School Boards need to be held criminally liable for school shootings (Poll)

Should laws holding school boards and security personnel responsible be passed?

  • Yes, children require grown-ups to protect them

    Votes: 19 45.2%
  • No, I'll explain why in my post

    Votes: 23 54.8%

  • Total voters
I suppose the point I was trying to make is innocent, developing, impressionable American schoolchildren should not have to go to school in a building bristling with concertina wire, CCTV cameras, chain link fence gates and heavily armed guards. In America we have always paid a great price for the freedom to learn, shop, live and work in OPEN landscaped grounds where we can come and go and cavort and enjoy the outdoors at will. IF part of that price of freedom is vulnerable public schools, vulnerable in the sense they aren't armored castles with machine gun positions, then in my opinion it's worth it.

Americans have never lived in fear. We start doing that now and we lose our very souls.

As for schoolboards . . . honestly . . . I don't think they have much of anything to do with school shootings. Perhaps some will think I've lost my mind, however, I stand by my belief that all of these recent mass shootings were government planned and executed. Whatever schoolboards do or do not do nothing can prevent what our heavily armed and trigger happy government has ordained.

I agree with everything you said right up to the part where you claimed the government did this so they could take away your guns. Right wing bullshit and lies.

School shooting spike when gun sales spike. Greg Abbott has loosened restrictions on gun ownership, banning background checks, training requirements, or red flag restrictions, or the requirement for special CC license. Now he can't understand how this disturbed young man got a gun and was able to walk into a school with impunity

Gun sales have sky rocketed during the pandemic, and gun violence has spiked since lockdown restrictions ended. Like night following day.
...the FBI classifies concerned parents who speak up at school board meetings "domestic terrorists"...

Please cite where they actually did something.

Every first world country in the world has gun registration. NONE of them have the gun violence the USA has, nor do the have the levels of murder, gun crime, or suicide that the USA has, and none has the record of mass murder the USA has.
Kids are in schools all day.
The school boards are responsible for their safety, period.

My recommendation is to old school board members legally responsible for their actions.
If a school board does everything responsibly to protect the kids, they are fine.
If the school board is negligent, they should be prosecuted.
Define "negligent".
The perpetrator is always responsible for his/her actions. Funny how libs always blame an inanimate object.

Are you saying that a person on a bicycle can't go faster than a person running?

Or that a person on a trampoline can't go higher than a person jumping normally?

An individual with a gun can kill more easily than a person without a gun. That's why cops have guns and not knives. It's why gun murders are something like 3/4th of all murders.
I voted no because of the ridiculous thread title.

The only one responsible for school shootings are the criminals who perform the heinous act.

School boards are typically elected to represent the people, and while they have a responsibility to provide a safe environment, they aren't typically experts in this area. Holding them criminally liable makes no sense unless they did something absolutely negligent, which current laws would seem to support already.

I expect school boards to focus on giving our children the best education possible. That's how I vote, and that is probably what motivates most school board members to run. They aren't security experts.

School boards need to partner with security experts and law enforcement. I suspect most do.

Perhaps the best way to address this issue, instead of a gun grab by Dems, would be to have legislatures pass laws which define a minimum level of security for all schools. It's a very difficult issue, as we shouldn't restrict the rights of all of the good people just because there are some very rotten apples among us.

We can't blame school boards for the actions of the perps who target schools. They are not complicit.


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I voted no because of the ridiculous thread title.

The only one responsible for school shootings are the criminals who perform the heinous act.

School boards are typically elected to represent the people, and while they have a responsibility to provide a safe environment, they aren't typically experts in this area. Holding them criminally liable makes no sense unless they did something absolutely negligent, which current laws would seem to support.

I expect school boards to focus on giving our children the best education possible. That's how I vote, and that is probably what motivates most school board members to run. They aren't security experts.

School boards need to partner with security experts and law enforcement. I suspect most do.

Perhaps the best way to address this issue, instead of a gun grab by Dems, would be to have legislatures pass laws which define a minimum level of security for all schools. It's a very difficult issue, as we shouldn't restrict the rights of all of the good people just because there are some very rotten apples among us.

We can't blame school boards for the actions of the perps who target schools.


LOL. Top story at DailyMail now.... Trump agrees with me.

Registration happened already, whenever you apply to buy a gun, the gun store calls the FBI for a background check. So all our guns are registered.
Agreed dictators disarm the populace, I just don't see Americans disarming. Never happen.
Define "negligent".
1. The person who opened the secure door and let the Sandy Hook shooter in to kill all those kindergarten kids was criminally negligent.
2. Any school shooting where the school had no security system is criminal negligence of the school board.
3. A case for debate is Mr. Peterson at the Parkland shooting. He was the armed resource officer that hid and did nothing to stop the shooter. I think he's guilty as hell. He didn't do his job.
4. We either get serious about protecting schools, or we don't.
I voted no because of the ridiculous thread title.

The only one responsible for school shootings are the criminals who perform the heinous act.

School boards are typically elected to represent the people, and while they have a responsibility to provide a safe environment, they aren't typically experts in this area. Holding them criminally liable makes no sense unless they did something absolutely negligent, which current laws would seem to support already.

I expect school boards to focus on giving our children the best education possible. That's how I vote, and that is probably what motivates most school board members to run. They aren't security experts.

School boards need to partner with security experts and law enforcement. I suspect most do.

Perhaps the best way to address this issue, instead of a gun grab by Dems, would be to have legislatures pass laws which define a minimum level of security for all schools. It's a very difficult issue, as we shouldn't restrict the rights of all of the good people just because there are some very rotten apples among us.

We can't blame school boards for the actions of the perps who target schools. They are not complicit.
1. School boards are in-charge of their schools and the safety of the students.
2. Agreed, School Boards need to hire the security experts and implement adequate safety systems, or are they negligent.
3. I also support state or federal minimums for school security.

I like to assign responsibility and then ensure that the task is accomplished. The way it is now, students are not adequately protected. School Boards have the ultimate responsibility for student safety.
The title of this thread supports that concept.
Every first world country in the world has gun registration. NONE of them have the gun violence the USA has, nor do the have the levels of murder, gun crime, or suicide that the USA has, and none has the record of mass murder the USA has.
I don't give a shit what other countries do. Gun registration leads to atrocities. History proves this.

But some people are okay with atrocities.

NOTE: By "some people", I mean you.
Registration happened already, whenever you apply to buy a gun, the gun store calls the FBI for a background check. So all our guns are registered.
Agreed dictators disarm the populace, I just don't see Americans disarming. Never happen.
I don't believe it will, either. But damned if Democrats aren't trying.
The entire concept or fundamental paradigm of the American way of life is to not live in a fucking fortress USA. Rather than up armoring our public school buildings we should be hunting down and annihilating sources who spread such terrorist ideologies as transgenderism, and the early sexualization of children, as well as nihilism and moral relativism. Radical far leftists, now the mainstream democratic party, want out children to believe no difference exists between right and wrong and they've largely succeeded in doing that. A society, a civilization cannot function without morals, without differentiating between right and wrong.
Agreed but, until leftist, Marxist thinking is purged from our political class, we need to protect our children somehow.
You can build fortresses...........They will adapt and find a way around them.............Make it harder. But will not stop a determined attacker. In this case a car shoot out ended at the school. Don't think the perp planned. it.
That is complete BS. There was no car shootout. The shooter posted on social media shortly beforehand that he was going to shoot up an elementary school. Then he entered the school through an unlocked door in the teachers parking area, completely unimpeded at any point between the time he shot his grandmother to the time he entered the school and opened fire. You really need to re-evaluate your info sources.
Its almost like the democrat school boards and teacher's unions want school shootings to continue to get tougher gun laws? It won't work, but not hardening schools makes no sense!!!!
Not hardening our schools is criminal and immoral.
That is complete BS. There was no car shootout. The shooter posted on social media shortly beforehand that he was going to shoot up an elementary school. Then he entered the school through an unlocked door in the teachers parking area, completely unimpeded at any point between the time he shot his grandmother to the time he entered the school and opened fire. You really need to re-evaluate your info sources.
That is an accurate description of the events as outlined by the latest facts. Also, he was able to enter the school because a door, that should have been locked, was propped open by a teacher before the perp arrived, according to witnesses.

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