Schiff: Biden Inquiry Is ‘an Evidence-Free Impeachment Proceeding’


Biden Inquiry Is ‘an Evidence-Free Impeachment Proceeding’

15 Sep 2023 ~~ By Pam Key

Representative Adam Schiff (D-CA) said Friday on MSNBC’s “Deadline” that he believed Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) opening an impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden was part of an “evidence-free impeachment proceeding.”
Anchor Nicolle Wallace said, “With Republican House members confession that there’s zero evidence linking President Joe Biden to anything worthy of an impeachment. What do you make of the sham? We call it an impeachment inquiry.”
Schiff said, “Well, I mean, it is such a contrast from the methodical way we went about gathering the evidence in the first impeachment and the seriousness with which we took the responsibility of finding high crimes and misdemeanors to what we see today, which is essentially an evidence-free impeachment proceeding of some kind, and for what? Because Kevin McCarthy needs something to throw the right-wing base in order to get them not to shut down the government.”

This is the same DSA Democrat who took every opportunity on the news to claim, I’ve seen the evidence, I have the evidence. Trumps is working for the Russian? Same guy? Who believes him?
You mean for YEARS they lied and knew it?!! Say it isn't so Schiffty..
Schiff has lied so much about the Trump/Russia “collusion” BS that I thought he would physically collapse after years of aimlessly repeating the craziness. But this lying piece of Democrat is still working apparently.
Schiff is clearly an accomplished magician, having lied to Congress and the American People dozens of times and his audiences still haven't figured it out. However, what America wants is for him to totally disappear or share a cell with his bosom buddy Ed Buck
This is the same "congressman" that was behind:
  • The Russia Hoax
  • The First Impeachment Hoax
  • The Second Impeachment Hoax
  • The January 6 Hoax
  • The Hunter Biden Laptop is Russian Disinformation Hoax
You do remember that they showed lots of evidence in two impeachment trials that were ended on strictly partisan votes?
And none of the $20,000,000 in money over the 10 years is shown to go to Hunter's businesses for anything other than his Consulting and Investment firm, with Hunter's Financial consulting firm deals with these three or 4 foreign investors.....

Hunter has a master's degree from Georgetown University in Economics, and his law degree from Yale Law School.... He has the education and experience to have a consulting firm.

No doubt he used his last name where he could, that may be unethical imo, but it is NOT proof of any crime, not even for Hunter.... Not with what the Republicans have now, which is simply bluster and specultion.....
Everything you wrote is spot on. None of it matters to The Following.
Joe Biden has nothing to do with Hunter Biden’s failure to file his taxes so that has nothing to do with the impeachment inquiry.

Failure to file taxes is almost always a civil matter. Roger Stone did considerable worse and never went to jail for it. I guess that’s what happens when you’re Trump’s political crony.

Two systems of justice, amiright!

Good try but you can’t justify an impeachment hearing because of these two issues since Hunter is actually not president! Are you trying to impeach Hunter?
10% for the big guy
Dozens of phone calls with Hunters clients.
Dozens of meetings with Hunter's business partners.
DInners with Hunter's clients
Hunter doing business in countries where Biden is given responsibility.
Dozens of rides on AF2 while doing business
$$$$ to 9 Biden family members
Whatsapp transcript
IRS whistleblowers shut down from investigating ties to Joe.
FBI 1023.

IF you want to deny there isn't sufficient evidence to tie Joe to Hunter's business, feel free
Trump was impeached over his phone call with Zelensky.

Why shouldnt Biden be impeached for his quid pro quo with Ukraine for $1 billion?

Biden has been taking bribes from China, Russia, Romania, and Ukraine. Easily impeachable.

He should be impeached for the open southern border and the Afghanistan surrender.
10% for the big guy
Dozens of phone calls with Hunters clients.
Dozens of meetings with Hunter's business partners.
DInners with Hunter's clients
Hunter doing business in countries where Biden is given responsibility.
Dozens of rides on AF2 while doing business
$$$$ to 9 Biden family members
Whatsapp transcript
IRS whistleblowers shut down from investigating ties to Joe.
FBI 1023.

IF you want to deny there isn't sufficient evidence to tie Joe to Hunter's business, feel free
Still waiting for that crime. The two crimes you mentioned have nothing to do with Joe Biden or any high crime or misdemeanor.

Unless you think it’s a crime for Joe Biden to say hi to Hunter’s business partners and talk about weather.
10% for the big guy
Dozens of phone calls with Hunters clients.
Dozens of meetings with Hunter's business partners.
DInners with Hunter's clients
Hunter doing business in countries where Biden is given responsibility.
Dozens of rides on AF2 while doing business
$$$$ to 9 Biden family members
Whatsapp transcript
IRS whistleblowers shut down from investigating ties to Joe.
FBI 1023.

IF you want to deny there isn't sufficient evidence to tie Joe to Hunter's business, feel free
Rehashing baseless allegations isn't evidence.

“One of these deals involves the sale of American natural gas to China. Evidence suggests Joe Biden had a 10 percent equity stake through his son.”
— Comer, at the news conference

The phrase “evidence suggests” is doing a lot of work here. Comer is referring to a single email — dated May 13, 2017 — whose meaning has been under dispute. In the hard-drive copy of the laptop obtained by The Washington Post, the email lacked digital information that allowed it to be verified.
The Washington Post, in its reporting, cites only materials from the laptop that the security experts were able to verify or can be confirmed elsewhere. Politico reporter Ben Schreckinger, in his 2021 book “The Bidens,” said the email had been verified as authentic by “a person with independent access to Hunter’s emails.”

The 2017 email described possible ownership stakes for five partners, including Hunter Biden and his uncle Jim Biden, in a planned venture with CEFC, the Chinese company. The entity was to be called Oneida Holdings LLC.

James Gilliar, a business associate summarizing the allocation of the equity in Oneida Holdings LLC., in the email, wrote how four partners would get 20 percent each, except for Jim Biden, who would get 10 percent. He added a question: “10 held by H for the big guy?” One of the recipients of the mail, Anthony Bobulinski, has said that the “big guy” referred to Joe Biden and that “H” referred to Hunter. Bobulinski was a guest of Trump at one of the 2020 presidential debates.
But Gilliar told the Wall Street Journal in 2020: “I would like to clear up any speculation that former Vice President Biden was involved with the 2017 discussions about our potential business structure. I am unaware of any involvement at anytime of the former vice president. The activity in question never delivered any project revenue.”

Three days after the email was sent, a draft agreement setting up Oneida was circulated. It shows each partner would receive 20 percent, including Jim Biden. No mention is made of Joe Biden. The company agreement signed on May 22, 2017, had the same allocation. Oneida was to hold 50 percent of another corporate entity called SinoHawk. Neither Gilliar nor James Biden responded to requests for comment.

The Wall Street Journal said that it had reviewed corporate records and found no role for Joe Biden. The Washington Post, in an extensive report on the CEFC dealings, also did not find evidence that Joe Biden personally benefited from or knew details about the transactions with CEFC. The Biden campaign at the time denied he had any role.

Comer says that this deal involved natural gas, but he appears to be referring to a different transaction, described below. There is no evidence this particular deal concerned natural gas.

Collins said Comer had not made a mistake. “Committee Republicans have evidence the Bidens’ deal with CEFC — a company closely affiliated with the Chinese Communist Party — was changed when the Bidens cut out their Western partners of SinoHawk to keep the business in the family,” she said. Asked to provide the evidence, she would only say it was “based on whistleblower information provided to Committee Republicans.”

In an Oct. 13 letter to FBI Director Christopher A. Wray, Sen. Charles E. Grassley (R-Iowa) said that an FBI summary of an interview with Bobulinski revealed that the deal was intended to pay the partners for deals that had “remained intentionally uncompensated while Joe Biden was Vice President.” The venture failed but, in a separate arrangement, Hunter and Jim Biden received nearly $5 million from CEFC, Grassley noted.

Still waiting for that crime. The two crimes you mentioned have nothing to do with Joe Biden or any high crime or misdemeanor.

Unless you think it’s a crime for Joe Biden to say hi to Hunter’s business partners and talk about weather.
lol As you know from you party's impeachements, a crime is whatever Congress says is a crime. Here, there is overwhelming evidence of abuse of office to justify opening an impeachment inquiry. 10 times the evidence ya'll had for Trump's first impeachment
Last edited:
Damn. SOrry, I didn't know you were flat out ignorant of the basic facts here. Are you serious that you don't know about the $20,000,000 in banking records they have uncovered so far? Records that show $$$$ going from these foreign entities to nine BIden family members Really?
Yes, I've heard about that. Anything else?

By the way, have they released those records? I think they released something.

Any unaccounted-for cash in Joe's accounts?
Yes, I've heard about that. Anything else?

By the way, have they released those records? I think they released something.

Months ago. You might want to also take a look at the IRS whistleblower's testimony and Archer's testimony.
Any unaccounted-for cash in Joe's accounts?
TBD. This is why they had to open the impeachment inquiry. But you do know they don't have to show a dime went into Joe's accounts, don't you?
Months ago. You might want to

TBD. This is why they had to open the impeachment inquiry. But you do know they don't have to show a dime went into Joe's accounts, don't you?
I'd just like to know what they have. If he did it, nail him. Easy peasy.
Rehashing baseless allegations isn't evidence.

“One of these deals involves the sale of American natural gas to China. Evidence suggests Joe Biden had a 10 percent equity stake through his son.”
— Comer, at the news conference

The phrase “evidence suggests” is doing a lot of work here. Comer is referring to a single email — dated May 13, 2017 — whose meaning has been under dispute. In the hard-drive copy of the laptop obtained by The Washington Post, the email lacked digital information that allowed it to be verified.
The Washington Post, in its reporting, cites only materials from the laptop that the security experts were able to verify or can be confirmed elsewhere. Politico reporter Ben Schreckinger, in his 2021 book “The Bidens,” said the email had been verified as authentic by “a person with independent access to Hunter’s emails.”

The 2017 email described possible ownership stakes for five partners, including Hunter Biden and his uncle Jim Biden, in a planned venture with CEFC, the Chinese company. The entity was to be called Oneida Holdings LLC.

James Gilliar, a business associate summarizing the allocation of the equity in Oneida Holdings LLC., in the email, wrote how four partners would get 20 percent each, except for Jim Biden, who would get 10 percent. He added a question: “10 held by H for the big guy?” One of the recipients of the mail, Anthony Bobulinski, has said that the “big guy” referred to Joe Biden and that “H” referred to Hunter. Bobulinski was a guest of Trump at one of the 2020 presidential debates.
But Gilliar told the Wall Street Journal in 2020: “I would like to clear up any speculation that former Vice President Biden was involved with the 2017 discussions about our potential business structure. I am unaware of any involvement at anytime of the former vice president. The activity in question never delivered any project revenue.”

Three days after the email was sent, a draft agreement setting up Oneida was circulated. It shows each partner would receive 20 percent, including Jim Biden. No mention is made of Joe Biden. The company agreement signed on May 22, 2017, had the same allocation. Oneida was to hold 50 percent of another corporate entity called SinoHawk. Neither Gilliar nor James Biden responded to requests for comment.

The Wall Street Journal said that it had reviewed corporate records and found no role for Joe Biden. The Washington Post, in an extensive report on the CEFC dealings, also did not find evidence that Joe Biden personally benefited from or knew details about the transactions with CEFC. The Biden campaign at the time denied he had any role.

Comer says that this deal involved natural gas, but he appears to be referring to a different transaction, described below. There is no evidence this particular deal concerned natural gas.

Collins said Comer had not made a mistake. “Committee Republicans have evidence the Bidens’ deal with CEFC — a company closely affiliated with the Chinese Communist Party — was changed when the Bidens cut out their Western partners of SinoHawk to keep the business in the family,” she said. Asked to provide the evidence, she would only say it was “based on whistleblower information provided to Committee Republicans.”

In an Oct. 13 letter to FBI Director Christopher A. Wray, Sen. Charles E. Grassley (R-Iowa) said that an FBI summary of an interview with Bobulinski revealed that the deal was intended to pay the partners for deals that had “remained intentionally uncompensated while Joe Biden was Vice President.” The venture failed but, in a separate arrangement, Hunter and Jim Biden received nearly $5 million from CEFC, Grassley noted.

You are in a dreamland.

Change the name from Biden to Trump. NOW YOU SEE CORRUPTION, DONT YOU?

You are a fraud and a liar.


Biden Inquiry Is ‘an Evidence-Free Impeachment Proceeding’

15 Sep 2023 ~~ By Pam Key

Representative Adam Schiff (D-CA) said Friday on MSNBC’s “Deadline” that he believed Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) opening an impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden was part of an “evidence-free impeachment proceeding.”
Anchor Nicolle Wallace said, “With Republican House members confession that there’s zero evidence linking President Joe Biden to anything worthy of an impeachment. What do you make of the sham? We call it an impeachment inquiry.”
Schiff said, “Well, I mean, it is such a contrast from the methodical way we went about gathering the evidence in the first impeachment and the seriousness with which we took the responsibility of finding high crimes and misdemeanors to what we see today, which is essentially an evidence-free impeachment proceeding of some kind, and for what? Because Kevin McCarthy needs something to throw the right-wing base in order to get them not to shut down the government.”

This is the same DSA Democrat who took every opportunity on the news to claim, I’ve seen the evidence, I have the evidence. Trumps is working for the Russian? Same guy? Who believes him?
You mean for YEARS they lied and knew it?!! Say it isn't so Schiffty..
Schiff has lied so much about the Trump/Russia “collusion” BS that I thought he would physically collapse after years of aimlessly repeating the craziness. But this lying piece of Democrat is still working apparently.
Schiff is clearly an accomplished magician, having lied to Congress and the American People dozens of times and his audiences still haven't figured it out. However, what America wants is for him to totally disappear or share a cell with his bosom buddy Ed Buck
This is the same "congressman" that was behind:
  • The Russia Hoax
  • The First Impeachment Hoax
  • The Second Impeachment Hoax
  • The January 6 Hoax
  • The Hunter Biden Laptop is Russian Disinformation Hoax

I've never wished death on anyone, but a fella can hope.
Rehashing baseless allegations isn't evidence.

“One of these deals involves the sale of American natural gas to China. Evidence suggests Joe Biden had a 10 percent equity stake through his son.”
— Comer, at the news conference

The phrase “evidence suggests” is doing a lot of work here. Comer is referring to a single email — dated May 13, 2017 — whose meaning has been under dispute. In the hard-drive copy of the laptop obtained by The Washington Post, the email lacked digital information that allowed it to be verified.
The Washington Post, in its reporting, cites only materials from the laptop that the security experts were able to verify or can be confirmed elsewhere. Politico reporter Ben Schreckinger, in his 2021 book “The Bidens,” said the email had been verified as authentic by “a person with independent access to Hunter’s emails.”

The 2017 email described possible ownership stakes for five partners, including Hunter Biden and his uncle Jim Biden, in a planned venture with CEFC, the Chinese company. The entity was to be called Oneida Holdings LLC.

James Gilliar, a business associate summarizing the allocation of the equity in Oneida Holdings LLC., in the email, wrote how four partners would get 20 percent each, except for Jim Biden, who would get 10 percent. He added a question: “10 held by H for the big guy?” One of the recipients of the mail, Anthony Bobulinski, has said that the “big guy” referred to Joe Biden and that “H” referred to Hunter. Bobulinski was a guest of Trump at one of the 2020 presidential debates.
But Gilliar told the Wall Street Journal in 2020: “I would like to clear up any speculation that former Vice President Biden was involved with the 2017 discussions about our potential business structure. I am unaware of any involvement at anytime of the former vice president. The activity in question never delivered any project revenue.”

Three days after the email was sent, a draft agreement setting up Oneida was circulated. It shows each partner would receive 20 percent, including Jim Biden. No mention is made of Joe Biden. The company agreement signed on May 22, 2017, had the same allocation. Oneida was to hold 50 percent of another corporate entity called SinoHawk. Neither Gilliar nor James Biden responded to requests for comment.

The Wall Street Journal said that it had reviewed corporate records and found no role for Joe Biden. The Washington Post, in an extensive report on the CEFC dealings, also did not find evidence that Joe Biden personally benefited from or knew details about the transactions with CEFC. The Biden campaign at the time denied he had any role.

Comer says that this deal involved natural gas, but he appears to be referring to a different transaction, described below. There is no evidence this particular deal concerned natural gas.

Collins said Comer had not made a mistake. “Committee Republicans have evidence the Bidens’ deal with CEFC — a company closely affiliated with the Chinese Communist Party — was changed when the Bidens cut out their Western partners of SinoHawk to keep the business in the family,” she said. Asked to provide the evidence, she would only say it was “based on whistleblower information provided to Committee Republicans.”

In an Oct. 13 letter to FBI Director Christopher A. Wray, Sen. Charles E. Grassley (R-Iowa) said that an FBI summary of an interview with Bobulinski revealed that the deal was intended to pay the partners for deals that had “remained intentionally uncompensated while Joe Biden was Vice President.” The venture failed but, in a separate arrangement, Hunter and Jim Biden received nearly $5 million from CEFC, Grassley noted.

If the reports are true that his families (and the reports also say "associates") walked away with $20 million, I think it's fair to see the paper trail. What the money was for, etc.

It's also not impossible that he did something shady on behalf of his kids, and just let the money go to them. Just as bad in my book.

If they want to investigate, fine. If he broke a law (or even sold vague influence) then tough shit for him. But as with everything else, we need to have actual proof, not rumors, reports and assumptions. That's on the Republicans. It's not like they have anything BETTER to do.
I'd just like to know what they have. If he did it, nail him. Easy peasy.
WFT? First you claim they didn't have any real evidence. Now it turns out you are ignorant of the evidence they've already gathered and released

And you wonder why people don't take you seriously.

Bless your heart.


Biden Inquiry Is ‘an Evidence-Free Impeachment Proceeding’

15 Sep 2023 ~~ By Pam Key

Representative Adam Schiff (D-CA) said Friday on MSNBC’s “Deadline” that he believed Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) opening an impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden was part of an “evidence-free impeachment proceeding.”
Anchor Nicolle Wallace said, “With Republican House members confession that there’s zero evidence linking President Joe Biden to anything worthy of an impeachment. What do you make of the sham? We call it an impeachment inquiry.”
Schiff said, “Well, I mean, it is such a contrast from the methodical way we went about gathering the evidence in the first impeachment and the seriousness with which we took the responsibility of finding high crimes and misdemeanors to what we see today, which is essentially an evidence-free impeachment proceeding of some kind, and for what? Because Kevin McCarthy needs something to throw the right-wing base in order to get them not to shut down the government.”

This is the same DSA Democrat who took every opportunity on the news to claim, I’ve seen the evidence, I have the evidence. Trumps is working for the Russian? Same guy? Who believes him?
You mean for YEARS they lied and knew it?!! Say it isn't so Schiffty..
Schiff has lied so much about the Trump/Russia “collusion” BS that I thought he would physically collapse after years of aimlessly repeating the craziness. But this lying piece of Democrat is still working apparently.
Schiff is clearly an accomplished magician, having lied to Congress and the American People dozens of times and his audiences still haven't figured it out. However, what America wants is for him to totally disappear or share a cell with his bosom buddy Ed Buck
This is the same "congressman" that was behind:
  • The Russia Hoax
  • The First Impeachment Hoax
  • The Second Impeachment Hoax
  • The January 6 Hoax
  • The Hunter Biden Laptop is Russian Disinformation Hoax
/---/ Well if anyone knows about evidence-free impeachment proceeding, it would be Adam shytface. He wrote the book.

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