SC Teacher Used Limbaugh's Book To Teach Third Graders About Slavery

Pogo, you can validate your posts with a link or not, I presume you can't, either way you display much gall, demanding a link after so many of pogo 's posts where flames and vulgarity.

Next time if you wish to engage try a bit of humility and honesty, pogo acts civil? After being vulgar?

Pogo, one does not exchange links with you, one trades flames, that is how pogo waltzed in, pogo you can't change your dance now.


Hi Electra;

You have to forgive Pogo, he is what is normally called a "troll." His primary purpose is to create turmoil and drama.
Pogo, you can validate your posts with a link or not, I presume you can't, either way you display much gall, demanding a link after so many of pogo 's posts where flames and vulgarity.

Next time if you wish to engage try a bit of humility and honesty, pogo acts civil? After being vulgar?

Pogo, one does not exchange links with you, one trades flames, that is how pogo waltzed in, pogo you can't change your dance now.


Hi Electra;

You have to forgive Pogo, he is what is normally called a "troll." His primary purpose is to create turmoil and drama.

You have to forgive Pothead. Ever since he got his ass handed to him in the Rachel Carson thread he's been on a hissyfit mission.

I invited Elektra to post these "lies". She failed because they don't exist. End of story. And they all lived happily ever after. Except for Pothead who still fills his tank at BP ---- Butthurtia Permanente. :itsok:
Pogo the troll, flames, insults, and lies. Now pogo attempts to engage. Right.
At least I know how to spell your name right.

Btw your window has not closed for quoting said 'lies'. It's a new week -- watcha got?
You have to forgive Pothead. Ever since he got his ass handed to him in the Rachel Carson thread he's been on a hissyfit mission.

Yeah, I "got my ass handed to me" the same way Israel got their ass handed to them in the 6 day war!


I invited Elektra to post these "lies". She failed because they don't exist. End of story. And they all lived happily ever after. Except for Pothead who still fills his tank at BP ---- Butthurtia Permanente. :itsok:

You trolled Elektra with your usual bullshit. 30% of what you post is factual and accurate - you seem to think the rest of us should enjoy sorting through the shit to find it...
The problem with Limbaugh's approach is that he was an idealized, sanitized version of American history that validates his world view.

Which I guess works if you never hear a contrary opinion.

Now, I grew up Catholic. Which means I went to 12 years of Catholic Schools and frankly didn't hear anything that departed from the Catholic party line until I was in college.

So imagine how amazed I was to find out in College how the Catholic Church was hip-deep in bed with the Nazis in World War II.

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