Schiff Panics - Demands Twitter Investigate "Russian Bots" Pushing Release The FISA Memo Campaign

The russians? Lol..
I mean, why would any American want to see that shit?
What a fucking moron
It just proves that the far left in congress can't accept facts and truth.
It also tells you what they think of the voters.
Adam Schiff should be declared a traitor and hung . Well , all liberals should be but, but this moron along with Maxine Waters would be a good start.
'Feinstein and Schiff should explain to us what the difference is between a bot and a troll. I want to hear these definitions.'
Sean Hannity says that he has been budging everyone in Congress to release the memo, and the word that he's hearing is that it will be released next week or possibly later this week

Adam Schiff Panics Over FISA Memo – Demands Twitter Investigate Into 'Russian Bots' Pushing #ReleaseTheMemo Campaign

There us no panic here. It is a legitimate question as to why Russian bots are pushing this. maybe we should have a investigation on why Russians are helping Republicans.

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