School announces tariff on students not wearning pro lgbt clothing

An Australian public school landed in hot water after announcing that students not wearing pro-LGBT clothing on a coordinated dress-down day would be expected to double their ‘voluntary’ charitable donations.
School Announces Tariff on Students Not Wearing Pro-LGBT Clothing

Australia has officially lost it these lunatics are going to look like France real soon..


Must have taken lessons from "prochoice" Liberals
* penalizing citizens with tax fines for not "choosing"
to buy government-regulated health insurance
* removing Christian crosses and prayers from public schools (because "other people" don't agree with those beliefs)
while IMPOSING LGBT biases, including drag queens in public libraries, DESPITE the beliefs of other people opposed
* legally requiring businesses to endorse gay marriage against their beliefs
(while Liberals boycott Chick Fil A because THEY don't agree with THEIR beliefs either!)

Is there a competition going on to come up with
the most outrageous political statement to create an uproar online?

Sorry but they'll have to do a LOT better than this
to beat the "War over Abortion" between the State Legislation
that can "freak out" the most people:
* the Prochoice liberals pushing to legalize abortion on demand
* or the Prolife advocates pushing to ban it altogether.

Compared with that battle,
I don't think the gay politics stands a chance to steal the media limelight.

Nice try by Australia, but they'd have to do a lot more to
compete with American political outrageousness!
We have the day of silence where students did not speak in solidarity with gays who were in the closet. When the local high school called me asking for a donation to support the football team I told them not a cent and it was because of the day of silence.

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