soldiers to demand an exchange for prisoners held by Israel. Lebanese Shiites (96%) were the most supportive of Hezbollah’s actions followed by Sunnis (73%) and Christians (55%). Only among the Druze, a sect that broke with Islam centuries ago, did less than a majority (40%) say they supported Hezbollah’s action.


Poll Finds Overwhelming Majorities in Lebanon Support Hezbollah, Distrust U.S. - World Public Opinion
That's great news. All those Lebanese who died as a result of the unilateral decision of Hizbollocks to provoke war died to satiate your insensate Jooooooo hatreds.

What a shame you keyboard cowards limit your gee-hadin to pounding away at your infidel innovated computer keyboards.

Maybe post the poll results after 2006 following Lebanon being trashed and the dead bodies in graves.

You didn't read the poll. It was specifically addressing the 2006 Israeli invasion:

"The July 12 cross-border attack led to a massive Israeli counterattack that has left hundreds of Lebanese dead and forced thousands to flee their homes. "

Several hundred Hezbollah militia were able to keep nearly 30,000 Israeli troops from reoccupying Lebanon.

zzzzzzz. Hezbollah currently holds the entire nation of Lebanon captive to their Islamic terrorist ambitions. Your poll is worthless.

Of course. Ruffles, the truth is worthless to you. Christians in Lebanon and Arab Christians in general support Hezbollah nevertheless. No amount of denial can change that.

One thing about Lebanese Shiites (Hezbollah) that is interesting is that they worship Christian Saints, particularly Saint Mary. These are photos of Hezbollah soldiers after liberating a Christian town from ISIS in Syria.



Hezbollah Is Confusing Us

That doesn't change the fact that an Islamic terrorist organization named Hezbollah has killed 300 US marines, held an entire secular nation hostage to their Islamist thug ideology, and assassinated the highly popular Christian president. But hey, who cares, as long as they're at war with the Joooooooos, eh?
Why do you lie again?

Islamic Jihad Organization - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Now that's funny stuff. Hizbollocks held seats in the Lebanese parliament but somehow forgot to advise the rest of the government that they were going to provoke Israel with an act of war.


Lebanon was trashed, 1,200 Lebanese were killed, yet, the Lebanese didn't find a voice to express their complaints to Hizbollocks.

What a strange, alternate reality you islamo-confused types exist in.

Unlike the previous Israeli invasion, where Israel defeated the Lebanese army (there was no Hezbollah) and occupied southern Lebanon. Israel was not able to occupy Lebanon in 2006. This was a major success for Lebanon and Hezbollah. Most Lebanese rightfully view the Israelis as the invaders and Hezbollah as the only force capable of defending Lebanon from Israeli aggression. That's just a fact.
Your islamo-facts are subject to islamo-confusion. In your altered islamo-reality, you're suffering the affects from that rug burn / blunt force trauma to your forehead.

Your Hizbollocks heroes acted unilaterally, outside of the government they were responsible to to provoke a war.

"Shirley", making excuses for Islamic terrorism is expected from you but don't think your silly babble ls taken seriously.

They are Christian facts from Lebanese Christians. What does Islam have to with it.

Wikileaks has debunked the idea that Hezbollah started the 2006 war. It published the Lebanese government's letter to the UN, sent just prior to the Israeli attack, that complained about Israeli land and air incursions and the kidnapping and subsequent torture of Lebanese citizens by the Israelis. This has been in Lebanese news for years. That's just one of the reasons most Lebanese including a majority of Christians support Hezbollah.

When one of the parties in dialogue has reached an untenable level of partisan fanaticism, serious conversation becomes impossible. A neutral observer would be a better judge to determine who is taken seriously.
Ah. "Christian facts".... because I say so.

Unfortunately for you, Habib, some of us are a bit more discriminating in regard to our acceptance of "facts" as they relate to your presentation of "islamo-facts"

Unfortunately for you, the Hasbara propaganda you spew is old. We have seen it all before. I present only facts, secular facts. Not Zionist fairy tales.

Unfortunately for you, the IslamoNazi propaganda you spew is old and has been laughed at on this board thousands of times. Nobody takes you seriously here.
Unlike the previous Israeli invasion, where Israel defeated the Lebanese army (there was no Hezbollah) and occupied southern Lebanon. Israel was not able to occupy Lebanon in 2006. This was a major success for Lebanon and Hezbollah. Most Lebanese rightfully view the Israelis as the invaders and Hezbollah as the only force capable of defending Lebanon from Israeli aggression. That's just a fact.
Your islamo-facts are subject to islamo-confusion. In your altered islamo-reality, you're suffering the affects from that rug burn / blunt force trauma to your forehead.

Your Hizbollocks heroes acted unilaterally, outside of the government they were responsible to to provoke a war.

"Shirley", making excuses for Islamic terrorism is expected from you but don't think your silly babble ls taken seriously.

They are Christian facts from Lebanese Christians. What does Islam have to with it.

Wikileaks has debunked the idea that Hezbollah started the 2006 war. It published the Lebanese government's letter to the UN, sent just prior to the Israeli attack, that complained about Israeli land and air incursions and the kidnapping and subsequent torture of Lebanese citizens by the Israelis. This has been in Lebanese news for years. That's just one of the reasons most Lebanese including a majority of Christians support Hezbollah.

When one of the parties in dialogue has reached an untenable level of partisan fanaticism, serious conversation becomes impossible. A neutral observer would be a better judge to determine who is taken seriously.
Ah. "Christian facts".... because I say so.

Unfortunately for you, Habib, some of us are a bit more discriminating in regard to our acceptance of "facts" as they relate to your presentation of "islamo-facts"

Unfortunately for you, the Hasbara propaganda you spew is old. We have seen it all before. I present only facts, secular facts. Not Zionist fairy tales.

Unfortunately for you, the IslamoNazi propaganda you spew is old and has been laughed at on this board thousands of times. Nobody takes you seriously here.

The only one being laughed at is you. All you post is propaganda, never one fact. You are the forum clown. Projecting doesn't help. Everyone knows I present facts, that's what upsets you and your fellow Hasbara propagandists.

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