School Boards need to be held criminally liable for school shootings (Poll)

Should laws holding school boards and security personnel responsible be passed?

  • Yes, children require grown-ups to protect them

    Votes: 19 45.2%
  • No, I'll explain why in my post

    Votes: 23 54.8%

  • Total voters
Because there are about 10,000 gun laws on the books, and I'm not reading all of them.

Now that's cleared up, what proposed laws do you believe would have prevented this incident?
I didn’t ask you to read all of them.

I asked you which of those laws would have prevented this mass shooting.

You ran away from answering.

Don’t think that went unnoticed.
Snowflake it's your side that whined and bitches and wants to cancel out anyone that doesn't goose step like you do and you get your feelings hurt.
I'm not afraid of your speech but I do see the political usefulness in using it to shame and ridicule your side until your views are seen as the deplorable fringe.
Been here years never been banned goat.

Notice this place allows free speech. Nice isnt it?

Not so much on Faceplant
Which doesn't mean it doesn't have a TOS you moron. Private property owners are allowed to set their own rules for the most part.
You don't have a first amendment right to someone else's social media platform you moron. See. You clowns don't even understand the Constitution.
When the platform edits content, it becomes a publisher, not a platform, and is thus subject to the laws regarding publishers.

Stop listening to the media. They lie to you.
When the platform edits content, it becomes a publisher, not a platform, and is thus subject to the laws regarding publishers.

Stop listening to the media. They lie to you.
Just because you feel that should be the case doesn't make it so snowflake.
Now here you go again spinning in circles. 1st you want more laws. Then admit criminals dont follow them. Then back to laws again.

You are very confused
I believe that laws can be used to help prevent crime.

I’m asking you why we have any laws since you don’t think they stop criminals.

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