Scarborough: "Tired Of GOP Bitching And Moaning"

Breaking news!

Missourian: "I'm tired of hearing Joe Scarborough bitching and moaning about the GOP every time it sounds like the job at Meet the Press is about to open up."

Sources close to Missourian quote him as saying "Joe Scarborough can stop blowing and get up off his knees now...he's NOT getting David Gregory's job on Meet the Press, Chuck Todd is. Better luck next time Joe...learn from your mistakes and just BECOME the liberal you always wanted to's the only way to get a seat at the big desk at NBC."

Back to you Star.
Actually, I would not be surprised to see Joe run for POTUS. The silent majority within the Republican Party wants to tell these teabaggers to fuck off, and Joe could be their voice.

Sure the dems have a secret pack with the GOP to oust those disgruntled evangelical Tea Baggers...

Sometimes interests converge. Although, I don't want to go back to the same old two party nonsense. I would rather a Liberal faction challenge Democrats the way the teabaggers challenge the Republicans.
At least Todd recognizes an opening, or a contradiction, when he hears it, and will ask for clarification. Everything just sails right over Gregory's head.

I'm not sure who else at NBC would be better than Todd. The job requires you to lead guests into answering questions rather than engaging them in conversation, so people like Chris Hayes, Ari Melber, and Steve Kornacki don't fit. Thomas Roberts is one of the best interviewers at NBC but he doesn't have the political gravitas. Andrea Mitchell is a terrible interviewer, and would never ask an uncomfortable question, as she's friends with everyone in Washington.

I think anybody they put in there is just keeping the seat warm for when the Dauphin Of MSNBC, Luke Russert, is ready.

to your Huffpo article on MTP. And then distracted by a photo in the margin announcing Brazil's "Miss BumBum" contest. Good name for it. They all seem to have enough derriere to make 2 bums. Definitly not my style, one per suits me. :eusa_clap:

Breaking news!

Missourian: "I'm tired of hearing Joe Scarborough bitching and moaning about the GOP every time it sounds like the job at Meet the Press is about to open up."

Sources close to Missourian quote him as saying "Joe Scarborough can stop blowing and get up off his knees now...he's NOT getting David Gregory's job on Meet the Press, Chuck Todd is. Better luck next time Joe...learn from your mistakes and just BECOME the liberal you always wanted to's the only way to get a seat at the big desk at NBC."

Back to you Star.
Actually, I would not be surprised to see Joe run for POTUS. The silent majority within the Republican Party wants to tell these teabaggers to fuck off, and Joe could be their voice.

There is no silent majority...the folks you're referring to gave us John McCain and Mitt Romney both.

At least Todd recognizes an opening, or a contradiction, when he hears it, and will ask for clarification. Everything just sails right over Gregory's head.

I'm not sure who else at NBC would be better than Todd. The job requires you to lead guests into answering questions rather than engaging them in conversation, so people like Chris Hayes, Ari Melber, and Steve Kornacki don't fit. Thomas Roberts is one of the best interviewers at NBC but he doesn't have the political gravitas. Andrea Mitchell is a terrible interviewer, and would never ask an uncomfortable question, as she's friends with everyone in Washington.

I think anybody they put in there is just keeping the seat warm for when the Dauphin Of MSNBC, Luke Russert, is ready.

I don't understand why it's so problematic for them to look outside of NBC. They probably don't understand their problem. They likely believe that Gregory is the problem and so replacing him solves the problem. That's wrong. They need "the right person" in that seat, and while Todd seems to be better than Gregory he's not "the right person." This means that the problem is not solved because they misunderstood what the problem was and so they solved the wrong problem.

Gregory and Todd don't make the show, no one (I hope) tunes in because they're members of fan clubs, what makes the show are the interrogations, so putting in a no-name but highly competent host will both make the show better and make the reputation of the new host.
Yet another example of leftists complaining when other people use their freedom of speech.

Funny how quickly the hypocrites expose themselves, given how whiny and b!tchy the left was over Bush, for over a decade.

Yet here we are complaining about Obama's Iraq policy for just a year or two, and suddenly "we're tired of hearing you people. Wah wah".


Wah wah!... people are using the freedoms we used, on us! Wah!
so what we've come to know is Obama is warmonger

So he lied to ya again and those same bitching about Bush are now whining because people are showing Obama to be just what he is

a liar and chicken hawk...he's meddled in how many countries now? Libya, Syria, now Iraq

throw that peace prize away it's a phony as he is
Breaking news!

Missourian: "I'm tired of hearing Joe Scarborough bitching and moaning about the GOP every time it sounds like the job at Meet the Press is about to open up."

Sources close to Missourian quote him as saying "Joe Scarborough can stop blowing and get up off his knees now...he's NOT getting David Gregory's job on Meet the Press, Chuck Todd is. Better luck next time Joe...learn from your mistakes and just BECOME the liberal you always wanted to's the only way to get a seat at the big desk at NBC."

Back to you Star.
Actually, I would not be surprised to see Joe run for POTUS. The silent majority within the Republican Party wants to tell these teabaggers to fuck off, and Joe could be their voice.

There is no silent majority...the folks you're referring to gave us John McCain and Mitt Romney both.


Correct, and that's precisely because they are the majority.

If fringe extremist teabaggers were the majority, we would have gotten Ron Paul and Rick Santorum.
I can't stand the constant whining from the right, and before Oblama it was from the left. Go an get a hobby and try not to worry about every drop of water that flows through a pipe already.. The thing that annoyed me even more, those damn protest songs during Nam....

I can understand, we were pretty sick of the left whining for the 8 years before Obama.
I can't stand the constant whining from the right, and before Oblama it was from the left. Go an get a hobby and try not to worry about every drop of water that flows through a pipe already.. The thing that annoyed me even more, those damn protest songs during Nam....

I can understand, we were pretty sick of the left whining for the 8 years before Obama.

Yes, because whining about a war based on a lie, costing trillions of dollars and thousands of lives is JUST LIKE whining that President Obama is:

  • Talking to schoolchildren
  • Fist-bumping with Michelle
  • Having a beer summit
  • Bowling badly
  • Throwing a baseball badly
  • Playing golf
  • Going on vacation like every other president
  • Cutting in line at the burger joint
  • Putting his feet on the Oval Office desk, like every other president
  • Sneaking a cigarette
  • Picking the NCAA bracket
I can't stand the constant whining from the right, and before Oblama it was from the left. Go an get a hobby and try not to worry about every drop of water that flows through a pipe already.. The thing that annoyed me even more, those damn protest songs during Nam....

I can understand, we were pretty sick of the left whining for the 8 years before Obama.

Yes, because whining about a war based on a lie, costing trillions of dollars and thousands of lives is JUST LIKE whining that President Obama is:

  • Talking to schoolchildren
  • Fist-bumping with Michelle
  • Having a beer summit
  • Bowling badly
  • Throwing a baseball badly
  • Playing golf
  • Going on vacation like every other president
  • Cutting in line at the burger joint
  • Putting his feet on the Oval Office desk, like every other president
  • Sneaking a cigarette
  • Picking the NCAA bracket

War based upon a lie:
Obama could put troops on the ground in Iraq to save tens of thousands trapped on mountain, White House says | Mail Online

Obama says he will not send troops to Iraq - The Washington Post

HEALTHCARE based upon a lie which has cost lives already for some with cancer... OBAMA LIED PEOPLE DIED

U.S. Can Kill American Citizens Without Trial: Eric Holder
I can understand, we were pretty sick of the left whining for the 8 years before Obama.

Yes, because whining about a war based on a lie, costing trillions of dollars and thousands of lives is JUST LIKE whining that President Obama is:

  • Talking to schoolchildren
  • Fist-bumping with Michelle
  • Having a beer summit
  • Bowling badly
  • Throwing a baseball badly
  • Playing golf
  • Going on vacation like every other president
  • Cutting in line at the burger joint
  • Putting his feet on the Oval Office desk, like every other president
  • Sneaking a cigarette
  • Picking the NCAA bracket

War based upon a lie:
Obama could put troops on the ground in Iraq to save tens of thousands trapped on mountain, White House says | Mail Online

You think it's a lie that people are trapped on a mountain? You're dumber than I thought.

He probably won't.

Obama: 'If you like your health care plan, you'll be able to keep your health care plan' | PolitiFact

HEALTHCARE based upon a lie which has cost lives already for some with cancer... OBAMA LIED PEOPLE DIED

False. No one has died due to Obamacare.

NEWSMAX is no way to go through life, girl.

^^^ Proof that you support the terrorists over Obama.
Yes, because whining about a war based on a lie, costing trillions of dollars and thousands of lives is JUST LIKE whining that President Obama is:

  • Talking to schoolchildren
  • Fist-bumping with Michelle
  • Having a beer summit
  • Bowling badly
  • Throwing a baseball badly
  • Playing golf
  • Going on vacation like every other president
  • Cutting in line at the burger joint
  • Putting his feet on the Oval Office desk, like every other president
  • Sneaking a cigarette
  • Picking the NCAA bracket

War based upon a lie:
Obama could put troops on the ground in Iraq to save tens of thousands trapped on mountain, White House says | Mail Online

You think it's a lie that people are trapped on a mountain? You're dumber than I thought.

He probably won't.

Obama: 'If you like your health care plan, you'll be able to keep your health care plan' | PolitiFact

HEALTHCARE based upon a lie which has cost lives already for some with cancer... OBAMA LIED PEOPLE DIED

False. No one has died due to Obamacare.

NEWSMAX is no way to go through life, girl.

^^^ Proof that you support the terrorists over Obama.

After Months Of Waiting For Obamacare Coverage, Las Vegas Woman Dies From Brain Tumor

Woman dies after waiting months for operation through Nevada?s Silver State Exchange - Las Vegas Sun News

Aware of 'no options,' woman dies fighting for medical coverage -
I keep saying that you liberals would be much happier in your own country where nary a normal person will be found. Let's get a divorce and lower your blood pressure. The sooner we can stick all of you guys into your echo chamber, the happier you'll be.

I've thought about it many times. Imagine, if we could seperate the Blue States from the Red States. One one side, you would have the worlds best schools, universities and colleges. Industry, technology, skilled workers and a high standard of living.

Then on the Republican side, you would have a low standard of living. Poor uneducated Republicans. People without teeth. No heath care. Schools teaching the world is only 6,000 years old, that science is a faith. We would need to build a fence to keep out Republicans who are trying to sneak in to work for less than the minimum wage. Only let in the ones who can "weed" or clean or wash the car without scratching it.

You think it's a lie that people are trapped on a mountain? You're dumber than I thought.

He probably won't.

False. No one has died due to Obamacare.

NEWSMAX is no way to go through life, girl.

^^^ Proof that you support the terrorists over Obama.

After Months Of Waiting For Obamacare Coverage, Las Vegas Woman Dies From Brain Tumor

You are truly a disgusting person.


Linda Rolain could not afford insurance on the private market, and she was suffering from a life-threatening illness, making her a prime candidate for Obamacare.

So she was going to die, because the pre-Obamacare system wouldn't insure her because of her pre-existing condition. Obamacare eliminated pre-conditions. It was just too late for this woman to take advantage of.

How much sooner could Obamacare have been implemented had Republicans not obstructed every step of the way? Why aren't you blaming them for this woman's death?

Actually, why aren't you blaming the insurance industry for her death?
I keep saying that you liberals would be much happier in your own country where nary a normal person will be found. Let's get a divorce and lower your blood pressure. The sooner we can stick all of you guys into your echo chamber, the happier you'll be.

You can have Texas. :D

If we're going to get a divorce then you can have the kids, I mean liberals and minorities, and we'll take Texas.

If you want that multicultural society, don't let us stop you. If you want that European social welfare state with cradle to grave benefits and iron-clad job guarantees, don't let us stop you. If you want open borders, go for it, invite the entire continent of Africa to come live with you so that you can pamper them with those cradle to grave benefits.

Go for it. You want us to take Texas, I'll say thanks, I think we will.
You think it's a lie that people are trapped on a mountain? You're dumber than I thought.

He probably won't.

False. No one has died due to Obamacare.

NEWSMAX is no way to go through life, girl.

^^^ Proof that you support the terrorists over Obama.

After Months Of Waiting For Obamacare Coverage, Las Vegas Woman Dies From Brain Tumor

You are truly a disgusting person.


Linda Rolain could not afford insurance on the private market, and she was suffering from a life-threatening illness, making her a prime candidate for Obamacare.

So she was going to die, because the pre-Obamacare system wouldn't insure her because of her pre-existing condition. Obamacare eliminated pre-conditions. It was just too late for this woman to take advantage of.

How much sooner could Obamacare have been implemented had Republicans not obstructed every step of the way? Why aren't you blaming them for this woman's death?

Actually, why aren't you blaming the insurance industry for her death?
Well, I guess that shut up LadyDumbFucker. :lol:

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