Schiff faces mounting GOP calls for resignation over collusion claims

Dems have been handed their ass since Trump was elected.
It's funny as hell watching them claim otherwise.
It's like they're drinking a shit shake and they swear it's chocolat.
You can see their point when you consider WHOSE shit they's been a-drinkin'.


In Adam Schiff's recent hearing where Republicans asked Schiff to step down, he instead took them out to the wood shed for their two year long corrupt behavior, collusion, and obstruction as it pertains to Trump's compromising behavior during the campaign and after. Hail Schiff, for telling it exactly like it should have been told. He is the true hero in all this, and his Republican colleagues are traitors to this country.

Whatta fucking lying lightweight!...Little wonder you moonbats like him! :auiqs.jpg::laughing0301::laugh2::blowpop:

It was Schiffs finest moment, because the truth dumped on those Republican criminals like a ton of bricks. Every word and sentence was the truth, and the whole world knows it. How do we know? Did they rebut Schiff with another version of the truth? Hell no! Those chicken shit criminals were left with shit in the pants.

If this was Schitt's "finest moment", he's an even bigger lying crapweasel loser than he looks and acts like.
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The Justice Dept needs to bring charges against Schitt.
For what, prosecuting money laundering?

"Donald Trump: Not only does his past and current team have ties to Russia, but the President himself also does.

"He has traveled to Russia extensively, done business there often, and has ties to Russian interests. For example, in 2008 he made a real estate sale to Russian billionaire, Dmitry Rybolovlev. Trump bought a Palm Beach mansion in 2004 during a bankruptcy sale for $41 million, and less than four years later, without ever having moved in, Trump sold the mansion to Rybolovlev for $95 million"

Russia: Trump & His Team’s Ties


So, can you point out where Schiff said the above quote? That he was promising Americans that this president would either be impeached or indicted?
If Schiff did not want the President Impeached or Indicted, why is he out in public constantly spreading lies bout having definitive evidence of Trump's collusion with the Russians? His actions / lies serve no other purpose but to attempt to complete the exposed coup attempt.

When pressured to resign yesterday Schiff finally showed what 'evidence' he has...."I THINK....I THINK....I THINK.....and yes, I THINK....".

Schiff, in the face of real definitive evidence that President Trump and his staff NEVER colluded with the Russians to affect the outcome of the 2016 election, continues to claim 'collusion', not based on any evidence but instead on his personal feeling: 'I THINK'. Amazingly enough, this man is a LAWYER, and as a lawyer - a good one, anyway, if he is - he knows evidence is needed to confirm guilt. He also knows that after 2 years with a team of 19 lawyers, Mueller reported he found NO EVIDENCE of COLLUSION by Trump or any of his team.

Unless his goal is to make himself look like an ignorant, butt-hurt idiot, his goal is to still get the President Impeached or indicted, and his actions yesterday all but cemented the former, not the latter. His continued baseless accusations and his performance yesterday, admitting he has no evidence despite his claims, has proven there is no way he can objectively run the House Intel Committee. He needs to be removed asap.

The Justice Dept needs to bring charges against Schitt.
For what, prosecuting money laundering?

"Donald Trump: Not only does his past and current team have ties to Russia, but the President himself also does.

"He has traveled to Russia extensively, done business there often, and has ties to Russian interests. For example, in 2008 he made a real estate sale to Russian billionaire, Dmitry Rybolovlev. Trump bought a Palm Beach mansion in 2004 during a bankruptcy sale for $41 million, and less than four years later, without ever having moved in, Trump sold the mansion to Rybolovlev for $95 million"

Russia: Trump & His Team’s Ties

View attachment 252825

Sowing Chaos: Russia's Disinformation Wars
The Justice Dept needs to bring charges against Schitt.
For what, prosecuting money laundering?

"Donald Trump: Not only does his past and current team have ties to Russia, but the President himself also does.

"He has traveled to Russia extensively, done business there often, and has ties to Russian interests. For example, in 2008 he made a real estate sale to Russian billionaire, Dmitry Rybolovlev. Trump bought a Palm Beach mansion in 2004 during a bankruptcy sale for $41 million, and less than four years later, without ever having moved in, Trump sold the mansion to Rybolovlev for $95 million"

Russia: Trump & His Team’s Ties
The financial crimes and his liability is the exact reason why we had a collusion/obstruction scandal to begin with.
The financial crimes and his liability is the exact reason why we had a collusion/obstruction scandal to begin with.
When Trump said he would regard investigations into his business dealings as crossing a "red line", he apparently hadn't noticed how he had already obliterated that line by intermingling his business and campaign until it was impossible for prosecutors to untangle one without forensically examining the other.

A Complete Guide to All 17 (Known) Trump and Russia Investigations

"There’s also plenty we don’t know about who else Mueller and other investigators might have in their sights, or who might be cooperating.

"There’s even a special mystery witness Mueller was fighting in court last week.

"Notably, most of the open investigations involve known cooperators, not to mention likely millions of documents, telephone calls, recordings, emails, communications, and tax returns assembled by the special counsel and other prosecutors."
What classified information did Schiff leak?
Funny how you alwaysspread false narratives yet you always seem to be so in the dark about what has happened / what is happening.....

Adam Schiff Admits To December 2017 Leak of False Information During Intelligence Committee Hearing…

'Today during a CNN interview with Jake Tapper, ranking member of the House Intelligence Committee Adam Schiff admitted to being the source for the false reporting (December of 2017) by CNN’s Manu Raju – surrounding the Donald Trump Jr. and the wrong dates on the Wikileaks email.'

Schiff's admission is far from the 1st leak of classified information in the failed coup attempt and certainly not the 1st ADMISSION of doing so:

Comey: I Leaked My Memos in Hopes of a Special Counsel

"Days after the president suggested he has secret recordings of Oval Office conversations with former FBI Director James Comey, the former FBI director said under oath that he woke up in the middle of the night and decided to orchestrate a leak about his memos on meetings with the president.

"I asked a friend of mine to share the content of a memo with the reporter, I didn’t do it myself for a variety of reasons, but I asked him to because I thought that might prompt the appointment of a special counsel," Comey said."

It is amazing how so many Democrats and snowflakes could continue to push the idea that firing Comey was unjustified, especially after he admitted to being part of the 'Leak Strategy' against the President / after he admitted to leaking classified data to the press.
I read both your links on the Schiff "leak." As is so much of your thinking, it is based on total conjecture. No he didn't "admit" he leaked anything to CNN.
Typical Easy. I don't know why I even bother with you.
The Justice Dept needs to bring charges against Schitt.
For what, prosecuting money laundering?

"Donald Trump: Not only does his past and current team have ties to Russia, but the President himself also does.

"He has traveled to Russia extensively, done business there often, and has ties to Russian interests. For example, in 2008 he made a real estate sale to Russian billionaire, Dmitry Rybolovlev. Trump bought a Palm Beach mansion in 2004 during a bankruptcy sale for $41 million, and less than four years later, without ever having moved in, Trump sold the mansion to Rybolovlev for $95 million"

Russia: Trump & His Team’s Ties
The financial crimes and his liability is the exact reason why we had a collusion/obstruction scandal to begin with.
The financial crimes and his liability is the exact reason why we had a collusion/obstruction scandal to begin with.
When Trump said he would regard investigations into his business dealings as crossing a "red line", he apparently hadn't noticed how he had already obliterated that line by intermingling his business and campaign until it was impossible for prosecutors to untangle one without forensically examining the other.

A Complete Guide to All 17 (Known) Trump and Russia Investigations

"There’s also plenty we don’t know about who else Mueller and other investigators might have in their sights, or who might be cooperating.

"There’s even a special mystery witness Mueller was fighting in court last week.

"Notably, most of the open investigations involve known cooperators, not to mention likely millions of documents, telephone calls, recordings, emails, communications, and tax returns assembled by the special counsel and other prosecutors."
Regardless of everything Trump has done, everyone knows that what he did or still has yet to do, has criminal intent written all over it. We know there was intent, and we know there was motive in an unethical, immoral, unpatriotic, and corrupt manner to get what he wanted. We don't need a Mueller report for that, as Adam Schiff so beautifully pointed out. His five minute summation will be in history books for decades, pointing out the period in this countries history, where we finally went over the edge. Everything, and I do mean everything that this country fought for the last 250 years got tossed in the garbage by the Republican party the day Trump decided to run for office. They have carried water for this criminal for two and a half years, taking a victory lap around that criminality. I'm not sure we will get our country back?
What classified information did Schiff leak?
Funny how you alwaysspread false narratives yet you always seem to be so in the dark about what has happened / what is happening.....

Adam Schiff Admits To December 2017 Leak of False Information During Intelligence Committee Hearing…

'Today during a CNN interview with Jake Tapper, ranking member of the House Intelligence Committee Adam Schiff admitted to being the source for the false reporting (December of 2017) by CNN’s Manu Raju – surrounding the Donald Trump Jr. and the wrong dates on the Wikileaks email.'

Schiff's admission is far from the 1st leak of classified information in the failed coup attempt and certainly not the 1st ADMISSION of doing so:

Comey: I Leaked My Memos in Hopes of a Special Counsel

"Days after the president suggested he has secret recordings of Oval Office conversations with former FBI Director James Comey, the former FBI director said under oath that he woke up in the middle of the night and decided to orchestrate a leak about his memos on meetings with the president.

"I asked a friend of mine to share the content of a memo with the reporter, I didn’t do it myself for a variety of reasons, but I asked him to because I thought that might prompt the appointment of a special counsel," Comey said."

It is amazing how so many Democrats and snowflakes could continue to push the idea that firing Comey was unjustified, especially after he admitted to being part of the 'Leak Strategy' against the President / after he admitted to leaking classified data to the press.
I read both your links on the Schiff "leak." As is so much of your thinking, it is based on total conjecture. No he didn't "admit" he leaked anything to CNN.
Typical Easy. I don't know why I even bother with you.
Feel sorry for him?
What classified information did Schiff leak?
Funny how you alwaysspread false narratives yet you always seem to be so in the dark about what has happened / what is happening.....

Adam Schiff Admits To December 2017 Leak of False Information During Intelligence Committee Hearing…

'Today during a CNN interview with Jake Tapper, ranking member of the House Intelligence Committee Adam Schiff admitted to being the source for the false reporting (December of 2017) by CNN’s Manu Raju – surrounding the Donald Trump Jr. and the wrong dates on the Wikileaks email.'

Schiff's admission is far from the 1st leak of classified information in the failed coup attempt and certainly not the 1st ADMISSION of doing so:

Comey: I Leaked My Memos in Hopes of a Special Counsel

"Days after the president suggested he has secret recordings of Oval Office conversations with former FBI Director James Comey, the former FBI director said under oath that he woke up in the middle of the night and decided to orchestrate a leak about his memos on meetings with the president.

"I asked a friend of mine to share the content of a memo with the reporter, I didn’t do it myself for a variety of reasons, but I asked him to because I thought that might prompt the appointment of a special counsel," Comey said."

It is amazing how so many Democrats and snowflakes could continue to push the idea that firing Comey was unjustified, especially after he admitted to being part of the 'Leak Strategy' against the President / after he admitted to leaking classified data to the press.
I read both your links on the Schiff "leak." As is so much of your thinking, it is based on total conjecture. No he didn't "admit" he leaked anything to CNN.
Typical Easy. I don't know why I even bother with you.
LIKE Schiff, 'you THINK'...and like SCHIFF, you THINK like a Trump-hating retard who can't accept election results or the fact that Mueller just reported NO EVIDENCE, NO CRIME, NO COLLUSION. And like Schiff, you haven't got evidence of shit, either - just debunked, proven FALSE NARRATIVES.

I don't know why you bother, either...after 2+ years of parroting lies, fake news, and false narratives Mueller just destroyed any credibility Democrats, Liberals, CNN, NBC, the rest of the fake news leftist media, and snowflakes had left.
What classified information did Schiff leak?
Funny how you alwaysspread false narratives yet you always seem to be so in the dark about what has happened / what is happening.....

Adam Schiff Admits To December 2017 Leak of False Information During Intelligence Committee Hearing…

'Today during a CNN interview with Jake Tapper, ranking member of the House Intelligence Committee Adam Schiff admitted to being the source for the false reporting (December of 2017) by CNN’s Manu Raju – surrounding the Donald Trump Jr. and the wrong dates on the Wikileaks email.'

Schiff's admission is far from the 1st leak of classified information in the failed coup attempt and certainly not the 1st ADMISSION of doing so:

Comey: I Leaked My Memos in Hopes of a Special Counsel

"Days after the president suggested he has secret recordings of Oval Office conversations with former FBI Director James Comey, the former FBI director said under oath that he woke up in the middle of the night and decided to orchestrate a leak about his memos on meetings with the president.

"I asked a friend of mine to share the content of a memo with the reporter, I didn’t do it myself for a variety of reasons, but I asked him to because I thought that might prompt the appointment of a special counsel," Comey said."

It is amazing how so many Democrats and snowflakes could continue to push the idea that firing Comey was unjustified, especially after he admitted to being part of the 'Leak Strategy' against the President / after he admitted to leaking classified data to the press.
I read both your links on the Schiff "leak." As is so much of your thinking, it is based on total conjecture. No he didn't "admit" he leaked anything to CNN.
Typical Easy. I don't know why I even bother with you.
LIKE Schiff, 'you THINK'...and like SCHIFF, you THINK like a Trump-hating retard who can't accept election results or the fact that Mueller just reported NO EVIDENCE, NO CRIME, NO COLLUSION. And like Schiff, you haven't got evidence of shit, either - just debunked, proven FALSE NARRATIVES.

I don't know why you bother, either...after 2+ years of parroting lies, fake news, and false narratives Mueller just destroyed any credibility Democrats, Liberals, CNN, NBC, the rest of the fake news leftist media, and snowflakes had left.
I have not been persuaded that the Intelligence Committee needs to reinvestigate the points of the Mueller investigation. At this point, knowing what we know so far, I think we should move on.
That was not the point of my question to you, Easy. It was to find out what these accusations of yours were about, since I sure had never heard them before. And as it turns out, there was a reason I had not heard it before.
the crux of all of these investigations and panic was to determine if we had a foreign actor attacking or trying to alter our election process. Great. if that is our sole goal, then that investigation should continue to see if that threat was domestic.

the oath of office:
"I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God."

given that, we do need to determine if the acts within our own politics were in fact an attack on our very system. given the evidence to date that there was simply nothing to go after trump for in the end, it *is* a viable question. so as much as i would love the investigations to go away, i have a feeling we've just started.
It should be embarrassing that the 9 republicans who actually had the audacity to call for Schiff's resignation so moronically echoed what Trump also called for just hours before.

These so-called "congressmen" instead of representing the interests of their constituencies, are simply STOOGES of Trump, assigned to do the idiot-in-chief's bidding.....because they're afraid of the wanna-be despot's bad tweets.

Schiff's eloquent rebuttal to these idiots CANNOT be refuted by any clear thinking voter.......and as Schiff stated, Trump's action may not (prior to a thorough review of Mueller's report and the further investigations by various prosecutors) YET rise to criminal infractions....BUT, Trump's actions certainly fall within the scope of UNETHICAL, IMMORAL and UNPATRIOTIC behavior (not to mention pathological lying.)

Of course, we can NOW easily conclude that among the Trump cult membership, ETHICS, MORALITY and PATRIOTISM are unproductive values....the current GOP representatives no longer need a moral compass, as long as they can keep Trump from bad-mouthing their sorry asses.

Trump has virtually obliterated the need for a GOP and replaced it with a bunch of cult members.
It should be embarrassing that the 9 republicans who actually had the audacity to call for Schiff's resignation so moronically echoed what Trump also called for just hours before.

These so-called "congressmen" instead of representing the interests of their constituencies, are simply STOOGES of Trump, assigned to do the idiot-in-chief's bidding.....because they're afraid of the wanna-be despot's bad tweets.

Schiff's eloquent rebuttal to these idiots CANNOT be refuted by any clear thinking voter.......and as Schiff stated, Trump's action may not (prior to a thorough review of Mueller's report and the further investigations by various prosecutors) YET rise to criminal infractions....BUT, Trump's actions certainly fall within the scope of UNETHICAL, IMMORAL and UNPATRIOTIC behavior (not to mention pathological lying.)

Of course, we can NOW easily conclude that among the Trump cult membership, ETHICS, MORALITY and PATRIOTISM are unproductive values....the current GOP representatives no longer need a moral compass, as long as they can keep Trump from bad-mouthing their sorry asses.

Trump has virtually obliterated the need for a GOP and replaced it with a bunch of cult members.
Please list everyone who has said the report should be sealed and never released.

AG Barr heads the list. He's says he'll only turn over his own special censored summary, one where he redacts anything considered to be "executive privilege", meaning most of the report will be redacted.

Mueller report: Barr won't commit to sharing full findings, Democrat says

The FBI should handle any redactions, not corrupt Barr, and such a full report should be sent to Congress, pronto.
Pencil dick and spartacus are the 2 biggest jokes in congress right now.
Well, not including the islamic terrorist and the brain dead commie.
How so, didn't Schiff say he had evidence? Why did he withhold it from Mueller and the American public? Is he secretly working with Trump to kill off this supposed evidence? you really don't even think to ask those questions do you? You're just not that bright and need to be told what to sad.
Shiff used his position to leak unverified information to the media and spread what we know now are obvious lies and disinformation designed to overthrow the results of an election and the President of the United States. He should be in prison but a resignation would work.

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