Schiff faces mounting GOP calls for resignation over collusion claims

I have not been persuaded that the Intelligence Committee needs to reinvestigate the points of the Mueller investigation. At this point, knowing what we know so far, I think we should move on.

Unfortunately D-Schiff believes that our President is a TRAITOR, a compromised individual being controlled by Vladimir Putin and Russia.

Despite the fact that d-Schiff is out of his damn mind, that his 'I THINK' beliefs have been proven by evidence to be NOTHING, I still respect Schiff a hell of a lot more than I do YOU and other Trump-Hating snowflakes....and here's why.

You think we should just act like none of this ever happened and just MOVE ON?! For 2+ years you and vile Trump-haters have been calling this President a TRAITOR, a Russian Puppet, a Russian Colluder...a very serious charge...that was based on bullshit, lies, ZERO EVIDENCE, ZERO CRIME, ZERO COLLUSION....but you rejected all of that, all of the evidence and facts. You clung to every desperate 'we have him now' moment that came up and FINALLY 'put all your eggs in one basket' declaring that Mueller's report would bring down the President.

The problem now is that last gasp, that last hope was just extinguished - Mueller definitively stated he and his team found NO EVEIDENCE, NO CRIME, NO COLLUSION with Russians....something former FBI Agent Page testified long ago that the FBI already knew before this 2+ year COUP was put into motion by the FISA Warrants and Brennan conning Congress into opening an official investigation.

Many of the Democrats / snowflakes are still going bat-shit crazy lying, denying, justifying, bargaining, and trying to hold out for any hope... YOU, it seems - and I applaud you for it - have accepted Mueller's report as FACT. Part of that reason, I believe, is because you KNOW - deep down - that there never was any 'Russian Collusion'. And now Mueller has proven it / declared it. IF you REALLY thought it was still true, that our President was a Russian Puppet / Colluder, there is no way as an American you could let that go! As a liberal / snowflake finally FORCED to face the death of the false narrative by THE investigator himself you can let it go? Yup......but as an American who still believes Trump is a legitimate traitor - you would not be able to.

SCHIFF is not letting it go. I actually believe that HE believes, despite all the evidence to the contrary as pointed out by Mueller and other evidence, the crap he is saying. I believe he REALLY thinks Trump IS a traitor and as an American he can't let that go. It APPEARS this is not JUST about partisan politics in his mind, it's about ;national security'. Though I still believe he has and continues to show he is incapable of running the House Intel Committee because HE HAS NO OBJECTIVITY, I respect, at least for now, him doing this because HE BELIEVES the crap he is saying...without the definitive evidence to back it up.

You think we should 'move on'? Just IGNORE all the exposed evidence of crime perpetrated by not only Hillary but by those at the highest levels within our government, to include the DOJ, NSA, CIA, and FBI?!

You think we should just ignore / walk away from the FACT that the DOJ told the FBI to drop the Hillary investigation because they had no intention of indicting her and derailing her Presidential run....despite the fact that she took over $100 million from the Russians, despite the fact that she paid Trump-hating foreign spies and Russians for a document with which to try to alter the election, despite the fact that she compromised national security, and perpetrated thousands of criminal counts of crimes to include espionage...?

You think we should just ignore / walk away from the FACT that evidence shows the Obama administration's DOJ, NSA, CIA, and FBI - leaders and members / agents - engaged in seditious conspiracy to affect a coup against a newly elected president by defrauding / conning the FISA Court and Congress to open an official investigation against the President on the false narrative / charge that he and his team were traitorous Russian Colluders....based on zero evidence zero crime committed, and no collusion proven (by the FBI's investigation that already showed this, according to Page)?

Yeah, sure...what the F*?!

It's just the biggest scandal in US history involving an attempt to alter al election to help a proven criminal who compromised national security and committed literally thousands of criminal counts / violations with an exposed treasonous conspiracy / coup attempt by the previous administration's top agency big crisis...nothing to see here. No need to investigate or hold anyone accountable....



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Well, not including the islamic terrorist and the brain dead commie.

What the fuck are you now spewing, moron???

Either address the thread's topic or go light a cross on someone's yard.......
Pencil dick is a fucking joke. The only thing that cuck wipes up from the floor is his old ladies boyfriends love juice.
I have already lit one cross today. How many more should i do? You females can never be satisfied!
The Justice Dept needs to bring charges against Schitt.
For what, prosecuting money laundering?

"Donald Trump: Not only does his past and current team have ties to Russia, but the President himself also does.

"He has traveled to Russia extensively, done business there often, and has ties to Russian interests. For example, in 2008 he made a real estate sale to Russian billionaire, Dmitry Rybolovlev. Trump bought a Palm Beach mansion in 2004 during a bankruptcy sale for $41 million, and less than four years later, without ever having moved in, Trump sold the mansion to Rybolovlev for $95 million"

Russia: Trump & His Team’s Ties

View attachment 252825

Yes, they're still here.
It should be embarrassing that the 9 republicans who actually had the audacity to call for Schiff's resignation so moronically echoed what Trump also called for just hours before.

These so-called "congressmen" instead of representing the interests of their constituencies, are simply STOOGES of Trump, assigned to do the idiot-in-chief's bidding.....because they're afraid of the wanna-be despot's bad tweets.

Schiff's eloquent rebuttal to these idiots CANNOT be refuted by any clear thinking voter.......and as Schiff stated, Trump's action may not (prior to a thorough review of Mueller's report and the further investigations by various prosecutors) YET rise to criminal infractions....BUT, Trump's actions certainly fall within the scope of UNETHICAL, IMMORAL and UNPATRIOTIC behavior (not to mention pathological lying.)

Of course, we can NOW easily conclude that among the Trump cult membership, ETHICS, MORALITY and PATRIOTISM are unproductive values....the current GOP representatives no longer need a moral compass, as long as they can keep Trump from bad-mouthing their sorry asses.

Trump has virtually obliterated the need for a GOP and replaced it with a bunch of cult members.

link or more post's out of your cry baby's ass?
How so, didn't Schiff say he had evidence? Why did he withhold it from Mueller and the American public?

You fucking moron.......Schiff eloquently outlined the undisputed evidence of immoral, unethical and unpatriotic behavior of Trump and his stooges.........It may not be criminal (as of yet) but idiots like you are now welcoming the swallowing of Trump's bullshit.

Within the cult membership, there is no longer room for ethics, morality and patriotism.....All you want is for a lying, egotistical demagogue to make you feel all tingly inside....and wear a MAGA hat.

In Adam Schiff's recent hearing where Republicans asked Schiff to step down, he instead took them out to the wood shed for their two year long corrupt behavior, collusion, and obstruction as it pertains to Trump's compromising behavior during the campaign and after. Hail Schiff, for telling it exactly like it should have been told. He is the true hero in all this, and his Republican colleagues are traitors to this country.

Whatta fucking lying lightweight!...Little wonder you moonbats like him! :auiqs.jpg::laughing0301::laugh2::blowpop:

It was Schiffs finest moment, because the truth dumped on those Republican criminals like a ton of bricks. Every word and sentence was the truth, and the whole world knows it. How do we know? Did they rebut Schiff with another version of the truth? Hell no! Those chicken shit criminals were left with shit in the pants.

If this was Schitt's "finest moment", he's an even bigger lying crapweasel loser than he looks and acts like.

What are the proven lies?
The news that Special Counsel Robert Mueller "did not find that the Trump campaign, or anyone associated with it, conspired or coordinated with the Russian government" has left a lot of people in Washington with a lot of explaining to do.

Put aside the rogues' gallery of reporters and pundits who assured us that Donald Trump had conspired with Vladimir Putin to steal the presidency. What is most insidious are those who did have access to classified intelligence and led Americans to believe that they had seen what we could not: actual evidence of Trump-Russia collusion.

Recall that in 2016, Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., released a letter to FBI Director James Comey claiming the FBI had proof of Trump-Russia collusion. "In my communications with you and other top officials in the national security community, it has become clear that you possess explosive information about close ties and coordination between Donald Trump, his top advisors, and the Russian government," Reid declared. When asked what information Reid was referring to, a spokesman said, "There have been classified briefings on this topic. That is all I can say."


Trump has called for House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff, D-Calif., to resign. He is absolutely correct. Schiff repeatedly said that his committee had dug up "plenty of evidence of collusion or conspiracy." In March 2017, he said on "Meet the Press," "I can't go into the particulars, but there is more than circumstantial evidence now" and last May he told ABC that Trump's Russia conspiracy is of "a size and scope probably beyond Watergate."

Schiff is a disgrace. But he is not alone. Rep. Eric Swalwell, D-Calif., a member of the Intelligence Committee, said, "In our investigation, we saw strong evidence of collusion" and declared Trump an agent "working on behalf of the Russians." House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler, D-N.Y., claimed, "It's clear that the campaign colluded, and there's a lot of evidence of that." Sen. Richard Blumenthal, D-Conn., a member of the Judiciary Committee, assured us last year that "the evidence is pretty clear that there was collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russians." Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., a member of the Intelligence Committee, said, "There is no longer a question of whether this campaign sought to collude with a hostile foreign power to subvert America's democracy." And recently, the committee's vice chairman, Sen. Mark Warner, D-Va., declared that "enormous amounts of evidence" exist of collusion between Trump and Russia and that "there's no one that could factually say there's not plenty of evidence of collaboration or communications between Trump Organization and Russians." Except for Mueller, of course.

These comments by people with access to intelligence were shameful. But the most sinister of all is John Brennan, who used his authority as former CIA director to suggest that Trump was a traitor and a compromised Russian asset. After Trump's Helsinki summit, Brennan declared "he is wholly in the pocket of Putin." When challenged by Chuck Todd on "Meet the Press," Brennan stood by his assessment. "I called [Trump's] behavior treasonous, which is to betray one's trust and aid and abet the enemy, and I stand very much by that claim."

Marc Thiessen: The Trump-Russia collusion hall of shame
It should be embarrassing that the 9 republicans who actually had the audacity to call for Schiff's resignation so moronically echoed what Trump also called for just hours before.

These so-called "congressmen" instead of representing the interests of their constituencies, are simply STOOGES of Trump, assigned to do the idiot-in-chief's bidding.....because they're afraid of the wanna-be despot's bad tweets.

Schiff's eloquent rebuttal to these idiots CANNOT be refuted by any clear thinking voter.......and as Schiff stated, Trump's action may not (prior to a thorough review of Mueller's report and the further investigations by various prosecutors) YET rise to criminal infractions....BUT, Trump's actions certainly fall within the scope of UNETHICAL, IMMORAL and UNPATRIOTIC behavior (not to mention pathological lying.)

Of course, we can NOW easily conclude that among the Trump cult membership, ETHICS, MORALITY and PATRIOTISM are unproductive values....the current GOP representatives no longer need a moral compass, as long as they can keep Trump from bad-mouthing their sorry asses.

Trump has virtually obliterated the need for a GOP and replaced it with a bunch of cult members.
He didn't even wipe up his own shit splatter... You guys are really desperate...
Rachel Maddow’s ratings suffer after Mueller report determined no collusion

Rachel Maddow’s ratings suffer after Mueller report determined no collusion

MSNBC’s biggest star, Rachel Maddow, has been flailing in viewership since Special Counsel Robert Mueller officially concluded his investigation into the alleged Russian interference in the 2016 election.

Maddow had seen a rating surge since President Trump took office, offering extensive coverage on the Russia investigation for the past two years. However, her viewership has taken a dive since Mueller handed his report to the Department of Justice last Friday. The report, according to a letter to Congress released on Sunday by Attorney General Bill Barr, concluded that there was no collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign.


“The Rachel Maddow Show” saw an average 13 percent decrease in viewership comparing her ratings Monday through Wednesday this week versus last week — Maddow lost nearly a whopping 500,000 viewers on Monday’s show following the release of Barr’s letter compared to her previous Monday show. She also saw a 15 percent decrease in the 25-52 demo audience.
Shiff used his position to leak unverified information to the media and spread what we know now are obvious lies and disinformation designed to overthrow the results of an election and the President of the United States. He should be in prison but a resignation would work.

So, cult member, do you fully ACCEPT Trump and his stooges' behavior in undermining our electoral processes with the help of a hostile foreign power......Yes or fucking No???

Imagine just for a moment if the same exact behavior of Trump and his stooges had been done by Obama.
How so, didn't Schiff say he had evidence? Why did he withhold it from Mueller and the American public? Is he secretly working with Trump to kill off this supposed evidence? you really don't even think to ask those questions do you? You're just not that bright and need to be told what to sad.
You should know better than to post logic to Nat.
Pencil dick is a fucking joke. The only thing that cuck wipes up from the floor is his old ladies boyfriends love juice.
I have already lit one cross today. How many more should i do? You females can never be satisfied!

How fucking eloquent .........and, moron, I'm a 72 year old MALE...take your misogyny and racism and stick them up your sorry ass.
How so, didn't Schiff say he had evidence? Why did he withhold it from Mueller and the American public?

You fucking moron.......Schiff eloquently outlined the undisputed evidence of immoral, unethical and unpatriotic behavior of Trump and his stooges.........It may not be criminal (as of yet) but idiots like you are now welcoming the swallowing of Trump's bullshit.

Within the cult membership, there is no longer room for ethics, morality and patriotism.....All you want is for a lying, egotistical demagogue to make you feel all tingly inside....and wear a MAGA hat.
What evidence, show me something.
And when do you lefties care about morality or patriotism?
You hate America (most of you think America was never great) and need to transform have people talking about reparations, wtf?????
and even suggest you care about that is fucking hilarious
Baby killing
butt bumping
free sex
kids having sex
letting crazies out of assylums, causing them to be homeless
intimidating people like antifa does
going to people's homes to protest
refusing service based on politics

What morality are you for? I cant wait to hear this.
It should be embarrassing that the 9 republicans who actually had the audacity to call for Schiff's resignation so moronically echoed what Trump also called for just hours before.

These so-called "congressmen" instead of representing the interests of their constituencies, are simply STOOGES of Trump, assigned to do the idiot-in-chief's bidding.....because they're afraid of the wanna-be despot's bad tweets.

Schiff's eloquent rebuttal to these idiots CANNOT be refuted by any clear thinking voter.......and as Schiff stated, Trump's action may not (prior to a thorough review of Mueller's report and the further investigations by various prosecutors) YET rise to criminal infractions....BUT, Trump's actions certainly fall within the scope of UNETHICAL, IMMORAL and UNPATRIOTIC behavior (not to mention pathological lying.)

Of course, we can NOW easily conclude that among the Trump cult membership, ETHICS, MORALITY and PATRIOTISM are unproductive values....the current GOP representatives no longer need a moral compass, as long as they can keep Trump from bad-mouthing their sorry asses.

Trump has virtually obliterated the need for a GOP and replaced it with a bunch of cult members.
What a liar, Schiff is a puppet liar like you.

Pencil dick is a fucking joke. The only thing that cuck wipes up from the floor is his old ladies boyfriends love juice.
I have already lit one cross today. How many more should i do? You females can never be satisfied!

How fucking eloquent .........and, moron, I'm a 72 year old MALE...take your misogyny and racism and stick them up your sorry ass.
well dipshit you name is nat.......most people associate that with Natalie.......and what does racism have to that something you just have to throw out every time because you have no other answer?
Schiff kinda blew his load, tbh. He should've been a little more neutral-minded. Even Pelosi was saying just wait and see.
Pencil dick is a fucking joke. The only thing that cuck wipes up from the floor is his old ladies boyfriends love juice.
I have already lit one cross today. How many more should i do? You females can never be satisfied!

How fucking eloquent .........and, moron, I'm a 72 year old MALE...take your misogyny and racism and stick them up your sorry ass.
Women cant be satisfied. Its been that way since the bitch ate the apple.
Nothing racist in that post.
You are a known liar and the testosterone in your posts doesnt exist. Therefore, i dont believe you. And i damn sure dont believe someone as immature and close minded as you is over the age of 16.
Please list everyone who has said the report should be sealed and never released.

AG Barr heads the list. He's says he'll only turn over his own special censored summary, one where he redacts anything considered to be "executive privilege", meaning most of the report will be redacted.

Mueller report: Barr won't commit to sharing full findings, Democrat says

The FBI should handle any redactions, not corrupt Barr, and such a full report should be sent to Congress, pronto.
Barr has already released excerpts from Mueller's include where Mueller declares he and his team of 19 lawyers found NO EVIDENCE, NO CRIME, NO COLLUSION. More is coming...

But here you are , still bitching and lying about how Barr has redacted everything and replaced Muellers' words with his own.

Here you are still pushing the ridiculous narrative that Mueller and his 19 lawyers are sitting back silently while Barr hijacks his report and lies about the content..... :p

I guess the only people stupid enough to believe that are the people stupid / partisan enough to hold out for hope of Trump's indictment / Impeachment based on zero evidence, zero crime and while ignoring all the overwhelming existing and growing evidence of crimes committed by Hillary and the Directors and members / agents of the Obama administration's DOJ, NSA, CIA, and FBI...
The news that Special Counsel Robert Mueller "did not find that the Trump campaign, or anyone associated with it, conspired or coordinated with the Russian government" has left a lot of people in Washington with a lot of explaining to do

The above, a product of Barr......hired by Trump as a stooge to protect his sorry, fat ass.

Barr's pid-for "opinion" is NOT the Mueller findings........You'll soon be heading for a painful kick to your gonads.

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