Schiff...Nadler Feud Goes Public...(Again)

Last Wednesday, a reporter asked a direct question to Nadler. Schiff cut Nadler off from speaking
and remarked that he would answer all the questions. Then he dodged the question that had been
asked to Nadler and called on another reporter.

Last Night (Thursday)...It was time for the Dems to field the final question from the Senators
of the trial. Nadler jumped up and raced by Schiff who was preparing to give the final
answer for the evening.

There has been no doubt, throughout the trial that the Dems do not trust Nadler in front of
people. His role at the Senate had been reduced to virtually nothing. Looks like that didn't
sit too well with Jerry.

The media can cover for them...Pelosi can lie all day. But the Dems are a splintered and fractured
group with a real war of revolt going on inside their own caucus.

Now that the DNC has changed the debate rules to allow Bloomberg in the debates, I wonder when
Bernie is going to explode?

VIDEO: Jerry Nadler Sprints to Podium, Cuts Off Adam Schiff

Nadler wasn't in the Senate today. You can bet that Speaker Pelosi ripped his fat ass. In fact, Nadler's days as chairman of the Judiciary Committee may be numbered.

As another poster pointed out his ( Nadler ) wife is dying from cancer and yes his wife come before his duty as a member of Congress or partaking in a trial in the Senate.

If he is stripped of his seat for being a caring and loving husband and you deem that is the correct course of action then you and Pelosi are wrong.

I do not agree with Nadler but you comment sir was out of line because you ignore the man is human and loves his wife.

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