Schiff: Biden Inquiry Is ‘an Evidence-Free Impeachment Proceeding’

WFT? First you claim they didn't have any real evidence. Now it turns out you are ignorant of the evidence they've already gathered and released

And you wonder why people don't take you seriously.

Bless your heart.
Show me where I said "they don't have any real evidence". That only happened in your mind.

If all you can do is lie about me, please play with someone else. You're boring.
Still waiting for that crime. The two crimes you mentioned have nothing to do with Joe Biden or any high crime or misdemeanor.

Unless you think it’s a crime for Joe Biden to say hi to Hunter’s business partners and talk about weather.

Selling influence.

CNN even admits the Biden family got paid $20 million through shell companies.

I do not think you understand what EVIDENCE means.

The Whats App message.
The laptop emails.
The bank records.
Bobulinski and Archer sworn testimony.
Joe lying that he never discussed business with Hunter.
Joe bragging about a quid pro quo with Ukraine for $1 billion.
Photos of Joe with Burisma executive.
Hundreds of SARs attributed to Hunter Biden.
Joe should be impeached for the open border.
Joe should be impeached for Afghanistan surrender.
Biden should be impeached for financing Ukraine war and killing hundreds of thousands of people.
What is “real” evidence? Do they need a 4k video of Hunter handing Joe a large check in the bank parking lot with ”10% of Burisma Shakedown” in the memo field?
The dembots would deny that was real evidence as well
WFT? First you claim they didn't have any real evidence. Now it turns out you are ignorant of the evidence they've already gathered and released

And you wonder why people don't take you seriously.

Bless your heart.
He blocks opposing voices
Joe Biden has nothing to do with Hunter Biden’s failure to file his taxes so that has nothing to do with the impeachment inquiry.

Failure to file taxes is almost always a civil matter. Roger Stone did considerable worse and never went to jail for it. I guess that’s what happens when you’re Trump’s political crony.

Two systems of justice, amiright!

Good try but you can’t justify an impeachment hearing because of these two issues since Hunter is actually not president! Are you trying to impeach Hunter?
Hunter is at the White House more than Joe.
lol As you know from you party's impeachements, a crime is whatever Congress says is a crime. Here, there is overwhelming evidence of abuse of office to justify opening an impeachment inquiry. 10 times the evidence ya'll had for Trump's first impeachment
We’ve yet to hear any abuse of office.

Bank records don’t tell us anything about abuse of office. There’s nothing on the laptop. Devon Archer denied any abuse.

Where is it? It’s mythical.
Selling influence.

CNN even admits the Biden family got paid $20 million through shell companies.

I do not think you understand what EVIDENCE means.

The Whats App message.
The laptop emails.
The bank records.
Bobulinski and Archer sworn testimony.
Joe lying that he never discussed business with Hunter.
Joe bragging about a quid pro quo with Ukraine for $1 billion.
Photos of Joe with Burisma executive.
Hundreds of SARs attributed to Hunter Biden.
Joe should be impeached for the open border.
Joe should be impeached for Afghanistan surrender.
Biden should be impeached for financing Ukraine war and killing hundreds of thousands of people.
None of those actually show that they were selling influence.

What was influenced?
Your puerile posts do not change the fact that Schiff is right about a lack of evidence implicating Joe in any illegal activity.
Shifty is using parody to fool you again. It's sad you keep falling for it....even CNN isn't falling for it again.
We’ve yet to hear any abuse of office.

Bank records don’t tell us anything about abuse of office. There’s nothing on the laptop. Devon Archer denied any abuse.

Where is it? It’s mythical.
quote Archer saying there was no abuse of power.

I'll wait.

Or was your post just more parody, ah la Adam Shifty?
And if so then that will come out
BUT, libs don’t want an opportunity for revelation so they wail.
oh, then enlighten me....what were they selling?
Access to Joe Biden and enhanced performance to benefit them from Hunter Biden via Joe Biden
You loons feel like you need photos of money changing hands but many more ways to be peddling influence than just that
If we had a real media we wouldn't even be arguing about this now. The only thing to decide would be the amount of restitution Biden owes the US taxpayers and the length of jailtime he and his robber baron posse-family will be doing. The Biden families corruption has irreparably dishonored and damaged this country.
Everybody in the Potatohead family, except for the daughter he sexually abused, should be in prison.

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