Schiff: Biden Inquiry Is ‘an Evidence-Free Impeachment Proceeding’

Well, an inquiry will, hopefully, bring out the evidence for us all to see.

I'm sure they'd make it public. So let's see what it is. Not just reports and rumors, but real evidence.
They're doing it to make Biden's bank records public so we can see the evidence that he is bought and paid for. About time.
Well, an inquiry will, hopefully, bring out the evidence for us all to see.

I'm sure they'd make it public. So let's see what it is. Not just reports and rumors, but real evidence.
"real evidence" LOL Are you still claiming not to be a Biden Fluffer?
LMAO the 'no evidence' SPIN memo was sent to every Dem and MSM hack.
Good test to see whether someone has abandoned even a pretense of intellectual integrity if they choose to parrot the NO EVIDENCE talking point.
You're ignorant of my politics and postions, and you don't think to ask. Ignorance is easier for you.

You're a good Trumpster. You're very special. Trump loves you.
Your parroting of Biden's absurd NO EVIDENCE talking point screams your politics as a Biden fluffer.
Does it surprise me you are intellectually incapable of distinguishing between instances of the Trump campaign's coordination with Russia in 2016 to advance his chances of winning the election and a provable criminal conspiracy? No, it doesn't.
You really should read Mueller's report as well as the Senate Intel Committee's report on Trump and Russia. You'll be surprised at what you find.
Mueller's report is yet another instance of political bias embodied as a government functionary. I do not expect anything even remotely resembling surprise from an openly biased source. You presume that I defend Trump. I do not. However I do laugh at even the mere suggestion that anyone would attempt to reach a moral high ground in this mired muck of pure horse manure especially when they use that same horse manure to build that high ground. Why not just admit that you want to prosecute those who disagree rather than simply disagree? Honesty is liberating!
They're doing it to make Biden's bank records public so we can see the evidence that he is bought and paid for. About time.
After the bank records reveal nothing nefarious, if they haven't already, they'll move on to the next conspiracy theory. Because the entire enterprise is about sustaining a smear campaign long enough to affect the 2024 election. Surely you understand that.
Won't it be something if Biden has become such a hot disaster that the DNC/Mob decides the impeachment should go forward, with maybe a removal to boot?

Hmmm. That seems like one way to get rid of him, no?
Biden withholding aid until the guy investigating corruption in the company Hunter was over should be evidence enough. Especially since Trump got impeached just for asking about it.
I assume they have evidence of an actual bribe. Money taken for the promise of an action. Biden wouldn't even need to have completed the action if he took the money.

So let's find the money -- the bank records are an obvious place -- and we go from there.
What is “real” evidence? Do they need a 4k video of Hunter handing Joe a large check in the bank parking lot with ”10% of Burisma Shakedown” in the memo field?
Shouldn’t we use the standard Republicans demanded when Trump was impeached?
Where did I say there was no evidence?

That only happened in your mind.

There is something wrong with you. Sorry.
You do know people can read your words here, don't you?

"So let's see what it is. Not just reports and rumors, but real evidence."
Mueller's report is yet another instance of political bias embodied as a government functionary. I do not expect anything even remotely resembling surprise from an openly biased source. You presume that I defend Trump. I do not. However I do laugh at even the mere suggestion that anyone would attempt to reach a moral high ground in this mired muck of pure horse manure especially when they use that same horse manure to build that high ground. Why not just admit that you want to prosecute those who disagree rather than simply disagree? Honesty is liberating!
Mueller is a lifelong Republican who chose not to charge Donnie J with the crime of conspiring with Russians to obtain information about Hillary from the Russian government at the Tower meeting. Is that the political bias of which you speak?

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