School Boards need to be held criminally liable for school shootings (Poll)

Should laws holding school boards and security personnel responsible be passed?

  • Yes, children require grown-ups to protect them

    Votes: 19 45.2%
  • No, I'll explain why in my post

    Votes: 23 54.8%

  • Total voters
So we could have gun control like every other country in the world, but instead you want to spend of fortune fortifying all our schools? That's some stupidity. How about daycares? All because a bunch of scared men won't allow gun control? It's sad how weak this country has become. Other countries are brave enough to protect their children. We have a bunch of pussies hiding behind their guns.
That is an accurate description of the events as outlined by the latest facts. Also, he was able to enter the school because a door, that should have been locked, was propped open by a teacher before the perp arrived, according to witnesses.
And all those gun loving texans sat outside the classroom while children bled and died. They sat out of that classroom for over an hour. There was 1 high school dropout in that room, why were they so scared to go in? Texas is garbage under Abbott. No balls to face 1 high school drop out while children died? It's a disgrace.
And all those gun loving texans sat outside the classroom while children bled and died. They sat out of that classroom for over an hour. There was 1 high school dropout in that room, why were they so scared to go in? Texas is garbage under Abbott. No balls to face 1 high school drop out while children died? It's a disgrace.
Your description of the events is without detail and frankly pretty dumb. Instead of wanting a real discussion, here you are assigning blame based on your unsupported opinion. They did not just sit outside, they went in. They were in the hall and then told by the incident commander to retreat and stand down until SWAT came. That was a bad decision by one person and we need to be real and investigate as to what really happened instead of trying to make political hay out of dead children. We need to keep in mind that we have received different stories as to what happened throughout. This is still developing.
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No. Let’s not pass the buck. In any event, school boards don’t pay. Taxpayers would. If a community has already been traumatized by some horrific incident like that, why put them through an additional tax ringer?

Let’s put it this way. Some fucking 17 year old is mentally ill. One way or another he gets his hands on some guns and enters a school and opens fire on children and school staff. It may well be that due to mental illness, even the perpetrator isn’t legally “responsible” for his own horrifying behavior. Why does such a tragedy require any lawsuit?
Unless we correct our segment of population that promote relative morality, these incidents will be on-going and more prevalent. Pretty soon, public schools will look more like this.....
If you read the articles the FBI is "investigating parents".
That's more then enough for me.
I'm still pissed Comey setup Flynn for a perjury trap, and operations Crossfire Hurricane and Razor.
Were the parents ever charged with anything? Arrested? Interviewed?

I think we’re going to have to go bigger on school security measures, because we‘re sure as hell not going to get anything else done.

The problem, in my opinion, is that it’s going to get very expensive and will have minimal benefit. A very stupid way to spend money, but hey, I guess it’s something.
1. The person who opened the secure door and let the Sandy Hook shooter in to kill all those kindergarten kids was criminally negligent.
2. Any school shooting where the school had no security system is criminal negligence of the school board.
3. A case for debate is Mr. Peterson at the Parkland shooting. He was the armed resource officer that hid and did nothing to stop the shooter. I think he's guilty as hell. He didn't do his job.
4. We either get serious about protecting schools, or we don't.
1, What would you charge them with, dumbass?
2. What would you charge them with, dumbass?
3. Old news. Research the end results so you can educate yourself.
4. Already done in almost every case.
Any support for holding School boards, and security personnel legally responsible for school security?
"Qualified Immunity" protects them from being held criminally or civilly liable as individuals.

It's up to the voters and tax payers of each district to decide what they want for school security and elect people to their boards to implement it.

States could I think set some minimum standards as well and provide money.

The Fed's could make some money available for that purpose as well but there are always strings attached to federal dollars.
I think we’re going to have to go bigger on school security measures, because we‘re sure as hell not going to get anything else done.

The problem, in my opinion, is that it’s going to get very expensive and will have minimal benefit. A very stupid way to spend money, but hey, I guess it’s something.
Hardening schools is not at all expensive.

All exterior doors locked to the outside during school hours would be a really good first step and that isn't difficult or expensive to do and neither is a system that would notify the office if a door was opened during school hours.

Securing the school grounds isn't that difficult or expensive either. Just put up fences and vehicle proof barriers in front of the entry doors.

Why? Because, get real.

Then what do you suggest we do? Give the teachers nerf bats and hope for the best?

No. Get real. Harden our schools the same way we harden our banks and airports.

These are the times we live in, and if we can't manage to find ways to protect our children in such a vulnerable setting, we are failing them completely.
Hardening schools is not at all expensive.

All exterior doors locked to the outside during school hours would be a really good first step and that isn't difficult or expensive to do and neither is a system that would notify the office if a door was opened during school hours.

Securing the school grounds isn't that difficult or expensive either. Just put up fences and vehicle proof barriers in front of the entry doors.
You see, people are afraid that this will create a prison environment for the children, therefore justifying why we can't spend money to secure our schools.

This is hard, and I wish it weren't.
Can I ask you a serious question? What makes you think that many schools have not had these precautions for years?
I'm sure many schools have had security systems for years.
Point being that not all schools have them.
Point of this thread is to put the legal responsibility for the student's safety squarely on the school boards.
I don't want any more school shootings, and am putting up a logical plan that lawmakers can implement too ensure that every student is safe in school.
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Were the parents ever charged with anything? Arrested? Interviewed?
They were INVESTIGATED. Read the fucking articles and/or google it.
I think we’re going to have to go bigger on school security measures, because we‘re sure as hell not going to get anything else done.
The problem, in my opinion, is that it’s going to get very expensive and will have minimal benefit. A very stupid way to spend money, but hey, I guess it’s something.
Listening to your better "less stupid" way to spend money...

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