Schiff claims Flynn is not exonerated

What does Schiff care about this case?

Doesn’t this just seem like political bullshit?

Why does Schiff want Flynn in prison?
Of course he wasn't exonerated. He pled guilty for fucks sake. This is just Barr doing tRump's dirty work. He probably thought it would make less of a splash than a pardon.

He was wrong, as usual.

Barr was not materially involved.

Don’t fuck up his false narrative. It’s all he has.

He is the least informed person in the group - so that makes sense.
Do you girls need a room?

What does Schiff care about this case?

Doesn’t this just seem like political bullshit?

Why does Schiff want Flynn in prison?
Of course he wasn't exonerated. He pled guilty for fucks sake. This is just Barr doing tRump's dirty work. He probably thought it would make less of a splash than a pardon.

He was wrong, as usual.

What did he say? What was his lie?

What is this?

He lied to investigators about meeting with Russians.

Can't tell what that blurry mess you posted is.

It’s the FBI’s memo to set a perjury trap.

What if Bush’s FBI set a perjury trap for Susan Rice?

Schiff lied to Congress. He knows Eric Ciaramella is the Whistleblower. Should he be in prison?
What does it say?

Not your interpretation, what does it actually say.

Where the fuck have you been?

“What is our goal? Truth / admission or to get him to lie so we can prosecute him or get him fired?”

It’s called a perjury trap.

The FBI admitted they set him up.

Pretend it was Bush’s FBI doing the EXACT same thing to Susan Rice. Do you want Susan in prison?

She lied about Benghazi. Should she be in prison?

The members of the Obama Administration did not lie about the attack, according to 7 mostly Republican lead Benghazi Investigations.
Flynn will never be exonerated. The guy pled guilty.

Lots of people who plead guilty are later exonerated.
That is because you can plead guilty when you are not, due to extortion, bad legal advice, fear of the risks from a greater charge, etc.
Pleading guilty in no way implies actual guilt in this convoluted world.
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What does Schiff care about this case?

Doesn’t this just seem like political bullshit?

Why does Schiff want Flynn in prison?
Of course he wasn't exonerated. He pled guilty for fucks sake. This is just Barr doing tRump's dirty work. He probably thought it would make less of a splash than a pardon.

He was wrong, as usual.

What did he say? What was his lie?

What is this?

He lied to investigators about meeting with Russians.

Can't tell what that blurry mess you posted is.

It’s the FBI’s memo to set a perjury trap.

What if Bush’s FBI set a perjury trap for Susan Rice?

Schiff lied to Congress. He knows Eric Ciaramella is the Whistleblower. Should he be in prison?
What does it say?

Not your interpretation, what does it actually say.

Where the fuck have you been?

“What is our goal? Truth / admission or to get him to lie so we can prosecute him or get him fired?”

It’s called a perjury trap.

The FBI admitted they set him up.

Pretend it was Bush’s FBI doing the EXACT same thing to Susan Rice. Do you want Susan in prison?

She lied about Benghazi. Should she be in prison?

The members of the Obama Administration did not lie about the attack, according to 7 mostly Republican lead Benghazi Investigations.

It does not matter if the Obama Administration did not lie about the attack, but it was still illegal for Ambassador to be away from the embassy or consulate in Tripoli, and be secretly arming and paying mercenaries to fight Assad in Syria.
That is a violation of US and international law.
Clinton didn't lie to the FBI.

Thanks for trying...

Please read my signature and follow my link to the entire article. Thank you, thank you so much!

I've read the transcript and watched the video, and this is Trey Gowdy pulling a legal trick of weasel wording his questions to try to get Comey to admit stuff that isn't true, and Comey refusing to give Gowdy what he wants.

Republicans KNEW in 2008 that Hillary Clinton was using private email as Secretary of State. In 2013, after Hillary left office they passed a law making using a private server, illegal, because of Hillary Clinton. Then in 2016, as she's running for President, they are shocked, shocked I tell you to discover that Clinton used a private server.

And if what Clinton did was illegal, why hasn't she, or any of her staffers, been charged with a crime? Trump has run at least a half dozen attempts to charge Clinton and still no charges.

Witch hunt all the way.

Patience my son. As you are seeing, the Democrat Stonewall is just now beginning to crumble. The truth about Gen. Flynn has come out along with the corruption of the FBI at the highest level.

We now have proof of no collusion with Russia and now Adam Schiff is in panic mode since, after his three-year battle to keep his notes and transcripts about his Russia investigation secret. Remember, he repeatedly and vigorously promised that he had irrefutable proof that no one else had proving the Trump administration had colluded with Russia. We knew then that Schiff was lying and now, you do too!
i always read that Obama hates Flynn, but they never say why. i wonder why?


President Obama went on prime time TV to announce the clandestine attack and killing of Osama bin Laden. He went on to elaborate that in addition to that, he had al Qaeda on run and was being eliminated.

The next day, Gen. Flynn held a news conference to answer questions about the attack. When asked, Flynn said that yes, bin Laden had been killed but NO, al Qaeda was not on the run but was growing.

Trump was furious. Plus, apparently, Flynn also knew how involved Obama was with the Russia collusion hoax.

What does Schiff care about this case?

Doesn’t this just seem like political bullshit?

Why does Schiff want Flynn in prison?

Schiff has been completely confirmed as a lying, Seditious, treasonous, sack of monkey shit who belongs in jail, & he is desperately screaming more bullshit to distract from that fact .... He's failing miserably.

You mean like the Central Park 5? Trump is A-Ok with what happened to them, but the FBI is scum for a friendly interview with Flynn.

I'm beginning to think you know they are lies when you tell them. Either that or you have swallowed the lies being fed to you by MSNBC or CNN.

As for the Central Park 5, then citizen Donald Trump took out the ad you address AFTER the Central Park 5 had confessed and judged guilty.

Saying that the FBI wanted a "FRIENDLY INTERVIEW" with Gen. Flynn simply makes you look foolish! First, there is no such thing as a friendly interview with the FBI. The FBI told Flynn to not tell the White House about the interview and to NOT bother to have his attorney.

Well, the going story on the right wing is that the interview was just Flynn sitting down with the FBI to shoot the breeze. We are supposed to believe that Flynn was unaware it was a formal sit down, you know, with two FBI agents taking notes. Now, I find it ridiculous that Flynn would be unaware of the nature of the interview, but that's what we are supposed to believe. Flynn's allies are making him out to be an idiot to help his case.

As for the Central Park 5, Trump to this day defends his statements on the Central Park 5 and still believes that their confessions hold despite the fact that they were ACTUALLY coerced and denied their rights. Furthermore, Trump's ad was taken out after their coerced confession but a year before the trial, and may have impacted the jury's predisposition on the case.
Is there anything you TDS douchebags will not say to absolve the FBI of this gross miscarriage of justice? Comey himself says Flynn was unaware, you fucking moron. Anyone who defends the FBI is a scumbag. People deserve to go to prison for this.
i always read that Obama hates Flynn, but they never say why. i wonder why?


President Obama went on prime time TV to announce the clandestine attack and killing of Osama bin Laden. He went on to elaborate that in addition to that, he had al Qaeda on run and was being eliminated.

The next day, Gen. Flynn held a news conference to answer questions about the attack. When asked, Flynn said that yes, bin Laden had been killed but NO, al Qaeda was not on the run but was growing.

Trump was furious. Plus, apparently, Flynn also knew how involved Obama was with the Russia collusion hoax.

You just demand to blast out your ignorance, don't you?

Democrat Response to Coronavirus: End Trump’s Travel Bans on China, Iran
JOHN BINDER 11 Mar 2020 4,269
House and Senate Democrats are responding to the coronavirus outbreak in the United States by supporting measures to effectively strip President Trump of his authority to impose travel bans to protect American citizens.

While Trump has implemented travel bans on China and Iran — two of the most coronavirus-affected nations in the world — House Democrats are looking to roll back the president’s authority to enact travel bans from regions of the world.

i always read that Obama hates Flynn, but they never say why. i wonder why?


President Obama went on prime time TV to announce the clandestine attack and killing of Osama bin Laden. He went on to elaborate that in addition to that, he had al Qaeda on run and was being eliminated.

The next day, Gen. Flynn held a news conference to answer questions about the attack. When asked, Flynn said that yes, bin Laden had been killed but NO, al Qaeda was not on the run but was growing.

Trump was furious. Plus, apparently, Flynn also knew how involved Obama was with the Russia collusion hoax.

You just demand to blast out your ignorance, don't you?

Democrat Response to Coronavirus: End Trump’s Travel Bans on China, Iran
JOHN BINDER 11 Mar 2020 4,269
House and Senate Democrats are responding to the coronavirus outbreak in the United States by supporting measures to effectively strip President Trump of his authority to impose travel bans to protect American citizens.

While Trump has implemented travel bans on China and Iran — two of the most coronavirus-affected nations in the world — House Democrats are looking to roll back the president’s authority to enact travel bans from regions of the world.

All that would be required is to present evidence of virus outbreak, and Trump would bypass the religious discrimination restriction.

Pelosi said that the House would take up legislation authored by Rep. Judy Chu (D-Calif.) to repeal the Trump administration's travel ban and limit the president from establishing future restrictions unless the administration provides specific evidence to justify it and consults with Congress. The bill, which Chu introduced last April, would also amend the Immigration and Nationality Act to explicitly prohibit discrimination based on religion.
i always read that Obama hates Flynn, but they never say why. i wonder why?


President Obama went on prime time TV to announce the clandestine attack and killing of Osama bin Laden. He went on to elaborate that in addition to that, he had al Qaeda on run and was being eliminated.

The next day, Gen. Flynn held a news conference to answer questions about the attack. When asked, Flynn said that yes, bin Laden had been killed but NO, al Qaeda was not on the run but was growing.

Trump was furious. Plus, apparently, Flynn also knew how involved Obama was with the Russia collusion hoax.

You just demand to blast out your ignorance, don't you?

Democrat Response to Coronavirus: End Trump’s Travel Bans on China, Iran
JOHN BINDER 11 Mar 2020 4,269
House and Senate Democrats are responding to the coronavirus outbreak in the United States by supporting measures to effectively strip President Trump of his authority to impose travel bans to protect American citizens.

While Trump has implemented travel bans on China and Iran — two of the most coronavirus-affected nations in the world — House Democrats are looking to roll back the president’s authority to enact travel bans from regions of the world.

All that would be required is to present evidence of virus outbreak, and Trump would bypass the religious discrimination restriction.

Pelosi said that the House would take up legislation authored by Rep. Judy Chu (D-Calif.) to repeal the Trump administration's travel ban and limit the president from establishing future restrictions unless the administration provides specific evidence to justify it and consults with Congress. The bill, which Chu introduced last April, would also amend the Immigration and Nationality Act to explicitly prohibit discrimination based on religion.

What the heck are you talking about?
i always read that Obama hates Flynn, but they never say why. i wonder why?


President Obama went on prime time TV to announce the clandestine attack and killing of Osama bin Laden. He went on to elaborate that in addition to that, he had al Qaeda on run and was being eliminated.

The next day, Gen. Flynn held a news conference to answer questions about the attack. When asked, Flynn said that yes, bin Laden had been killed but NO, al Qaeda was not on the run but was growing.

Trump was furious. Plus, apparently, Flynn also knew how involved Obama was with the Russia collusion hoax.

You just demand to blast out your ignorance, don't you?

Democrat Response to Coronavirus: End Trump’s Travel Bans on China, Iran
JOHN BINDER 11 Mar 2020 4,269
House and Senate Democrats are responding to the coronavirus outbreak in the United States by supporting measures to effectively strip President Trump of his authority to impose travel bans to protect American citizens.

While Trump has implemented travel bans on China and Iran — two of the most coronavirus-affected nations in the world — House Democrats are looking to roll back the president’s authority to enact travel bans from regions of the world.

All that would be required is to present evidence of virus outbreak, and Trump would bypass the religious discrimination restriction.

Pelosi said that the House would take up legislation authored by Rep. Judy Chu (D-Calif.) to repeal the Trump administration's travel ban and limit the president from establishing future restrictions unless the administration provides specific evidence to justify it and consults with Congress. The bill, which Chu introduced last April, would also amend the Immigration and Nationality Act to explicitly prohibit discrimination based on religion.

What the heck are you talking about?
the No Ban Act wouldn’t “stop President Trump from implementing the lifesaving travel restrictions.” In fact, while the act requires more significant and documented justification for travel bans, it affirms a president’s authority in such cases.

What does Schiff care about this case?

Doesn’t this just seem like political bullshit?

Why does Schiff want Flynn in prison?

Because he lied. The bastard was lobbying for the Islamic President of Turkey. If Flynn had gotten what he wanted, a man who fled Erdogan's tyranny to the US would have been sent back and killed. Flynn needs to go to jail. He has not been exonerated. He got away with it thanks to a corrupt AG. Barr and Flynn should share the same cell.
If you think it’s ok to set a perjury trap because you don’t like Trump, please step on a rake.

Like I said, imagine it was a Bush doing the same shit to Susan Rice.

Now how do you feel?

All you have to do is tell the truth.
Funny how Hillary was exonerated after she violated about a dozen federal laws in the e-mail scandal but a retired Army General who lost his home and his savings not to mention threats to his family, isn't exonerated after he was caught in a perjury trap set by the FBI.

She violated no laws. She was entitled to have the classified information in her role as Secretary of State. It is not called the Espionage Act for no reason.

What does Schiff care about this case?

Doesn’t this just seem like political bullshit?

Why does Schiff want Flynn in prison?
Of course he wasn't exonerated. He pled guilty for fucks sake. This is just Barr doing tRump's dirty work. He probably thought it would make less of a splash than a pardon.

He was wrong, as usual.

What did he say? What was his lie?

What is this?

He lied to investigators about meeting with Russians.

Can't tell what that blurry mess you posted is.

It’s the FBI’s memo to set a perjury trap.

What if Bush’s FBI set a perjury trap for Susan Rice?

Schiff lied to Congress. He knows Eric Ciaramella is the Whistleblower. Should he be in prison?
What does it say?

Not your interpretation, what does it actually say.

Where the fuck have you been?

“What is our goal? Truth / admission or to get him to lie so we can prosecute him or get him fired?”

It’s called a perjury trap.

The FBI admitted they set him up.

Pretend it was Bush’s FBI doing the EXACT same thing to Susan Rice. Do you want Susan in prison?

She lied about Benghazi. Should she be in prison?

All he had to do was tell the truth.

What does Schiff care about this case?

Doesn’t this just seem like political bullshit?

Why does Schiff want Flynn in prison?
Of course he wasn't exonerated. He pled guilty for fucks sake. This is just Barr doing tRump's dirty work. He probably thought it would make less of a splash than a pardon.

He was wrong, as usual.

Barr was not materially involved.
And if you really believe that I have this really nice bridge for sale.....

Unlike you, I provide FACTS... LINKS...SUBSTANTIATION NOT guesses, not subjective personal opinions.

U.S. Attorney General (AG) William Barr has installed a federal prosecutor to review the criminal case leveled against retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, President Donald Trump’s former national security adviser, the New York Times reported Friday.
Barr appointed a prosecutor from outside the U.S. attorney’s office in Washington to handle the Flynn case.
Barr also assigned a handful of prosecutors to review other cases in the US Attorney’s office in DC.
US Attorney in St. Louis Jeff Jensen is one of the prosecutors handling Flynn’s case.
Funny how Hillary was exonerated after she violated about a dozen federal laws in the e-mail scandal but a retired Army General who lost his home and his savings not to mention threats to his family, isn't exonerated after he was caught in a perjury trap set by the FBI.

She violated no laws. She was entitled to have the classified information in her role as Secretary of State. It is not called the Espionage Act for no reason.
Two examples demonstrate this point.
When Clinton would draft an email based on classified information, she was drafting that email on an authorized Blackberry, iPad or computer. But when she hit “send,” that email was knowingly routed to her unsecured server — an unauthorized location — for both storage and transfer.
Additionally, when Clinton moved the server to Platte River Networks (a private company) in June 2013, and then again when she transferred the contents of the server to her private lawyers in 2014, the classified materials were in each instance again removed to another unsecured location.

Next we have the lack of proper authority to move or hold classified information somewhere, i.e., the “unauthorized location.”

What does Schiff care about this case?

Doesn’t this just seem like political bullshit?

Why does Schiff want Flynn in prison?
Of course he wasn't exonerated. He pled guilty for fucks sake. This is just Barr doing tRump's dirty work. He probably thought it would make less of a splash than a pardon.

He was wrong, as usual.

Barr was not materially involved.
And if you really believe that I have this really nice bridge for sale.....

You have no bridge
You are the least informed person in the group

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