Schiff: Biden Inquiry Is ‘an Evidence-Free Impeachment Proceeding’

Schiff: Biden Inquiry Is ‘an Evidence-Free Impeachment Proceeding’​

Yeah, he would know wouldn't he. For months Schiff told America he had undeniable proof of Trump's collusion with the Russians, but he was lying his ass off. The democrats impeached Trump twice and never showed any evidence that would stand up in court that indicated his guilt. From what I can tell, the GOP has a lot more evidence of wrong-doing on Biden's part than the democrats ever did on Trump. I don't know if whatever the GOP has in the way of evidence will stand up in court as admissible, but I highly doubt it is any less than what the democrats had. So, Mr Schiff has no business talking about evidence, his hypocrisy is amazing.
No argument from me there. The tactics are straight out of the Marx/Engles' handbook as further translated by Lenin, Stalin, Mao et al. And if we don't turn it around, soon the end result will be inevitable.

In a separate thread intended to trash Huckabee who said recently that if the left succeeds in using unethical, perhaps illegal, tactics to destroy a political opponent (Trump) instead of letting the people decide at the ballot box, all future elections will be decided via bullets (metaphor for government power and force) instead of ballots.
When the people decided at the ballot box in 2020, Trump went to great lengths to take that choice away from us.
Of course the left immediately twisted that to be literal bullets rather than see it as the metaphor intended.

But that's how the Marxist left and the MSM they control do everything, i.e. change the intended meaning to something they can attack.

Which is exactly what all of Schiff's 'witnesses' do. They report how they took it as what was actually said even their their personal bias completely distorted the reality. They all got caught in the so-called collusion hearings. The Democrats then scrambled to make sure their 'witnesses' could never be challenged again or required to admit they saw or heard nothing illegal.
Evidence is pretty much meaningless. At the level we're talking about a person's innocence or guilt depends on who they know and who they are not what they did and what they might be guilty of. It's that simple.
So you’re admitting the impeachment isn’t about a crime, it’s about politics.
You guys spend a lot more time taking about how much “evidence” you have rather than talking about the actual evidence.
Ok, the millions of dollars funneling to the Xidens from foreign countries is troubling, the fact that nobody can tell us what they did to earn that money is troubling, the fact Xiden lied repeatedly about being involved in his brother's and Hunter's foreign deals is troubling, the fact Hunter decided not to even file taxes on alot of this income from years is troubling....what wheere they hiding? why were they getting the money?

We can talk about it....
Ok, the millions of dollars funneling to the Xidens from foreign countries is troubling, the fact that nobody can tell us what they did to earn that money is troubling, the fact Xiden lied repeatedly about being involved in his brother's and Hunter's foreign deals is troubling, the fact Hunter decided not to even file taxes on alot of this income from years is troubling....what wheere they hiding? why were they getting the money?

We can talk about it....
You ask questions but ignore answers.

That’s troubling.

None of this has anything to do with finding answers.
When the people decided at the ballot box in 2020, Trump went to great lengths to take that choice away from us.
Trump wanted investigations into the appearance that the Democrats took our choices away from us. That is ALL he asked for. Unfortunately it didn't happen and time ran out. He said early on that time wasn't on our side, but he felt he had to try. But there was nothing sinister or even improper about it other than I think he was wrong that Pence had the authority to suspend the certification. It is not illegal to be wrong.
Of course the left immediately twisted that to be literal bullets rather than see it as the metaphor intended.

But that's how the Marxist left and the MSM they control do everything, i.e. change the intended meaning to something they can attack.

Which is exactly what all of Schiff's 'witnesses' do. They report how they took it as what was actually said even their their personal bias completely distorted the reality. They all got caught in the so-called collusion hearings. The Democrats then scrambled to make sure their 'witnesses' could never be challenged again or required to admit they saw or heard nothing illegal.
Gotta remember these candy assess fell to the fainting couch over “fight like hell” which they transposed to “go beat someone up and destroy property”
Evidence is pretty much meaningless. At the level we're talking about a person's innocence or guilt depends on who they know and who they are not what they did and what they might be guilty of. It's that simple.
Democrats have ignored the Bill of Rights on a daily basis. They determine who has the freedom to speak, control the votes and who to prosecute-persecute. Just ask those convicted for January 6th. in secret, some of whom were not even present in D.C. on that day.

Trump wanted investigations into the appearance that the Democrats took our choices away from us. That is ALL he asked for. Unfortunately it didn't happen and time ran out. He said early on that time wasn't on our side, but he felt he had to try. But there was nothing sinister or even improper about it other than I think he was wrong that Pence had the authority to suspend the certification. It is not illegal to be wrong.
He had many investigations but he didn’t like the results.

That’s when he decided to ask Republican state legislators to change the outcome for him. To void the election, remove the chosen electors and appoint electors for him.

So when you say that’s “all he asked”, it’s a lie.
Gotta remember these candy assess fell to the fainting couch over “fight like hell” which they transposed to “go beat someone up and destroy property”
Yep. They will twist anything to be something other than it obviously was and will ignore any arguments that illustrate the actual facts/circumstances. Just like the left's accusations of Trump that he mocked a handicapped person which was not the case at all. Multiple videos of him using the exact same gestures to illustrate something he was saying were totally ignored. They decided what the talking point will be and stick to it no matter how dishonest.
He had many investigations but he didn’t like the results.

That’s when he decided to ask Republican state legislators to change the outcome for him. To void the election, remove the chosen electors and appoint electors for him.

So when you say that’s “all he asked”, it’s a lie.
Not a single one of the investigations had been completed re all the inquiries into irregularities in the states that would make a difference. Fact.
You ask questions but ignore answers.

That’s troubling.

None of this has anything to do with finding answers.
I just went on and on asking you for answers you claimed to have, but you never provided them.

why don't you answer them? Oh wait that is another can't answer.
Not a single one of the investigations had been completed re all the inquiries into irregularities in the states that would make a difference. Fact.
But that’s not true at all. Trump’s own private investigation team found no evidence of fraud.
I just went on and on asking you for answers you claimed to have, but you never provided them.

why don't you answer them? Oh wait that is another can't answer.
I’ve answered so many of your questions but just ignore it.

Why would I keep tying?
But that’s not true at all. Trump’s own private investigation team found no evidence of fraud.

I’ve answered so many of your questions but just ignore it.

Why would I keep tying?
You won't find any credible source to support that Trump's private investigation team 'found no evidence of fraud.' You won't find any state that can say there is 'no evidence of fraud.'

The allegations of impropriety and irregularities alone should have been thoroughly investigated but once the machines are removed and mail in ballots are separated from their signed envelopes, there is no way to determine whether many of those are legitimate or not.

Audits completed after J6 revealed a lot of those irregularities.

It could be accurate to say that the system and process created the fact that there is no way now to PROVE whether the election results were honest and how the legal vote went. For that reason I think the focus should be on making the next election so secure that ALL Americans can be confident that the vote is honest.
We’ve yet to hear any abuse of office.

Bank records don’t tell us anything about abuse of office. There’s nothing on the laptop. Devon Archer denied any abuse.

Where is it? It’s mythical.
10% for the big guy
Dozens of phone calls with Hunters clients.
Dozens of meetings with Hunter's business partners.
DInners with Hunter's clients
Hunter doing business in countries where Biden is given responsibility.
Dozens of rides on AF2 while doing business
$$$$ to 9 Biden family members
Whatsapp transcript
IRS whistleblowers shut down from investigating ties to Joe.
FBI 1023.

Are not mythical.

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