Schiff says FBI hasn't probed national security risks of Trump's foreign financial ties

With Pennywise Waters on the case we know it'll soon be sucked down into the sewer grates where she lives.
The content of your replies is vapid even for a Trumpette. Care to make a serious comment or is this shyte all you have?

And how many millions went to that Russian SPY working for Fusion GPS????
Or Democrat Bruce Ohr's wife who worked with her....

And it was YOUR DNC media who caled Natallia a "RUSSIAN SPY".
Deal with it COMMIEcrat.
I suspect there are a great many people in Congress who have foreign financial ties would like all of them investigated or just those who donā€™t share your political viewpoint? You donā€™t have to be the President to have a major impact on policies many of these people who sit on or chair different committees and panels that donā€™t get lots if any media coverage have more power and influence than most realize.
The FBIā€™s counterintelligence division does not appear to have investigated national security risks connected to Trumpā€™s foreign financial ties, the House Intelligence Committee said Wednesday in a newly released legal analysis.

The assessment was contained in a footnote as part of a move by Chairman Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) to narrow the scope of a year-old subpoena to Deutsche Bank for records related to the finances of Trump, his family members and the Trump organization. The Intelligence Committee is investigating Trumpā€™s banking relationships with the House Financial Services Committee, led by Chairwoman Maxine Waters (D-Calif.).

Words to the wise for Trumpleheads. First, put your head in a paper bag and breathe deeply to avoid hyperventilating at the mention of Schiff's name. Second, consider that Mueller appears to have seen Individual 1's financial dealings as beyond the scope of his investigation. Third, rather than reflexively dismissing the idea the Conman-in-Chief's financial entanglements are not worthy of investigation ask yourself why. Given that we don't want President Flim Flam making decisions based on how they effect his wealth.

In you I'm only too well aware I'm dealing with an idiot.
"As the existing record shows, there is a substantial factual basis for the Committeeā€™s investigation and subpoena to Deutsche Bank. During the 115th Congress, HPSCIā€™s investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. elections uncovered evidence of Trumpā€™s extensive foreign financial ties, particularly to Russia. 8 For example, the Committee learned that since at least the late 1980s, Trump has pursued business opportunities in Russia, including several attempts to build a Trump Tower in Moscow in partnership with individuals tied to Russiaā€”including an undisclosed effort during the 2016 election involving a U.S.-sanctioned Russian bank. 9 Furthermore, according to statements made by Donald Trump Jr. at the Moscow real estate summit in 2008, ā€œā€˜Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of [the Trump Organizationā€™s] assetsā€™ā€ and Trumpā€™s company had ā€œā€˜a lot of money pouring in from Russia.ā€™ā€ 10 Public reporting also suggested that Russian-linked investments in Trump properties could have been used as a vehicle for money laundering, whichā€”if Trump and his company were aware of such illicit activityā€”could expose President Trump and his family to potential criminal liability as well as blackmail by the Russians."

Care to make a comment that isn't idiotic?

there is a substantial factual basis for the Committeeā€™s investigation and subpoena to Deutsche Bank. During the 115th Congress, HPSCIā€™s investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. elections uncovered evidence of Trumpā€™s extensive foreign financial ties, particularly to Russia.

No one knew he had "foreign financial ties" before the election?
Are "foreign financial ties" illegal?

Public reporting also suggested that Russian-linked investments in Trump properties could have been used as a vehicle for money laundering

Could have been? Wow!
Sounds pretty substantial to me.
Not to mention it fits their new definition of proof if one or two of their nitwits say it sounds believable.
Third, rather than reflexively dismissing the idea the Conman-in-Chief's financial entanglements are not worthy of investigation ask yourself why. Given that we don't want President Flim Flam making decisions based on how they effect his wealth.
Especially because Trump once bragged he could turn a profit by running for POTUS.
The FBIā€™s counterintelligence division does not appear to have investigated national security risks connected to Trumpā€™s foreign financial ties, the House Intelligence Committee said Wednesday in a newly released legal analysis.

The assessment was contained in a footnote as part of a move by Chairman Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) to narrow the scope of a year-old subpoena to Deutsche Bank for records related to the finances of Trump, his family members and the Trump organization. The Intelligence Committee is investigating Trumpā€™s banking relationships with the House Financial Services Committee, led by Chairwoman Maxine Waters (D-Calif.).

Words to the wise for Trumpleheads. First, put your head in a paper bag and breathe deeply to avoid hyperventilating at the mention of Schiff's name. Second, consider that Mueller appears to have seen Individual 1's financial dealings as beyond the scope of his investigation. Third, rather than reflexively dismissing the idea the Conman-in-Chief's financial entanglements are not worthy of investigation ask yourself why. Given that we don't want President Flim Flam making decisions based on how they effect his wealth.
Schiff is right about corrupt Trump.
Third, rather than reflexively dismissing the idea the Conman-in-Chief's financial entanglements are not worthy of investigation ask yourself why. Given that we don't want President Flim Flam making decisions based on how they effect his wealth.
Especially because Trump once bragged he could turn a profit by running for POTUS.

Not as much as Hillary profitted by losing to 2 amateurs.
Well, they tried to kick the President's ass with the "Trump" virus, and the man comes up with a vaccine!
How did he do that when he spends so much time on the golf course, watching cable TV, and tweeting? Don't you mean pharma companies are developing a vaccine?

You mean the British Pharma company that developed a vaccine?
where were your brain dead demoncrats? ill tell ya--making sure that they got a bill passed for the post office--which has been losing money for years. but thats their priority so they can LIE CHEAT and STREAL the best they can...btw wheres is that bill that was so important to them? NOWHERE
if only you could grasp the TRUTH---but demoncrats have no idea what that is
You're making me laugh you clueless rube.

"Although not required by the Supreme Courtā€™s opinion, the Committee will voluntarily narrow its subpoena to those records that are absolutely necessary to satisfy the Committeeā€™s investigative needs and to fulfill the Committeeā€™s legitimate oversight and legislative objectives," Schiff said in a statement.

In the legal analysis, Schiff said the committee will no longer pursue certain documents that pre-date Jan. 1, 2015 and will limit the request to Trump and his adult children, Ivanka, Don Jr. and Eric, as well as the Trump Organization. This would exclude other family members initially included in the subpoena. The revised subpoena would also only seek details about transactions of $10,000 or more, and limit the request to documents that reveal ā€œany financial relationships, transactions, or ties between any of the Covered Parties and any foreign individual, entity, or government,ā€ with a few exceptions."
you can copy pretty good. now in your own words tell us what it all means.....

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