'SB jihadi to Christian coworker: “Christians and Jews deserve to die”'


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
SB jihadi to Christian coworker: “Christians and Jews deserve to die”

"Farook also threatened Nicholas Thalasinos, whom he eventually murdered. A friend of the victim recounted:

The islamic terrorist who took the Life of my friend & bro in Christ, Nicholas Thalasinos, on yesterday in San Bernadino, CA, had been threatening him, telling him that islam will rule the world, Christians and Jews deserve to die; and that he (Nicholas) was going to die."

rest at link
SB jihadi to Christian coworker: “Christians and Jews deserve to die”

"Farook also threatened Nicholas Thalasinos, whom he eventually murdered. A friend of the victim recounted:

The islamic terrorist who took the Life of my friend & bro in Christ, Nicholas Thalasinos, on yesterday in San Bernadino, CA, had been threatening him, telling him that islam will rule the world, Christians and Jews deserve to die; and that he (Nicholas) was going to die."

rest at link

I wonder if Loretta Lynch would have considered prosecuting Syed Farook for his
threats against Christians and Jews had the threats been reported
He would have been investigated.

Muslims must take the lead in reporting threats and suspicious activity.
The perverted LGBT Church/media (same thing) & powerful sychophants are attacking Christians (verbally, for now...well...they did put one in jail...). The Muslims are hating on the Jews and Christians. The Christians and Jews are hating on the Muslims. But at least the Christians, Jews and Muslims all have as part of their code to strive for decency. Maybe it's just a matter of a bunch of bulls charging at a red cape...sleight of hand?
He would have been investigated.

Muslims must take the lead in reporting threats and suspicious activity.

do you have any citation to support your contention that saying "islam will rule"----
and "Christians and jews should be dead" would excite an INVESTIGATION? ----
by whom?
He would have been investigated. Muslims must take the lead in reporting threats and suspicious activity.
do you have any citation to support your contention that saying "islam will rule"---- and "Christians and jews should be dead" would excite an INVESTIGATION? ----by whom?
You don't have one that says it won't. If a person says it as a threat, yes, report it. If he is saying it as his opinion, yes, it is right to do so.
He would have been investigated. Muslims must take the lead in reporting threats and suspicious activity.
do you have any citation to support your contention that saying "islam will rule"---- and "Christians and jews should be dead" would excite an INVESTIGATION? ----by whom?
You don't have one that says it won't. If a person says it as a threat, yes, report it. If he is saying it as his opinion, yes, it is right to do so.

you did not render your opinion "IT SHOULD BE REPORTED"-----you ASSERTED ----"IT WOULD BE INVESTIGATED" <<<< I kinda doubt it. You express yourself in
a manner suggesting you were either born yesterday or lived under a rock all of
your life
The perverted LGBT Church/media (same thing) & powerful sychophants are attacking Christians (verbally, for now...well...they did put one in jail...). The Muslims are hating on the Jews and Christians. The Christians and Jews are hating on the Muslims. But at least the Christians, Jews and Muslims all have as part of their code to strive for decency. Maybe it's just a matter of a bunch of bulls charging at a red cape...sleight of hand?

Next time you have a thought, just let it go. :)
The perverted LGBT Church/media (same thing) & powerful sychophants are attacking Christians (verbally, for now...well...they did put one in jail...). The Muslims are hating on the Jews and Christians. The Christians and Jews are hating on the Muslims. But at least the Christians, Jews and Muslims all have as part of their code to strive for decency. Maybe it's just a matter of a bunch of bulls charging at a red cape...sleight of hand?

Next time you have a thought, just let it go. :)

give her a chance to rehydrate
He would have been investigated. Muslims must take the lead in reporting threats and suspicious activity.
Can you guess why they don't, and haven't these last 14 years?
You really don't know that they haven't. IMO, there must be a lot of info being offered by Muslims or things would have been a lot worse over the last 14 years.
SB jihadi to Christian coworker: “Christians and Jews deserve to die”

"Farook also threatened Nicholas Thalasinos, whom he eventually murdered. A friend of the victim recounted:

The islamic terrorist who took the Life of my friend & bro in Christ, Nicholas Thalasinos, on yesterday in San Bernadino, CA, had been threatening him, telling him that islam will rule the world, Christians and Jews deserve to die; and that he (Nicholas) was going to die."

rest at link

SB jihadi to Christian coworker: “Christians and Jews deserve to die”

"Farook also threatened Nicholas Thalasinos, whom he eventually murdered. A friend of the victim recounted:

The islamic terrorist who took the Life of my friend & bro in Christ, Nicholas Thalasinos, on yesterday in San Bernadino, CA, had been threatening him, telling him that islam will rule the world, Christians and Jews deserve to die; and that he (Nicholas) was going to die."

rest at link

I'm sure he would of told his wife, and his wife said her husband and she said her husband while talking to the shooter, did get along with him.
The perverted LGBT Church/media (same thing) & powerful sychophants are attacking Christians (verbally, for now...well...they did put one in jail...). The Muslims are hating on the Jews and Christians. The Christians and Jews are hating on the Muslims. But at least the Christians, Jews and Muslims all have as part of their code to strive for decency. Maybe it's just a matter of a bunch of bulls charging at a red cape...sleight of hand?

Christians are not "hating" on Muslims.
I am not sure I want to live in a world where everyone rats on everyone else.

But then again I don't want to live in a world where there are those who would walk into a building for solely religious reasons and start shooting. If the Colorado shooter had any Christian denomination standing behind him I would be against that denomination. But we see everyday Imam's preaching hate against the rest of the free world. We see hate being preached in Mosques. The come back is that Christians teach against, what the Christians, call sin. Yep, saying that you are against gay marriage certainly is the same as throwing gays off the top of buildings.
The perverted LGBT Church/media (same thing) & powerful sychophants are attacking Christians (verbally, for now...well...they did put one in jail...). The Muslims are hating on the Jews and Christians. The Christians and Jews are hating on the Muslims. But at least the Christians, Jews and Muslims all have as part of their code to strive for decency. Maybe it's just a matter of a bunch of bulls charging at a red cape...sleight of hand?

Wow, you literally inject your ant-gay narrative into every fucking thread. One-trick pony.
This is crap, not that something like this isn't very likely, but please, Jihad Watch the Fear-Mongers? You have to be able to do better than that.

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