SCHIFF: If Dems Flip House, Renewing Russia Probe Top Priority...

So continuing the already proven witch hunt is the DNC's top priority for Democrats if they win the House...?!

Not health care....
Not securing our borders...
Not the economy...
Certainly NOT a return to civility...

DNC Priority #1: 'Get Trump!'


Helluva campaign ad for the GOP!

Rep. Schiff: If Democrats Flip House, Renewing Probe on Russia’s Election Meddling Will Be Top Priority

Nunes' NUMBER ONE priority for two years was to PROTECT the orange clown's ass in his Russian meddling......LOL
So continuing the already proven witch hunt is the DNC's top priority for Democrats if they win the House...?!

Not health care....
Not securing our borders...
Not the economy...
Certainly NOT a return to civility...

DNC Priority #1: 'Get Trump!'


Helluva campaign ad for the GOP!

Rep. Schiff: If Democrats Flip House, Renewing Probe on Russia’s Election Meddling Will Be Top Priority

Nunes' NUMBER ONE priority for two years was to PROTECT the orange clown's ass in his Russian meddling......LOL
Russian meddling?
I thought this was about rigging elections, not trying to meddle in them. Obama is the only one guilty of that. In Israeli elections no less.
Bout time Trump is held accountable

What a stupid statement.

Barry and his administration knew all about the hacks and didn't do a thing.

They should all be questioning him and his administration.

Trump was running for office and so far there has been no proof of collusion with the Russians.

Benghazi anyone.

I love it - Obama ' "I never had a scandal" - well... all you ever did was play golf, but

1) The Obamacare Website disaster

2) Benghazi

3) The ridiculous "It was a movie" lie to cover up Benghazi by Susan Rice

4) Fast & Furious

5) Hillary Clinton's server (and his email on it)

6) The Iranian payoff scanal

7) the "Arab Spring" lie of supporting Morsi

8) insulting the British by giving back the Winston Churchill bust (Day 1)

9) Bowing to the Saudi King

10) "Clinging to their guns and religion"

11) Reverend Wright and his "God Damn America" speech

12) The house subsidized by whatsisname ("mayor" of Chicago?)

Most of the stuff you posted is pure crap. And, as far as Obama insulting the British by giving back the bust of Churchill? Might wanna do some more research on that and not trust what the far right has to say about it. There are actually 2 busts of Churchill, one that was received in the 60's, and then there was one given to Jr. AS A LOAN ONLY FOR HIS TIME IN OFFICE. When Jr.'s term was up, the bust that had been in the Oval Office with Jr. was sent back.

Here's the real deal about the Churchill bust.............................

Fact-check: did Obama really remove a Churchill bust from the Oval Office?

So, has Boris Johnson got his facts wrong? The answer is a little more complicated.

The bust in question, by British sculptor Jacob Epstein, was given to President George W Bush by the British government in 2001 and was placed in the Oval Office. But the statue was not donated, it was simply on loan for Bush’s term in office (a loan which the British government decided to extend when Bush was re-elected in 2004). Churchill disappeared from the White House in 2009, when the loan ended at the same time that Obama moved in.

So how was the White House able to claim in 2012 that the bust was still there? When writing the blogpost, the then communications director Dan Pfeiffer simply neglected to mention the fact that there are two Churchill busts – the one on loan to Bush from 2001 to 2009, and a second bust which the White House has had since the 1960s and still has to this day – a fact which Pfeiffer later had to clarify in an update at the end of the post.

Boris Johnson is wrong to claim that the vanishing Churchill bust symbolizes Obama’s antipathy towards Britain – it was never Obama’s statue to give away. But the White House’s initial claim that the bust was still in the Oval Office was also a convenient spin on the facts.

The Guardian’s David Smith made a confirmed sighting of the other bust – the one given to George W Bush, when he interviewed the outgoing British ambassador in December last year. Sir Peter Westmacott said the bust was only ever on loan as a personal gift from Tony Blair to George W Bush for the duration of his presidency.

“So, to be honest, we always expected that to leave the Oval Office just like everything else that a president has tends to be changed.”

So - you can refute one thing I said (I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt), and you believe that means everything I said is "pure crap."
If Trump is innocent of wrongdoing, he has nothing to worry about.......just like Hillary

Hillary paid a man to put a dossier of fake info together on Trump. You know the story. Yet you think she did nothing wrong??

Trump didn't collude with the Russians. In fact Obama's intelligence and cyber people knew about the hack and decided to do nothing.

They are the ones officials should be talking to.

Trump has nothing to worry about.
Actually, she didn’t

But the dossier claims Russia has damaging information on Trump

After his Helsinki performance, who believes he doesn’t?
If Trump is innocent of wrongdoing, he has nothing to worry about.......just like Hillary

Hillary paid a man to put a dossier of fake info together on Trump. You know the story. Yet you think she did nothing wrong??

Trump didn't collude with the Russians. In fact Obama's intelligence and cyber people knew about the hack and decided to do nothing.

They are the ones officials should be talking to.

Trump has nothing to worry about.
Actually, she didn’t

But the dossier claims Russia has damaging information on Trump

After his Helsinki performance, who believes he doesn’t?

An unsubstantiated dossier, shit-peanut.
So continuing the already proven witch hunt is the DNC's top priority for Democrats if they win the House...?!

Not health care....
Not securing our borders...
Not the economy...
Certainly NOT a return to civility...

DNC Priority #1: 'Get Trump!'


Helluva campaign ad for the GOP!

Rep. Schiff: If Democrats Flip House, Renewing Probe on Russia’s Election Meddling Will Be Top Priority
Let ‘em probe their asses off. In fact they should probe those too as they’d likely enjoy it.
So continuing the already proven witch hunt is the DNC's top priority for Democrats if they win the House...?!

Not health care....
Not securing our borders...
Not the economy...
Certainly NOT a return to civility...

DNC Priority #1: 'Get Trump!'


Helluva campaign ad for the GOP!

Rep. Schiff: If Democrats Flip House, Renewing Probe on Russia’s Election Meddling Will Be Top Priority
Sounds like when Repubs #1 priority was to make Obama a one term POTUS. Guess it didnt work and Obama still dropped the unemployment rate. :rolleyes:

Obama dropped the unemployment rate? I guess I missed that 8 years.

But sad - IF the dems take the house it will be nothing but "impeachment, Russiagate, blah, blah, blah" for years. It's going to be a boring time, and the perfect setup to get the Democrats UN-elected in 2020.
Obviously you must have been sleeping in your conservative approved bunker waiting for the end of the world after Obama won not one but two terms.

If they can get Drumpf gone by framing him I would approve. He is a complete fuckup and buffoon. .
If they can get Drumpf gone by framing him I would approve.
So the truth is out, the democrats are fascists and commies....who knew?

Good news, he cant complain about minorities getting railroaded, he approves of it.
I'm not a Dem. I speak only for myself. I hope someone plants meth on Drumpf. Enough to send him to prison for intent to distribute.
So continuing the already proven witch hunt is the DNC's top priority for Democrats if they win the House...?!

Not health care....
Not securing our borders...
Not the economy...
Certainly NOT a return to civility...

DNC Priority #1: 'Get Trump!'


Helluva campaign ad for the GOP!

Rep. Schiff: If Democrats Flip House, Renewing Probe on Russia’s Election Meddling Will Be Top Priority
Sounds like when Repubs #1 priority was to make Obama a one term POTUS. Guess it didnt work and Obama still dropped the unemployment rate. :rolleyes:

Obama dropped the unemployment rate? I guess I missed that 8 years.

But sad - IF the dems take the house it will be nothing but "impeachment, Russiagate, blah, blah, blah" for years. It's going to be a boring time, and the perfect setup to get the Democrats UN-elected in 2020.
Obviously you must have been sleeping in your conservative approved bunker waiting for the end of the world after Obama won not one but two terms.

If they can get Drumpf gone by framing him I would approve. He is a complete fuckup and buffoon. .
If they can get Drumpf gone by framing him I would approve.
So the truth is out, the democrats are fascists and commies....who knew?

Good news, he cant complain about minorities getting railroaded, he approves of it.
I'm not a Dem. I speak only for myself. I hope someone plants meth on Drumpf. Enough to send him to prison for intent to distribute.

Please keep hoping.

Schiff made some bullshit allegation of Trump washing money for Putin.

How, exactly, would the mechanics of that work and to what end?

Trump washing money for Putin???????????


Schiff is such a POS.
Sounds like when Repubs #1 priority was to make Obama a one term POTUS. Guess it didnt work and Obama still dropped the unemployment rate. :rolleyes:

Obama dropped the unemployment rate? I guess I missed that 8 years.

But sad - IF the dems take the house it will be nothing but "impeachment, Russiagate, blah, blah, blah" for years. It's going to be a boring time, and the perfect setup to get the Democrats UN-elected in 2020.
Obviously you must have been sleeping in your conservative approved bunker waiting for the end of the world after Obama won not one but two terms.

If they can get Drumpf gone by framing him I would approve. He is a complete fuckup and buffoon. .
If they can get Drumpf gone by framing him I would approve.
So the truth is out, the democrats are fascists and commies....who knew?

Good news, he cant complain about minorities getting railroaded, he approves of it.
I'm not a Dem. I speak only for myself. I hope someone plants meth on Drumpf. Enough to send him to prison for intent to distribute.

Please keep hoping.

I will keep hoping.

You idiot. :rolleyes:
Obama dropped the unemployment rate? I guess I missed that 8 years.

But sad - IF the dems take the house it will be nothing but "impeachment, Russiagate, blah, blah, blah" for years. It's going to be a boring time, and the perfect setup to get the Democrats UN-elected in 2020.
Obviously you must have been sleeping in your conservative approved bunker waiting for the end of the world after Obama won not one but two terms.

If they can get Drumpf gone by framing him I would approve. He is a complete fuckup and buffoon. .
If they can get Drumpf gone by framing him I would approve.
So the truth is out, the democrats are fascists and commies....who knew?

Good news, he cant complain about minorities getting railroaded, he approves of it.
I'm not a Dem. I speak only for myself. I hope someone plants meth on Drumpf. Enough to send him to prison for intent to distribute.

Please keep hoping.

I will keep hoping.

You idiot. :rolleyes:

Up yours, pussy.
So continuing the already proven witch hunt is the DNC's top priority for Democrats if they win the House...?!

Not health care....
Not securing our borders...
Not the economy...
Certainly NOT a return to civility...

DNC Priority #1: 'Get Trump!'


Helluva campaign ad for the GOP!

Rep. Schiff: If Democrats Flip House, Renewing Probe on Russia’s Election Meddling Will Be Top Priority

So what?

The elections over. Trump will flip the switch on the fake FISA warrant. Comey, Strozk, Page, Clapper, Brenner and dozens more get frog marched before military tribunals.
Let the idiot waste the House's time investigating what's already under investigation.

Should show those that voted for them how stupid and ineffectual they are.

Sucks to be them.

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