Schiff says FBI hasn't probed national security risks of Trump's foreign financial ties

The FBI’s counterintelligence division does not appear to have investigated national security risks connected to Trump’s foreign financial ties, the House Intelligence Committee said Wednesday in a newly released legal analysis.

The assessment was contained in a footnote as part of a move by Chairman Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) to narrow the scope of a year-old subpoena to Deutsche Bank for records related to the finances of Trump, his family members and the Trump organization. The Intelligence Committee is investigating Trump’s banking relationships with the House Financial Services Committee, led by Chairwoman Maxine Waters (D-Calif.).

Words to the wise for Trumpleheads. First, put your head in a paper bag and breathe deeply to avoid hyperventilating at the mention of Schiff's name. Second, consider that Mueller appears to have seen Individual 1's financial dealings as beyond the scope of his investigation. Third, rather than reflexively dismissing the idea the Conman-in-Chief's financial entanglements are not worthy of investigation ask yourself why. Given that we don't want President Flim Flam making decisions based on how they effect his wealth.
Who cares what Schithead thinks. Another TDS thread.
They haven't even figured out how many millions the DNC and Clinton campaign funneled to RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA via her lawyer Marc Elias and Fusion GPS.
Of the variety of answers I expected from Trumpleheads something that batshyte crazy was not one of them.
If we constantly talk about supposed bad things a candidate or elected people do, then there is something wrong with the system. For a long time. What we really are talking about is how bad they are. And what they get away with. Saying that, Trump has the agendas that I am more aligned with at this point.
Uh...they own congress, you moron.
Why else so you think you were able to Trespass into the US?
I didn't realize I was dealing with a dolt. Get back to me when you have something pertinent to say.
In you I'm only too well aware I'm dealing with an idiot.
Anyone, such as yourself, who thinks politicians don't legislate according to the demands of their contributors is a retard.
It's like the left want to be mocked and laughed at.
I'm not clear about why you would say that after the House proved their case against the Adulterer-in-Chief after Mueller proved Trump obstructed the SC's investigation.

Surely we don't have to go over settled fact again.
If we constantly talk about supposed bad things a candidate or elected people do, then there is something wrong with the system.
Wrong. In this case we speak about Trump's wrongdoings because he commits them daily.
I ask again, why isn't this justified?

"The purposes of HPSCI’s ongoing investigation are three-fold: (1) to identify and assess counterintelligence threats arising from President Trump’s foreign financial ties and any leverage that foreign powers may possess over the President as a result of such financial ties; (2) to inform and shape the Committee’s oversight of the Intelligence Community and the nation’s foreign intelligence and counterintelligence policies, authorities, and activities; and (3) to determine whether—and if so, how—to draft legislation and use other congressional tools, such as congressional directives and the Committee’s budgetary authority, to address any counterintelligence threats arising from President Trump’s foreign financial ties. More specifically, the Committee’s investigation will inform its oversight of the nation’s foreign intelligence and counterintelligence authorities and activities to ensure that the government is properly resourced, authorized, and directed to identify and respond to these types of counterintelligence risks."
In you I'm only too well aware I'm dealing with an idiot.
"As the existing record shows, there is a substantial factual basis for the Committee’s investigation and subpoena to Deutsche Bank. During the 115th Congress, HPSCI’s investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. elections uncovered evidence of Trump’s extensive foreign financial ties, particularly to Russia. 8 For example, the Committee learned that since at least the late 1980s, Trump has pursued business opportunities in Russia, including several attempts to build a Trump Tower in Moscow in partnership with individuals tied to Russia—including an undisclosed effort during the 2016 election involving a U.S.-sanctioned Russian bank. 9 Furthermore, according to statements made by Donald Trump Jr. at the Moscow real estate summit in 2008, “‘Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of [the Trump Organization’s] assets’” and Trump’s company had “‘a lot of money pouring in from Russia.’” 10 Public reporting also suggested that Russian-linked investments in Trump properties could have been used as a vehicle for money laundering, which—if Trump and his company were aware of such illicit activity—could expose President Trump and his family to potential criminal liability as well as blackmail by the Russians."

Care to make a comment that isn't idiotic?
In you I'm only too well aware I'm dealing with an idiot.
"As the existing record shows, there is a substantial factual basis for the Committee’s investigation and subpoena to Deutsche Bank. During the 115th Congress, HPSCI’s investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. elections uncovered evidence of Trump’s extensive foreign financial ties, particularly to Russia. 8 For example, the Committee learned that since at least the late 1980s, Trump has pursued business opportunities in Russia, including several attempts to build a Trump Tower in Moscow in partnership with individuals tied to Russia—including an undisclosed effort during the 2016 election involving a U.S.-sanctioned Russian bank. 9 Furthermore, according to statements made by Donald Trump Jr. at the Moscow real estate summit in 2008, “‘Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of [the Trump Organization’s] assets’” and Trump’s company had “‘a lot of money pouring in from Russia.’” 10 Public reporting also suggested that Russian-linked investments in Trump properties could have been used as a vehicle for money laundering, which—if Trump and his company were aware of such illicit activity—could expose President Trump and his family to potential criminal liability as well as blackmail by the Russians."

Care to make a comment that isn't idiotic?
Please provide a list of international business people who have zero dealings with Russia.
Who cares what Schithead thinks. Another TDS thread.
You didn't take my advice.

"Words to the wise for Trumpleheads. First, put your head in a paper bag and breathe deeply to avoid hyperventilating at the mention of Schiff's name."
Please provide a list of international business people who have zero dealings with Russia.
Again, not the point. The question is whether those dealings effect policy decisions. Not to mention that he should have either completely divested himself of all international financial ties or put his holdings in a blind trust.
Why isn't this POS in prison yet for undeniably leaking classified information, Obstruction, Conspiracy, Sedition, Perjury before Congress, and attempting to submit personally manufactured false evidence against President Trump as 'evidence' in investigations, all of which have been proven to be true?!
Why isn't this POS in prison yet for undeniably leaking classified information
I was wondering when the bullshit deflections were going to start. You folks are incapable of addressing a legit inquiry in an intelligent way. Disappointing, but not surprising.
Well, they tried to kick the President's ass with the "Trump" virus, and the man comes up with a vaccine!
How did he do that when he spends so much time on the golf course, watching cable TV, and tweeting? Don't you mean pharma companies are developing a vaccine?

Nope, I mean while Pelosi and Shummy promoted anarchy, Trump told pharma to produce a vaccine now instead of later. He was on it, they were not.
So, let him golf. Even a horse gets a lump of sugar now and then. If you condemn one for taking a little time off, then blame them all...
to identify and assess counterintelligence threats arising from President Trump’s foreign financial ties and any leverage that foreign powers may possess over the President as a result of such financial ties;

Do they have evidence of a crime? Evidence of a counterintelligence issue?
Or is it a fishing expedition?

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