Schiff: Biden Inquiry Is ‘an Evidence-Free Impeachment Proceeding’

All counted by Devon Archers testimony to congress and the Comer committee, where he told them that he was there for 20 of those phone calls, and they never discussed Hunters business during those calls.
Plus Devon said straight out, that Hunter was selling the "illusion of influence"

The difference between illusion of influence, and actual influence ain't magic.
1,000% Ratty Keeping your record of never getting anything right pristine.
10% for the big guy
Which you don’t know what that means. You don’t even know it was a deal after he left office that never was signed.
Dozens of phone calls with Hunters clients.
Perfect phone calls. No business transactions. Just saying hi.
Dozens of meetings with Hunter's business partners.
Not just business partners, but long term friends. Fathers seeing their son’s friends isn’t illegal.
Dinners with Hunter's clients
Hunter doing business in countries where Biden is given responsibility.
Doing business is legal.
Dozens of rides on AF2 while doing business
$$$$ to 9 Biden family members
Giving money to family members is legal.
Whatsapp transcript
Perfect transcript. Describes nothing illegal. Has been the source of many lies including that the whistleblowers who punished it lied about who it is about.
IRS whistleblowers shut down from investigating ties to Joe.
Because it’s lacked probable cause. Darn that constitution!
Schiff is an idiot! He has NO idea and neither does any Democrat WHAT the evidence is. He needs to shut his lying mouth and wait for the evidence to be presented.
Just like the republican position on Trumps federal income taxes.

Nunya business, they're private citizens.
Remind me, didn’t y’all go all the way to the scotus to get his tax returns? Then release them? And what did y’all say? What’s he hiding? Haha even thought the govt had his returns? The govt has no idea what xiden was doing for these millions…we want to know

With that said tax returns by law are confidential what some one does for a living isn’t.
Schiff is an idiot! He has NO idea and neither does any Democrat WHAT the evidence is. He needs to shut his lying mouth and wait for the evidence to be presented.
Comer has released the "evidence" he has. And none of it actually constitutes evidence against Joe Biden.

But he has a great impeachment case against Hunter Biden.
Remind me, didn’t y’all go all the way to the scotus to get his tax returns? Then release them? And what did y’all say? What’s he hiding? Haha even thought the govt had his returns? The govt has no idea what xiden was doing for these millions…we want to know

With that said tax returns by law are confidential what some one does for a living isn’t.
Banking records are by law confidential also. But the difference is one belonged to somebody running for president, and the voters right to know that the person running for president is not a crook.

Suddenly republicans want the affairs of private citizens that have not been accused of any crime, to be released to the public.

This would be like congress subpoenaing your bank records, and letting people know where your money came from, and where it went. And all without any legal reason, like evidence of a crime.
Republicans have it backwards. Marjorie Taylor Greene wrote up articles of impeachment before Biden was even sworn into office.
Republicans have sworn to impeach Biden, in retaliation for the impeachment of Trump, so now they're looking for evidence to support the predetermined impeachment.

We know he's guilty, we knew that for the last three years. We just need a few more years to find the evidence to prove it.

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