SCHIFF: If Dems Flip House, Renewing Russia Probe Top Priority...

Look at how much the new house of democrats making this into a circus already. This can help Trump if they work with him or obstruct things.
President Trump is concerned that the document will be demagogued. Further, the privacy of tax returns is well documented and part of our system of voluntary compliance.

Remember that Romney showed his return, turned out to be EXTRA CLEAN, where Romney actually paid MORE than he was required to. And the dam form was still demagogued by Obama's stooges in the media.

Really? Trump is the biggest demagogue that this country has ever elected. He never tells us HOW he's gonna do something, or even lays out plans for his policy. He simply appeals to emotion and stirs up his base with fear.

'...we'll see what happens....'

"We'll see what happens"? You've gotta be kidding me. Trump has been a demagogue since he started campaigning, and it's only gotten worse over time.

i agreed with you & was being sarcastic... i guess you didn't see the quotes i put around one of his favorite non answer answers....

Sorry, but I've seen that same non answer come in earnest from Trump supporters. They keep telling me to give him a chance, because he's not a typical politician.

They're right. Trump isn't a typical politician, he's the kind that many of the founding fathers warned us about, the demagogue who appeals to emotion rather than espousing policy.

Obama ' "I never had a scandal" - well... all you ever did was play golf, but

Just for

Have U.S. taxpayers spent $72 million on Trump's golf outings? -

Trump has spent 123 days golfing, or 1/5 of his term, at a cost to taxpayers of $72,181,957 - and still hasn't visited troops in a war zone.
President Trump's visits to the golf course outpace Barack Obama's ...

You know, I don't think that Trump is going to bother appearing in front of military audiences very often. Why? The military doesn't hoop and holler like his rally goers do, and as a consequence, doesn't puff up his ego very much.
So continuing the already proven witch hunt is the DNC's top priority for Democrats if they win the House...?!

Not health care....
Not securing our borders...
Not the economy...
Certainly NOT a return to civility...

DNC Priority #1: 'Get Trump!'


Helluva campaign ad for the GOP!

Rep. Schiff: If Democrats Flip House, Renewing Probe on Russia’s Election Meddling Will Be Top Priority
Sounds like when Repubs #1 priority was to make Obama a one term POTUS. Guess it didnt work and Obama still dropped the unemployment rate. :rolleyes:

Obama dropped the unemployment rate? I guess I missed that 8 years.

But sad - IF the dems take the house it will be nothing but "impeachment, Russiagate, blah, blah, blah" for years. It's going to be a boring time, and the perfect setup to get the Democrats UN-elected in 2020.
Obviously you must have been sleeping in your conservative approved bunker waiting for the end of the world after Obama won not one but two terms.

If they can get Drumpf gone by framing him I would approve. He is a complete fuckup and buffoon. .
If they can get Drumpf gone by framing him I would approve.
So the truth is out, the democrats are fascists and commies....who knew?

Good news, he cant complain about minorities getting railroaded, he approves of it.
I'm not a Dem. I speak only for myself. I hope someone plants meth on Drumpf. Enough to send him to prison for intent to distribute.
I don't think Antifa can get that close to him.
The Dems after crying all night like they got kicked in the nuts, and after Nancy Pelosi made what amounts to a concession speech are not going to do anything.

Their hands are tied, and if they listen to the Radical Element in their party, the same thing that happened to the DemNazi Senators who voted against Kavanaugh will happen EN MASS to The House Democrats who want to waste the Taxpayer's Time and Money launching an 8th Investigation, as if they were building a bridge to No WHERE, which is exactly where they will be headed in 2020. Russia Russia is a losing issue just like smearing Kavanaugh was.

White House: Russian indictments show 'no collusion' with Trump campaign

Deputy AG Rosenstein: No evidence election results were impacted
Seriously, anyone explain to me how and why Trump would launder money for Putin.

Be specific.
Well you get COIE Lawfirm, and you get someone like Obama, Clinton and The DNC to give them money, and then ask them to contract with Fusion GPS for so called Opposition Research, and then have FUSION GPS funnel that money to British and Russian Spies to work with The KGB and PUTIN to create a Dirty Dossier, and then you hand that over to John Kerry and John McCain and you have them hand deliver Putin's Package to their Obama and Clinton Sycophants and Putin Lovers in The DOJ and FBI so you can file False Affidavits, Illegally Spy on your Presidential Rival, and launch investigation after investigation based on "False and Salacious" propaganda year after year in the hopes you can charge someone with a jay walking offense completely unrelated to what you were charged with investigating.

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