Schiff: Biden Inquiry Is ‘an Evidence-Free Impeachment Proceeding’

10% for the big guy
Dozens of phone calls with Hunters clients.
Dozens of meetings with Hunter's business partners.
DInners with Hunter's clients
Hunter doing business in countries where Biden is given responsibility.
Dozens of rides on AF2 while doing business
$$$$ to 9 Biden family members
Whatsapp transcript
IRS whistleblowers shut down from investigating ties to Joe.
FBI 1023.

Are not mythical.
It doesn't matter how many times we post the pile of evidence, Dems will stay on the 'no evidence' spin until that breaks down. Next will be the 'it's not illegal' spin.
I don't think Democrats are going to do anything to change a system they pretty much control. I think Democrats will come up with some spin with the media they basically own, to justify their advantage but they will not share their influence over our legal system with Republicans. I'm afraid our system is too one sided and too far gone for sharing. MAGA
The only influence the Dems hold over the justice system is their ability to present factual, demonstrable evidence of wrongdoing.
Republicans hold no sway because they deal in supposition, innuendo and false narratives that will never be actionable by the justice system.

The contrast between fantasy and reality couldn’t be clearer.

Yet you somehow determine it to be some sort of conspiracy. Just nuts. :cuckoo:


Biden Inquiry Is ‘an Evidence-Free Impeachment Proceeding’

15 Sep 2023 ~~ By Pam Key

Representative Adam Schiff (D-CA) said Friday on MSNBC’s “Deadline” that he believed Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) opening an impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden was part of an “evidence-free impeachment proceeding.”
Anchor Nicolle Wallace said, “With Republican House members confession that there’s zero evidence linking President Joe Biden to anything worthy of an impeachment. What do you make of the sham? We call it an impeachment inquiry.”
Schiff said, “Well, I mean, it is such a contrast from the methodical way we went about gathering the evidence in the first impeachment and the seriousness with which we took the responsibility of finding high crimes and misdemeanors to what we see today, which is essentially an evidence-free impeachment proceeding of some kind, and for what? Because Kevin McCarthy needs something to throw the right-wing base in order to get them not to shut down the government.”

This is the same DSA Democrat who took every opportunity on the news to claim, I’ve seen the evidence, I have the evidence. Trumps is working for the Russian? Same guy? Who believes him?
You mean for YEARS they lied and knew it?!! Say it isn't so Schiffty..
Schiff has lied so much about the Trump/Russia “collusion” BS that I thought he would physically collapse after years of aimlessly repeating the craziness. But this lying piece of Democrat is still working apparently.
Schiff is clearly an accomplished magician, having lied to Congress and the American People dozens of times and his audiences still haven't figured it out. However, what America wants is for him to totally disappear or share a cell with his bosom buddy Ed Buck
This is the same "congressman" that was behind:
  • The Russia Hoax
  • The First Impeachment Hoax
  • The Second Impeachment Hoax
  • The January 6 Hoax
  • The Hunter Biden Laptop is Russian Disinformation Hoax

what's really sick is these soul-less creatures know they're lying. They don't believe one word coming out of their own mouths. They are sold out to the devil.

And if you don't believe in the devil, watch (real) news on a daily basis. You'll see evidence (there's that word again) of Satan EVERYWHERE in DC (and blue states)
It doesn't matter how many times we post the pile of evidence, Dems will stay on the 'no evidence' spin until that breaks down. Next will be the 'it's not illegal' spin.
or the Look at What's Happening to Trump with all Those Indictments spin

Oh, yeh, it's already that... sigh

Are we bored yet?
He had many investigations but he didn’t like the results.

That’s when he decided to ask Republican state legislators to change the outcome for him. To void the election, remove the chosen electors and appoint electors for him.

So when you say that’s “all he asked”, it’s a lie.

Except that he never asked anyone to change anything, scumbag hack boi.
You won't find any credible source to support that Trump's private investigation team 'found no evidence of fraud.' You won't find any state that can say there is 'no evidence of fraud.'

The allegations of impropriety and irregularities alone should have been thoroughly investigated but once the machines are removed and mail in ballots are separated from their signed envelopes, there is no way to determine whether many of those are legitimate or not.

Audits completed after J6 revealed a lot of those irregularities.

It could be accurate to say that the system and process created the fact that there is no way now to PROVE whether the election results were honest and how the legal vote went. For that reason I think the focus should be on making the next election so secure that ALL Americans can be confident that the vote is honest.
Ah, but I do have a source.

The irregularities never amounted to anything before or after the election.

Still, it’s a lie to suggest Trump only wanted an investigation. We have testimony and reporting that he was trying to get state legislatures to take away our electors and appoint ones for him.
But that’s not true at all. Trump’s own private investigation team found no evidence of fraud.

I’ve answered so many of your questions but just ignore it.

Why would I keep tying?
1) why are you lying?
2) you haven’t answered one…but here let’s try it again…what business were the xidens in? What product or service were they providing?
1) why are you lying?
2) you haven’t answered one…but here let’s try it again…what business were the xidens in? What product or service were they providing?
Just like the republican position on Trumps federal income taxes.

Nunya business, they're private citizens.
And you don't think it's evidence? Buying a baseball bat at Dick's is evidence. Owning a pair of Bruno Mali shoes is evidence. $20,000,000 in banking records is evidence.
Banking records in and of themselves are just records of transactions.
It’s only evidence if you can show a criminal act associated with those transactions. :rolleyes:
And you don't think it's evidence? Buying a baseball bat at Dick's is evidence. Owning a pair of Bruno Mali shoes is evidence. $20,000,000 in banking records is evidence.
The shoes are evidence, because they have footprints at the scene of the crime from Bruno Mali shoes.

They have no "footprints" of any of the $20 million leading to Joe Biden.
Republicans have done a complete 180.

Suddenly, the financial records of private citizens, are the business of the government, to be disclosed to the public.

Yet the tax returns of someone running for president should be kept secret from the voters.
Ah, but I do have a source.

The irregularities never amounted to anything before or after the election.

Still, it’s a lie to suggest Trump only wanted an investigation. We have testimony and reporting that he was trying to get state legislatures to take away our electors and appoint ones for him.
No you only have political spin and hearsay of what happened and what he wanted. And you need to put even the authentic requests into context. Hillary Clinton urged electors to ignore the vote and vote for her in 2016. Trump did not do that. He wanted only the votes to which he believed he was entitled. Whether he was correct about what was entitled is immaterial.
The shoes are evidence, because they have footprints at the scene of the crime from Bruno Mali shoes.

They have no "footprints" of any of the $20 million leading to Joe Biden.
10% for the big guy
Dozens of phone calls with Hunters clients.
Dozens of meetings with Hunter's business partners.
Dinners with Hunter's clients
Hunter doing business in countries where Biden is given responsibility.
Dozens of rides on AF2 while doing business
$$$$ to 9 Biden family members
Whatsapp transcript
IRS whistleblowers shut down from investigating ties to Joe.
FBI 1023.
No you only have political spin and hearsay of what happened and what he wanted. And you need to put even the authentic requests into context. Hillary Clinton urged electors to ignore the vote and vote for her in 2016. Trump did not do that. He wanted only the votes to which he believed he was entitled. Whether he was correct about what was entitled is immaterial.
The problem is that Trump believe he was entitled to votes he did not win.
The states counted the votes, recounted the votes and even audited the votes, and time after time concluded that Trump lost, and was not entitled, no matter what Trump "THOUGHT" he deserved. He did not get their electoral votes.
10% for the big guy
Dozens of phone calls with Hunters clients.
Dozens of meetings with Hunter's business partners.
Dinners with Hunter's clients
All countered by Devon Archers testimony to congress and the Comer committee, where he told them that he was there for 20 of those phone calls, and they never discussed Hunters business during those calls.
Plus Devon said straight out, that Hunter was selling the "illusion of influence"

The difference between illusion of influence, and actual influence ain't magic.

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