SBNYPD "Declares War" On Deblasio, Calls For Federal Intervention

They should just arrest the democrats,, take the city back, make Rudy the mayor until they can fix the city.. screw democrats
Putting all Democrats in jail won`t stop Republicans from arming the crazies, criminals and terrorists will it?

Your a dumbass. All the guns used are illegal moron. Get your facts straight before you open your mouth libtard. NY had the strictest gun laws but its not helping is it. Thugs will always get guns.

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After 2 attempted police assassination attempts in the past 24 hours, the SBNYPD sent out these tweets today:

"Mayor DeBlasio, the members of the NYPD are declaring war on you! We do not respect you, DO NOT visit us in hospitals. You sold the NYPD to the vile creatures, the 1% who hate cops but vote for you. NYPD cops have been assassinated because of you. This isn’t over, Game on!"
"President Trump is 100% correct. NYS & NYC need the support of the Department of Justice. Criminals are being released, it’s time we prosecute in Federal Court. The Mayor is ruining NYC, cops have been stopped from doing their jobs. NYC is under siege. Send in the Feds"

SBA on Twitter
SBA on Twitter

IMO, these officers should march into city hall and throw these enablers of criminality out on their asses.
Or... They could quit..? Their service isn't compulsory...

They should quit and say fuck you to NYC and let’s see how they fend for themselves. The animals will run NY more then they do now. If you think your better why don’t you try to walk in there shoes. You won’t because your a pussy liberal

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They should just arrest the democrats,, take the city back, make Rudy the mayor until they can fix the city.. screw democrats
Putting all Democrats in jail won`t stop Republicans from arming the crazies, criminals and terrorists will it?

I'm sure it was Republican policies that let this asshat out of prison after he tried killing a score of people. But don't let that stop you from blaming the guns, tard. :rolleyes:
If the GOP hadn`t helped him get a gun in the first place he might have not been in prison. Guns really do play a major role in shootings. That`s not blaming the gun dumbass but the fact that every one who wants one has one.

How did the GOP help him. Are you really that ignorant. Try purchasing a gun in NY and see how that goes for you. Don’t talk about guns when your too ignorant to know what your talking about. You sound like a CNN reporter. Totally clueless

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They should just arrest the democrats,, take the city back, make Rudy the mayor until they can fix the city.. screw democrats
Putting all Democrats in jail won`t stop Republicans from arming the crazies, criminals and terrorists will it?
Those crazies get those guns illegally, dumbass.
They do get them illegally and they have their own lobby group that makes it easy for them. Crazies, criminals and terrorists don`t even need to send money to them like the other suckers.

You really are stupid. Do you even have a clue how many illegal guns are on the street. I can drive to 20 plus different places within a half hour of my house and buy a gun off the street. Libtards don’t understand that. You sit here and lie. Everyone of your post on this thread are all lies. You are a dumb fuck.

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After 2 attempted police assassination attempts in the past 24 hours, the SBNYPD sent out these tweets today:

"Mayor DeBlasio, the members of the NYPD are declaring war on you! We do not respect you, DO NOT visit us in hospitals. You sold the NYPD to the vile creatures, the 1% who hate cops but vote for you. NYPD cops have been assassinated because of you. This isn’t over, Game on!"
"President Trump is 100% correct. NYS & NYC need the support of the Department of Justice. Criminals are being released, it’s time we prosecute in Federal Court. The Mayor is ruining NYC, cops have been stopped from doing their jobs. NYC is under siege. Send in the Feds"

SBA on Twitter
SBA on Twitter

IMO, these officers should march into city hall and throw these enablers of criminality out on their asses.
Or... They could quit..? Their service isn't compulsory...

They should quit and say fuck you to NYC and let’s see how they fend for themselves. The animals will run NY more then they do now. If you think your better why don’t you try to walk in there shoes. You won’t because your a pussy liberal

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Precisely the point of quitting. Let the leaders of the city deal with the problems without them. That’s likely the only way to get their attention. As for the last in you petty tantrum... I have walked in their shoes, and walked away to ventures more profitable and fulfilling. Let the sheep rely on their politicians to defend them. As for your assertion regarding my political leaning? Lol! You got a lot to learn kid...
They should just arrest the democrats,, take the city back, make Rudy the mayor until they can fix the city.. screw democrats
Putting all Democrats in jail won`t stop Republicans from arming the crazies, criminals and terrorists will it?

I'm sure it was Republican policies that let this asshat out of prison after he tried killing a score of people. But don't let that stop you from blaming the guns, tard. :rolleyes:
If the GOP hadn`t helped him get a gun in the first place he might have not been in prison. Guns really do play a major role in shootings. That`s not blaming the gun dumbass but the fact that every one who wants one has one.

Do you realize how hard it is to get a handgun legally in NYC?

Do you understand criminals can get guns far more easily because THEY BREAK THE FUCKING LAWS YOU THICK FUCK.
Open up enough unlocked car doors and you`ll have a gun. I`m well aware of how hard it is to get a gun legally in NY. With hundreds of million of them in circulation anyone who wants a gun can get one and passing 9th graders learn this in Economics class. The laws are pretty useless at this point. It`s amusing how gun nuts dismiss gun crimes because the perp`s gun was stolen. The person who was shot still has a hole in them whether the gun was stolen or not.

The dismissal is in the fact that you morons think making it harder for law abiding people to get guns translates to making it harder for criminals to get one. And yet you blame republicans for it because you are an SJW soi boi hack.

baaaaa like the sheep you are.

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