After Dershowitz smashes the leftist commie narrative, Adam Schiff calls him a liar.

And there you have it. Stick a fork in it when you have to do that in desperation.

Discuss: Schiff hurts, not helps The Impeachment COUP!

Dershowitz hasn't smashed anything but what was left of his once great reputation. Everything he is currently arguing against, he was for during the Clinton impeachment. Dersch has defended every heinous criminal in recent history including OJ and Jeffrey Epstein. He's become a desperate attention-seeking whore who will make up any phony consitutional argument necessary to get some crook off. He has even admitted that other constitutional scholars disagree with his arguments.

And Tree, an Impeachment is the direct opposite of a coup. A coup is an illegal removal of a President. An impeachment is a constitutionally mandated remedy for a lawless President, harming the nation.

Impeachment is the result of misdemeanor, high crime, bribery or treason, none of which Trump did. Dershowitz is 100% spot on. The commies are the people who are off.
Schiff is like the typical guy who got his ass kicked all through school. Then he got elected and became a tyrant. Giving weasels power is a bad mistake.
17 witnesses for the Democrats and zero for the Republicans. This is a one sided sham. Plus Bondi crushed it about Biden. Tough to mitigate that.
I’m looking at Schiff and he has been calling Dershowitz a liar ever since Dershowitz started calling out The House Impeachment Inquiry as Unjustified and Unconstitutional!

After Dershowitz smashes the leftist commie narrative, Adam Schiff calls him a liar.

And there you have it. Stick a fork in it when you have to do that in desperation.

Discuss: Schiff hurts, not helps The Impeachment COUP!

Dershowitz hasn't smashed anything but what was left of his once great reputation. Everything he is currently arguing against, he was for during the Clinton impeachment. Dersch has defended every heinous criminal in recent history including OJ and Jeffrey Epstein. He's become a desperate attention-seeking whore who will make up any phony consitutional argument necessary to get some crook off. He has even admitted that other constitutional scholars disagree with his arguments.

And Tree, an Impeachment is the direct opposite of a coup. A coup is an illegal removal of a President. An impeachment is a constitutionally mandated remedy for a lawless President, harming the nation.

Impeachment is the result of misdemeanor, high crime, bribery or treason, none of which Trump did. Dershowitz is 100% spot on. The commies are the people who are off.
Adam Schitt is in freefall.

Faced with total failure and disgrace.

I hope somebody is there to pick up the pieces when he hits bottom.
What does arguing The Law properly in the OJ case have anything to do with this thread?

Dershowitz is widely respected by both Democrats and Republicans and you are respected by No & One.

After Dershowitz smashes the leftist commie narrative, Adam Schiff calls him a liar.

And there you have it. Stick a fork in it when you have to do that in desperation.

Discuss: Schiff hurts, not helps The Impeachment COUP!

Schiff decries Dershowitz’s ‘absurdist’ Trump legal defense in Senate impeachment preview

How could anyone infer that the person that got OJ and Epstein off is a liar?

That is just outrageous!
I’m looking at Schiff and he has been calling Dershowitz a liar ever since Dershowitz started calling out The House Impeachment Inquiry as Unjustified and Unconstitutional!

After Dershowitz smashes the leftist commie narrative, Adam Schiff calls him a liar.

And there you have it. Stick a fork in it when you have to do that in desperation.

Discuss: Schiff hurts, not helps The Impeachment COUP!

Dershowitz hasn't smashed anything but what was left of his once great reputation. Everything he is currently arguing against, he was for during the Clinton impeachment. Dersch has defended every heinous criminal in recent history including OJ and Jeffrey Epstein. He's become a desperate attention-seeking whore who will make up any phony consitutional argument necessary to get some crook off. He has even admitted that other constitutional scholars disagree with his arguments.

And Tree, an Impeachment is the direct opposite of a coup. A coup is an illegal removal of a President. An impeachment is a constitutionally mandated remedy for a lawless President, harming the nation.

Impeachment is the result of misdemeanor, high crime, bribery or treason, none of which Trump did. Dershowitz is 100% spot on. The commies are the people who are off.

Schiff Face is an amateur compared to Dershowitz when it comes to law. It's like when Schiff Face thinks he's a movie scree writer. Hollywood just laughs behind his back.
Nobody heard of Adam Schitt until this circus started.

Now, he'll be known as the assclown of the 2000's.
Nobody heard of Adam Schitt until this circus started.

Now, he'll be known as the assclown of the 2000's.
i have known about him since the late 90's.....he was the subject on talk radio in S.Cal for being a slime ball even back then.....
If Trump wasn't getting massive amounts of things done for the American people, this wouldn't even be happening. But Democrats realize they can't compete with Trump in the world of results so they have to impeach him to beat him. Democrats will sabotage this country to prevent Trump from accomplishing pro country results.

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