Scarlet Witch: Magnetizing Demons [Alzheimer's Discovery]


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Discoveries regarding treatments to Alzheimer's, the well-cataloged neurodegenerative disorder involving the loss of memory and the atrophy of brain cells, reveal our investments in brain-medicine consciousness.

The marketing of strength-enhancement themed pop-culture avatars in America such as the Bionic Woman and Scarlet Witch further suggest that society is interested in life-genesis ideas/images. We obviously prioritize physique/health rather 'imaginatively.'

So does such 'pop-culture folklore' reinforce our notions of humanness?

A recent discovery in Alzheimer's research shows that a protein may be integrally involved in the development of the disease. Can such discoveries properly be coordinated with social perspectives on danger-zone analysis excellence? In the age of consumerism, lifestyle and aesthetics are 'wed' to health and consciousness.

Medical policies and governmental investments in medicine under TrumpUSA should arguably be comparably more 'exciting' (since Trump is building a 'passion-rhetorics system' geared towards making consumerism seem more 'enchanting').

Is intellectual governance folklore or science-fiction?



An iconic American movie-star wanted to invest in social work and medial research and eco-activism. He became a philanthropist and tweeted various comments about Alzheimer's research and claimed to be a 'quiet advocate' of 'TrumpUSA.' This movie-star (Leo) wanted to promote the intrigue surrounding Marvel comics characters, especially Scarlet Witch and Magneto (who both exhibit superhuman energy powers), as reflective of civilization focus on the 'superstitions' of human atrophy.


Leo purchased a fancy glass chess set from Malaysia and invited a comic book writer/artist of fan-fiction named Ajay Satan to play with him in his L.A. apartment one summer. Leo and Ajay played chess for hours while discussing methods of promoting political interests in medical research, funding for the arts, and eco-activism. Leo and Ajay agreed that new age activism required a serious focus on the 'mechanics' of political marketing.


Ajay and Leo got drunk one night and Ajay scribbled two silly color-pencil stick-figure doodles of the comic book characters Livewire and Carnage who both represented fears of urban terrorism and values-deterioration. Leo loved Ajay's doodle of Livewire and Carnage and decided to advertise them on his Facebook profile page as an example of new age pedestrian fascination with 'lifestyle-vitality commentary graffiti.'


Meanwhile, bold new films about incredible Centurions from fantastic lands were being made in Hollywood, perhaps as a backlash to all the consumerism-related Starbucks claustrophobia in mainstream culture. These energetic warrior-movies suggested to Leo and Ajay that there was something special/unique about modern grit in social entertainment. Would this translate to more investments in the arts and sciences?


Ajay was a huge fan of the DC Comics super-villain Black Manta, an underwater sea-ghoul who developed terrible mechanical vehicles and dangerous weapons and obviously symbolized humanity's concern that it had betrayed Mother Nature during its advancement towards great achievements. Ajay wrote, "Black Manta is to the computer-age what the Headless Horseman was to the post-colonial era in America." Black Manta was being referenced by Leo in tweets about the links between technology and social insanity.


Ajay met a beautiful Amtrak train-conductor named Elsa who was actually a spy working for the NSA. Elsa was trying to 'tack' pedestrian patterns in public transportation and the use of mobile phones in train-stations to get a better 'feel' of how technology had become a lifestyle-luxury. Such traffic-patterns would be analyzed by anti-capitalist terrorists (e.g., ISIS, Cobra), and Elsa and the NSA wanted to stay ahead of the game. Ajay had no idea he was dating an NSA agent. Elsa always asked Ajay about his work with Leo and comics-oriented social activism (especially on the Internet).


Ajay was working on a theory involving the incantation of ancient mythology avatars such as Medusa and yesteryear folk-demons such as the Headless Horseman in the evaluation of new age social interests in vigilantism-storytelling and criminal-insanity aesthetics (e.g., DC Comics' Batman). Ajay Satan believed there was a tangible connection between sub-culture poetics (e.g., comic book fan-fiction) and socialization fitness imagination (e.g., Fabletics).


Ajay and Leo met with an Alzheimer's researcher named Thomas Hewitt who discovered a protein involved in a specific form of cellular atrophy. Ajay decided to write a Tales from the Crypt fan-fic about Hewitt's studies, and Leo talked about Hewitt in his tweets about medical research funding in the age of profiteerism. What was really required was more political interest from D.C.


Ajay and Leo decided they'd compare Scarlet Witch to Mary Magdalene so that female avatars would become prominent in the discussions about the 'aesthetics' of new age intellectual activity. After all, the way people dreamed would be linked to the way people acted as educators and politicians. The more passion there was from the social arena, the more creative policy-critiques there would be in D.C.


TRUMP: Did you like Ajay Satan's Tales from the Crypt series?
CARTER: I appreciate what Ajay and Leo are doing with social imagination.
TRUMP: This is the age of media, Carter!
CARTER: Yes, and Ajay and Leo obviously care about 'magnetizing demons.'
TRUMP: That's because they're both 'passionate' about social thinking.
CARTER: Ajay's quite knowledgeable about Alzheimer's (as a layman!).
TRUMP: Leo's quite educated about eco-policy in TrumpUSA...
CARTER: Perhaps we should invite them to the White House.
TRUMP: Yes, I bet CNN wants a story about me conferring with activists.
CARTER: Sure; there's been so much press about anti-TrumpUSA protests!
TRUMP: Maybe I should have my check-book handy.




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