Schiff says FBI hasn't probed national security risks of Trump's foreign financial ties

Bug Eyed Schiff is an asshil
Please provide a list of international business people who have zero dealings with Russia.
Again, not the point. The question is whether those dealings effect policy decisions. Not to mention that he should have either completely divested himself of all international financial ties or put his holdings in a blind trust.

Like your fat assed bitch Cankles did with uranium?

Goddamn fool
A Russian guy or bank bought some condos or lent some money.

What's the conflict?
Your grasp of the be incomplete. BTW, you know damn well if this was Obama you'd be screaming from the rooftops with you hair on fire. You really should familiarize yourself with the facts. But I know you won't.

if only you could grasp the TRUTH---but demoncrats have no idea what that is
Bug Eyed Schiff is an asshil
Please provide a list of international business people who have zero dealings with Russia.
Again, not the point. The question is whether those dealings effect policy decisions. Not to mention that he should have either completely divested himself of all international financial ties or put his holdings in a blind trust.

Like your fat assed bitch Cankles did with uranium?

Goddamn fool
Whose raineeum?
A Russian guy or bank bought some condos or lent some money.

What's the conflict?
Your grasp of the be incomplete. BTW, you know damn well if this was Obama you'd be screaming from the rooftops with you hair on fire. You really should familiarize yourself with the facts. But I know you won't.

Does any part of that memo answer my question?
If so, feel free to post it.
Like your fat assed bitch Cankles did with uranium?
Oh please, not that lie again!

"An ethics lawsuit against President Donald Trump that argues his business interests are conflicts of interest and violate the US Constitution can continue in federal court, a federal appeals court said Monday.
The lawsuit, the plaintiffs of which include a hotel operator and a group of restaurants, argues that Trump's "vast, complicated and secret" business arrangements violate a constitutional provision, the Emoluments Clause, which bars the president from accepting gifts from foreign governments without the permission of Congress."
No one knew he had "foreign financial ties" before the election?
Of course we did. It was a huge issue since the conflict of interest was apparent to everyone. Holding that degree of assets was unprecedented and caused the Emoluments Clause lawsuits. But Trump just ignored the criticism and you cult followers did likewise.
Now it's time for some oversight to see if he is being influenced by his own interests over those of the country like he does with everything.
TRUMP is YOUR president---deal with it--and i dont need a link. go ahead twist it ..ill be waiting to read the stupidity that you think justifies anything
Bug Eyed Schiff is an asshil
Please provide a list of international business people who have zero dealings with Russia.
Again, not the point. The question is whether those dealings effect policy decisions. Not to mention that he should have either completely divested himself of all international financial ties or put his holdings in a blind trust.

Like your fat assed bitch Cankles did with uranium?

Goddamn fool
Whose raineeum?

Uhm, well I think it was a deal between the US and .....gasp!!! Russians
if only you could grasp the TRUTH---but demoncrats have no idea what that is
You're making me laugh you clueless rube.

"Although not required by the Supreme Court’s opinion, the Committee will voluntarily narrow its subpoena to those records that are absolutely necessary to satisfy the Committee’s investigative needs and to fulfill the Committee’s legitimate oversight and legislative objectives," Schiff said in a statement.

In the legal analysis, Schiff said the committee will no longer pursue certain documents that pre-date Jan. 1, 2015 and will limit the request to Trump and his adult children, Ivanka, Don Jr. and Eric, as well as the Trump Organization. This would exclude other family members initially included in the subpoena. The revised subpoena would also only seek details about transactions of $10,000 or more, and limit the request to documents that reveal “any financial relationships, transactions, or ties between any of the Covered Parties and any foreign individual, entity, or government,” with a few exceptions."
Like your fat assed bitch Cankles did with uranium?
Oh please, not that lie again!

"An ethics lawsuit against President Donald Trump that argues his business interests are conflicts of interest and violate the US Constitution can continue in federal court, a federal appeals court said Monday.
The lawsuit, the plaintiffs of which include a hotel operator and a group of restaurants, argues that Trump's "vast, complicated and secret" business arrangements violate a constitutional provision, the Emoluments Clause, which bars the president from accepting gifts from foreign governments without the permission of Congress."

That has nothing to do with my comment, shitstain

Stop deflecting
Berg, Shiffter is past tense. You only have 2 months to come up with some bullshit that might work.
You can give it the old Mueller try again, or that, his hands are to small thing you rolled out... :itsok:
Like your fat assed bitch Cankles did with uranium?
Oh please, not that lie again!

"An ethics lawsuit against President Donald Trump that argues his business interests are conflicts of interest and violate the US Constitution can continue in federal court, a federal appeals court said Monday.
The lawsuit, the plaintiffs of which include a hotel operator and a group of restaurants, argues that Trump's "vast, complicated and secret" business arrangements violate a constitutional provision, the Emoluments Clause, which bars the president from accepting gifts from foreign governments without the permission of Congress."

That has nothing to do with my comment, shitstain

Stop deflecting
thats all they know how to do...brainless waste of oxygen
if only you could grasp the TRUTH---but demoncrats have no idea what that is
You're making me laugh you clueless rube.

"Although not required by the Supreme Court’s opinion, the Committee will voluntarily narrow its subpoena to those records that are absolutely necessary to satisfy the Committee’s investigative needs and to fulfill the Committee’s legitimate oversight and legislative objectives," Schiff said in a statement.

In the legal analysis, Schiff said the committee will no longer pursue certain documents that pre-date Jan. 1, 2015 and will limit the request to Trump and his adult children, Ivanka, Don Jr. and Eric, as well as the Trump Organization. This would exclude other family members initially included in the subpoena. The revised subpoena would also only seek details about transactions of $10,000 or more, and limit the request to documents that reveal “any financial relationships, transactions, or ties between any of the Covered Parties and any foreign individual, entity, or government,” with a few exceptions."
TRUMP is YOUR president---deal with sure you will twist it around to suit you, but ......
The FBI’s counterintelligence division does not appear to have investigated national security risks connected to Trump’s foreign financial ties, the House Intelligence Committee said Wednesday in a newly released legal analysis.

The assessment was contained in a footnote as part of a move by Chairman Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) to narrow the scope of a year-old subpoena to Deutsche Bank for records related to the finances of Trump, his family members and the Trump organization. The Intelligence Committee is investigating Trump’s banking relationships with the House Financial Services Committee, led by Chairwoman Maxine Waters (D-Calif.).

Words to the wise for Trumpleheads. First, put your head in a paper bag and breathe deeply to avoid hyperventilating at the mention of Schiff's name. Second, consider that Mueller appears to have seen Individual 1's financial dealings as beyond the scope of his investigation. Third, rather than reflexively dismissing the idea the Conman-in-Chief's financial entanglements are not worthy of investigation ask yourself why. Given that we don't want President Flim Flam making decisions based on how they effect his wealth.

With Pennywise Waters on the case we know it'll soon be sucked down into the sewer grates where she lives.

So you're not just a democrat tard, but an uninformed one at that?

Here lowinfo snowflake, one of your own LEFTY DNC run papers covering Hillary's lawyer ADMITTING HE SECRETLY FUNNELED MILLIONS FROM THE DNC AND CLINTON CAMPAIGN TO FUSION GPS. Much of it going to Steele and onto RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA.

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