Scenes from America

Of course they have.

Conservatives oppose all firearm regulatory measures to address gun crime and violence based on the slippery slope fallacy that any new measure will result in guns being ‘banned’ and ‘confiscated.’

The right’s unwarranted opposition to UBCs being an example – a measure having nothing to do with the regulation of firearms.

One does not have to get the governments permission to exercise one's Constitutional rights.
Someone shooting up a school football game. Why do you need a gun to watch a football game ?

If you would, please provide a link to information that links this shooting to the new open carry policy in the state of Ohio. In other words, I am asking for a link that will tell us that the shooter was a legal gun owner being an asshole rather than a gang banger illegally in possession of a firearm doing what gang bangers do.

Thanks in advance.
Someone shooting up a school football game. Why do you need a gun to watch a football game ?

Oh, and the shooting happened outside of the game and stadium as everyone entering the stadium was scanned with a metal wand for weapons.

So get your facts before you start posting your derision...
No, the kids who shoot up schools are practically all white but don't let that stop you.

Yes the majority of them are white but as far numbers go they kill a small fraction of people compared to inner city thugs who are for the most part black.
In fact it's not even close.
And the white killers have usually been harrassed for various reasons to the point that they snap.
While blacks kill people while robbing them or shooting up oppssing gang members.
Yes the majority of them are white but as far numbers go they kill a small fraction of people compared to inner city thugs who are for the most part black.

We are discussing a school shooting.

In fact it's not even close.
And the white killers have usually been harrassed for various reasons to the point that they snap.
While blacks kill people while robbing them or shooting up oppssing gang members.

Because people like yourself never harassed blacks.
We are discussing a school shooting.

Because people like yourself never harassed blacks.

A football game is hardly a school shooting,and I'm sure you'll agree when the shooter is revealed to be black.

No I've never harassed blacks and I seriously doubt the people they rob and shoot have either.
In fact you can bet they were total strangers.
Someone shooting up a school football game. Why do you need a gun to watch a football game ?

Normal Americans don't....the criminals created by the democrat party policies are the ones using illegal guns to commit crimes.

If we could just stop the democrat party from destroying local police, and then releasing the most violent and dangerous criminals, as well as destroying families with their policies, our crime rates where the democrat party is in total control would go down....

You are going to learn this as your left wing destroys your police, the way they have destroyed your families and created fatherless boys and girls in your country now...
No, the kids who shoot up schools are practically all white but don't let that stop you.

13 mass public shootings in 56 years...not all of them by white kids....

Mass public shootings in 2021.....?


Total killed....


Meanwhile, the other 10,000 gun murders are committed primarily by black gang members murdering other black gang cities under the total control of the democrat party...

Before you push racism, you should check out your statistics....
If you would, please provide a link to information that links this shooting to the new open carry policy in the state of Ohio. In other words, I am asking for a link that will tell us that the shooter was a legal gun owner being an asshole rather than a gang banger illegally in possession of a firearm doing what gang bangers do.

Thanks in advance.

A gang banger likely with a long criminal history of arrests by police.....followed by plea deals with democrat party prosecutors and judges....
Yes the majority of them are white but as far numbers go they kill a small fraction of people compared to inner city thugs who are for the most part black.
In fact it's not even close.
And the white killers have usually been harrassed for various reasons to the point that they snap.
While blacks kill people while robbing them or shooting up oppssing gang members.

More whites own guns, but commit fewer murders than blacks who own fewer guns.........before leftists push their racist bullshit, they should check the actual statistics.....

At 7% of the population, young black males commit over 50% of all murder in the U.S.....and the majority of their victims are young black cities under the total control of the democrat party...

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