Schiff: Biden Inquiry Is ‘an Evidence-Free Impeachment Proceeding’

Everybody in the Potatohead family, except for the daughter he sexually abused, should be in prison.
I feel for that poor girl, I really do...

Not to mention the widow daugher in law, that Hunter took advantage of, who might even be being used by the family to launder Chinese money as well....
Irony is funny. Pencilneck Schiff is suddenly concerned about evidence?


Biden Inquiry Is ‘an Evidence-Free Impeachment Proceeding’

15 Sep 2023 ~~ By Pam Key

Representative Adam Schiff (D-CA) said Friday on MSNBC’s “Deadline” that he believed Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) opening an impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden was part of an “evidence-free impeachment proceeding.”
Anchor Nicolle Wallace said, “With Republican House members confession that there’s zero evidence linking President Joe Biden to anything worthy of an impeachment. What do you make of the sham? We call it an impeachment inquiry.”
Schiff said, “Well, I mean, it is such a contrast from the methodical way we went about gathering the evidence in the first impeachment and the seriousness with which we took the responsibility of finding high crimes and misdemeanors to what we see today, which is essentially an evidence-free impeachment proceeding of some kind, and for what? Because Kevin McCarthy needs something to throw the right-wing base in order to get them not to shut down the government.”

This is the same DSA Democrat who took every opportunity on the news to claim, I’ve seen the evidence, I have the evidence. Trumps is working for the Russian? Same guy? Who believes him?
You mean for YEARS they lied and knew it?!! Say it isn't so Schiffty..
Schiff has lied so much about the Trump/Russia “collusion” BS that I thought he would physically collapse after years of aimlessly repeating the craziness. But this lying piece of Democrat is still working apparently.
Schiff is clearly an accomplished magician, having lied to Congress and the American People dozens of times and his audiences still haven't figured it out. However, what America wants is for him to totally disappear or share a cell with his bosom buddy Ed Buck
This is the same "congressman" that was behind:
  • The Russia Hoax
  • The First Impeachment Hoax
  • The Second Impeachment Hoax
  • The January 6 Hoax
  • The Hunter Biden Laptop is Russian Disinformation Hoax
One thing most Democrats seem to excel at is hypocrisy and Adam Schiff could definitely be the poster boy for that.

In Schiff's (secretly investigated) hearings on Trump's 'collusion' with the Ukraine and Russia, we watched on TV as each and every single one of his witnesses acknowledged they had neither heard nor seen Trump do or say anything illegal or inappropriate. After that they no longer allowed any Trump supporter to question their witnesses.

Not only did both impeachments and the J6 Committee utilize hearsay, gossip, innuendo as well as totally manufactured or manipulated 'evidence', but they disallowed due process as required in the Constitution, i.e. the accused is allowed to confront witnesses, bring his/her own witnesses, introduce exculpatory evidence.

"They’re going to argue we don’t have due process for Trump. Why make that argument real?". . ."It’s unfair, and it’s unprecedented, and it’s unconstitutional."--Jerry Nadler D-NY, House Judiciary Committee Chair--quoted by Jonathan Turley from the book:

Unchecked: The Untold Story Behind Congress's Botched Impeachments of Donald Trump​

Nadler argued that they should follow the models of the Nixon inquiry and Clinton impeachment. Both Politico and the Washington Post reported on how Pelosi and Schiff overrode Nadler's objections and he eventually toed the line they demanded.
And this is EXACTLY the case with Biden. There is “plenty of evidence“…”in plain sight” but it will be up to the investigative committee to determine if that proof is beyond a reasonable doubt. Just like Schiff and Democrats still believe that Trump is guilty despite Mueller’s findings, many Republicans will always believe that Joe and Hunter are guilty, regardless of the findings. See how it works?
And that is exactly the game and why it will continue to be played.
One thing most Democrats seem to excel at is hypocrisy and Adam Schiff could definitely be the poster boy for that.

In Schiff's (secretly investigated) hearings on Trump's 'collusion' with the Ukraine and Russia, we watched on TV as each and every single one of his witnesses acknowledged they had neither heard nor seen Trump do or say anything illegal or inappropriate. After that they no longer allowed any Trump supporter to question their witnesses.

Not only did both impeachments and the J6 Committee utilize hearsay, gossip, innuendo as well as totally manufactured or manipulated 'evidence', but they disallowed due process as required in the Constitution, i.e. the accused is allowed to confront witnesses, bring his/her own witnesses, introduce exculpatory evidence.

"They’re going to argue we don’t have due process for Trump. Why make that argument real?". . ."It’s unfair, and it’s unprecedented, and it’s unconstitutional."--Jerry Nadler D-NY, House Judiciary Committee Chair--quoted by Jonathan Turley from the book:

Unchecked: The Untold Story Behind Congress's Botched Impeachments of Donald Trump​

Nadler argued that they should follow the models of the Nixon inquiry and Clinton impeachment. Both Politico and the Washington Post reported on how Pelosi and Schiff overrode Nadler's objections and he eventually toed the line they demanded.

In other words it was all a lie and they had no evidence other than their manufactured lies, just as they have once again. It's called a frame and persecution of Trump.
In essence the Soviet Marxist method of politics.
"Show me the man, I'll find the crime."
In other words it was all a lie and they had no evidence other than their manufactured lies, just as they have once again. It's called a frame and persecution of Trump.
In essence the Soviet Marxist method of politics.
"Show me the man, I'll find the crime."
In other words it was all a lie and they had no evidence other than their manufactured lies, just as they have once again. It's called a frame and persecution of Trump.
In essence the Soviet Marxist method of politics.
"Show me the man, I'll find the crime."
No argument from me there. The tactics are straight out of the Marx/Engles' handbook as further translated by Lenin, Stalin, Mao et al. And if we don't turn it around, soon the end result will be inevitable.

In a separate thread intended to trash Huckabee who said recently that if the left succeeds in using unethical, perhaps illegal, tactics to destroy a political opponent (Trump) instead of letting the people decide at the ballot box, all future elections will be decided via bullets (metaphor for government power and force) instead of ballots.
They deny everything habitually regardless of its foundation and regardless of evidence which they will always say does not exist.
They are a cult, there is a reason people like Jim Jones targeted Dem voters, and was so close to Dem political leaders
No argument from me there. The tactics are straight out of the Marx/Engles' handbook as further translated by Lenin, Stalin, Mao et al. And if we don't turn it around, soon the end result will be inevitable.

In a separate thread intended to trash Huckabee who said recently that if the left succeeds in using unethical, perhaps illegal, tactics to destroy a political opponent (Trump) instead of letting the people decide at the ballot box, all future elections will be decided via bullets (metaphor for government power and force) instead of ballots.
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They are a cult, there is a reason people like Jim Jones targeted Dem voters, and was so close to Dem political leaders
Lefty is prone to gang mentality. Having said that the left definitely does hang together more tightly than the right does simply because there is a difference between independent thinking and groupthink. A progressario's Utopian dream involves what would appear to be a giant human beehive where everyone has an assigned duty and an assigned rank.
They deny everything habitually regardless of its foundation and regardless of evidence which they will always say does not exist.
You guys spend a lot more time taking about how much “evidence” you have rather than talking about the actual evidence.
You guys spend a lot more time taking about how much “evidence” you have rather than talking about the actual evidence.
Evidence is pretty much meaningless. At the level we're talking about a person's innocence or guilt depends on who they know and who they are not what they did and what they might be guilty of. It's that simple.

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