Schiff claims Flynn is not exonerated

Obama knew what was going on with Flynn.

Most corrupt administration ever.
Of course Obama knew.
He warned Trump about Flynn, but Trump denied it.

I laugh

And if I didn't plead guilty the FBI would arrest my son... hmmm I guess I would plead guilty also!
Both father & son were unregistered foreign agents. Putting interests of other country (turkey) ahead of their own country.

What does Schiff care about this case?

Doesn’t this just seem like political bullshit?

Why does Schiff want Flynn in prison?
Schiff needs about 40 years in solitary confinement. In an insane assylum.
With a rope around his neck.

It'd be fun to put his pencil neck in a guillotine that had a stop rigged to halt the blade a half inch from his neck.
The humiliation of him shitting and pissing himself while crying for his momma would be great entertainment!!
Of course you'd remove the stop for the next run.
Nah I wanna see that head roll. In fact I think we should erect a permanent guillotine in the middle of the capital steps and reserve its use for assholes like Schiff who betray the public's trust. I want the assholes to look out and see it every damn day to remind them of their duty and the price that will be paid for betraying the nation for personal gain.

You missed the end of my post.
I want to see the humiliation and the head roll.
Obama knew what was going on with Flynn.

Most corrupt administration ever.
Of course Obama knew.
He warned Trump about Flynn, but Trump denied it.

I laugh

(A) you are a fucking retard
(B) Flynn pleaded guilty to a crime that even the FBI said that he didn't commit to save his son
(C) Barr was not materially involved
Of course Barr is involved, he re-wrote history.
Before Barr, Flynn was a criminal who plead guilty twice.

What does Schiff care about this case?

Doesn’t this just seem like political bullshit?

Why does Schiff want Flynn in prison?
Shiff wants Flynn in prison because he is guilty? Just another case of trump flaunting our laws by having his guy
Barr find a way to negate the facts.
Schiff is the guilty one. It's only a matter of time until he wears an orange jumpsuit.
Depends on how you look at it. As much as I hate Schiff he is factually correct. Flynn is not INNOCENT; he is merely being forgiven for his law-breaking because the Gub'mint acted abominably w/r/t him.

Flynn broke the law, then lied about it. Period.

It was a dumb law that has never had a conviction; the Conversation that was the subject of the law-breaking and the lie was totally appropriate; the FBI acted badly; the Justice Department ought to be ashamed, but the facts are the facts. See above.

It is the equivalent of your answer to the State Trooper who pulls you over and asks, "Were you speeding?" You answer, "No." You broke the law and then you lied about it. Sad but true.
Wrong. The DOJ says Schiff is innocent.
Obama knew what was going on with Flynn.

Most corrupt administration ever.
Of course Obama knew.
He warned Trump about Flynn, but Trump denied it.

I laugh

(A) you are a fucking retard
(B) Flynn pleaded guilty to a crime that even the FBI said that he didn't commit to save his son
(C) Barr was not materially involved
Of course Barr is involved, he re-wrote history.
Before Barr, Flynn was a criminal who plead guilty twice.
If we spend endless time talking dirt about the dirt on politicians then maybe we need ones with higher moral fiber.
Obama knew what was going on with Flynn.

Most corrupt administration ever.
Of course Obama knew.
He warned Trump about Flynn, but Trump denied it.

I laugh

And if I didn't plead guilty the FBI would arrest my son... hmmm I guess I would plead guilty also!
Both father & son were unregistered foreign agents. Putting interests of other country (turkey) ahead of their own country.
Where is your proof? Where is your links? Just your word right?
WELL here are the FACTS:

President Trump's former national security adviser, Michael Flynn, who was fired from his prominent White House job last month, has registered with the Justice Department as a foreign agent for $530,000 worth of lobbying work before Election Day that may have aided the Turkish government.
Willfully failing to register is a felony, though the Justice Department rarely files criminal charges in such cases. It routinely works with lobbying firms to get back in compliance with the law by registering and disclosing their work.
Now as far as his son...
NO RECORD of his being required to be a registered agent! If there ARE NO records, then there is no issue!!!

NOW let's look at Biden's son...
NEVER REGISTERED as a foreign Agent... YET..
Hunter Biden made $850,000 on board of Ukraine gas company
i always read that Obama hates Flynn, but they never say why. i wonder why?


President Obama went on prime time TV to announce the clandestine attack and killing of Osama bin Laden. He went on to elaborate that in addition to that, he had al Qaeda on run and was being eliminated.

The next day, Gen. Flynn held a news conference to answer questions about the attack. When asked, Flynn said that yes, bin Laden had been killed but NO, al Qaeda was not on the run but was growing.

Trump was furious. Plus, apparently, Flynn also knew how involved Obama was with the Russia collusion hoax.
He lied to investigators about meeting with Russians.

Can't tell what that blurry mess you posted is.

You are either so sincerely confused that you throw out these uninformed comments or, hopefully not, you are desperate and are trying to muddy the water.

I bet that if that same note was exonerating failed former President Barack Hussein Obama you'd be able to read it just fine.
You mean like the Central Park 5? Trump is A-Ok with what happened to them, but the FBI is scum for a friendly interview with Flynn.

I'm beginning to think you know they are lies when you tell them. Either that or you have swallowed the lies being fed to you by MSNBC or CNN.

As for the Central Park 5, then citizen Donald Trump took out the ad you address AFTER the Central Park 5 had confessed and judged guilty.

Saying that the FBI wanted a "FRIENDLY INTERVIEW" with Gen. Flynn simply makes you look foolish! First, there is no such thing as a friendly interview with the FBI. The FBI told Flynn to not tell the White House about the interview and to NOT bother to have his attorney.
You mean like the Central Park 5? Trump is A-Ok with what happened to them, but the FBI is scum for a friendly interview with Flynn.

I'm beginning to think you know they are lies when you tell them. Either that or you have swallowed the lies being fed to you by MSNBC or CNN.

As for the Central Park 5, then citizen Donald Trump took out the ad you address AFTER the Central Park 5 had confessed and judged guilty.

Saying that the FBI wanted a "FRIENDLY INTERVIEW" with Gen. Flynn simply makes you look foolish! First, there is no such thing as a friendly interview with the FBI. The FBI told Flynn to not tell the White House about the interview and to NOT bother to have his attorney.

Well, the going story on the right wing is that the interview was just Flynn sitting down with the FBI to shoot the breeze. We are supposed to believe that Flynn was unaware it was a formal sit down, you know, with two FBI agents taking notes. Now, I find it ridiculous that Flynn would be unaware of the nature of the interview, but that's what we are supposed to believe. Flynn's allies are making him out to be an idiot to help his case.

As for the Central Park 5, Trump to this day defends his statements on the Central Park 5 and still believes that their confessions hold despite the fact that they were ACTUALLY coerced and denied their rights. Furthermore, Trump's ad was taken out after their coerced confession but a year before the trial, and may have impacted the jury's predisposition on the case.

What does Schiff care about this case?

Doesn’t this just seem like political bullshit?

Why does Schiff want Flynn in prison?

Flynn is not exonerated and I'd like to see the guy who lead the "Lock her up" chants locked up for one of the many other crimes he plead guilty to and wasn't charged for, like acting as an agent for a foreign government.
Clinton didn't lie to the FBI.

Thanks for trying...

Please read my signature and follow my link to the entire article. Thank you, thank you so much!

I've read the transcript and watched the video, and this is Trey Gowdy pulling a legal trick of weasel wording his questions to try to get Comey to admit stuff that isn't true, and Comey refusing to give Gowdy what he wants.

Republicans KNEW in 2008 that Hillary Clinton was using private email as Secretary of State. In 2013, after Hillary left office they passed a law making using a private server, illegal, because of Hillary Clinton. Then in 2016, as she's running for President, they are shocked, shocked I tell you to discover that Clinton used a private server.

And if what Clinton did was illegal, why hasn't she, or any of her staffers, been charged with a crime? Trump has run at least a half dozen attempts to charge Clinton and still no charges.

Witch hunt all the way.

What does Schiff care about this case?

Doesn’t this just seem like political bullshit?

Why does Schiff want Flynn in prison?
Of course he wasn't exonerated. He pled guilty for fucks sake. This is just Barr doing tRump's dirty work. He probably thought it would make less of a splash than a pardon.

He was wrong, as usual.

What did he say? What was his lie?

What is this?

He lied to investigators about meeting with Russians.

Can't tell what that blurry mess you posted is.

It’s the FBI’s memo to set a perjury trap.

What if Bush’s FBI set a perjury trap for Susan Rice?

Schiff lied to Congress. He knows Eric Ciaramella is the Whistleblower. Should he be in prison?
What does it say?

Not your interpretation, what does it actually say.

Where the fuck have you been?

“What is our goal? Truth / admission or to get him to lie so we can prosecute him or get him fired?”

It’s called a perjury trap.

The FBI admitted they set him up.

Pretend it was Bush’s FBI doing the EXACT same thing to Susan Rice. Do you want Susan in prison?

She lied about Benghazi. Should she be in prison?

That's your interpretation of it, not what it actually said.
"Perjury trap" is a load of bullshit. Either they lied or they didn't. It's their choice, and no in can force them to.
If you think it’s ok to set a perjury trap because you don’t like Trump, please step on a rake.

Like I said, imagine it was a Bush doing the same shit to Susan Rice.

Now how do you feel?
Flynn didn't lie. He was forced to say he lied. Now everyone knows it.
Well that's a lie.

What does Schiff care about this case?

Doesn’t this just seem like political bullshit?

Why does Schiff want Flynn in prison?
Of course he wasn't exonerated. He pled guilty for fucks sake. This is just Barr doing tRump's dirty work. He probably thought it would make less of a splash than a pardon.

He was wrong, as usual.

Barr was not materially involved.
And if you really believe that I have this really nice bridge for sale.....

What does Schiff care about this case?

Doesn’t this just seem like political bullshit?

Why does Schiff want Flynn in prison?
Of course he wasn't exonerated. He pled guilty for fucks sake. This is just Barr doing tRump's dirty work. He probably thought it would make less of a splash than a pardon.

He was wrong, as usual.

Barr was not materially involved.

Don’t fuck up his false narrative. It’s all he has.
Sadly for you it's not false.

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