Scalia Rewrites History, Claims 5-4 Bush v. Gore Decision ‘Wasn’t Even Close’

No, they could not, as this would require legislation to that effect.

1: Election law cannot change during an election
2: Only the state legislatuires may create election law

Given these two things, no remedy, including your suggestion, was possible.
Purging legitimate votes was illegal.
The election was terribly flawed..which, probably points to the fact that the electoral college should be scrapped and elections moved into the Federal domain. The majority should rule when it comes to the election of a President or anyone, really. There are more than enough mechanisms protecting "the rights" of the wealthy.
Since you failed, and utterly so, to address what I said, I'll re-post to give you another opportunity:

1: Election law cannot change during an election
2: Only the state legislatuires may create election law

Given these two things, no remedy, including your suggestion, was possible.

Once again.


Got it?
No, they could not, as this would require legislation to that effect.

1: Election law cannot change during an election
2: Only the state legislatuires may create election law

Given these two things, no remedy, including your suggestion, was possible.

Purging legitimate votes was illegal.

The election was terribly flawed..which, probably points to the fact that the electoral college should be scrapped and elections moved into the Federal domain. The majority should rule when it comes to the election of a President or anyone, really. There are more than enough mechanisms protecting "the rights" of the wealthy.

yes, the election was terribly flawed, acorn had thousands of dead people voting, thousands casting multiple ballots, the military absentee ballots conveniently "lost", and yet Bush still won.

thats what pisses you off isn't it. you could not even win by cheating. :eek:

That's complete Bullshit.

And the military ballots weren't lost..and they were actually LATE.

They were still allowed to be counted.
That sucks. I mean first Bush gets illegally elected, then Obama gets illegally elected with a fake birth certificate. At least you and i know the REAL truth.

Proof? Evidence? None. So cut out the bullshit and admit you're a LIAR.
yes, the election was terribly flawed, acorn had thousands of dead people voting, thousands casting multiple ballots...and yet Bush still won.
Don't forget that Bush's brother, Jeb Bush, governor of Florida, grabbed the ballots of many districts and drove them in trucks here, there and everywhere around Florida -- doing who knows what to them.
yes, the election was terribly flawed, acorn had thousands of dead people voting, thousands casting multiple ballots...and yet Bush still won.
Don't forget that Bush's brother, Jeb Bush, governor of Florida, grabbed the ballots of many districts and drove them in trucks here, there and everywhere around Florida -- doing who knows what to them.

Can you provide a link to that story?
Purging legitimate votes was illegal.
The election was terribly flawed..which, probably points to the fact that the electoral college should be scrapped and elections moved into the Federal domain. The majority should rule when it comes to the election of a President or anyone, really. There are more than enough mechanisms protecting "the rights" of the wealthy.
Since you failed, and utterly so, to address what I said, I'll re-post to give you another opportunity:
1: Election law cannot change during an election
2: Only the state legislatuires may create election law
Given these two things, no remedy, including your suggestion, was possible.
Once again.
Got it?
-Election law cannot change during an election
-Only the state legislatuires may create election law
-Given these two things, no remedy, including your suggestion, was possible.

Why do you refuse to address these facts?
Wait! I know!
You know you cannot and simple want to change the subject!

Thank you for your admission of defeat.
yes, the election was terribly flawed, acorn had thousands of dead people voting, thousands casting multiple ballots...and yet Bush still won.
Don't forget that Bush's brother, Jeb Bush, governor of Florida, grabbed the ballots of many districts and drove them in trucks here, there and everywhere around Florida -- doing who knows what to them.
Thi sis, of course, nothing more than a lie told by a useful idiot.
Your masters are proud.
Since you failed, and utterly so, to address what I said, I'll re-post to give you another opportunity:
1: Election law cannot change during an election
2: Only the state legislatuires may create election law
Given these two things, no remedy, including your suggestion, was possible.
Once again.
Got it?
-Election law cannot change during an election
-Only the state legislatuires may create election law
-Given these two things, no remedy, including your suggestion, was possible.

Why do you refuse to address these facts?
Wait! I know!
You know you cannot and simple want to change the subject!

Thank you for your admission of defeat.

No "defeat" whatsoever.

And in fact..sort of a victory.

Bush was such a fuck up..this might lead to 2 consecutive Democratic Administrations.

Lose a battle.

Win the war.

Once again.
Got it?
-Election law cannot change during an election
-Only the state legislatuires may create election law
-Given these two things, no remedy, including your suggestion, was possible.

Why do you refuse to address these facts?
Wait! I know!
You know you cannot and simple want to change the subject!

Thank you for your admission of defeat.

No "defeat" whatsoever.
Then why have you not addressed my post?

-Election law cannot change during an election
-Only the state legislatuires may create election law
-Given these two things, no remedy, including your suggestion, was possible.

Clearly you disagree. Describe, in specific terms, how I am wrong.
By Ian Millhiser

During a speech at Wesleyan University last night, Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia offered a strange revision of the time he joined with four of his conservative colleagues to make George W. Bush president:

At the end of the speech, Scalia took questions from the audience. One person asked about the Bush-Gore case, where the Supreme Court had to determine the winner of the election.

“Get over it,” Scalia said of the controversy surrounding it, to laughter from the audience.“

Scalia reminded the audience it was Gore who took the election to court, and the election was going to be decided in a court anyway—either the Florida Supreme Court or the U.S. Supreme Court.

It was a long time ago, people forget…It was a 7-2 decision. It wasn’t even close,” he said.​

Bush v. Gore was not a 7-2 decision — and indeed, Scalia could tell this is true by counting all four of the dissenting opinions in that case. Although it is true that the four dissenters divided on how the Florida recount should proceed — two believed there should be a statewide recount of all Florida voters while two others believed a narrower recount would be acceptable — not one of the Court’s four moderates agreed with Scalia that the winner of the 2000 presidential election should effectively be chosen by five most conservative members of the Supreme Court of the United States.

Scalia Rewrites History, Claims 5-4 Bush v. Gore Decision 'Wasn't Even Close'

Scalia Lies About Bush V. Gore – Tells Crowd To ‘Get Over It’ | Addicting Info

Supreme Court justice Antonin Scalia speaks at Wesleyan - The Middletown Press : Serving Middletown, CT

Gore Won Florida

Democrats supported The Troops by making certain their votes did not count.
yes, the election was terribly flawed, acorn had thousands of dead people voting, thousands casting multiple ballots...and yet Bush still won.
Don't forget that Bush's brother, Jeb Bush, governor of Florida, grabbed the ballots of many districts and drove them in trucks here, there and everywhere around Florida -- doing who knows what to them.
Can you provide a link to that story?
Well, in 2000, on the television news, I saw the video taken by reporters who were in a helicopter following the trucks as they were going down the highways late at night.

Perhaps other people remember the report.

I would imagine that since then the original video has gone down the Memory Hole in our 1984-ish totalitarian America.

Why Gore lost FL
Don't forget that Bush's brother, Jeb Bush, governor of Florida, grabbed the ballots of many districts and drove them in trucks here, there and everywhere around Florida -- doing who knows what to them.
Can you provide a link to that story?
Well, in 2000, on the television news, I saw the video taken by reporters who were in a helicopter following the trucks as they were going down the highways late at night.

Perhaps other people remember the report.

I would imagine that since then the original video has gone down the Memory Hole in our 1984-ish totalitarian America.
IOW, you have nothing to back up your claim.
yes, the election was terribly flawed, acorn had thousands of dead people voting, thousands casting multiple ballots...and yet Bush still won.
Don't forget that Bush's brother, Jeb Bush, governor of Florida, grabbed the ballots of many districts and drove them in trucks here, there and everywhere around Florida -- doing who knows what to them.

Please, oh please provide on shred of evidence for this statement. You do realize that the ballots do get sent to the on central location such as the county court house.
Here is what we know for absolute fact.

The lawyer for Al Gore lied in court. He should have been disbarred but since most of the lawyers are also democrats not much chance of that happening.

Once proved to be liars why would anyone believe anything the left has to say?

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