Scenes from America

Someone shooting up a school football game. Why do you need a gun to watch a football game ?

We don't have gun crime because normal people can own and carry guns......we have gun crime because the democrat party, the leftist party here in the states, keeps releasing the most violent and dangerous criminals over and over again.....

In the Land of Lincoln, prison sentences are mere suggestions. They’re kinda like dog years, only in reverse. Take the case of Samuel Parsons-Salas, released on parole early for a double-fatal home invasion in 2009. Less than three months out of lockup, he shot four this past weekend, killing three execution-style in Mayor Lori Lightfoot’s mostly peaceful city. The fourth victim is in critical condition.

Soft-on-crime prosecutors dropped not one, not two, but ten murder counts in that 2009 case in return for a plea bargain deal. In what may be the mother of all sweetheart plea deals, prosecutors dropped thirty felony charges in the case to get a mere eight years in prison for a guy who killed two in a deadly home invasion.

Someone shooting up a school football game. Why do you need a gun to watch a football game ?

Good guy with a gun stops shooter........why we own and carry save lives.

Someone shooting up a school football game. Why do you need a gun to watch a football game ?

Another of the 1.1 million times a year Americans us their legal guns to stop violent criminals....a scene from America....

Hmmm...the home invader had an illegal gun.....seeing as how he wasn't able to legally buy, own or carry the gun he had....

The homeowner was asleep in his bed a little after 9:30 at night. He was woken by a noise coming from his kitchen. The homeowner got out of bed and grabbed his handgun. The defender had his gun in his hands when the intruder kicked down his bedroom door. The homeowner shot the intruder twice in the upper-center chest as the intruder came through the fatal funnel of the doorway. The intruder immediately fell to the floor. The defender stopped shooting. He stayed at the scene and called 911 for help.

News reports don’t mention when the homeowner put away his firearm. The homeowner met law enforcement when they arrived. He also gave the officers a brief statement.

Emergency Medical Services began treatment of the attacker. He was first driven to a local transport pad and then flown by a medical helicopter to the nearest level 1 trauma center in Las Vegas. The attacker was immediately placed in critical care.
Police identified the firearm that the armed attacker was carrying. It was a shotgun stolen the night before during a home invasion at another address. The intruder was also identified as Shawn Richards. Richards has a history of criminal convictions. If he survives, he will be charged with home invasion, grand larceny of a firearm, burglary, being a prohibited person in possession of a firearm, and probation violations.

Someone shooting up a school football game. Why do you need a gun to watch a football game ?

Why do we have gun crime in the U.S? Because the democrat party keeps releasing violent gun offenders no matter how many crimes they commit......and they attack the police to the point they can't, or won't do their jobs....

It turns out that at least one of those arrested was a veteran of the criminal justice system who was under court “supervision” at the time of the murder. David Zimmer dug into the records and recounts the story:


So now he is involved in a murder. As more facts come out, we will learn that most or all of the gang members involved in the Mall of America altercation and shooting had extensive contact with Minnesota’s criminal justice system, mostly as juveniles. The lesson they were taught by those experiences is that in a liberal state like Minnesota, crime is not taken seriously and is not seriously punished. That is the root cause of the Nordstrom murder and of Minnesota’s spiraling crime rate.

Other scenes from America.

Americans have learned that democrats will do everything they can to unleash criminals on the public.

Americans have frequently used legal guns to thwart crimes, defend themselves or their homes and even stop mass shootings. Some estimates suggest instances of firearms being used in self-defense stretch into the millions yearly.
Someone shooting up a school football game. Why do you need a gun to watch a football game ?

Another scene from America.......a 72 year old man stops a violent, 22 year old criminal....he doesn't use Krav Maga...he shoots him.....

Anyone think a 72 year old could handle a violent 22 year old in a hand to hand fight, or if the 22 year old had a knife or a club?

Someone shooting up a school football game. Why do you need a gun to watch a football game ?

Another scene from America....

guy tries to hold up a gas station? 3 customers hold him at gun point for police

A Georgia man who attempted to rob a gas station at gunpoint ended up in police custody after three armed citizens put a stop to the crime, without ever having to pull the trigger themselves.

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Someone shooting up a school football game. Why do you need a gun to watch a football game ?

Another scene from abiding citizen stops violent car jacker......another defensive gun use...


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