Scarborough: "Tired Of GOP Bitching And Moaning"


Gold Member
Apr 5, 2009

Scarborough Is Tired Of GOP 'Bitching And Moaning' About Obama Iraq Policy

Tom Kludt
August 11, 2014

[Morning Joe] Scarborough challenged Dan Senor, the neoconservative who served as a spokesperson for the Coalition Provisional Authority at the outset of 2003 Iraq War, to "salute the President."

Obviously this President responding to a war-weary country that has said, time and time again, we don't want to be involved in Iraq. We don't want to be involved in Afghanistan. Let's face it, Dan: They have been a lot closer to my position on these matters than yours. We've had these debates long and hard. But at this point I can even say we need to be involved. Will you do what a lot of Republicans didn't do this weekend and salute the President for being involved? I'm so sick and tired of the same people bitching and moaning about this President not doing things [and] when this President does things, instead of supporting him, when we're at a critical moment, a critical moment in this nation's history, what do they do? They've got to go on the Sunday shows and bitch and moan about a President doing what we all know — what realists, what neocon alike —understand we have to do, we have to confront ISIS. Will you salute the President for taking these steps?
Senor conceded that Obama did indeed deserve credit, but said the President will still have to make a "strategic case for the long haul" in Iraq.

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Even Republicans like GW Bush advisor/Campbell Brown's better/smarter half recognize their ODS will lose debates when challenged - even-----even if it's by another Republican.[/FONT]

"conceded that Obama did indeed deserve credit, but said the President will still have to make a "strategic case for the long haul" in Iraq."
I can't stand the constant whining from the right, and before Oblama it was from the left. Go an get a hobby and try not to worry about every drop of water that flows through a pipe already.. The thing that annoyed me even more, those damn protest songs during Nam....
The Hussein administration supported the jihad factions that took over Libya and Syria. Why did foreign policy turn on a dime and kill the same factions that Barry supported?
I keep saying that you liberals would be much happier in your own country where nary a normal person will be found. Let's get a divorce and lower your blood pressure. The sooner we can stick all of you guys into your echo chamber, the happier you'll be.
I keep saying that you liberals would be much happier in your own country where nary a normal person will be found. Let's get a divorce and lower your blood pressure. The sooner we can stick all of you guys into your echo chamber, the happier you'll be.

WE'RE not going anywhere! Did you think the FEMA camps were just for show? :muahaha:
Breaking news!

Missourian: "I'm tired of hearing Joe Scarborough bitching and moaning about the GOP every time it sounds like the job at Meet the Press is about to open up."

Sources close to Missourian quote him as saying "Joe Scarborough can stop blowing and get up off his knees now...he's NOT getting David Gregory's job on Meet the Press, Chuck Todd is. Better luck next time Joe...learn from your mistakes and just BECOME the liberal you always wanted to's the only way to get a seat at the big desk at NBC."

Back to you Star.
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[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Even Republicans like GW Bush advisor/Campbell Brown's better/smarter half recognize their ODS will lose debates when challenged - even-----even if it's by another Republican.[/FONT]

"conceded that Obama did indeed deserve credit, but said the President will still have to make a "strategic case for the long haul" in Iraq."


Holy shit, I had no idea!

Well, that explains her recent endeavours.
Yeah well I got sick of listening to Democrats bitch about Bush 24/7 365 days a year for eight years as well as the five plus years after he left office so deal with it.

We will get around to changing your diaper also, just like the rest of the cry babies..on both the right and the left...
Breaking news!

Missourian: "I'm tired of hearing Joe Scarborough bitching and moaning about the GOP every time it sounds like the job at Meet the Press is about to open up."

Sources close to Missourian quote him as saying "Joe Scarborough can stop blowing and get up off his knees now...he's NOT getting David Gregory's job on Meet the Press, Chuck Todd is. Better luck next time Joe...learn from your mistakes and just BECOME the liberal you always wanted to's the only way to get a seat at the big desk at NBC."

Back to you Star.
Actually, I would not be surprised to see Joe run for POTUS. The silent majority within the Republican Party wants to tell these teabaggers to fuck off, and Joe could be their voice.
Breaking news!

Missourian: "I'm tired of hearing Joe Scarborough bitching and moaning about the GOP every time it sounds like the job at Meet the Press is about to open up."

Sources close to Missourian quote him as saying "Joe Scarborough can stop blowing and get up off his knees now...he's NOT getting David Gregory's job on Meet the Press, Chuck Todd is. Better luck next time Joe...learn from your mistakes and just BECOME the liberal you always wanted to's the only way to get a seat at the big desk at NBC."

Back to you Star.
Actually, I would not be surprised to see Joe run for POTUS. The silent majority within the Republican Party wants to tell these teabaggers to fuck off, and Joe could be their voice.

Sure the dems have a secret pack with the GOP to oust those disgruntled evangelical Tea Baggers...

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