Schiff: Whenever Trump Calls Something Fake 'It Ought To Set Off Alarm Bells'

LOL, Obama's "tell" was the phrase : " Let me be perfectly clear". Every time that phrase came out of his mouth he either bout to lie , or double down on a lie he'd already told.
This is yet another example of how the similar the two ends in so many of their behaviors.

When stung by a catchphrase (and, of course, the point behind it), they immediately move to dilute it by co-opting it for themselves, and moving it away from its original intention.

Liberals did it with "snowflake" (holy crap, I think they use the term more than conservatives do at this point), now the conservatives are doing it with "fake news". "Fake news" was something specific, the wave of purely fabricated "news" stories that we saw linked to daily by Alt-Righters on USMB during the campaign. They appeared to completely believe them.

Now, Trump & Co have used the above co-opting strategy to call pretty much any news item - true, false, whatever - that they don't like, "Fake News".

The two ends are SO DAMN SIMILAR.

True, now let's see the left call for Shiffs recusal for his obvious bias. The results of this investigation cannot be believed if the democratic leader states such obvious bias.
Oh hell, these people aren't going even try to hide biases. The Dems will have to prove their accusations, and we both know they'll use every resource.

If there's something there, they'll probably find it. If not, this will just be Benhgazi redux, the thing that won't go away.

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